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“Are you crazy?” people around him shouted as Alex Bien, a 33-year-old immigrant(移民), ran toward three cars in a chain accident along the highway in Miami, which were burning down. Alex didn’t think twice.

The article “Against the Flames” reported how he put out the fire on a car and pulled a couple out of another. But when here turned to his own car, steam was coming out from it. It was damaged beyond repair.

Back in his tiny flat, alone and with little money, Alex didn’t know what to do. He was already working, going to college and supporting his wife, Aline, and children back in Haiti. He worried about his wife’s health; doctors thought she had cancer(癌症). Every cent was important to him. And now this.

With in weeks of reading the article, readers sent hundreds of letters offering jobs, money and best wishes. One delivered a car-used, but in fine condition. Others helped Aline come to Miami, where a medical team found out it was not cancer.

Readers also wrote to U.S. government officials to support the immigration of Alex’s family to Miami. Consul General Roger Daley even invited Alex to discuss the matter. Aline, to get her with their children, joined Alexin Miami this past March. Alex says, “I would like to say a beautiful thanks to the readers. There are good people every where in this world.”

Why did people say that Alex was crazy?????

A.He had an accident

B.He made a fire on the highway

C.He burned his car

D.He ran toward the burning cars

What do we know about Alex from the text?A.He and his wife worked in the U.S.

B.He was a full-time student in Haiti

C.He was an immigrant with little money

D.He wrote the article “Against the Flames”

What did Roger Daley invite Alex to discuss?A.Alex’s new job as a news reporter

B.The medical treatment of Alex’s wife

C.Alex’s further studies at a U.S.university

D.The immigration of Alex’s family to the U.S.

What made Alex say “There are good people everywhere in this world”?A.Some strangers repaired his car free of charge

B.Some people supported his children’s education

C.Many readers of the article tried to help him out

D.His friends sent doctors to treat his wife in Haiti

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– All of us were in high spirits. _______

A、 I’m happy you enjoy that.

B、 Are you crazy?

C、 You are in good mood.

D、 I have no time to go there.

—().—Yeah, mine too, I'm just crazy about him.
—().—Yeah, mine too, I'm just crazy about him.

A、I like the pop singer

B、Do you enjoy it

C、I had a good time

D、He is one of my favorites

“You can’t imagine what a crazy girl Sarah is! She is prepared to risk across the Sahara D
esert without a guide and_____ without an armed guard!"“That’s not true She’s changed her. mind”

A.to travel...be attacked

B.of trave...being attacked

C.for travelling...to be attacked

D.travelling...being attacked


A.She is crazy

B.Yes, she is

C.Is she crazy

After hearing the news, she became a bit ______.





Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Only two major American film forms—the slapstick comedy and the western—withstood the effects of foreign influences throughout the 1920's, when the entire film industry, was dominated by the European moviemakers. These forms were already immensely popular all over the world (there was no need to make them more "artistic" by following the latest European fashions), and they were at once too successful and too lowly to warrant such improvements-they were considered "just entertainment." They bore no weighty messages, inspired no cults and no schools of esthetics. But they delighted audiences, both here and abroad, because they were so purely and simply America. Unconsciously, they represented all that was best in America without the slightest trace of intention, of sermonizing. The ingenuity and eternal optimism of the cornices and the cowboys' spirit of adventure as they rode the plains in search of the next frontier were enough to carry the message of the American dream to tired Europeans, to cramped city dwellers, to small boys, to people everywhere.

What did these films promise to European audiences disillusioned and exhausted by World War I? The humble always triumphed over their powerful adversaries, the weak outwitted the strong and always implied was a future of riches, freedom, and happiness for all. The world of the westerns was a simple place for men with the pioneer virtues of honesty, courage, a taste for adventure, and a quick trigger ginger; the world of the comics was a crazy place, but with a little faith and a little luck, it could be a wonderful place.

These forms were not "improved" because they were______.

A.too successful to need improvement

B.too lowly to warrant improvement

C.too insane to improve artistically

D.both A and B

"They thought he was crazy and might do something terrible ...", "crazy" here meansA.fooli

"They thought he was crazy and might do something terrible ...", "crazy" here means





鞋类产品CRAZY CHAOS,将在将在本季度作为全新鞋款,首次面世()
Building Renovation In cities across the United States, old factories,warehouses,schools,

Building Renovation

In cities across the United States, old factories,warehouses,schools, railroad stations and other buildings are being renovated for new uses. City planners and private investors are finding that good buildings, no matter how old, can be remodeled for new purposes. "If you'd asked someone four or five years ago whether he'd rent an apartment in an abandoned piano factory or clothing warehouse, he' d have thought you were crazy," says a New York architect. "Today, many people are eager to do it. " The, renovating may include a former city hall or courthouse changed into offices;a bank or church changed into a restaurant; or, as in Plains, Georgia, a railroad station used as a center for a presidential campaign.

Only a few decades ago, renovation was unpopular and generally far more expensive than taking down abandoned buildings, and starting from the beginning.A change began in the 1960s with a number of well-advertised projects, They included Ghirardelli Square in San Francisco,where an old chocolate factory was restored and made into shops and restaurants; Trolley Square in Salt Lake City, where abandoned car warehouses became a shopping mall;the Soho District of New York City, where unused warehouses were made into artists' studios and apartments.

What caused the change? "One reason is nostalgia,"a San Francisco builder suggests."Maybe old is better than new, many people are saying, Feelings about preserving attractive or historic buildings have changed a great deal. " A second cause is economy. The cost of tearing down an old building and constructing a new one from nothing now has risen to the point where it is often less expensive to fix a solid older structure. Also builders realize that fixing up an existing building often requires no new permits, sewer lines, or water connections.

Even when the costs of restoration are the same as or a bit more than the costs of putting up a new building, fixing the old building may be better. A Boston architect says,"The advantage comes when you can develop a final project that is more desirable than a new building one with the right location, more space, more floor area, a special character, materials of a particular quality. " Gradually, architects and builders are developing knowledge about renovation and preservation, bringing imagination and creativity to the job.

第 41 题 In the United States, renovating old buildings_________

A.has had a long history

B.is becoming increasingly popular

C.is still unpopular

D.has just caught the fancy of architects and builders

In cities across the United States, old factories, warehouses, schools railroad statio
ns and other buildings are being renovated for new uses.City planners and private investors are finding the good buildings, no matter how old, can be remodeled for new purposes.“If you’d asked someone four or five years ago whether he’d rent an apartment in an abandoned piano factory of clothing warehouse, he’d have thought you were crazy,” says a New York architect.“Today, many people are eager to do it.” The renovating may include a former city hall or courthouse changed into offices; a bank or church changed into a restaurant; or , as in Plains, Georgia, a railroad station used as a center for a presidential campaign.

Only a few decades ago, renovation was unpopular and generally far more expensive than taking down abandoned building and string from the beginning.A change began in the 1960s with a number of well-advertised projects.They included Ghirardelli Square in San Francisco, where an old chocolate factory was restored and made into shops and restaurants, Trolly Square in Salt Lake, where unused warehouses were made into artists’ studios and apartments.

What caused the change? “One reason is nostalgia,” a San Francisco builder suggests.“Maybe old is better than new, many people are saying.Feelings about preserving attractive or historic buildings have changed a great deal.” A second cause is economy.The cost of tearing down an old building and constructing a new one from nothing now has risen to the point where it is often less expensive to fix a solid older structure.Also builders realize that fixing up an existing building often requires no new permits, sewer lines, or water connections.

Even when the costs of restoration are the same as or a bit more than the costs of putting up a new building, fixing the old building may be better.A Boston architect says The advantage comes when you can develop a final project that is more desirable than a new building – one with the right location, more space, more floor area, a special character, materials of a particular quality.” Gradually, architects and builders are developing knowledge about renovation and preservation, bringing imagination and creativity to the job.

16.In the United States, renovating old buildings_____.

A.has had a long history

B.is becoming increasingly popular

C.is still unpopular

D.has just caught the fancy of architects and builders

17.Ghirardelli Square, Trolley Square, and the Soho district are projects that_________.

A.have been given much publicity

B.are little known to the public

C.have been widely discussed among builders and city planners

D.have changed the building business

18.“Nostalgia” in the 3rd paragraph most probably means________.

A.being conservative

B.being keen on saving money

C.being fond of things new

D.being fond of things of the remote past

19.Which of the following statements is true?

A.Every old building can be renovated for new uses

B.Renovating old buildings is always less costly than putting up new ones

C.Renovation does not require imagination and creativity

D.Fixing an old building may have advantages even when it costs a little more

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