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Another useful method for improving your reading is the ability to reflect on what is be

ing presented. Readers ___46___ the material that they have read not simply to understand it, ___47___ to interpret, analyze, and critique this information. Readers use several different methods to help them reflect such as careful note – taking, synthesis (综合). And analysis.

Careful note – taking on your reading material ___48___ while you read. Pausing periodically to ___49__ about important claims or ideas, ___50___ details, or questions about unclear concepts. The act of note – taking will help you to reflect about the content of the document, and the notes you keep will ___51___ an archive that you can refer to in the future.

Synthesis is the ability to take what are ___52___ seeming irrelevant points and put them together into a meaningful, new whole. Synthesis may occur during your reading, or it may tale place after you have read a document in its entirety.

Analysis moves synthesis one step ___53___ , encouraging a reader to carefully examine thoroughly the points ___54__ , and how they are synthesized. After readers analyze a passage or a whole text, they ___55__ regarding the document, either generally agreeing or disagreeing with its message. (205 words)

46. A. study B. reflect on C. consider D. think

47. A. and B. but also C. moreover D. yet

48. A. must take place B. may start C. have to begin D. should occur

49. A. make note B. write note C. take notes D. keep note

50. A. relevant B. connected C. associated D. linked

51. A. act as B. serve as C. consider as D. regard as

52. A. firstly B. to begin with C. first hand D. at first

53. A. in advance B. farther C. further D. forwardly

54. A. to be made B. being made C. having made D. to make

55. A. take a position B. insist on C. consider D. hold the view

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Many students find the experience of attending university lectures to be a confusing and f
rustrating experience. The lecturer speaks for one or two hours, perhaps【36】the talk with slides, writing up important information on the blackboard,【37】reading material and giving out【38】.The new student sees the other students continuously writing on notebooks and【39】what to write. Very often the student leaves the lecture【40】notes which do not catch the main points and【41】become hard even for the【42】to understand.

Most institutions provide courses which【43】new students to develop the skills they need to be【44】listeners and note-takers.【45】these are unavailable, there are many useful study-skills guides which【46】learners to practice these skills【47】. In all cases it is important to【48】the problem【49】. actually starting your studies.

It is important to【50】that most students have difficulty in acquiring the language skills【51】in college study. One way of【52】these difficulties is to attend the language and study-skills classes, which most institutions provide throughout the【53】year. Another basic【54】is to find a study partner【55】it is possible to identify difficulties, exchange ideas and provide support.






听力原文:To extinguish different kinds of fires, several types of fire extinguishers have

听力原文: To extinguish different kinds of fires, several types of fire extinguishers have been invented. They must be ready for immediate use when fire breaks out. Most portable kinds operate for less than a minute, so they are useful only on small fires. The law requires ships, trains, buses and planes to carry extinguishers.

Since fuel, oxygen and heat must be present in order for fire to exist, one or more of these things must be removed or reduced to extinguish a fire. If the heat is reduced by cooling the material below a certain temperature, the fire goes out. The cooling method is the most common way to put out a fire. Water is the best cooling material because it is low in cost and easy to get.

Another method of extinguishing fire is by cutting off the oxygen. This is usually done by covering the fire with sand, steam or some other things. A blanket may be used to cover a small fire.

A third method is called separation, which includes removing the fuel, or material easy to burn, from a fire, so that it can find no fuel.

The method that is used to put out a fire depends upon the type of fire. Fires have been grouped in three classes. Fires in wood, paper, cloth and the like are called Class A fires. These materials usually help keep the fire on. Such fires can be stopped most readily by cooling with water.


A.Separating the fire.

B.Reducing the heat.

C.Removing the fuel

D.Cutting off the oxygen.

The question of whether war is inevitable is one which has concerned many of the world's g
reat writers. Before considering this question, it will be useful to introduce some related concepts. Conflict, defined as opposition among social entities directed against one another, is distinguished from competition, defined as opposition among social entities independently striving for something which is in inadequate supply. Competitors may not be aware of one another, while the parties to a conflict are. Conflict and competition are both categories of opposition, which has been defined as a process by which social entities function in the disservice of one another.

Opposition is thus contrasted with cooperation, the process by which social entities function in the service of one another. These definitions are necessary because it is important to emphasize that competition between individuals or groups is inevitable in a world of limited resources, but conflict is not. Conflict, nevertheless, is very likely to occur, and is probably an essential and desirable element of human societies.

Many authors have argued for the inevitability of war from the premise that in the struggle for existence among animal species, only the fittest survive. In general, however, this struggle in nature is competition, not conflict. Social animals, such as monkeys and cattle, fight to win or maintain leadership of the group. The struggle for existence occurs not in such fights, but in the competition for limited feeding areas and for occupancy of areas free froth meat-eating animals. Those who fail in this competition starve to death or become victims to other species. This struggle for existence does not resemble human war, but rather the competition of individuals for jobs, markets, and materials. The essence of the struggle is the competition for the necessities of life that are insufficient to satisfy all.

Among nations there is competition in developing resources, trades, skills, and a satisfactory way of life. The successful nations grow and prosper; the unsuccessful decline. While it is true that this competition may induce efforts to expand territory at the expense of others, and thus lead to conflict, it cannot be said that war-like conflict among nations is inevitable, although competition is.

In the first paragraph, the author gives the definitions of some terms in order to ______.

A.argue fur the similarities between animal societies and human societies

B.smooth out the conflicts in human societies

C.distinguish between two kinds of opposition

D.summarize the characteristic features of opposition and cooperation

The question of whether war is inevitable is one which has concerned many of the world's g
reat writers. Before considering this question, it will be useful to introduce some related concepts. Conflict, defined as opposition among social entities directed against one another, 'is distinguished from competition, defined as opposition among social entities independently striving for something that is in inadequate supply. Competitors may not be aware of one another, while the parties to a conflict are. Conflict and competition are both categories of opposition which has been defined as a process by which social entities function in the disservice of one another. Opposition is thus contrasted with cooperation the process by which social entities function in the service of one another. These definitions are necessary because it is important to emphasize that competition between individuals or groups is inevitable in a world of limited resources, but conflict is not. Conflict, nevertheless, is very likely to occur, and is probably an essential and desirable element of human societies.

Many authors have argued for the inevitability of war from the premise that in the struggle for existence among animal species, only the fittest survive. In general, however, this struggle in nature is competition, not conflict. Social animals, such as monkeys and cattle, fight to win or maintain leadership of the group. The struggle for existence occurs not in such fights, but in the competition for limited feeding areas and for the occupancy of areas free from meat-eating animals. Those who fail in this competition starve to death or become victims to other species. This struggle for existence does not resemble human war, but rather the competition of individuals for jobs, markets, and materials. The essence of the struggle is the competition for the necessities of life that are insufficient to satisfy all.

Among nations there is competition in developing resources, trades, skills, and a satisfactory way of life. The successful nations grow and prosper; the unsuccessful decline. While it is true that this competition may induce efforts to expand territory at the expense of others, and thus lead to conflict, it cannot be said that war-like conflict among nations is inevitable, although competition is.

In the first paragraph, why does the author give the definitions of some terms?_____

A.Argue for the similarities between animal societies and human societies

B.Smooth out the conflicts in human societies

C.Distinguish between two kinds of opposition

D.Summarize the characteristic features of opposition and cooperation

Another kind of distinction that can be made among works of art is whether they were origi
nally intended as objects purely to be looked at, or as objects to be used. The fine arts, such as drawing, painting, printmaking, and sculpture, involve the production of works to be seen and experienced primarily on an abstract rather than practical level. Pieces of fine art may evoke emotional, intellectual, sensual, or spiritual responses in us. Those who love the fine arts feel that these responses are very valuable, and perhaps especially so in the midst of a highly materialistic world, for they expand our awareness of the great richness of life itself. The nineteenth century sculptor Auguste Rodin, whose work The Gates of Hell offered a passionate challenge to artists—and to those who are touched by their works: "The main thing is to be moved, to love, to hope, to tremble, to live."

In contrast to the nonfunctional appeals of the fine arts, the first purpose of the applied arts is to serve some useful function. Lucy Lewis, a traditional potter from Acoma Pueblo in New Mexico, has applied a visually exciting surface decoration to her water jar, using the chewed end of a yucca spine to paint the fine lines. But the jar's main reason for being "however" is to hold water. Some of the people of Acoma, which may be the oldest continually inhabited city in the United States, still follow the old ways, carrying water for drinking, cooking, and washing up to their adobe homes from natural rock cisterns on the cliff walls below. The forms of their water jars are therefore designed to prevent spilling and to balance readily on one's head. The pots must also be light in weight, so Acoma water jars are some of the world' s thinnest-walled pottery. Interestingly, the languages of most Native American peoples do not include a word that means "fine art." While they have traditionally created pottery, basketry, and weaving with a highly sophisticated sense of design, these pieces were part of their everyday lives.

The applied art of pottery-making, or ceramics, is one of the crafts, the making of useful objects by hand. Other applied art disciplines are similarly functional. Graphic designers create advertisements, fabrics, layouts for books and magazines, logos for corporate identification, and so on; industrial designers shape the mass-produced objects used by high-tech societies, from cars, telephones, and teapots, to one of the most famous visual images in the world: the Coca- Cola bottle. Other applied arts include clothing design, interior design, and environmental design.

The water jar mentioned in the second paragraph can NOT be described as ______.

A.light in weight

B.made by a Native American

C.an example of fine art

D.an object to be used

A recent study shows that more and more Americans are choosing to work at home.There are s

A recent study shows that more and more Americans are choosing to work at home.

There are several reasons for the change. One reason is many parents want more time to be with their children at home. Another is that people want the freedom to decide for them- selves how and when to do their job. The chance to work at home lets people live wherever they wish—out in the country, perhaps. It also makes it possible for many others—disabled and other persons, new mothers-to do useful work and earn money.

About half the people who work at home operate their own business. They sell products or services. The other half works for companies. They may make things, such as clothes. Or they may do office work, such as copying letters. A smaller number work at highly skilled jobs as designers or engineers.

The revolution(革命) in computer technology is one of the main reasons for the change to working at home.

Computers are now used in almost every American workplace in offices, in factories, even on farms. Computers make it much easier and quicker to do any task that involves information: writing, counting, designing, planning, keeping records.

With computers, there is less need for people to come together to work. Computers can he linked by telephone lines with other computers far away. A worker can write a report or

add information to company records on a computer at home and then send the finished work to a computer in another city.

Americans already are using computers to do many different kinds of jobs at home. Many highly skilled workers, for example, ask their companies for the chance to work at least part of the time at home. They say they can think more clearly and be more creative in the quiet, peaceful atmosphere of their home.

Many engineers, writers and computer scientists are among those who now do at least part of their work at home, using a computer. Most of such professional workers, however, spend at least a day or two each week in the company office to discuss their work with oth- ers. Working at home is a good idea for some people in some industries. However, it does not work for everyone.

Some home workers have said their personal lives and work lives became too close. Some have said they needed to be with other people to develop new ideas. And others have said it is more difficult to get a better job with the company when you are not working in the company's office.

Lots of people hope to work at home so as to______.

A.get a higher pay

B.have enough time to stay with their children

C.have more time for rest

D.do more housework

Psychological research has focused on a number of basic principles that help memory:m
eaningfulness, organization, association, and visualization.It is useful to know how there principles work.

Meaningfulness affects memory at all levels.Information that does not make any sense to you is difficult to remember.There are several ways in which we can make material more meaningful.Many people, for instance, learn a rhyme to help them remember.Do you know the rhyme "Thirty days has September, April, June, and November..."? It helps many people remember which months of the year have 30 day s.

Organization also makes a difference in our ability to remember.How useful would a library be if the books were kept in random order? Material that is organized is better remembered than jumbled information.One example of organization is chunking.C hunking consists of grouping separate bits of information.For example, the number 4671363 is more easily remembered if it is chunked as 467, 13, 63.Categorizing is another means of organization.Suppose you are asked to remember the following list of wor ds: man, bench, dog, desk, woman, horse, child, cat, chair.Many people will group the words into similar categories and remember them as follows: man, woman, child; cat, dog, horse; bench, chair, desk.Needless to say, the second list can be remembered mo re easily than the first one.

Association refers to taking the material we want to remember and relating it to something we remember accurately.In memorizing a number, you might try to associate it with familiar numbers or events.For example, the heigh t of Mount Fuji in Japan -12,389 feet -might be remembered using the following associations: 12 is the number of months in the year, and 389 is the number of days in a year (365) added to the number of months twice (24).

The last principle is visualizati on.Research has shown striking improvements in many types of memory tasks when people are asked to visualize the items to be remembered.In one study, subjects in one group were asked to learn some words using imagery, while the second group used repetiti on to learn the words.Those using imagery remembered 80 to 90 percent of the words, compared with 30 to 40 percent of the words for those who memorized by repetition.Thus forming an integrated image with all the information placed in a single mental pict ure can help us to preserve a memory.

1.What kind of information is easy for us to remember?()

A.Information that does not make any sense to us

B.Information that we are not familiar with

C.Information that is meaningful to us

D.Information that we are not interested in

2.Which of the following pairs are rhymes?()





3.The second list of words in para.3 is organized according to().

A.the rhyme

B.the word category

C.th e first letters of words

D.the meanings

4.Books are kept in a library().

A.according to their size

B.in random order

C.in a jumbled way

D.in different categories

5.What method can better help form. a whole mental picture about the ti ngs to be remembered?()





______ information it is! Just put it into the computer. ()A.How useful anB.What usefulC.

______ information it is! Just put it into the computer. ()

A.How useful an

B.What useful

C.How useful

D.What a useful


A.What a useful subject English is

B.What a useful subject English it is

C.How useful English is

D.How useful English subject is

A. usual B. useful C. just D. mistake


B. useful

C. just

D. mistake

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