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They lost their way, ______ delayed them considerably.A.whichB.thatC.itD.so

They lost their way, ______ delayed them considerably.





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更多“They lost their way, ______ de…”相关的问题
"A lost generation" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to______.A.a generation f

"A lost generation" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to______.

A.a generation full of hope

B.the sad and confused young men

C.a big crowd of young men

D.a group of people who have lost their way

A.Isn'tsheyourgirlfriend B.TheysaidshehadleftforLondon C.What'stheproblem D.Herofficele

A. Isn't she your girlfriend

B. They said she had left for London

C. What's the problem

D. Her office left you a message

E. Why not invite me, then

F. They said they had phoned Linda

G. The manager of their office had suddenly fallen iii

H. Sorry, I lost my way

A: Are you phoning Linda?

B: Yes. But how did you know?

A: (56)

B: What did they say?

A: (57)

B: What happened?

A: (58) . She had to go and take his place for three days.

B: That's too bad.

A: (59) ?

B: You see, I had arranged for us to have a dinner with a friend tonight.

A: (60) ?

B: Sure. Why not?

Why don't birds get lost on their long flights from one place to another? Scientists have
puzzled over this question for many years. Now they're beginning to fill in the blanks.

Not long age, experiments showed that birds rely on the sun to guide them during daylight hours. But what about birds that fly by night? Tests with artificial stars have proved that certain night - flying birds are able to follow the stars in their long - distance flights.

A dove (鸽子) had spent its lifetime in a cage and had never flown under a natural sky. Yet it showed an inborn ability to use the stars for guidance. The bird's cage was placed under an artificial star - filled sky. (76) The bird tried to fly in the same direction as that taken by his outdoor cousins. Any change in the position of the artificial stars caused a change in the direction of his flight.

(77) But the stars are apparently their principal means of navigation (航行) only. When the stars are hidden by clouds, they seemingly find their way by such landmarks as mountain ranges, coast lines, and river courses. But when it's too dark to see these, the doves circle helplessly, unable to find their way.

The reason why birds don't get lost on long flights ______.

A.have been known to scientists for many years

B.have only recently been discovered

C.are known by us

D.will probably remain a mystery

根据以下内容回答下列各题,Robert Edwards was blinded in a traffic accident. He was also a l
ittle deaf _51_ old age. Last week, he was taking a walk near his home when a thunderstorm came. He hid _52_ the storm under a big tree and was struck by lightning. He was knocked _53_ the ground and woke up some 20 minutes _54_, lying face down in water in water below a tree. He went into the house and lay down in be D. A short time later, he awoke; his legs felt _55_ and he was trembling, but, when he opened his eyes, he could see the clock across the room fading in and out in front of him. When his wife entered, he _56_ her for the first time in nine years. Doctors _57_ that he had regained his sight and hearing obviously from the flash of lightning, but they were unable to explain that. The only _58_ explanation offered by one doctor was that, _59_ Edwards lost his sight as a result of trauma in a terrible accident, perhaps the only way it could be restored was by _60_ traumA.


B.because of




Eating disorders(混乱) is very common now.“When I first wrote about this,the problem was pretty much hidden… I didn&39;t expect ii to get:as bad as it is,”Susie Orbach,all intemational authority(权威) on eating disorders,said.

Orbach must at times think the anti-diet message of her book“Fat is a Feminist(女权主义的) Issue(问题)”has been lost since it was written more than 20 years ago.

Girls,boys,old people-even the famously well-rounded female(女性) population of Fiji is failing victim(牺牲品) to fat fears.“If anything the situation has got much,much worse.We now have kids as young aseight and women in old people&39;s homes worried about the way they look,” Orbach said.

Even though it has been proved that repeated dieting results in a little more than regaining most of the lost weight,constant dieting(节食) has become a way of life for many women 48 percent of British women aged 25 to 35 were on some kind of diet and that 20 percent of young wonen dieted all or most of time.Some of them said they would pop a pill to give them their beautiful shape.even if it meant risking their health.

Worldwide,70 million people have an eating disorder.Most are women,but men are increasingly affected,too.

More than half the women and two-thirds of the men in Britain weigh too much,while in the United States more than one quarter of adults and about one in five children are overweight.The idea that female beauty is a very thin body could be changed,if clothing factories and magazines showed images(形象) of women of an shapes instead of selecting skeletal-like models and stick thin actresses.But that is easier said than done.

To get her message across.Orbach is also considering talking to pop stars such as Victoria Beckham and Geri Halliwell,both of whom have admitted(承认) having suffered from eating disorders.

??According to Susie Orbach,________.??

??A.nobody had suffered from eating disorders 20 years before

B.eating disorders had become much commoner than before

C.eating disorders shouldn’t have become so common as it was

D.Victoria Beckham and Geri Halliwell hadn’t suffered from eating disorders

Why did people fear being fat?Because________.A.fat was a feminist issue

B.girls,boys,old people were falling victim of fat fear

C.even the famously well-rounded women of Fiji were falling victim of fat fear

D.they worried about the way they looked

Even if repeated dieting results in more than regaining most of the lost weight,in Britain________.A.forty-eight per cent of old women were on some kind of diet

B.women aged twenty-five to thirty-five dieted all 6r most of time

C.twenty per cent of young women dieted all or most of time

D.all the people were risking their health to get their beautiful shape

Which of the following is NOT true?A.Seventy million people have an eating disorder in the world.

B.More than 1/2 0f the women and 2/3 0f the men in Britain have weight problem.

C.More than 1/4 0f adults and 1/5 0f children in USA weigh too much.

D.Clothing factories and magazines showed images of women of all shape.


Robert Edwards was blinded in a traffic accident. He was also a little deaf _51_ old age. Last week, he was taking a walk

near his home when a thunderstorm came. He hid _52_ the storm under a big tree and was struck by lightning. He was

knocked _53_ the ground and woke up some 20 minutes _54_, lying face down in water in water below a tree. He

went into the house and lay down in bed. A short time later, he awoke; his legs felt _55_ and he was trembling, but,

when he opened his eyes, he could see the clock across the room fading in and out in front of him. When his wife

entered, he _56_ her for the first time in nine years. Doctors _57_ that he had regained his sight and hearing

obviously from the flash of lightning, but they were unable to explain that. The only _58_ explanation offered by

one doctor was that, _59_ Edwards lost his sight as a result of trauma in a terrible accident, perhaps the only

way it could be restored was by _60_ trauma.


A. because

B. because of

C. as

D. since

Some people are lucky enough to be born with a good sense of direction and even if they ha
ve only visited a place once, they will be able to find it again years later. I am one of those unfortunate people who have an extremely poor sense of direction and I may have visited a place time after time, but I still manage to get lost on my way there.

When I was a teenager, I was so shy that I never dared ask complete strangers the way and so I used to wander round in circles and hope that some miraculous (奇迹的) chance would bring me to the spot I was heading for.

A lot of people do not like to admit that they do not know their hometown and will insist on telling you the way even if they do not know it; others, who are anxious to prove that they know their home town very well, will give you a long list of directions which you cannot possibly hope to remember; and you finally find that you are going in the opposite direction to that in which you should be going.

If anyone ever asks me the way somewhere, I always tell them that I am a stranger to the town in order to avoid causing trouble, but even this can have unpleasant results.

I was once on my way to work when I was stopped by a man who asked me if I would di- rect him to the Sunlight Building. Without hesitation, I gave my usual reply, but I had only walked on a few steps when I realized that he had asked for directions to my office building. However, at this point, I decided it was too late to turn back and search him out of the crowd behind me as I had and appointment to keep at the office with a new client and I did not want to keep him waiting. Imagine my situation when my secretary showed in the very man who had asked for directions to my office and his astonishment when he recognized me as the person he had asked!

According to the passage, the sense of direction is learnt______.

A.through practice

B.by nature

C.in the childhood

D.after visiting a place repeatedly

完成下列各题 A Eating disorders(混乱)is very common now.“

完成下列各题 A Eating disorders(混乱)is very common now.“When I first wrote about this,the problem was pretty much hidden…I didn’t expect ii to get:as bad as it is,”Susie Orbach,all intema’tional authority(权威)on eating disorders,said. Orbach must at times think the anti-diet message of her book“Fat is a Feminist(女权主义的)Issue(问题)”has been lost since it was written more than 20 years ago. Girls,boys,old people-even the famously well-rounded female(女性)population of Fiji is failing victim(牺牲品)to fat fears."If anything.the situation has got much,much worse.We nOW have kids as young aseight and women in old people’s homes worried about the way they look," Orbach said. Even though it has been proved that repeated dieting results in a little more than regaining most of the lost weight, constant dieting(节食)has become a way of life for many women.48 per cent of British women aged 25 t0 35 were on some kind of diet and that 20 per cent of young wonen dieted all or most of time.Some of them said they would pop a pill to give them their beautiful shape.even if it meant risking their health. Worldwide,70 million people have an eating disorder.Most are women,but men are increasingly affected,too. More than half the women and two-thirds of the men in Britain weigh too much,while in the United States more than one quarter of adults and about one in five children are overweight.The idea that female beauty is a very thin body could be changed,if clothing factories and magazines showed images(形象)of women of an shapes instead of selecting skeletal-like models and stick.thin actresses. But that is easier said than done. To get her message across.Orbach is also considering talking to pop stars such as Victoria Beckham and Geri Halliwell,both of whom have admitted(承认)having suffered from eating disorders. According to Susie Orbach,________.

A.nobody had suffered from eating disorders 20 years before

B.eating disorders had become much commoner than before

C.eating disorders shouldn’t have become so common as it was

D.Victoria Beckham and Geri Halliwell hadn’t suffered from eating disorders

A man once said how useless it was to put advertisements in the newspapers. "Last week," s
aid he, "my umbrella was stolen from a London Church. As it was a present, I spent twice its worth in advertising, but didn't get it back."

"How did you write your advertisement?" asked one of the listeners, a merchant.

"Here it is," said the man, taking out of his pocket a slip cut from a newspaper. The other man took it and read, "Lost from the City Church last Sunday evening, a black silk umbrella. The gentleman who finds it will receive ten shillings on leaving it at No. 10 Broad Street."

"Now," said the merchant, "I often advertise, and find that it pays me well. But the way in which an advertisement is expressed is of great importance. Let us try for your umbrella again, and if it fails, I'll buy you a new one." The merchant then took a slip of paper out of his pocket and wrote: "If the man who was seen to take an umbrella from the City Church last Sunday evening doesn't wish to get into trouble, he will return the umbrella to No. 10 Broad Street. He is well known." This appeared in the paper, and on the following morning, the man was astonished when he opened the front door. In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colors that had been thrown in, and his own was among the number. Many of them had notes, fastened to them saying that they had been taken by mistake, and begging the loser not to say anything about the matter.

What is an advertisement?

A.A news item.

B.A public announcement in the press, on TV, etc.

C.One way to voice one's view.

D.Public opinions.

This is News on the Hour, Ed Wilson reporting. The President and First Lady will visit Afr
ica on a goodwill tour in May. They plan to visit eight African countries.

Reports from China say the Chinese want closer ties between China and the U.S. and Western Europe. A group of Chinese scientists will start its ten-nation tour next month.

Here in Miami, the mayor is still meeting with the leaders of the teachers' union to try to find a way to end the strike. City schools are still closed after two weeks.

In news about health, scientists in California report findings of a relationship between the drinking of coffee and the increase of heart disease among women. According to the report in the American Medical Journal (= magazine) , the five-year study shows this: Women who drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease than women who do not.

In sports the Chargers lost again last night. The BBS beat them 1 to nothing. The Wingers had better results. They beat the Rifles 7 to 3. It was their first win in their last five matches.

That's the News on the Hour. And now back to more easy listening with Jan Singer.

Who gave the News on the Hour?

A.The President and First Lady.

B.Ed Wilson.

C.Scientists in California.

D.Jan Singer.

根据以下材料回答第 31~35 题: Passage OneLaura was married for 6 months. Her husband

根据以下材料回答第 31~35 题:

Passage OneLaura was married for 6 months. Her husband was using drugs. She didn’t want her son or her unborn baby to live that way , but she was afraid to ask her husband to leave. She left him a note instead . After reading the note, Laura’s husband waited for her to come home and then beat her and her son.

Laura had little education and she never had a good paying job. She was ashamed to ask for help from the police,courts or women’s shelters. Sometimes her husband was very nice to her. She decided to try harder so her children could have a home and a father. Laura joined a church and told a priest about her problem.

But her husband kept using drugs and hurting the family . Finally, she told her husband she loved him, but they should live apart for a while. He beat her again. The priest came over to talk to her . He asked the husband to go out for a while. Laura packed up her things and left home with her son. The next day she lost the baby. Her husband went to jail.

Laura got a lot of help from groups that help women who have been beaten . Now she is in college, has her own apartment and works on special projects at a women’s shelter. “We got out ,and it changed life for me and my child. You can do it . You can break the cycle ,”Laura said .

第 31 题 Laura felt her children shouldn’t live the old way when she was _________ .


B.taking drugs

C.just out of work

D.attending university

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