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—Ken did badly in his math test.I'm terribly worried about the result.—.

A.I am so happy he is very healthy.

B.Well,it is hard to see.

C.Come on.It isn't the end of the world.

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更多“—Ken did badly in his math tes…”相关的问题
Although John tried hard in the exam, he did _______ than his brother.A.much worseB.muc

Although John tried hard in the exam, he did _______ than his brother.

A.much worse

B.much better

C.much badly

D.more badly

A.the bad storm didB.do the bad stormsC.the storms did badlyD.the bad storms do

A.the bad storm did

B.do the bad storms

C.the storms did badly

D.the bad storms do

Mr. and Mrs. White did not blame Amy for Jane's death because ______A.Amy was badly injure

Mr. and Mrs. White did not blame Amy for Jane's death because ______

A.Amy was badly injured herself and they didn't want to add to her pain

B.they didn't want Amy to live with a guilty feeling the rest of her life

C.Amy was their youngest daughter and they loved her best

D.they didn't want to blame their children before an outsider

From the passage we know ______.A.Roger liked his hairstyle. cut by the young man last tim

From the passage we know ______.

A.Roger liked his hairstyle. cut by the young man last time

B.the young man could cut hair in different styles

C.the young man was good at cutting hair

D.Roger wanted the young man to know how badly he did last time

One day a lawyer's (律师) wife fell iii and he went to get a doctor. The doctor went to se

One day a lawyer's (律师) wife fell iii and he went to get a doctor. The doctor went to see tile woman, but before he went into the house he stopped. He knew that the lawyer never paid his bill (账单). So he said to the man, "But if I do cure (治愈) your wife I'm afraid you may not pay me."

"Sir," said the lawyer, '" here I have $ 500. Whether you cure my wife or whether you kill her I will give you all this."

The doctor was now sure of the payment and went into the house. When he reached the woman's bedside, it was soon clear to him that he could do little. She was badly iii, and though he gave her some medicine to take, she soon died.

He told the lawyer he was very sorry, then asked for the money.

"Did you kill my wife.'?" asked the lawyer.

"Of course not," said the doctor.

"Well, did you cure my wife?" asked the lawyer.

"I'm afraid that was impossible," answered the doctor.

"Well then, since you didn't kill her and you didn't cure her, I have nothing to pay you."

Before the doctor went into the lawyer's house he stopped because ______.

A.the lawyer was too poor to pay his bills

B.the lawyer had a bad name

C.he knew, well he couldn't cure the lawyer's wife

D.it was well-known that the lawyer would not be willing to pay what he should

LIU HUI:Hi, Mei.(1)Are you settling in well here in this cityBAI MEI:Well, thank you ver

LIU HUI:Hi, Mei.(1)Are you settling in well here in this city

BAI MEI:Well, thank you very much for asking. Everything is going OK.

LIU HUI:(2)Did they all join you living here BAI MEI:

Oh no. My parents have their own lives because my father has a grocery store. So he must take care of his business and my mother stays with him.

LIU HUI:Oh, I got it.(3)Are they in their school years

BAI MEI:Yes, they all attend the international schools here, but I still teach them Chinese at home.

LIU HUI:(4)What kind of food do you usually have with your family

BAI MEI:Everyone in the family loves Chinese food. But we have western food on some special occasions, you know, I have an American hubby.

LIU HUI:Right.(5)

BAI MEI:Pleasure.

A. Thank you for sharing this with me.

B. That's very interesting.

C. How is everything

D. How about your children

E. How is your family _Bai Mei: tells Liu Hui about her family_. …

The dog, called Prince, was an intelligent animal and a slave to Williams. From morning ti
ll night, when Williams was at home, Prince never left his sight, practically ignoring all other members of the family. The dog had a number of clearly defined duties, for which Williams had patiently trained him and, like the good pupil he was, Prince lived for the chance to demonstrate his abilities.

When Williams wanted to put on his boots, he would murmur" boots" and within seconds the dog would drop them at his feet. At nine every morning, Prince ran off to the general store in the village, returning shortly not only with Williams ' daily paper but with a half-ounce packet of Williams' favorite tobacco, John Rainey's Mixed. A gun dog by breed, Prince possessed a large soft mouth specially evolved for the safe carrying of hunted creatures, so the paper and the tobacco came to no harm, never even showing a tooth mark.

Williams was a railway man, an engine driver, and he wore a blue uniform. which smelled of oil and oil fuel. He had to work at odd times—"days" , "late days" or" nights". Over the years Prince got to know these periods of work and rest, knew when his master would leave the house and return, and the dog did not waste this knowledge. If Williams overslept, as he often did, Prince barked at the bedroom door until he woke, much to the annoyance of the family. On his return, Williams'slippers were brought to him, the paper and tobacco too if previously under livered.

A curious thing happened to Williams during the snow and ice of last winter. One evening he slipped and fell on the icy pavement somewhere between the village and his home. He was so badly shaken that he stayed in bed for three days; and not until he got up and dressed again did he discover that he had lost his wallet containing over fifty pounds. The house Was turned upside down in the search, but the wallet was not found. However, two days later — that was five days after the fall — Prince dropped the wallet into William's hand. Very muddy, stained and wet through, the little case still contained fifty three pounds, Williams' driving license and a few other papers. Where the dog had found it no one could tell, but found it he had and recognized it probably by the faint oily smell on the worn leather.

How did the dog perform. his duties?

A.He was delighted to show them off.

B.He did his test but was not often successful.

C.He did them quickly to get them over.

D.He had few opportunities to do them.



Joe :Hi, have you read today‘s newspaper?


Joe :The People‘s Daily.

Henry:________2__________. But I only looked through it while having lunch.

Joe :Did you notice an interesting article?


Joe :About air pollution.

Henry:________4__________. On which page?

Joe :On page 5. At the bottom.

Henry:Good. I‘ll read it this afternoon.

Joe :Don‘t forget to tell me what you think after reading it.

Henry:Sure. __________5__________.

Joe :See you.

Passage ThreeQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. In a family where the

Passage Three

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

In a family where the roles of men and women are not sharply separated and where many household tasks are shared to a greater or lesser extent,notions of superiority are hard to maintain. The pattern of sharing in tasks and in decisions makes for equality,and this in turn leads to further sharing. In such a home,the growing boy and girl learn to accept that equality more easily than did their parents and to prepare more fully for participation in a world characterized by cooperation rather than by the “battle of sexes”.

If the process goes too far and man's role is regarded as less important-and that has happened in some cases-we are as badly off as before. only in reverse. It is time to reassess the role of the man in the American family. We are getting a little tired of “Momism” -but we don't want to exchange it for a “neo-Popism” . What we need,rather,is the recognition that bringing up children involves a partnership of equals. There are signs that psychiatrists,psychologists,social workers,and specialists on the family are becoming more aware of the part men play and that they have decided that women should not receive all the credits-nor all the blame. We have almost given up saying that a woman's place is in the home. We are beginning,however,to analyze man's place in the home and to insist that he does have a place in it. Nor is that place irrelevant to the healthy development of the child. The family is a cooperative enterprise for which it is difficult to lay down rules,because each family needs to work out its own ways for solving its own problems. Excessive authoritarianism has unhappy consequences,whether it wears skirts or trousers,and the ideal of equal rights and equal responsibilities is pertinent(与……有关)not only to a healthy family but also to a healthy democracy.

Sharing tasks and decisions in a family leads to______.

A. monism

B. neo-popism

C. inequality

D. further sharing

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