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When were women allowed to vote throughout the United States?A.After 1866.B.After 1870.C.A

When were women allowed to vote throughout the United States?

A.After 1866.

B.After 1870.

C.After 1878.

D.After 1920.

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更多“When were women allowed to vot…”相关的问题
During the twentieth century there has been a great change in the lives of women. A woman
marrying at the end of the nineteenth century would probably have been in her middle twenties, and would be likely to have seven or eight children, of whom four or five lived till they were five years old. By the time the Youngest was fifteen, the mother would have been in her early fifties and would expect to live a further twenty years, during which chance and health made it unusual for them to get paid work. Today women marry younger and have fewer children. Usually a woman' s youngest child will be fifteen when she is forty-five and she can be expected to live another thirty-five years and is likely to take paid work until sixty.

This important change in women' s life has only recently begun to have its full effect on women's economic position. Even a few years ago most girls left school and took a full-time job. However, when they married, they usually left work at once and never returned to it. Today the school-leaving age is sixteen, many girls stay at school after that age, and though women marry younger, more married women stay at work at least until shortly before their first child is born. Very many more afterwards return to full or part-time work. Such changes have led to a new relationship in marriage, with the husband accepting a greater share of the duties and satisfactions of family life.

We are told that in a family about 1900 ______.

A.few children died before they were five

B.seven or eight children lived to be more than five

C.the youngest child would be fifteen

D.four or five children died when they were five

As protector of her family’s health, the poineer woman confronted situations she never ima
gined before crossing the Mississippi. Few women came West prepared to deal with desert sunburn, rattlesnake bites, or arrow wounds. Even when doctors were available, they were often no more knowledgeable than their patients. And most patent (专利) medicines were no more reliable than the itinerant (巡游) merchants who sold them.

In certain cases, a woman could draw upon the folk wisdom and remedies she had learned back home; Western mosquitoes, for example, proved to be as repelled by a paste of vinegar and salt as were their Eastern cousins. More often, however, a woman was guided only by her own ingenuity in concocting (调制的) tonics (补药), powders, poisons, and polishes from whatever she had at land: salt made a passable toothpaste, gunpowder was applied to wants, and turpentine to open cuts, goose grease, skunk oil, and the ever present lard were basic liniments; medicinal teas and tonics were brewed from sunflower seeds and roots.

Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage? ()

A.Many people who went West were doctors.

B.Medicine and the people who sold it were not reliable.

C.Many pioneer women died from bites inflicted by snakes and mosquitoes.

D.Pioneer women had to invent their own remedies when they moved West.

Historians can't tell us when, where or 【71】 the first food was cooked. In earliest 【72】 w
hen people had eaten their food 【73】 , an fire was used only to provide heat and light.

The first primitive cooks were 【74】 women, 【75】 preparing food and making clothing were considered women's work. 【76】 most of the great chefs in history have been men. This might have been because chefs learned 【77】 work in the kitchens of rich families 【78】 in restaurants and women didn't often take jobs outside their homes, or it might have been because kitchen equipment was so heavy and difficult to work with 【79】 only strong men could do it. In modern times, great female chefs have become known, and some of the best cook books 【80】 by women.






Historians of women’s labor in the United States at firstlargely disregarded the story of

Historians of women’s labor in the United States at first

largely disregarded the story of female service workers

-women earning wages in occupations such as salesclerk.

domestic servant, and office secretary. These historians

(5) focused instead on factory work, primarily because it

seemed so different from traditional, unpaid “women’s

work” in the home, and because the underlying economic

forces of industrialism were presumed to be gender-blind

and hence emancipatory in effect. Unfortunately, emanci-

(10) pation has been less profound than expected, for not even

industrial wage labor has escaped continued sex segre-

gation in the workplace.

To explain this unfinished revolution in the status of

women, historians have recently begun to emphasize the

(15) way a prevailing definition of femininity often etermines

the kinds of work allocated to women, even when such

allocation is inappropriate to new conditions. For instance,

early textile-mill entrepreneurs, in justifying women’s

employment in wage labor, made much of the assumption

(20) that women were by nature skillful at detailed tasks and

patient in carrying out repetitive chores; the mill owners

thus imported into the new industrial order hoary stereo-

types associated with the homemaking activities they

presumed to have been the purview of women. Because

(25)women accepted the more unattractive new industrial tasks

more readily than did men, such jobs came to be regarded

as female jobs.And employers, who assumed that women’s

“real” aspirations were for marriage and family life.

declined to pay women wages commensurate with those of

(30) men. Thus many lower-skilled, lower-paid, less secure jobs

came to be perceived as “female.”

More remarkable than the origin has been the persistence

of such sex segregation in twentieth-century industry. Once

an occupation came to be perceived as “female.” employers

(35) showed surprisingly little interest in changing that percep-

-tion, even when higher profits beckoned. And despite the

urgent need of the United States during the Second World War

to mobilize its human resources fully, job segregation by sex

characterized even the most important

(40) war industries. Moreover, once the war ended, employers

quickly returned to men most of the “male” jobs that

women had been permitted to master.

According to the passage, job segregation by sex in the United States was______

A.greatly diminlated by labor mobilization during the Second World War

B.perpetuated by those textile-mill owners who argued in favor of women’s employment in wage labor

C.one means by which women achieved greater job security

D.reluctantly challenged by employers except when the economic advantages were obvious

E.a constant source of labor unrest in the young textile industry

Three women who secretly buried an 80-year-old woman were put into prison at Birmingham ye
ster day. Two of then), including the dead woman's daughter, kept on collecting her pension (退休金) after her death until their secret was made known to others two years later. The court (法庭) heard that one of the women put on "an Oscar (奥斯卡金奖)--winning performance" by pretending to be the old woman asleep in bed when a social worker called five months after Mrs. Townsend's death.

Mrs. Townsend's death had been covered up and it was discovered ______.

A.only yesterday

B.five months afterwards

C.two years afterwards


"Fingers were made before forks" when a person gives up good manners, puts aside knife and
fork, and dives into his food, someone is likely to repeat that saying.

The fork was an ancient agricultural tool, but for centuries no one thought of eating with it. Not until the eleventh century, when a young lady from Constantinpole brought her fork to Italy, did the custom reach Europe.

By the fifteenth century the use of the fork was widespread in Italy. The English explanation was that Italians were averse to rating food touched with fingers, "Seeing all men's fingers are not alike clean." English travelers kept their friends in stitches while describing this ridiculous Italian custom.

Anyone who used a fork to eat with was laughed at in England for the next hundred years. Men who used forks were thought to be sissies, and women who used them were called show - offs and overnice. Not until the late 1600's did using a fork become a common custom.

The custom of eating with a fork was ______ .

A.brought to Europe from America

B.begun when forks were invented

C.brought to Europe from Asia

D.invented by Italians

At a time when the world is short of causes for celebration, here is a candidate: within t
he next few months women will cross the 50% threshold and become the majority of the American workforce. Women already【C1】______the majority of university graduates in the OECD countries and the majority of【C2】______workers in several rich countries, including the United States. Women 【C3】______many of the worlds great companies, from Pepsi Co. in America to Areva in France. Womens【C4】______empowerment is arguably the biggest social change of our times. Just a generation ago, women were【C5】______confined to repetitive, humble jobs. They were routinely 【C6】______to casual sexism and were expected to【C7】______their careers when they married and had children. Today they are running some of the organizations that once treated them 【C8】______ second-class citizens. Millions of women have been given more control over their own lives.【C9】______ millions of brains have been put to more productive use. Societies that try to【C10】______this trend—most notably the Arab countries, but also Japan and some southern European countries—will pay a heavy price in the form. of wasted talent and frustrated citizens. This revolution has been【C11】______with only a modicum of friction. Men have,【C12】______, welcomed womens invasion of the workplace, 【C13】______even the most positive changes can be incomplete or unsatisfactory. This particular advance comes with two stings. The first is that women are still【C14】______at the top of companies. Only 2% of the bosses of Americas largest companies and 5% of their【C15】______ in Britain are women. They are also paid significantly less than men【C16】______ average. The second is that juggling work and child-rearing is difficult. Middle-class couples routinely【C17】______that they have too little time for their children. But the biggest losers are poor children—【C18】______ in places like America and Britain that have 【C19】______high levels of female【C20】______ in the labour force with a reluctance to spend public money on child care.


A.make from

B.make of

C.make up

D.make off

During the nineteenth century, women in the United States organized and participated in a
large number of reform. movements, including movements to reorganize the prison system, improve education, ban the sale of alcohol, and, most importantly, to free the slaves. Many young women fought hard to get the right to enter the university as men did, and the right to work side by side with male workers in a factory or a mill. Some women saw similarities in the social status of women and slaves. Women like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucy Stone were feminists and abolitionists (废奴主义者) who supported the rights of both women and blacks. A number of male abolitionists, including William Lloyd Garrison and Wendell Philips, also supported the rights of women to speak and participate equally with men in anti-slavery activities. Probably more than any other movement, abolitionism offered women a previously denied entry into politics. They became involved primarily in order to better their living conditions and the conditions of others.

When the Civil War ended in 1865 , the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution adopted in 1868 and 1870 granted citizenship and right to vote to blacks but not to women. Discouraged but resolved, feminists influenced more and more women to demand this right. In 1869 the Wyoming Territory had yielded to demands by feminists, but eastern states resisted more stubbornly than before. A women' s voting bill had been presented to every Congress since 1878 but it continually failed to pass until 1920, when the Nineteenth Amendment granted women the right to vote.

With what topic is the passage primarily concerned?

A.The Wyoming Territory.

B.The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.


D.Women's Right to Vote.

The traditional American Thanksgiving Day celebration goes back to 1621. In【61】year a spec
ial feast was prepared in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The colonists who had【62】there had left England【63】they felt【64】of religious freedom. They came to the【65】land and faced difficulties in coming【66】the ocean. The【67】which carried them was【68】the Mayflower. The North【69】was difficult to travel. There were bad storms. They were【70】in learning to live in the new land by the Indians who【71】the region. The Puritans as they were called, had【72】to be thankful for. Their【73】practices were no longer a source of【74】by the government. They learned to【75】their farming habits to the climate and soil. When they【76】the fourth Thursday of November for their Thanksgiving celebration, they invited their neighbours, the Indians, to join them in【77】and a prayer of gratitude for the new life. They recalled the group of 102 men, women, and children who left England. They remembered their dead who did not live to see the【78】of Massachusetts. They reflected【79】the 65 days' voyage which【80】their strength.






There was a time, not that long ago, when women Were considered smart if they played dumb
to get a man, and women who went to college were more interested in getting a "Mrs.degree" than a bachelor's. Even today, it's not unusual for a woman to get whispered and unrequested counsel from her grandmother that an advanced degree could hurt her in the marriage market.

"There were so many misperceptions out there about education and marriage that I decided to sort out the facts," said economist Betsey Stevenson, an assistant professor at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. So along with Wharton colleague Adam Isen, Stevenson calculated national marriage data from 1950 to 2008 and found that the marriage penalty women once paid for being well educated has largely disappeared.

"In other words, the difference in marriage rates between those with college degrees and those without is very small," said Stephanie Coontz, a family historian at Evergreen State College. The new analysis also found that while high-school dropouts(辍学学生) had the highest marriage rates in the 1950s, today college-educated women are much more likely to marry than those who don't finish high school.

Of course, expectations have changed dramatically in the last half century. "In the 1950s, a lot of women thought they needed to marry right away," Coontz said. "Real wages were rising so quickly that men in their 20s could afford to marry early. But they didn't want a woman who was their equal. Men needed and wanted someone who knew less." In fact, she said, research published in 1946 documented that 40 percent of college women admitted to playing dumb on dates. "These days, few women feel the need to play down their intelligence or achievements," Coontz said.

The new research has more good news for college grads. Stevenson said the data indicate that modern college-educated women are more likely to be married before age 40, are less likely to divorce, and are more likely to describe their marriages as "happy". The marriages of well-educated women tend to be more stable because the brides are usually older as well as wiser, Stevenson said.

Not long ago, it was believed that women went to college in order to ______.

A.find a husband

B.get smart in the marriage market

C.learn to be a good wife

D.marry someone with a bachelor's degree

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