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长篇阅读:Climate change may be real, but it’s still not easy being green

Climate change may be real, but it’s still not easy being green

How do we convince our inner caveman to be greener?We ask some outstanding social scientists.

A) The road to climate hell is paved with our good intentions. Politicians may tackle polluters while scientists do battle with carbon emissions. But the most pervasive problem is less obvious: our own behaviour. We get distracted before we can turn down the heating. We break our promise not to fly after hearing about a neighbor’s rip to India. Ultimately, we can’t be bothered to change our attitude. Fortunately for the planet, social science and behavioral economics may be able to do that for us.

B) Despite mournful polar bears and carts showing carbon emissions soaring, mot people find it hard to believe that global warming will affect them personally. Recent polls by the Pew Research Centre in Washington, DC, found that 75-80 per cent of participants regarded climate change as an important issue. But respondents ranked it last on a list of priorities.

C) This inconsistency largely stems from a feeling of powerlessness. “When we can’t actually remove the source of our fear, we tend to adapt psychologically by adopting a range of defense mechanisms,” says Tom Crompton, change strategist for the environmental organization World Wide Fund for Nature.

D) Part of the fault lies with our inner caveman. Evolution has programmed humans to pay most attention to issues that will have an immediate impact. “We worry most about now because if we don’t survive for the next minute, we’re not going to be around in ten years’ time,” says Professor Elke Weber of the Centre for Research on Environmental Decisions at Columbia University in New York. If the Thames were lapping around Big Ben, Londoners would face up to the problem of emissions pretty quickly. But in practice, our brain discounts the risks—and benefits—associated with issues that lie some way ahead.

E) Matthew Rushworth, of the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford, sees this in his lab every day. “One of the ways in which all agents seem to make decisions is that they assign a lower weighting to outcomes that are going to be further away in the future,” he says. “This is a very sensible way for an animal to make decisions in the wild and would have been very helpful for humans for thousands of years.”

F) Not any longer. By the time we wake up to the threat posed by climate change, it could well be too late. And if we’re not going to make national decisions about the future, others may have to help us to do so.

G) Few political libraries are without a copy of Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness, by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein. They argue that governments should persuade us into making better decisions—such as saving more in our pension plans—by changing the default options. Professor Weber believes that environmental policy can make use of similar tactics. If, for example, building codes included green construction guidelines, most developers would be too lazy to challenge them.

H) Defaults are certainly part of the solution. But social scientists are most concerned about crafting messages that exploit our group mentality(心态). ”We need to understand what motivates people, what it is that allows them to make change,” says Professor Neil Adger, of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research in Norwich. ”It is actually about what their peers think of them, what their social norms are, what is seen as desirable in society.” In other words, our inner caveman is continually looking over his shoulder to see what the rest of the tribe are up to.

I) The passive attitude we have to climate change as individuals can be altered by counting us in—and measuring us against—our peer group. “Social norms are primitive and elemental,” says Dr. Robert Cialdini, author of Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. “Birds flock together, fish school together, cattle herd together … just perceiving norms is enough to cause people to adjust their behavior. in the direction of the crowd.”

J) These norms can take us beyond good intentions. Cialdini conducted a study in San Diego in which coat hangers bearing messages about saving energy were hung on people’s doors. Some of the messages mentioned the environment, some financial savings, others social responsibility. But it was the one that mentioned the actions of neighbours that drove down power use.

K) Other studies show that simply providing the facility for people to compare their energy use with the local average is enough to cause them to modify their behaviour. The Conservatives plan to adopt this strategy by making utility companies print the average local electricity and gas usage on people’s bills.

L) Social science can also teach politicians how to avoid our collective capacity for self-destructive behaviour. Environmental campaigns that tell us how many people drive SUVs unwittingly (不经意地) imply that this behaviour is widespread and thus permissible. Cialdini recommends some careful framing of the message. “Instead of normalising the undesirable behaviour, the message needs to marginalise it, for example, by stating that if even one person buys yet another SUV, it reduces our ability to be energy-independent.”

M) Tapping into how we already see ourselves is crucial. The most successful environmental strategy will marry the green message to our own sense of identity. Take your average trade union member, chances are they will be politically motivated and be used to collective action—much like Erica Gregory. A retired member of the Public and Commercial Services Union, she is setting up one of 1,100 action groups with the support of Climate Solidarity, a two-year environmental campaign aimed at trade unionists.

N) Erica is proof that a great-grandmother can help to lead the revolution if your get the psychology right—in this case, by matching her enthusiasm for the environment with a fondness for organising groups. “I think there must be something in it.” She is expecting up to 20 people at the first meeting she has called, at her local pub in the Cornish village of Polperro.

O) Nick Perks, project director for Climate Solidarity, believes this sort of activity is where the future of environmental action lies. “Using existing civil society structures or networks is a more effective way of creating change … and obviously trade unions are one of the biggest civil society networks in the UK,” he says. The “Love Food, Haste Waste” campaign entered into a collaboration last year with another such network—the Women’s Institute. Londoner Rachel Talor joined the campaign with the aim of making new friends. A year on, the meetings have made lasting changes to what she throws away in her kitchen. “It’s always more of an incentive if you’re doing it with other people,” she says. “It motivates you more if you know that you’ve got to provide feedback to a group.”

P) The power of such simple psychology in fighting climate change is attracting attention across the political establishment. In the US, the House of Representatives Science Committee has approved a bill allocating $10 million a year to studying energy-related behaviour. In the UK, new studies are in development and social scientists are regularly spotted in British government offices. With the help of psychologists, there is fresh hope that we might go green after all.

46. When people find they are powerless to change a situation, they tend to live with it.

47. To be effective, environmental messages should be carefully framed.

48. It is the government’s responsibility to persuade people into making environment-friendly decisions.

49. Politicians are beginning to realize the importance of enlisting psychologists’ help in fighting climate change.

50. To find effective solutions to climate change, it is necessary to understand what motivates people to make change.

51. In their evolution, humans have learned to pay attention to the most urgent issues instead of long-term concerns.

52. One study shows that our neighbors’ actions are influential unchanging our behavior.

53. Despite clear signs of global warming, it is not easy for most people to believe climate change will affect their own lives.

54.We would take our future into consideration in making decisions concerning climate change before it is too late.

55. Existing social networks can be more effective in creating change in people’s behaviour.

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更多“长篇阅读:Climate change may be rea…”相关的问题
Change in climate may have caused______.A.dinosaurs to dieB.dark spots to form. on the sun

Change in climate may have caused______.

A.dinosaurs to die

B.dark spots to form. on the sun

C.volcanic eruption

D.air pollution

These crops are extremely() to climate change, which has been a tricky problem for the local farmers.





To help readers understand how climate can change, the writer uses______.A.examplesB.a sto

To help readers understand how climate can change, the writer uses______.


B.a story about the seashore

C.order of importance

D.a strong argument

Are you planning a vacation? If you like hot and extremely dry summers, go to Phoenix, Ari
zona. For hot temperatures but lots of rain and thunderstorms, try Miami, Florida. If you want average temperatures and rainfall, St. Louis, Missouri, is the spot. Or if you' re a cold weather fan, head to Fairbanks, Alaska. Its winters are very cold with little precipitation. Each of these cities has a certain type of weather. The average weather for a place over many years is called climate, and in no two places in (he world is it exactly the same. How can this be?

Many things in nature, such as sunshine, temperature, and precipitation, affect climate. Nearness to mountain, oceans, and large lakes affects it loo. Another factor is altitude, or height above sea level. Air cools as altitude increases. So a city at a higher altitude may be colder than one at a lower altitude. Finally, winds affect climate. They move heat and moisture between the oceans and continents. Winds keep the tropics from overheating. They keep the polar regions from getting overly cold.

Climate changes over long periods of time. Some scientists think, for example, that the earth' s climate changed at the time of the dinosaurs. They think the dinosaurs died because of the change. What causes a climate to change? One possible cause may be changes in the sun. Sunspots, for example, are cool, dark spots that form. on the sun. Sunspots may decrease precipitation on the earth and cause unusually dry periods. Changes in the atmosphere may change climate too. Volcanic eruptions, for instance, release solid particles into the air. These particles may form. a cloud that blocks out the sun ' s heat. Human activity is another cause of climate change. Air pollution and the reduction of forest cover may have long-term effects on climate.

This passage is concerned with things that affect______.










Do you want to know something about the history of weather? Don't look at the sky. Don't l
ook for old weather reports. Looking at tree rings is more important. Correct weather reports date back only one century, but some trees can provide an exact record of the weather even further back. (53) It is natural that a tree would grow best in a climate with plenty of sunlight and rainfall. It is also expected that little sunlight or rainfall would limit the growth of a tree. The change from a favorable to an unfavorable climate can be determined by reading the pattern of rings in a tree trunk. (54)To find out the weather of ten years age, count the rings of a tree trunk from the outside to the inside. If the tenth ring is far from the other rings, then it is certain that plenty of sunny and rainy weather occurred. If the ring are close together, then the climate was bad for the tree. Studying tree rings is important not only for the history of weather, but also for the history of man. In a region of New Mexico you can find only sand-no tree and no people. However, many centuries ago a large population lived there. They left suddenly. Why? A scientist studied patterns of dead tree rings which had grown there. He decided that the people had to leave because they had cut down all the trees. Trees were necessary to make fires and buildings. So, after the people destroyed the trees, they had to move. In this instance studying tree rings uncovered an exciting fact about the history of man.

It is understood that in a favorable climate______.

A.tree rings grow close together

B.tree rings grow far apart

C.trees in New Mexico will grow big and tall

D.people can cut down most of the trees in New Mexico






下列各句中没有语病的一句是 ()


B. 受快餐文化的影响,真正喜欢阅读中外名著的中学生并不多,因此在语文教学中广大教师引导学生阅读中外名著就显得非常重要。

C. 政协提案在网上征集民意,进而以民意为基础进行重点督办,是畅通民意表达渠道和民意内容的制度创新。

D. 贾平凹的长篇力作《秦腔》敏锐地捕捉到社会转型期间农村巨变中的时代情绪,是对正在消逝的乡村的一曲挽歌。

Organic agriculture is a relatively untapped resource for feeding the Earth's popu
lation,especially inthe face of climate change and other global challenges. That's the conclusion I reached in reviewing40 years of science comparing the long-term prospects of organic and conventional farming.

The review study,"Organic Agriculture in the 21st Century,”is featured as the cover story for theFebruary issue of the journal Nature Plants. It is the first to compare organic and conventional agricultureacross the main goals of sustainability identified by the National Academy of Sciences: productivity,economics,and environment.

Critics have long argued that organic agriculture is inefficient,requiring more land to yield the sameamount of food. It's true that organic farming produces lower yields,averaging 10 to 20 percent less thanconventional. Advocates contend that the environmental advantages of organic agriculture far outweighthe lower yields,and that increasing research and breeding resources for organic systems would reduce theyield gap.Sometimes excluded from these arguments is the fact that we already produce enough food tomore than feed the world's 7.4 billion people but do not provide adequate access to all individuals

In some cases,organic yields can be higher than conventional. For example,in severe droughtconditions,which are expected to increase with climate change in many areas,organic farms can produceas good,if not better,yields because of the higher water-holding capacity of organically farmed soils.

What science does tell us is that mainstream conventional farming systems have provided growingsupplies of food and other products but often at the expense of other sustainability goals.

Conventional agriculture may produce more food,but it often comes at a cost to the environment.Biodiversity loss,environmental degradation,and severe impacts on ecosystem services have not onlyaccompanied conventional farming systems but have often extended well beyond their field boundaries.With organic agriculture,environmental costs tend to be lower and the benefits greater.

Overall,organic farms tend to store more soil carbon,have better soil quality, and reduce soil erosioncompared to their conventional counterparts. Organic agriculture also creates less soil and water pollutionand lower greenhouse gas emissions. And it's more energy-efficient because it doesn't rely on syntheticfertilizers or pesticides.

Organic agriculture is also associated with greater biodiversity of plants,animals,insects andmicroorganisms as well as genetic diversity. Biodiversity increases the services that nature provides andimproves the ability of farming systems to adapt to changing conditions.

Despite lower yields,organic agriculture is more profitable for farmers because consumers are willingto pay more.Higher prices,called price premiums,can be justified as a way to compensate farmers forproviding ecosystem services and avoiding environmental damage or external costs.

51. What do we learn from the conclusion of the author's review study?

A)More resources should be tapped for feeding the world's population.

B)Organic farming may be exploited to solve the global food problem.

C)The long-term prospects of organic farming are yet to be explored.

D) Organic farming is at least as promising as conventional farming.

52. What is the critics' argument against organic farming?

A)It cannot meet the need for food.

B) It cannot increase farm yields.

C )It is not really practical.

D) It is not that productive.

53. What does the author think should be taken into account in arguing about organic farming?

A)Growth in world population.

B)Deterioration in soil fertility.

C) Inequality in food distribution.

D)Advance in farming technology.

54. What does science tell us about conventional farming?

A) It will not be able to meet global food demand.

B)It is not conducive to sustainable development.

C) It will eventually give way to organic farming.

D) It is going mainstream throughout the world.

55. Why does the author think higher prices of organic farm produce are justifiable?

A)They give farmers going organic a big competitive edge.

B)They motivate farmers to upgrade farming technology.

C) Organic farming costs more than conventional farming.

D)Organic farming does long-term good to the ecosystem.

Questions 16~20 are based on the following passage. As a wise man once said,we are all ul
timately alone. But an increasing number of Europeans are choosing to be so at an ever earlier age. This isn’t the stuff of gloomy philosophical contemplations,but a fact of Europe’s new economic landscape,embraced by sociologists,real-estate developers and ad executives alike. The shift away from family life to solo lifestyle,observes a French sociologist,is part of the “irresistible momentum of individualism”over the last century. The communications revolution,the shift from a business culture of stability to one of mobility and the mass entry of women into the workforce have greatly wreaked havoc on (扰乱)Europeans’ private lives..Europe’s new economic climate has largely fostered the trend toward independence.The current generation of home-aloners came of age during Europe’s shift from social democracy to the sharper,more individualistic climate of American style. capitalism.Raised in an era of privatization and increased consumer choice,today’s tech-savvy (精通技术的)workers have embraced a free market in love as well as economics.Modern Europeans are rich enough to afford to live alone,and temperamentally independent enough to want to do so.Once upon a time,people who lived alone tended to be those on either side of marriage-twenty something professionals or widowed senior citizens.While pensioners,particularly elderly women,make up a large proportion of those living alone,the newest crop of singles are high earners in their 30s and 40s who increasingly view living alone as a lifestyle. choice.Living alone was conceived to be negative-dark and cold,while being together suggested warmth and light..But then came along the idea of singles.They were young,beautiful,strong! Now,young people want to live alone.The booming economy means people are working harder than ever.And that doesn’t leave much room for relationships.Pimpi Arroyo,a 35-year-old composer who lives alone in a house in Paris,says he hasn’t got time to get lonely because he has too much work.“I have deadlines which would make life with someone else fairly difficult..Only an Ideal Woman would make him change his lifestyle,he says..Kaufmann,author of a recent book called “The Single Woman and Prince Charming,”thinks this fierce new individualism means that people expect more and more of mates,so relationships don’t last long-if they start at all.Eppendorf,a blond Berliner with a deep tan,teaches grade school in the mornings.In the afternoon she sunbathes or sleeps,resting up for going dancing.Just shy of 50,she says she’d never have wanted to do what her mother did-give up a career to raise a family.Instead,“I’ve always done what I wanted to do: live a self-determined life.

第16题:More and more young Europeans remain single because ().

A.they are driven by an overwhelming sense of individualism

B.they have entered the workforce at a much earlier age

C.they have embraced a business culture of stability

D.they are pessimistic about their economic future

阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T”错误写“F”。Cross training is traini


Cross training is training an employee to do a different part of the organization's work. Training worker A to do the task that worker B does and training B to do A’s task is cross training. Cross training is good for managers because it provides more flexibility in managing the workforce to get the job done. On the other hand, cross training has some benefits for the employees as well. It lets them learn new skills, makes them more valuable, keeps them stimulated and reduces worker boredom.

Cross training can be used in almost any position in almost any industry.I cross trained some of my design engineers to go on field installation trips and get first hand knowledge of how their designs worked, or didn’t work, in the field. Cashiers can be trained to stock shelves and stockers trained to cashier. This allows you to quickly open additional registers if the customer queue gets too long.

As you prepare cross training plans, you need to consider both the company benefits and the employee benefits. Carefullyselect the employees to be cross trained. Some people like to learn new things. Some are more comfortable sticking to what they know. Don’t decide which employees are ready for a change based on their age or performance.

1. Cross training is training an employee to do a different job in a different company. {T、F}

2. Cross training is beneficial not only for managers but also for employees.{T、F}

3. Cross training can apply to almost any position and almost any industry.{T、F}

4. Not all employees are suitable to be cross trained.{T、F}

5. You can decide which employees to be cross trained according to their age.{T、F}

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