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--- A: I can put you down for eleven o’clock. Is that OK?--- B: _____

A.Oh, I’ll be having an interview that time. How about 3 o’clock in the afternoon?

B.Friday is good.

C.Yes, we could.

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更多“--- A: I can put you down for …”相关的问题
"Where ______ the recorder? I can't see it anywhere.""I ______ it right here. But now it i
s gone."

A.did you put, have put

B.have you put, put

C.had you put, was putting

D.were you putting, have put

- The Internet is magic. Can we get everything from it?


A.Yes, you are absolutely right.

B.Yes, I agree.

C.Well, it is impossible. We put something, and we can get something out.

Professor, would you slow down a bit, please? I can't _________ you.A、keep up withB

Professor, would you slow down a bit, please? I can't _________ you.

A、keep up with

B、put up with

C、make up to

D、hold on to

ICE-FISHING If you drive north from Toronto for three hours, you come to Lake Nipissing. I


If you drive north from Toronto for three hours, you come to Lake Nipissing. In winter, the lake becomes ice, and thousands of Canadian fishermen travel there each weekend. They build Little houses of wood on the ice and point them in bright colours. Then they sit inside to catch the fish that swim under the ice.

Bob Marvisch has come here at this time of year for twenty-five years. 'You need clothes that are light but worm: two pairs of socks and gloves, several thin sweaters and a snow suit on top. Catching the fish is easy,' he says. 'First you break the ice and make a small round hole in it. Next you take a fishing line and put some bread on it. Then you put the line through the hole and into the water. You pull the line up when the fish eat the bread. They are between ten and twenty centimetres Long. Some people Like to eat them, but when I have caught three or four fish, I prefer to have some chocolate or other snack! Today I have caught twenty- five! It's a great sport and you can meet some nice people here!

Fishermen only use the houses on Lake Nipissing in winter.



C.Doesn't say

Excitement, fatigue, and anxiety can all be detected from someone's blinks, according to p
sychologist John Stern (21) Washington University in St. Louis. Stern specialized in the study on these tiny twitches, using them as sensitive (22) of how the brain works. "I use blinks as a psychological measure to make (23) about thinking because I have very little (24) in what you tell me about what you are thinking." He says. "If I ask you the question, 'what does the phrase a rolling stone gathers no moss mean?' you can't tell me (25) you've started looking for the answer. But I can, by watching your eyes."

Blinks also tell Stern when you have understood his question--often long before he's finished asking it--and when you've found an answer or part of (26) . "We blink at times (27) are psychologically important." He says. "You have listened to a question, you understand it, (28) you can take time out for a blink. Blinks are (29) marks. Their timing is tied to what is going on in your (30) ."

Stern has found that (31) suppress blinks when they are absorbing or anticipating (32) but not when they're reciting it. People blink later, for example, (33) they have to memorize six numbers instead of two. "You don't blink," he says, "until you have (34) the information to some short-term memory store." And if subjects are cued (35) the set of numbers is coming, say, five seconds, they'll curb their blinks until the task is (36) . Similarly, the more important the information that people are taking in, the more likely they are to put their blinks on hold for (37) Pilots blink less when they're (38) for flying a plane than when they (39) their eyes from the road to the rearview mirror. But if they see the flashing lights of a state trooper behind them, their (40) will move fast to the speed-meter and back to the mirror.





听力原文:W: Roger, any problems in your Korean study?M: The biggest problem with me is the

听力原文:W: Roger, any problems in your Korean study?

M: The biggest problem with me is the Korean vocabulary. It really makes me frustrated.The pronunciation and usage put me into great confusion as l keep forgetting them.

W: I guess first of all,you can narrow down the vocabulary sphere. I mean, try to learn “core” vocabulary,the words with high frequencies of occurrence.

M: That sounds quite reasonable. Do you think I can find in bookstores a book or dictionary where such kinds of words are listed?

W: Yes, definitely. Another thing, the first several occurrences of strange words ale very important words are remembered best if they are learnt quickly with a few presentations. You may not have much trouble in remembering swear words,may you?

M: No. They're very impressive and quite memorable. I don't even need to practice them.

W: That's it! For other words lat don't have such a strong effect, you have to make yourself highly attentive and sensitive. If not,later practice and repetition don't seem to work so well.

M: I see.

W: The last thing I'll say is that if you want to remember something for periods long than a year or two, you need to space the presentations over quite long intervals of days, say 30 days A more frequent interval doesn't promise you longer remembrance.

M: Really? I have thought every word should be practiced as often as possible within a short time span.

W: No. How the word is practiced is much more important than how often it is practiced.

M: You really do me a great favor, Teresa.


A.He keeps forgetting the important things he has to do.

B.He has great difficulty remembering Korean words.

C.He can't find the most helpful Korean dictionary.

D.His pronunciation of Korean words confuses others.

Don't _____ the camera _______ unless you are sure you can put it together.A.take... offB.

Don't _____ the camera _______ unless you are sure you can put it together.

A.take... off

B.work... out

C.set... off

D.take... apart

"Mummy ! Mummy ! I saw some really big tadpoles (蝌蚪) in the pond (池塘). You've promised

"Mummy ! Mummy ! I saw some really big tadpoles (蝌蚪) in the pond (池塘). You've promised to catch some for us. "Phillip says, following me towards the kitchen. "Some of them have already got legs!" "Yes! We can catch them and watch them turn into frogs!" Geoffrey says suddenly. "Can we go? Right now?"The telephone has been ringing. I try to get the receiver, but it is too late. It has been cut off.

"Give me a minute to catch my breath. 'I beg. "Put the groceries away. Get some jars out. I'll go change."

We go to the wide pond which lies smooth and still, its surface dotted with pink (粉红色 ) and white lilies (睡莲). Phillip and Geoffrey, laughing and shouting, run to the water's edge. I feel the peace of the place broken by the children. I hope there are no tadpoles so we can leave quickly. There's dinner to cook.

It is quite some time before we have taken the first tadpole to the bank. "The children are wild with joy. Back in the pond we go, and we try hard to catch five more fat ones. We all agree that's enough. The sun has gone down. A frog goes to the opposite shore. It's well past dinner time, bath time and bedtime when we really leave. But none of us thinks of those things. Phillip and Geoffrey are in high spirits, and I am the same because I have done what I should.

Phillip and Geoffrey's voices must be ______.

A.sharp, nervous, tiresome

B.anxious, angry, inspiring

C.soft, sweet, pleasing

D.eager, excited, demanding

Many people think a telephone is essential. But I think it is a pest and a time waster. Ve
ry often you find it impossible to escape from some idle or inquisitive chatter-box, or from somebody who wants something for nothing. If you have a telephone in your own house, you will admit that it tends to ring when you least want it to ring; when you are asleep, or in the middle of a meal or a conversation, or when you are just going out , or when you are in your bath. Are you strong-minded enough to ignore it, to say to yourself, "Ah, well it will all be the same in a hundred year's time?" You are not. You think there may be some important news or message for you. I can assure you that if a message is really important it will reach you sooner or later. Have you never rushed dripping from the bath, or chewing from the tab]e, or dazed from the bed, only to be told that you are a wrong number?

But you will say, you need not have your name printed in the telephone directory, and you can have a telephone which is only usable for outgoing calls. Besides, you will say, isn't it important to have a telephone in case of sudden emergency--illness, accident, or fire? Of course, you are right, but here in a thickly populated country like England one is seldom far from a telephone in case of dreadful necessity.

I think perhaps I had better try to justify myself by trying to prove that what I like is good. I admit that in different circumstances--if I were a tycoon(实业界巨头) , for instance, or bed-ridden I might find a telephone essential. But then if I were a taxi-driver I should find a car essential. Let me put it another way: there are two things for which the English seem to show particular aptitude: one is mechanical invention, the other is literature. My own business happens to be with the use of words but I see I must now stop using them. For have just been handed a slip of paper to say that somebody is waiting to speak to me on the telephone. I think I had better answer it. After all, one never knows, it may be something important.

What does the work "pest" in the second sentence of the first paragraph mean? ()

A.Harmful thing.

B.Insignificant thing.

C.Troublesome thing

D.Trivial thing


You needn't go back to London tonight. We can()you()for the night.

A.put. . . up

B.put . . . away

C.put. . . off

D.put. . . down



Ellis:Good morning!Dr Ellis office.

Jackson: (1) .May I please speak with the doctor?

Ellis:Mrs Jackson.Dr Ellis here.How&39;s that new tooth?

Jackson:Not so good,doctor.That&39;s what I&39;m calling about.It just doesn&39;t seem to fit fight.

Ellis:Well,that&39;s to be expected during the first few days after it has been put in.Have you been leaving it in as I told you?

Jackson:Well, (2) ,doctor,especially when I eat.

Ellis:I understand,Mrs Jackson.It hums in the beginning,I know.But it&39;s really better to leave it in,except when you clean it,of course.

Jackson:Well,I did it first,doctor,but my jaws hurt so much that I just couldn&39;t (3) .

Ellis:Well,maybe we can adjust(调整)it a little more.

Jackson:Adjust it?

Ellis:Yes, (4) ?

Jackson:Oh,fight away,doctor,if you don&39;t mind.

Ellis:Let me see, (5) ?

Jackson:Oh,yes,doctor,I can make it.Thank you.See you then.








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