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根据内容回答下列各题,For some minutes, all was quiet in the street. Then from across the s

treet someone came walking. It looked like a man of middle height, dressed in a big raincoat, a soft hat and rubber-soled boots or shoes, and making little sound while walking. No one was in sight. It was a street with two rows of about fifty small houses and there were three lamps on either side. The lamp nearest to the child’s house could be seen clearly, but the others were almost hidden by the smoky air. A car passed the end of the street and its lights showed faintly, but clearly enough to show the smooth skin of a woman’s face. The car disappeared as the woman, wrapped up in her coat, reached the doorway of the child’s house. She put a key in the lock quickly, pushed the door open and stepped inside, then closed the door without looking round.She began to breathe hard. She leaned against the door for a moment, then straightened up as if with an effort, and walked towards the door of the front room, the passage leading to the kitchen, and the narrow staircase. She hesitated outside the door, then went up the stairs quickly but with hardly a soun D.There was enough light from the narrow hall to show the four doors leading off a small landing (楼梯平台). She pushed each door open in turn and shone a torch inside, and the light fell upon beds, walls, furniture, a bathroom hand-basin, a mirror which flashed brightness back; but this was not what the woman was looking for. She turned away and went downstairs, and hesitated again at the foot of the stairs, then turned towards the kitchen. Clearly there was nothing there, or in the small washroom that she wante D.Two rooms remained; the front room and a smaller one next to it. She opened the front room door. After a moment, she saw the child’s bed and the child. The lights of the car passing the end of the street showed that .

A.a woman was driving the car

B.someone was standing by a street lamp

C.a man and a woman were walking up the street

D.a woman was walking by herself up the street

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更多“根据内容回答下列各题,For some minutes, a…”相关的问题
根据以下内容,回答下列各题。Insure means to protect _51_ a loss of money.Most people can bud


Insure means to protect _51_ a loss of money.Most people can budget their money so that their income will cover expected expenses _52_ food, clothing, housing, and public services.But, there is no way to know _53_ who will suffer a crisis (危机) such as a serious illness, fire, flood, or a car accident.Such crises usually _54_ great expense.Even if people could predict crises, it would be hard to save enough money to _55_ the expenses.Insurance is a system _56_ a company collects money from many individuals and then pays certain expenses whenever one of those insured individuals is faced with a certain crisis.An insurance policy _57_ how much the insurance costs and how much the company will pay when a policy holder is faced with a certain crisis.There are many different kinds of insurance, _58_ hospital, motor-car and fire.Insurance can be rather expensive but most people buy insurance of some kin

D.Insurance is something _59_ people buy and hope they will _60_ need.






根据下面内容,回答下列各题: 某企业质量攻关小组的选题是降低产品表面的疵点个数,进行了以下活动: 为掌握现状,绘制了分析用的()控制图。





根据内容回答下列各题,The home computer industry has been growing rapidly in the United Sta
tes for the last ten years. Computers used to be large, expensive machines that were very difficult to use. But scientists and technicians have been making them smaller and cheaper while at the same time they have been made easier to use. As a result, their popularity has been increasing as more people have been buying computers for their homes and businesses. Computers have been designed to store information and compute problems that are difficult for human beings to work out. Some have voices that speak with the operators. Stores use computers to keep records of their inventories (库存货物) and to send bills to their customers. Offices use computers to copy letters, record business and keep in touch with other offices. People have been using computers in their homes to keep track of the money they spend. One important new use for computers is for entertainment. Many new games have been designed to be played on the computers. People of all ages have been playing these games. People also have been buying home computers to play computer games, watch movies and listen to concerts at home. They have become very popular indeed. Computers used to _______.

A.work rapidly

B.be large and expensive

C.be easy to use

D.be used for fun

根据下面内容,回答下列各题: Salt,shells or metals are still used as money in out of- he wa
y parts of the world today.Salt may seem rather a strange(19)_______to use as money,(20)_______in countries where the food of the people is mainly vegetable,it is often an(21)_______necessity.Cakesb of salt,stamped to show their(22)_______,were used as money in some countries until recent(23)_______ ,and cakes of salt(24)_______buy goods in Borneo and parts of Africa. Sea shells(25)_______as money at some time(26)_______another over the greater part of the Old world.These were(27)_______mainly from the beaches of the Maldives Islands in the Indian Ocean,and were traded to India and China.In Africa,shells were traded tight acrossthe(28)_______from East to West. Metal,valued by weight,(29)_______ coins in many parts of the world.Iron,in lumps,bars or rings,is still used in many countries(30)_______paper money.It Can either be exchanged(31)_______goods,or made into tools,weapons,or ornaments.The early money of China,apart from shells,was of bronze,(32) _______in flat,round pieces with a hole in the middle,called“cash”.The(33) _______of these are between three thousand and four thousand years old older than the earliest coins of the eastern Mediterranean. Nowadays,coins and notes have replaced nearly all the more picturesque forms of money,and while in one or two of the more remote countries people still hold it for future use on ceremonial occasions such as weddings and funerals,examples of primitive money will soon be found only in museums.





根据材料回答下列各题,Smoking, which may be a pleasure for some people, is a serious source
of discomfort for their fellows. _51_, medical authorities express their concern about the effect of smoking _52_ the health not only of those who smoke but also of those who do not. In fact, non-smokers who must involuntarily inhale (吸入) the air _53_ by tobacco smoke may suffer more than the smokers _54_. Smoking is prohibited in the theatres and in halls used for showing films _55_ in laboratories _56_ there may be a fire hazard (危险). Elsewhere, it is up to your good _57_. I am _58_ asking you to maintain “No-Smoking” in classrooms and seminar rooms. This will prove that you have the _59_ health in mind, which is very important to a large _60_ of our students.





请根据以下内容回答下列各题 Insurance (保险)is the sharing of risks. Nearly everyone isexpo

请根据以下内容回答下列各题 Insurance (保险)is the sharing of risks. Nearly everyone isexposed to risk of some sort. The house owner, for example, knows that hisproperty can be damaged by fire; the ship-owner knows that his vessel may belost at sea; the breadwinner knows that he may die at any early age and leavehis family poorer. On the other hand, not every house is damaged by fire norevery vessel lost at sea. If these persons, each put a small sum into a pool,there will be enough to meet the needs of the few who do suffer loss. In otherwords, the losses of the few are met from the contributions of the many. Thisis the basis of insurance. Those who pay the contribution are known as insuredand those who administer(管理)the pool of contributionsas insurers. The legal basis of all insurance is thepolicy. This is a printed form. of contract on stout paper of the best quality.It states that in return for the regular payment by the insured of a named sumof money, called the pre- mium(保险费), which is usually paid every year, the insurer will pay a sum ofmoney or compensation for loss, if the risk or event insured against actuallyhappens. The premium for an insurance naturally depends upon how likely therisk is to happen, as suggested by past experience, ff companies fix theirpremiums too high, there will be more to make the premium too low, they willlose money and may even have to drop out of busi- ness. So the ordinary forcesof supply and demand keep premiums at a level satisfactory to both the insurerand the insured. According to the writer, insurance is possible because__________

A.only a small proportion of the insured sufferloss

B.only insured people suffer loss

C.nearly everyone suffers loss

D.everyone at some time suffers loss

根据以下内容,回答下列各题。 Man’s first real invention, and one of the most important inve
ntions in history, was the wheel.All transportation and every machine in the world depend on it.The wheel is the simplest yet perhaps the most remarkable of all inventions, because there are no wheels in nature-no living thing was ever created with wheels.How, then, did man come to invent the wheel? Perhaps some early hunters found that they could roll the carcass of a heavy animal through the forest on logs more easily than they could carry it.However, the logs themselves weighed a lot. It must have taken a great prehistoric thinker to imagine two thin slices of log connected, at their centers by a string stick.This would roll along just as the logs did, yet be much lighter and easier to handle.Thus the wheel and axle came into being and with them the first carts. The wheel is important because _______.

A.it was man’s first real invention

B.all transportation depends on it

C.every machine depends on it

D.both B and C

根据下面内容,回答下列各题: (十八)某私营企业已注册经营两年,由于该经营地近期要拆迁,该私营企业于2013年2月3日将经营地点从原来街道搬迁到离原来街道不远的另一条街道,两条街道同属于一个区内街道,税务机关2013年4月6日对辖区内的企业进行检查,发现该私营企业未办理税务登记,于是责令该私营企业10日内到税务机关办理税务登记,并对其处以罚款2000元的处罚。 要求:根据资料,回答下列问题。 下列有关发票的行为中,属于禁止的行为有()。





根据下列材料回答下列各题。A:WhatDo you plan toDo this weekend?B: ___56___A:I hear there’s g


A:WhatDo you plan toDo this weekend?

B: ___56___

A:I hear there’s going toBe aBasketbaH match this Sunday.Tom and I are going to wgtch it. ___57___

B:Of course.Basketball is my favourite.But I have no ticket for the match.What a pity!A:You’re lucky.I have some free tickets. ___58___

B:Great ! ___59___

A:Let’S meet at theBus stop at half past five.

B:I think there mustBe aBig crowd of people there.____60___A:OK.See you at five oclock.

B:See you.


A.What about making it a little earlier?B.I have no idea. C.Let’s go together. D.Thank you all the same. E.Do you likeBasketball?F.When and where shall we meet?G.TtDoesnt matter? H.What are you going to do?


A.What about making it a little earlier?B.I have no idea. C.Let’s go together. D.Thank you all the same. E.Do you likeBasketball?F.When and where shall we meet?G.TtDoesnt matter? H.What are you going to do?


A.What about making it a little earlier?B.I have no idea. C.Let’s go together. D.Thank you all the same. E.Do you likeBasketball?F.When and where shall we meet?G.TtDoesnt matter? H.What are you going to do?


A.What about making it a little earlier?B.I have no idea. C.Let’s go together. D.Thank you all the same. E.Do you likeBasketball?F.When and where shall we meet?G.TtDoesnt matter? H.What are you going to do?


A.What about making it a little earlier?B.I have no idea. C.Let’s go together. D.Thank you all the same. E.Do you likeBasketball?F.When and where shall we meet?G.TtDoesnt matter? H.What are you going to do?


根据以下内容回答下列各题,Robert Edwards was blinded in a traffic accident. He was also a l
ittle deaf _51_ old age. Last week, he was taking a walk near his home when a thunderstorm came. He hid _52_ the storm under a big tree and was struck by lightning. He was knocked _53_ the ground and woke up some 20 minutes _54_, lying face down in water in water below a tree. He went into the house and lay down in be D. A short time later, he awoke; his legs felt _55_ and he was trembling, but, when he opened his eyes, he could see the clock across the room fading in and out in front of him. When his wife entered, he _56_ her for the first time in nine years. Doctors _57_ that he had regained his sight and hearing obviously from the flash of lightning, but they were unable to explain that. The only _58_ explanation offered by one doctor was that, _59_ Edwards lost his sight as a result of trauma in a terrible accident, perhaps the only way it could be restored was by _60_ traumA.


B.because of



根据以下内容回答下列各题, About 35% of all high school graduates in America continue their
education in an institution of higher learning. The word college is used to refer to either a college or a university. These institutions offer four-year programs that lead to a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or Bachelor Science (B.S.) degree. Some students attend a junior college (providing only a two-year program) for one to two years before entering a four-year college as a sophomore (二年级生) or junior (三年级生). It is generally easier to be accepted at a state university than at a private one. Most private schools require strict entrance examinations and a high grade point average (GPA), as well as specific college prep classes in high school. Private schools cost considerably more than state colleges and famous private schools are very expensive. Poorer students can sometimes attend, however, by earning scholarships. Some college graduates go on to earn advanced masters or doctoral degrees in grad (graduate) school. Occupations in certain fields such as law or medicine require such advanced studies. Since college costs are very high, most students work at part-time jobs. Some have full-time jobs and go to school part-time. Often some will take five or more years to complete a four-year program because of money / job demands on their time. While the college and work demands take up the great part of a students time, most still enjoy social activities. Sports, dances, clubs, movies, and plays are all very popular. However, gathering together for long, philosophical talks at a favorite meeting place on or near the university is probably the most popular activity. College education is _______ in America.

A.quite common

B.very rare

C.something difficult

D.almost impossible

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