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North American people didn't eat tomatoes at first because______.A.they had too much other

North American people didn't eat tomatoes at first because______.

A.they had too much other food

B.they mistakenly thought they were poisonous

C.settlers ate only traditional European foods

D.no one liked the taste

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Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure [10 points]Questions 1-5 are based on the following task

Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure [10 points]

Questions 1-5 are based on the following task.

Choose the appropriate words or expressions from the box to complete the following paragraph. There are THREE extra choices that you don't need. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.

A. keen B. Unless C. just as D.imitates E. difference F. For example G. body language H. however

North Americans and South Americans have a few similarities in body language, but most of their nonverbal signals are different.(1)________,North Americans do not maintain eye contact during a conversation; (2) ________ , South Americans do. A North American usually meets the other person's eyes for a few seconds, looks away, and then back again. A South American looks directly into the other person's eyes and considers it impolite not to continue. Another (3)________is how they use hand movements while speaking. South Americans use many gestures. North Americans use gestures only occasionally. North and South Americans are similar regarding distance between people speaking to each other. (4)_________it is a close friendship, North and South American stand about two to three feet apart. It's often possible to know where a person comes from by studying his or her (5)________.

There are advantages and disadvantages to 21 Asian and Western educational method. For ex
ample, one advantage 22 the education in Japan is that students there learn much more math and science 23 American students. They also study more hours each day than Americans 24 . The study is difficult, but it 25 students for a society that values discipline (纪律) and self-control. There is, however, a disadvantage. Memorization is an important learning method in Japanese schools, 26 many students say that after an exam, they forget much of the information that they have memorized.

The advantage to the education in North America, 27 the other hand, is that students learn to think by themselves. The system prepares them for a society that values 28 ideas. There is, however, a disadvantage. When students graduate from high school, they haven't memorized 29 many basic rules and facts as students in other countries 30 .


A. not only

B. all

C. both

D. only

American Blacks experienced a revolution after 1945, a revolution in expectations. Followi
ng World War Ⅱ, the steady movement toward first-class citizenship for Black people quickened, with significant actions taking place in courts of law, in voting booths, in restaurants and in the streets of the nation.

A decade of intense civil rights activity was launched in 1954 when the United States Supreme Court declared segregated schools to be unconstitutional. In 1955, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. , effectively organized the Blacks of Atlanta, Georgia, in a bus boycott. The boycott lasted two years, and when it was over, Blacks no longer were degraded by being forced to sit or stand in the rear of buses.

In 1960, a group of Black college students decided that they, sis well as white persons, had the right to eat at a lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina. This sit-in sparked an aggressive national movement and, in the next few years, thousands of young men and women -- Black and white, North and South -- overturned local laws and customs that had maintained segregation. Sit-ins, prayins, freedom rides, freedom marches and demonstrations to open all schools to Black children took place across the nation.

Several important actions took place to change the status of black people ______.

A.after World War Ⅱ

B.in 1954

C.before 1945

D.in 1960

Would you eat a bacon, lettuce and love apple sandwich? You probably have eaten many of th
em. Love apple was the name used many years ago for the tomato.

The tomato is originally an American plant. It was found in South America by early Spanish explorers. The word tomato comes from the native Nahuatl word tomatl. But when it moved north, the plant earned a different name. Remarkably, the settlers in North America thought it was poisonous. They believed that to eat it was surely to die. It was said that deserted suitors would threaten to eat a tomato to cause their coldhearted lovers-regret. Because of this legend, the settlers called the tomato a "love apple." While people enjoyed other native plants such as corn and sweet potatoes, everyone avoided the tomato.

No one knows who first dared to eat a tomato. Perhaps someone was brave enough, or lovesick enough, to try out the truth of the rumors. Of course, whoever ate this fruit was perfectly safe. No one died from eating a love apple. Still, it was many years before the people fully believed that the tomato was a safe, and even good food. But its use did become common, and the plant was sent across the ocean to become part of many traditional European dishes.

The language from which we derived the word tomato is______.





The ordinary family in colonial North America was primarily concerned with sheer physical
survival and beyond that, is own economic prosperity. Thus, children were valued in terms of their productivity,and they assumed the role of producer quite early. Until they fulfilled this role, their position in the structure of the family was one of subordination (从属),and their psychological needsand capacities received little consideration.

As the society became more complex, the status of children in the family and in the society became more important. In the complex, technological society that the United States has become, each member must fulfill a number of personal and occupational roles and be in constant contact with a great many other members. Consequently, viewing children as potentially acceptable members of society means that they are regarded more as people in their own right than as utilitarian organisms. This acceptance of children as equal participants in the contemporary family is reflected in the variety of statutes protecting the rights of children and in the social public welfare programs devoted exclusively to their well-being.

This new way of children and the increasing contact between the members of society has also resulted in a great interest in child-rearing techniques. People today spend a considerable portion of their time on the proper way to bring up children. It is now possible to influence the details of the socialization of another person’ s child by spreading the principle of current and fashionable theories and methods of child-rearing. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.The Child as a Utilitarian Organism.

B.The Development of Cultural Values.

C.The Children of Colonial North America

D.The Place of Children in American Society.

____Children in colonial North America were mainly valued for their.A.survival ability

B.physical characteristics

C.productive capacity

D.academic achievements

____It can be inferred from the passage that formal schooling in colonial North America was____.A.highly disciplined

B.generally required by law

C.improperly administered

D.considered relatively unimportant

According to the passage, parents have become increasingly interested in____.A.their children’ s future occupations

B.having smaller families

C.adoption programs for childless couples

D.child-rearing techniques

The traditional American Thanksgiving Day celebration goes back to 1621. In【61】year a spec
ial feast was prepared in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The colonists who had【62】there had left England【63】they felt【64】of religious freedom. They came to the【65】land and faced difficulties in coming【66】the ocean. The【67】which carried them was【68】the Mayflower. The North【69】was difficult to travel. There were bad storms. They were【70】in learning to live in the new land by the Indians who【71】the region. The Puritans as they were called, had【72】to be thankful for. Their【73】practices were no longer a source of【74】by the government. They learned to【75】their farming habits to the climate and soil. When they【76】the fourth Thursday of November for their Thanksgiving celebration, they invited their neighbours, the Indians, to join them in【77】and a prayer of gratitude for the new life. They recalled the group of 102 men, women, and children who left England. They remembered their dead who did not live to see the【78】of Massachusetts. They reflected【79】the 65 days' voyage which【80】their strength.






Metropolitan Museum of Art is located in New York City. It is one of the largest and most【
1】art museums in the world.

In 1866 a group of Americans in Paris, France, gathered at a restaurant to【2】the American Independence Day. After dinner, John Jay, a【3】lawyer gave a speech proposing to create a "national institution and gallery of art. " During the next four years, he【4】American civic leaders, art collectors, and others to support the project, and in 1870 the Metropolitan Museum of Art was founded, but it was【5】in two different locations in New York City. In 1880 the museum moved to its present location in Central Park on Fifth Avenue. Many additions have【6】been built around this building. The north and south【7】were completed in 1911 and 1913,【8】Six additional wings have been built since 1975 to house the museum's【9】collections, to expand gallery space and educational【10】.

The museum has collected more than three million objects in every known artistic【11】, representing cultures from every part of the world, from ancient times to the present.

Popularly known as the Met, the museum is a private【12】. The museum is one of the most popular tourist【13】in the city and about five million people visit it each year. It is also a major educational institution, offering various programs for children and adults.【14】, scholars of archeology and art history【15】advanced research projects at the museum.






When Christopher Columbus" discovered" the New World in 1492, he thought he had reached th
e continent of Asia and had landed in India. He called the people he found in this new land "Indians" -the ancestors of the American.

Indians had come from Asia thousands of years before Columbus saw them.

Thousands of years ago, the Earth was in an ice age. (76) People who lived in northeastern Asia found their homeland growing colder. Huge sheets of ice were spreading over the land and animals people hunted for food were being forced away. The people also had to move, to stay near the animals. Some groups of people crossed Bering Strait from Asia to North Pacific Ocean, which separates northeastern Asia from Alaska. (77) These people slowly traveled east and south, searching for areas where hunting was good. Their children and all those who came after them continued to spread throughout the New World.

The Indians do not have yellowish skin that many Asian people have. Their skin is reddish brown. But like the people of Japan and other countries of Asia, Indians usually have high cheekbones and straight black hair.

In 1492, Christopher Columbus ______.

A.found American Indians in Asia

B.thought he had reached India

C.landed in India

D.reached the continent of Asia

Native Americans from the southeastern part of what is now the United States believed that
the universe in which they lived was made up of three separate, but related, worlds: the Upper World, the Lower World, and This World. In the last there lived humans, most animals, and all plants.

This World, a round island resting on the surface of waters, was suspended from the sky by four cords attached to the island at the four cardinal points of the compass. Lines drawn to connect the opposite points of the compass, from north to south and from east to west, intersected This World to divide it into four wedge-shaped segments. Thus a symbolic representation of the human world was a cross within a circle, the cross representing the intersecting lines and the circle the shape of This World.

Each segment of This World was identified by its own color. According to Cherokee doctrine, east was associated with the color red because it was the direction of the Sun, the greatest deity of all. Red was also the color of fire, believed to be directly connected with the Sun, with blood, and therefore with life. Finally, red was the color of success. The west was the Moon segment: it provided no warmth and was not life-giving as the Sun was. So its color was black, North was the direction of cold, and so its color was blue (sometimes purple), and it represented trouble and defeat. South was the direction of warmth, its color, white, was associated with peace and happiness.

The southeastern Native Americans' universe was one in which opposites were constantly at war with each other, red against black, blue against white. This World hovered somewhere between the perfect order and predictability of the Upper World and the total disorder and instability of the Lower World. The goal was to find some kind of halfway path or balance, between those other worlds.

Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.One Civilization's View of the Universe.

B.The Changing of the Seasons in the Southeast.

C.The Painting of Territorial Maps by Southeastern Native Americans.

D.The War Between Two Native American Civilizations.

How many people outside cities go into cities to look for jobs each day?A.70% of the peopl

How many people outside cities go into cities to look for jobs each day?

A.70% of the people.

B.4% of the people in the world.

C.More than 75 000.

D.About 75 000 people.

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