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Many family law advisors Offer legal advice for couples in divorce issues with a comparati

vely low fee.




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The ordinary family in colonial North America was primarily concerned with sheer physical
survival and beyond that, is own economic prosperity. Thus, children were valued in terms of their productivity,and they assumed the role of producer quite early. Until they fulfilled this role, their position in the structure of the family was one of subordination (从属),and their psychological needsand capacities received little consideration.

As the society became more complex, the status of children in the family and in the society became more important. In the complex, technological society that the United States has become, each member must fulfill a number of personal and occupational roles and be in constant contact with a great many other members. Consequently, viewing children as potentially acceptable members of society means that they are regarded more as people in their own right than as utilitarian organisms. This acceptance of children as equal participants in the contemporary family is reflected in the variety of statutes protecting the rights of children and in the social public welfare programs devoted exclusively to their well-being.

This new way of children and the increasing contact between the members of society has also resulted in a great interest in child-rearing techniques. People today spend a considerable portion of their time on the proper way to bring up children. It is now possible to influence the details of the socialization of another person’ s child by spreading the principle of current and fashionable theories and methods of child-rearing. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.The Child as a Utilitarian Organism.

B.The Development of Cultural Values.

C.The Children of Colonial North America

D.The Place of Children in American Society.

____Children in colonial North America were mainly valued for their.A.survival ability

B.physical characteristics

C.productive capacity

D.academic achievements

____It can be inferred from the passage that formal schooling in colonial North America was____.A.highly disciplined

B.generally required by law

C.improperly administered

D.considered relatively unimportant

According to the passage, parents have become increasingly interested in____.A.their children’ s future occupations

B.having smaller families

C.adoption programs for childless couples

D.child-rearing techniques

In Japan, where career opportunities for women are few, where divorce can mean a life of h
ardship, and where most female names are still formed using a word for child, a woman's independence has always come at a steep price.

Notions of women's liberation have never taken root among Japanese women. But with scant open conflict, the push for separate burials is quietly becoming one of the country's fastest growing social trends. In a recent survey by the TBS television network, 20 percent of the women who responded said they hoped to be buried separately from their husbands.

The funerary revolt comes as women here annoy at Japan's slow pace in providing greater equality between the sexes. The law, for example, still makes it almost impossible for a woman to use her maiden name after marriage. Divorce rates are low by Western standards, meanwhile, because achieving financial independence, or even obtaining a credit card in one's own name, are insurmountable hurdles for many divorced women. Until recently, society enforced restrictions on women even in death. Under Japan's complex burial customs, divorced or unmarried women were traditionally unwelcome in most graveyards, where plots are still passed down through the husband's family and descendants must provide maintenance for burial sites or lose them.

"The woman who wanted to be buried alone couldn't find a graveyard until about 10 years ago," said Haruyo Inoue, a sociologist of death and burial at Japan University. She said that graveyards that did not require descendants, in order to accommodate women, began appearing around 1990. Today, she said, that there are close to 400 of these cemeteries in Japan. That is just one sign of stirring among Japanese women, who are also pressing for the first time to change the law to be able to use their maiden names after marriage.

Although credit goes beyond any individual, many women cite Junko Mastubara, a popular writer on women's issues, with igniting the trend to separate sex burials. Starting three years ago, Ms. Matsubara has built an association of nearly 600 women--some divorced, some unhappily married, and some determinedly single who plan to share a common plot curbed out of an ordinary cemetery in the western suburb of Chofu.

From the fact that divorce can mean a life of hardship for Japanese women, we can infer that ______.

A.many Japanese women have a bad relationship with their husbands

B.many Japanese women live together with their husband in perfect harmony

C.many Japanese women have a low social status

D.it's an out-dated custom for Japanese women to be housewives

As knowledge increased, colleges began to teach______. A. everything that was kn

As knowledge increased, colleges began to teach______.

A. everything that was known

B. law and something about medicine

C. many new subjects

D. the subjects that interested students

Every street had a story, every building a memory. Those blessed with wonderful childhoods
can drive the streets of their hometowns and happily roll back the years. The rest are pulled home by duty and leave as soon as possible. After Ray Atlee had been in Clanton (his hometown) for fifteen minutes he was anxious to get out.

The town had changed, but then it hadn't. On the highways leading in, the cheap metal buildings and mobile homes were gathering as tightly as possible next to the roads for maximum visibility. This town had no zoning whatsoever. A landowner could build anything with no permit, no inspection, no notice to adjoining landowners, nothing. Only hog farms and nuclear reactors required approvals and paperwork. The result was a slash-and-build clutter that got uglier by the year.

But in the older sections, nearer the square, the town had not changed at all. The long shaded streets were as clean and neat as when Ray roamed them on his bike. Most of the houses were still owned by people he knew, or if those folks had passed on the new owners kept the lawns clipped and the shutters painted. Only a few were being neglected. A handful had been abandoned.

This deep in Bible country, it was still an unwritten rule in the town that little was done on Sundays except go to church, sit on porches, visit neighbors, rest and relax the way God intended.

It was cloudy, quite cool for May, and as he toured his old turf, killing time until the appointed hour for the family meeting, he tried to dwell on the good memories from Clanton. There was Dizzy Dean Park where he had played little League for the Pirates, and there was the public pool he'd swum in every summer except 1969 when the city closed it rather than admit black children. There were the churches—Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian—facing each other at the intersection of Second and Elm like wary sentries, their steeples competing for height. They were empty now, but in an hour or so the more faithful would gather for evening services.

The square was as lifeless as the streets leading to it. With eight thousand people, Clanton was just large enough to have attracted the discount stores that had wiped out so many small towns. But here the people had been faithful to their downtown merchants, and there wasn't a single empty or boarded-up building around the square—no small miracle. The retail shops were mixed in with the banks and law offices and cafes, all closed for the Sabbath.

He inched through the cemetery and surveyed the Atlee section in the old part, where the tombstones were grander. Some of his ancestors had built monuments for their dead. Ray had always assumed that the family money he'd never seen must have been buried in those graves. He parked and walked to his mother's grave, something he hadn't done in years. She was buried among the Atlees, at the far edge of the family plot because she had barely belonged.

Soon, in less than an hour, he would be sitting in his father's study, sipping bad instant tea and receiving instructions on exactly how his father would be laid to rest. Many orders were about to be given, many decrees and directions, because his father (who used to be a judge) was a great man and cared deeply about how he was to be remembered.

Moving again, Ray passed the water tower he'd climbed twice, the second time with the police waiting below. He grimaced at his old high school, a place he'd never visited since he'd left it. Behind it was the football field where his brother Forrest had romped over opponents and almost became famous before getting bounced off the team.

It was twenty minutes before five, Sunday, May 7.Time for the family meeting.

From the first paragraph, we get the impression that ______.

A.Ray cherished his childhood memories.

B.Ray had something urgent to take care of.

C.Ray may not have a happy childhood.

D.Ray cannot remember his childhood days.

Ancient Greek Values①Ancient Greek civilization has greatly helped the building oftoday&39

Ancient Greek Values

①Ancient Greek civilization has greatly helped the building oftoday&39;s society. Many countries now still base their laws and ethics (伦理)on the teachings and doings of ancient Greeks. In everyday life, ancientGreeks valued loyalty, glory intelligence and hospitality (好客).These mayseem simple values, but they did effectively shape ancient Greece into amost referenced culture in history.

②During ancient Greece, men were required to go to school andlearn. Boys were taught at home until they were 6 years old and thensent off to school Ancient Greek schools featured a structure that hadboys in school from the age of six until fourteen and then an optionaladditional four years. The boys were trained in arts and in citizen training. Citizen training prepared Greek boys for two aspects of adult life, whichwere peace and war.

③Glory for young men in ancient Greece was the same as fame toyoung people today. Stories of war glories and battles were handed down to young men so that they desired to make their names along withthe victory of a battle.

④Helping your fellow man was an important aspect of life in ancientGreece.Ancient Greeks were kind and generous. They offered food,shelter and protection travelers without question. They believed thathelping others was their brotherly duty.

⑤Loyalty is perhaps the most important value of ancient Greekcivilization. It was stressed in everything the Greeks did. They believed inloyalty to the family, the community and most importantly to the gods. The gods of ancient Greece often sent tests to citizens. Keeping faiththrough the tests was a sign of loyalty and belief.

Task 1

A.Education in ancient Greece

B.Friendliness of ancient Greeks

C.Wars in ancient Greece

D.Impact of ancient Greek values

E.Top value of ancient Greeks

F.Sense of honor of ancient Greeks

Paragraph ① :________

Paragraph ④ :________

Paragraph ② :________

Paragraph ③ :________

Ancient Greeks saw it as a duty () .

Task 2

A.to go to school

B.in many countries

C.to achieve honor

D.in whatever they did

E.to study law

F.to help others Ancient

Greek values arc held() .

Paragraph ⑤:________

Young men in ancient Greece were required() .

Young Greeks had a strong desire() .

Ancient Greeks stressed loyalty () .


I have found my(), and I have become part of Harvard community in so many different ways.
I have found my(), and I have become part of Harvard community in so many different ways.




What makes father no longer be the most important in a family?A.Father does much less for

What makes father no longer be the most important in a family?

A.Father does much less for his children today than he used to.

B.The number of married women in employment has increased now.

C.There are many choices of employment for mothers and children.

D.With their earning, mother and children do not need to depend on father for their life.


Extended family

In an extended family, all the people share one household. Apart from parents and children, there may be other family members: grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. That is to say, a large family may have more than two generations, and often there are more than two adults from different generations of a family.

The family members live together for many reasons. They may help to bring up children or to take care of an ill relative. They may also help with saving money. Sometimes children are brought up by their grandparents, for their parents have died or can never take care of them. Many grandparents look after the children, particularly when both parents are busy working. This large family is called extended family. It can be found all over the world. The number of these families has increased by 40 percent in the past ten years. Most of such families live happily together.


1. In an extended family, people live in different houses.()

2. An extend family includes at least three generations. ()

3.In an extended family, children are looked after by their grandparents because their parents are traveling around. ()

4. Extended families can be found all over the world. ()

5. Children can live happily with their parents and grandparents. ()

Because of the fast pace of American life, many families can not eat together around the f
amily table every evening. Many people have to be at work during the normal dinner hours.

For this reason, fast food restaurants have become very popular. These restaurants serve foods such as hamburgers, tacos, French fries. Fast-food restaurants are really fast. You don't have to wait a minute or two for your food. They are also convenient. You may dress casually, and in some places you can even order from your car and drive away with your food without going to the restaurant. Finally, fast-food restaurants are inexpensive.

Fast food has its shortcoming, too. Most fast-food meals are not very healthy. They are often high in fat and cholesterol(胆固醇), and low in other important nutrients(营养). It is advisable not to eat too much those fast food.

Most American people______, so fast-food restaurants have become popular.

A.hate to dine with their family

B.like fast food'very much

C.don't have enough time to eat dinner together with their family

D.live on fast food

John went to his teacher for______ about his French.A.an adviceB.adviceC.advicesD.the advi

John went to his teacher for______ about his French.

A.an advice



D.the advice

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