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Americans today don't place a very high value on intellect. Our heroes are athletes, enter

tainers, and entrepreneurs, not scholars. Even our schools are where we send our children to get a practical education--not to pursue knowledge for the sake of knowledge. Symptoms of pervasive anti-intellectualism in our schools aren't difficult to find.

"Schools have always been in a society where practical is more important than intellectual," says education writer Diane Ravitch. "Schools could be a counterbalance. "Ravitch's latest book, Left Back: A Century of Failed School Reforms, traces the roots of anti-intellectualism in our schools, concluding they are anything but a counterbalance to the American distaste for intellectual pursuits.

But they could and should be. Encouraging kids to reject the life of the mind leaves them vulnerable to exploitation and control. Without the ability to think critically, to defend their ideas and understand the ideas of others, they cannot fully participate in our democracy. Continuing along this path, says writer Earl Shorris, "We will become a second rate country. We will have a less civil society."

"Intellect is resented as a form. of power or privilege," writes historian and professor Richard Hofstadter in Anti-Intellectualism in American Life, a Pulizer Prize winning book on the roots of anti-intellectualism in US politics, religion, and education. From the beginning of our history, says Hofstadter, our democratic and populist urges have driven us to reject anything that smells of elitism. Practicality, common sense, and native intelligence have been considered more noble qualities than anything you could learn from a book.

Ralph Waldo Emerson and other Transcendentalist philosophers thought schooling and rigorous book learning put unnatural restraints on children: "We are shut up in schools and college recitation rooms for 10 or 15 years and come out at last with a bellyful of words and do not know a thing. "Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn exemplified American anti-intellectualism. Its hero avoids being civilized - going to school and learning to read - so he can preserve his innate goodness.

Intellect, according to Hofstadter, is different from native intelligence, a quality we reluctantly admire. Intellect is the critical, creative, and contemplative side of the mind. Intelligence seeks to grasp, manipulate, reorder, and adjust, while intellect examines, ponders, wonders, theorizes, criticizes, and imagines.

School remains a place where intellect is mistrusted. Hofstadter says our country's educational system is in the grips of people who "joyfully and militantly proclaim their hostility to intellect and their eagerness to identify with children who show the least intellectual promise."

What do American parents expect their children to acquire in school?

A.The habit of thinking independently.

B.Profound knowledge of the world.

C.Practical abilities for future career.

D.The confidence in intellectual pursuits.

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更多“Americans today don't place a …”相关的问题
A century ago, the immigrants from across the Atlantic inclued settlers and sojourners. Along with the many folks looking to make a permanent home in the United States came those who had no intention

Today, we are much more rigid about immigrants. We divide nemcomers into two categories: legal or illegal, good or bad. We hail them as Americans in the making, or our broken immigrantion system and the long political paralysis over how to fix it. We don’t need more categories, but we need to change the way we think about categories. We need to look beyond strick definitions of legal and illegal. To start, we can recognize the new birds of passage, those living and thriving in the gray areas. We might then begin to solve our immigration challenges.

Crop pickers, violinists, construction workers, entrepreneurs, engineers, home health-care aides and physicists are among today’s birds of passage. They are energetic participants in a global economy driven by the flow of work, money and ideas .They prefer to come and go as opportunity calls them , They can manage to have a job in one place and a family in another.

With or without permission, they straddle laws, jurisdictions and identities with ease. We need them to imagine the United States as a place where they can be productive for a while without committing themselves to staying forever. We need them to feel that home can be both here and there and that they can belong to two nations honorably.

Accommodating this new world of people in motion will require new attitudes on both sides of the immigration battle .Looking beyond the culture war logic of right or wrong means opening up the middle ground and understanding that managing immigration today requires multiple paths and multiple outcomes. Including some that are not easy to accomplish legally in the existing system.

“Birds of passage” refers to those who____ .

A.immigrate across the Atlantic.

B.leave their home countries for good.

C.stay in a foreign temporialy.

D.find permanent jobs overseas.

It is implied in paragraph 2 that the current immigration system in the US____ .A.needs new immigrant categories.

B.has loosened control over immigrants.

C.should be adopted to meet challenges.

D.has been fixed via political means.

According to the author, today’s birds of passage want___ .A.financial incentives.

B.a global recognition.

C.opportunities to get regular jobs.

D.the freedom to stay and leave.

The author suggests that the birds of passage today should be treated ____ .A.as faithful partners.

B.with economic favors.

C.with regal tolerance.

D.as mighty rivals.

Select the title that is most suitable for the articleA.come and go: big mistake.

B.living and thriving : great risk.

C.with or without : great risk.

D.legal or illegal: big mistake.

Americans eat______ vegetables per person today as they did in the 1960s.

A.more than twice

B.as twice many

C.twice as many

D.more than twice as many

It can be learned from the passage that ______.A.country life is peaceful but dullB.people

It can be learned from the passage that ______.

A.country life is peaceful but dull

B.people living in big cities are easy to get excited

C.few Americans go to church on Sundays now

D.Americans tend to be rough and impolite today

The author specifically mentions that ______.A.black Americans are most prejudicially trea

The author specifically mentions that ______.

A.black Americans are most prejudicially treated in the U. S.

B.discrimination in the South was not more obvious than in the North

C.the situation of blacks is almost the same today as it was in the 1930s

D.after blacks became free people they didn't experience discrimination in employment and public facilities

I don't feel like swimming in the sea today, I'd rather lie on the ______.A.coastB.bankC.s

I don't feel like swimming in the sea today, I'd rather lie on the ______.





A century ago, the immigrants from across the Atlantic inclued settlers and sojourners. Al
ong with the many folks looking to make a permanent home in the United States came those who had no intention to stay, and 7millin people arrived while about 2 million departed. About a quarter of all Italian immigrants, for exanmle, eventually returned to Italy for good. They even had an affectionate nickname, “uccelli di passaggio,” birds of passage.

Today, we are much more rigid about immigrants. We divide nemcomers into two categories: legal or illegal, good or bad. We hail them as Americans in the making, or our broken immigrantion system and the long political paralysis over how to fix it. We don’t need more categories, but we need to change the way we think about categories. We need to look beyond strick definitions of legal and illegal. To start, we can recognize the new birds of passage, those living and thriving in the gray areas. We might then begin to solve our immigration challenges.

Crop pickers, violinists, construction workers, entrepreneurs, engineers, home health-care aides and physicists are among today’s birds of passage. They are energetic participants in a global economy driven by the flow of work, money and ideas .They prefer to come and go as opportunity calls them , They can manage to have a job in one place and a family in another.

With or without permission, they straddle laws, jurisdictions and identities with ease. We need them to imagine the United States as a place where they can be productive for a while without committing themselves to staying forever. We need them to feel that home can be both here and there and that they can belong to two nations honorably.

Accommodating this new world of people in motion will require new attitudes on both sides of the immigration battle .Looking beyond the culture war logic of right or wrong means opening up the middle ground and understanding that managing immigration today requires multiple paths and multiple outcomes. Including some that are not easy to accomplish legally in the existing system.

“Birds of passage” refers to those who____ .

A.immigrate across the Atlantic.

B.leave their home countries for good.

C.stay in a foreign temporialy.

D.find permanent jobs overseas.

It is implied in paragraph 2 that the current immigration system in the US____ .A.needs new immigrant categories.

B.has loosened control over immigrants.

C.should be adopted to meet challenges.

D.has been fixed via political means.

According to the author, today’s birds of passage want___ .A.financial incentives.

B.a global recognition.

C.opportunities to get regular jobs.

D.the freedom to stay and leave.

The author suggests that the birds of passage today should be treated ____ .A.as faithful partners.

B.with economic favors.

C.with regal tolerance.

D.as mighty rivals.

Select the title that is most suitable for the articleA.come and go: big mistake.

B.living and thriving : great risk.

C.with or without : great risk.

D.legal or illegal: big mistake.


When the author says "You will miss smile" in paragraph two, he means______. A. you w

When the author says "You will miss smile" in paragraph two, he means______.

A. you will feel that Americans do not seem very friendly

B. you will be puzzled why Americans do not smile at you

C. you will fail to notice that Americans are pleasant and happy

D. you will find that Americans don't have much sense of humor

Paul:__________?Mike:It’s SO borin9.1 don’t think mueh of it.A.Did voU attend Professor Sm


Mike:It’s SO borin9.1 don’t think mueh of it.

A.Did voU attend Professor Smith’s lecture today

B.Did you like the Speaker

C.How do you think of today’s lecture

D.Do you think Professor Smith is good teacher

Chinese-Americans today have higher incomes than Americans in general. One-fourth of all【3
6】Chinese-Americans are working in scientific and professional【37】. The Chinese have risen to this position【38】some of the harshest discrimination and violence【39】any immigrants in the history of this country. Today, 【40】of the Chinese prosperity (成功) is【41】the simple fact that they work harder and take【42】of educational opportunities.

Chinese-Americans have had three Noble【43】winners, all in physics. Many more have PhDs, especially from high【44】universities. Among academics, Asians publish more than【45】blacks or whites.






根据下列文章,回答31~35题。 In the early 1960s Wilt Chamberlain was one of only three pla


In the early 1960s Wilt Chamberlain was one of only three players in the National Basketball Association (NBA) listed at over seven feet. If he had played last season, however, he would have been one of 42. The bodies playing major professional sports have changed dramatically over the years, and managers have been more than willing to adjust team uniforms to fit the growing numbers of bigger, longer frames.

The trend in sports, though, may be obscuring an unrecognized reality: Americans have generally stopped growing. Though typically about two inches taller now than 140 years ago, today''s people- especially those born to families who have lived in the U.S. for many generations- apparently reached their limit in the early 1960s. And they aren’t likely to get any taller. In the general population today, at this genetic, environmental level, we''ve pretty much gone as far as we can go, says anthropologist William Cameron Chumlea of Wright State University. In the case of NBA players, their increase in height appears to result from the increasingly common practice of recruiting players from all over the world.

Growth, which rarely continues beyond the age of 20, demands calories and nutrients–notably, protein–to feed expanding tissues. At the start of the 20th century, under-nutrition and childhood infections got in the way. But as diet and health improved, children and adolescents have, on average, increased in height by about an inch and a half every 20 years, a pattern known as the secular trend in height. Yet according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, average height- 5′9〞for men, 5′4〞for women- hasn''t really changed since 1960.

Genetically speaking, there are advantages to avoiding substantial height. During childbirth, larger babies have more difficulty passing through the birth canal. Moreover, even though humans have been upright for millions of years, our feet and back continue to struggle with bipedal posture and cannot easily withstand repeated strain imposed by oversize limbs. There are some real constraints that are set by the genetic architecture of the individual organism, says anthropologist William Leonard of Northwestern University.

Genetic maximums can change, but don''t expect this to happen soon. Claire C. Gordon, senior anthropologist at the Army Research Center in Natick, Mass, ensures that 90 percent of the uniforms and workstations fit recruits without alteration. She says that, unlike those for basketball, the length of military uniforms has not changed for some time. And if you need to predict human height in the near future to design a piece of equipment, Gordon says that by and large, you could use today’s data and feel fairly confident.

第 31 题 Wilt Chamberlain is cited as an example to

A.illustrate the change of height of NBA players.

B.show the popularity of NBA players in the U.S……

C.compare different generations of NBA players.

D.assess the achievements of famous NBA players.

Chinese Americans today have higher incomes than Americans in general and higher occupatio
nal status. The Chinese have risen to this position despite some of the harshest discrimination and violence faced by any immigrants to the United States in the history of this country. Long confined to a narrow range of occupations, they succeeded in those occupations and then spread out into other areas in later years, when opportunities finally opened up for them. Today much of the Chinese prosperity is due to the simple fact that they work more and have more (usually better) education than others. Almost one out of five Chinese families has three or more income earners compared to one out of thirteen for Puerto Ricans, one out of ten among American Indians, and one out of eight among Whites. When the Chinese advantages in working and educational are held constant, they have no advantage over other Americans. That is in a Chinese Family with a given number of people working and with a given amount of education by the head of the family; the income is not only about average for such families, but offer a little less than average.

While Chinese Americans as a group are prosperous and well-educated Chinatowns are pockets of poverty, and illiteracy is much higher among the Chinese than among Americans in general. Those paradoxes are due to sharp internal differences. Descendants of the Chinese Americans who emigrated long ago from Toishan Province have maintained Chinese values and have added acculturation to American society with remarkable success. More recent Hong Kong Chinese are from more diverse cultural origins, and acquired western values and styles in Hong Kong, without having acquired the skills to proper and support those aspirations in the American economy. Foreign- born Chinese men in the United States earn one-fourth lower incomes than native-born Chinese even though the foreign-born have been in the United States an average of seventeen years. While the older Hong Kong Chinese work tenaciously to sustain and advance themselves, the Hong Kong Chinese youths often react with resentment and antisocial behavior, including terrorism and murder. The need to maintain tourism in Chinatown causes the Chinese leaders to mute or downplay these problems as much as possible.

According to the passage, today, Chinese Americans owe their prosperity to ______.

A.their diligence and better education than others

B.their support of American government

C.their fight against discriminations

D.advantages in working only

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