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A.The man feels so tired that he wants to sleep.B.The professor's lecture is too diffic

A.The man feels so tired that he wants to sleep.

B.The professor's lecture is too difficult to understand.

C.The professor's lecture is very boring.

D.They have different opinions about the professor's lecture.

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更多“A.The man feels so tired that …”相关的问题
We are all naturally attracted to people with idea, beliefs and interests like our own. Si
milarly, we feel comfortable with people with physical qualities similar to ours.

You may have noticed how people who live or work closely together come to behave in a similar way. Unconsciously we copy those we are close to or love or admire. So a sportsman’s individual way of walking with raised shoulder is imitated by an admiring fan; a pair of lovers both shake their heads in the same way; an employee finds himself duplicating his boss's habit of wagging (摇摆) a pen between his fingers while thinking.

In every case, the influential person may not consciously notice the imitation, but he will feel comfortable in its presence. And if he does notice the matching of his gestures or movements, he finds it pleasing he is influencing people: they are drawn to him.

Sensitive people have been mirroring their friends and acquaintances all their lives, and winning affection and respect m this way without being aware of their methods. Now, for people who want to win agreement or trust, affection or sympathy. Some psychologists recommend the deliberate use of physical mirroring.

The clever saleswoman echoes her lady customer's movements, tilting her head in the same way to judge a color match, or folding her arms a few seconds after the customer, as though consciously attracted by her. The customer feels that the saleswoman is in sympathy with her, and understands her needs a promising relationship for a sale to take place.

The Clever lawyer, trying in la law-court to influence a judge, imitates the great man shrugging of his shoulders, the tone of his voice and the rhythm of his speech.

Of course, physical mirroring must be subtle. If you blind (眨眼) every time your target blinks, or bite your bottom lip every time he does, your mirroring has become mockery (嘲笑) and you can expect trouble. So, if you can't model sympathetically, don't play the game.

According to the passage, "physical mirroring" (line 4, paragraph 4) means ______.

A.the attraction to people with ideas, belief and interests like our own

B.the comfortable feeling about people with physical qualities similar to ours

C.the fact that people living or working closely together behave in a similar way

D.the imitation of the gestures or movements of those we are close to, or love, or admire

Christopher is not married yet: he is still a【36】. He is interested【37】football, which is
an exciting【38】and enjoys【39】to watch a football【40】. So most winter Saturday afternoons he puts on his old raincoat, which is badly out of【41】and【42】the house at five past twelve so【43】to arrive early. He goes【44】bus and gets【45】the bus at the football ground. Even【46】it may be raining, he finds thousands of【47】already waiting in a long【48】outside the gates. Sometimes, if it is raining【49】hard for him to enjoy himself, he watches another match on television【50】of going out. He likes to spend Saturday evening【51】about football matches【52】the back page of the newspaper. Some people like to spend the evening【53】in noisy pubs but Christopher prefers his comfortable and【54】sitting-room. He feels as【55】he is a completely happy man until work starts again on Monday morning.



B.young man



One type of person that is common in many countries is the one who always tries to do as l
ittle as possible and to get as much【56】return as he can. His opposite, the man who has【57】for doing more that is strictly【58】and who is ready to accept【59】is offered in return, is【60】everywhere.

Both these types are entirely different【61】their behavior. The man who【62】is always talking about his"【63】"; he thinks that society should【64】him a pleasant, easy life. The man (who is always doing more than【65】) talks of "duties" ; he feels that the 【66】is in debt to society.

The man who tries to do as【67】as he can is always full of【68】. For instance, if he has【69】to do something, it was because he was【70】by bad luck. His opposite is never【71】 busy to take on a (an)【72】piece of work. So it is【73】that if you want something【74】in a hurry, go to the busiest man whom you have【75】in.






Bill and his family have been living in the same old building for eight years. The landlor
d (房东)also lives there,and usually all the tenants(房客)get along fairly well with one another. Recently,however, there has been a change in their relations.

A nice, quiet old couple used to live there, too. The old lady would sometimes bring some small cakes she made to Biir s mother,who in return would give her some meat or help her with shopping.Unfortunately,the old lady died last month. As her husband couldn’ t live alone,his grandson moved in.

The grandson, a youth of about twenty, has become a problem to Bill’ s family because he is so noisy. Biir s family members were used to peace and quiet,but the youth likes to listen to his radio late at night. Sometimes his friends came for a visit,and they also made a lot of noise. Everyone in Bill’ s family has been bothered by the new comer and getting angry.

Bill’ s mother once politely asked the old man if he was able to sleep well at night, but it seemed that he didn’ t understand what she meant and so never spoke to his grandson about it. If he did,the grandson apparently didn’ t listen, since things have not changed any. Everyone in Bill’ s family agrees that something has to be done, but no one wants to hurt the old man’ s feelings or cause him any problems. What do you think should be done? Bill’ s family got angry with their neighbor because

A.the old lady died

B.a young man moved in

C.the grandson made a lot of noise

D.the young man could not live alone

In the sentence “Every one in Bill’s family has been bothered by the new comer”,“bother” means____.A.scare

B.cause trouble to


D.make sorry

The grandson makes a lot of noise asA.he never cares whether the neighbors might want to live in peace and quiet

B.the walls of the building are thin

C.he likes to listen to his radio early iji the morning

D.friends come to visit him


In an essay entitled “Making It in America” the author Adam Davison relates a joke from co
tton country about just how much a modern textile mill has been automated: The average mill has only two employees today, “a man and a dog. The man is there to feed the dog, and the dog is there to keep the man away from the machines.

Davidson’s article is one of a number of pieces that have recently appeared making the point that the reason we have such stubbornly high unemployment and declining middle-class incomes today is largely because of the big drop in demand because of the Great Recession, but it is also because of the advances in both globalization and the information technology revolution, which are more rapidly than ever replacing labor with machine or foreign workers.

In the past, workers with average skills, doing an average job, could earn an average lifestyle. But, today, average is officially over. Being average is just won’t earn you what it used to. It can’t when so many more employers have so much more access to so much more above average cheap foreign labor cheap robotics, cheap software, cheap automation and cheap genins. Therefore, everyone needs to find their extra – their unique value contribution that makes them stand out in whatever is their field of employment.

Yes, new technology has been eating jobs forever, and always will. But there’s been an acceleration. As Davidson notes, “ In the 10 years ending in 2009, factories shed workers so fast that they erased almost all the gains of the previous 70 years; roughly one out of every three manufacturing jobs – about 6 millions in total – disappeared.”

There will always be change – new jobs, new products, new services. But the one thing we know for sure is that with each advance in globalization and the I.T. revolution , the beat jobs will require workers to have more and better education to make themselves above average.

In a world where average is officially over, there are many things we need to do to buttress employment, but nothing would be more important than passing some kind of G.I. Bill for the 21st century that ensures that every American has access to post-high school education.

The joke in Paragraph 1 is used to illustrate

A.the impact of technological advances

B.the alleviation of jobs pressure

C.the shrinkages of textile mills

D.the decline of middle-class incomes

The barman didn't want to send the man away because ______. ()A.the man was too tired to

The barman didn't want to send the man away because ______. ()

A.the man was too tired to leave

B.the man paid the bill every time he brought it to him

C.he lidded his job very much

D.he was kind-hearted

Mrs.Longworth was annoyed because__________ .A.the vice.president didn’t thank her for her

Mrs.Longworth was annoyed because__________ .

A.the vice.president didn’t thank her for her efforts

B.the vice—president laughed at her for nothing

C.the vice.president took part in SO many dinner parties

D.all efforts she made to awake the vice.president’S interest had failed

One day a lawyer's (律师) wife fell iii and he went to get a doctor. The doctor went to se

One day a lawyer's (律师) wife fell iii and he went to get a doctor. The doctor went to see tile woman, but before he went into the house he stopped. He knew that the lawyer never paid his bill (账单). So he said to the man, "But if I do cure (治愈) your wife I'm afraid you may not pay me."

"Sir," said the lawyer, '" here I have $ 500. Whether you cure my wife or whether you kill her I will give you all this."

The doctor was now sure of the payment and went into the house. When he reached the woman's bedside, it was soon clear to him that he could do little. She was badly iii, and though he gave her some medicine to take, she soon died.

He told the lawyer he was very sorry, then asked for the money.

"Did you kill my wife.'?" asked the lawyer.

"Of course not," said the doctor.

"Well, did you cure my wife?" asked the lawyer.

"I'm afraid that was impossible," answered the doctor.

"Well then, since you didn't kill her and you didn't cure her, I have nothing to pay you."

Before the doctor went into the lawyer's house he stopped because ______.

A.the lawyer was too poor to pay his bills

B.the lawyer had a bad name

C.he knew, well he couldn't cure the lawyer's wife

D.it was well-known that the lawyer would not be willing to pay what he should

In an essay entitled “Making It in America”, the author Adam Davidson relates a joke from
cotton about just how much a modern textile mill has been automated: The average mill only two employees today,” a man and a dog. The man is there to feed the dog is there to keep the man away from the machines.”

Davidson’s article is one of a number of pieces that have recently appeared making the point that the reason we have such stubbornly high unemployment and declining middle-class incomes today is also because of the advances in both globalization and the information technology revolution, which are more rapidly than ever replacing labor with machines or foreign worker.

In the past, workers with average skills, doing an average job,could earn an average lifestyle. ,But ,today ,average is officially over. Being average just won’t earn you what it used to. It can’t when so many more employers have so much more access to so much more above average cheap foreign labor, cheap robotics, cheap software, cheap automation and cheap genius. Therefore, everyone needs to find their extra-their unique value contribution that makes them stand out in whatever is their field of employment.

Yes, new technology has been eating jobs forever, and always will. But there’s been an acceleration. As Davidson notes,” In the 10 years ending in 2009, [U.S.] factories shed workers so fast that they erased almost all the gains of the previous 70 years; roughly one out of every three manufacturing jobs-about 6 million in total -disappeared.

There will always be changed-new jobs, new products, new services. But the one thing we know for sure is that with each advance in globalization and the I.T. revolution, the best jobs will require workers to have more and better education to make themselves above average.

In a world where average is officially over, there are many things we need to do to support employment, but nothing would be more important than passing some kind of G.I.Bill for the 21st century that ensures that every American has access to poet-high school education.

The joke in Paragraph 1 is used to illustrate_______ .

A.the impact of technological advances

B.the alleviation of job pressure

C.the shrinkage of textile mills

D.the decline of middle-class incomes

The quotation in Paragraph 4 explains that ______ .A.gains of technology have been erased

B.job opportunities are disappearing at a high speed

C.factories are making much less money than before

D.new jobs and services have been offered

According to the author, to reduce unemployment, the most important is_____ .A.to accelerate the I.T. revolution

B.to ensure more education for people

C.ro advance economic globalization

D.to pass more bills in the 21st century

Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the text?A.New Law Takes Effect

B.Technology Goes Cheap

C.Average Is Over

D.Recession Is Bad

According to Paragraph 3, to be a successful employee, one has to______ .A.work on cheap software

B.ask for a moderate salary

C.adopt an average lifestyle

D.contribute something unique

完成下列各选项 D David l&as a young man who worked in all o
ffice in a big city.His hobby was fishing,but he didn’t often get a chance to practise it. Then one summer he decided to have a holiday in a beautiful place in the mountains whore there were a lot of streams.“I ought to be able to have some good fishing there.”he said to himself. The first morning after he arrived,he walked to the nearest stream with his fishing-rod.He saw an old man standing beside the water,so he asked him whether it Was a private(私人的).stream.The old man answered it Was not,so David then said to him,“Well.then it won't be a crime(犯罪)if I catch some fish here。will it?” “Oh,no,”answered the old man.“It won't be a crime,but it will certainly be a miracle(奇迹)。” David was________fishing.

A.interested in

B.good at

C.expert in

D.not fond of

The statement "As they smiled and gurgled at the moving mobile" (line 7, para. 2) suggests

The statement "As they smiled and gurgled at the moving mobile" (line 7, para. 2) suggests that ______.

A.the infants liked the beautiful color of the mobile although they couldn't say so

B.the infant were happy because the cribs were very comfortable to sleep in

C.the infants realized the connection between the motion of one leg and the bobbing of the mobile

D.the infants wanted to grasp the bobbing mobiles and keep them

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