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This selection says that the Egyptians played ______.A.many different games with ballsB.ma

This selection says that the Egyptians played ______.

A.many different games with balls

B.many different kinds of games

C.only one ball game

D.different games with similar rules

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更多“This selection says that the E…”相关的问题
This selection says that the first wheel may have been a ______ .A.round piece of stoneB.h

This selection says that the first wheel may have been a ______ .

A.round piece of stone

B.heavy log

C.piece of metal

D.slice of log

The selection says that mathematical exactness is the basis of().

A.the man—made world

B.the laws of the universe

C.the world of nature

D.both B and C

Opponents of affirmative action say the battle over the use of race in college admissions
is hardly over, despite the Supreme Court's ruling Monday upholding the goal of a diverse student body. Higher education leaders overwhelmingly hailed the decision, saying it reaffirmed policies used by most .selective colleges and universities. But some critics raised the possibility of more lawsuits, and promised to continue pressuring the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights to investigate questionable policies. "We're talking about admission programs, scholarships, any program only for minorities or in which the standards used to judge admissions are substantially different," says Linda Chavez, founder and president of the Center for Equal Opportunity, a conservative non-profit group.

Others say they'll take their case to voters. "We have to seriously contest all this at the ballot box," says University of California regent Ward Connerly, who helped win voter approval of California's Proposition 209, which prohibits considering race or gender in public education, hiring and contracting. Because of that law, Monday's ruling had no practical impact in the state. "It may be time for us to let the (Michigan) voters decide if they want to use race as a factor in admissions," Connerly said Monday.

Meanwhile, U. S. Education Secretary Rod Paige, consistent with President Bushes stance opposing affirmative action, said the Department of Education will "continue examining and highlighting effective race-neutral approaches to ensure broad access to and diversity within our public institutions". Even Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, in one of the opinions, recommended that states look for lessons in race-neutral programs being tried in California and elsewhere. While the ruling said admission officials may consider race in the selection process, colleges and universities are not obligated to do so. "Ultimately in the debate, diversity is a choice, not a legal mandate", says Arthur Coleman, a former Department of Education official who now helps colleges and universities ensure constitutional policies.

The public, too, remains conflicted, largely along racial lines. According to a January poll by the non-profit research organization Public Agenda, 79% of Americans said it is important for colleges to have a racially diverse student body, while just 54% said affirmative action programs should continue. In a Gallup poll conducted days before the ruling, 49% of adults said they favor affirmative action and 43% did not, with blacks and Hispanics far more likely to favor the practice than whites. And some educators doubt that with Monday's ruling, those opposing affirmative action will change their minds.

For now, admission officials and university lawyers are poring over the ruling to determine how or whether to adjust policies. While most tend to be closed-mouthed about admission policies, many say they don't expect significant changes.

What the critics said in the first paragraph amounts to the idea that ______.

A.no admission policies based on race should be implemented

B.minority applicants should be given favorable considerations

C.different standards for admitting minority students should be set up

D.selective colleges and universities should be punished for their discrimin--atory policies

Every artist knows in his heart that he is saying something to the public.Not only doe
s he want to say it well, but he wants it to be something that has not been said before.He hopes the public will listen and understand what he wants to teach them, and what he wants them to learn from him.

What visual artists like painters want to teach is easy to make out but difficult to explain, because painters translate their experience into shapes and colors, not words.They seem to feel that a certain selection of shapes and colors, out of the countless billions possible, is exceptionally interesting for them and worth showing to us.Without their work we should never have noticed these particular shapes and colors, or have felt the delight which they brought to the artist.

Most artists take their shapes and colors from the world of nature and from human bodies in motion and at rest; their choices indicate that these aspects of the world are worth looking at, that they contain beautiful sights.Contemporary artists might say that they merely choose subjects that provide an interesting pattern, that there is nothing more in it.Yet even they do not choose entirely without reference to the character of their subjects.

If one painter chooses to paint a decaying leg and another a lake in moonlight, each of them is directing our attention to a certain aspect of the world.Each painter is telling us something, showing us something, emphasizing something—all of which means that, consciously or unconsciously, he is trying to teach us.

1.An artist hopes that the public will ____.

A.understand him and learn from him

B.notice only shapes and colors in his work

C.teach him something

D.believe what he says in his work

2.It is hard to explain what a painter is saying, because he/ she ___.

A.uses shapes and colors instead of words

B.uses unusual words and phrases

C.does not express himself /herself well

D.does not say anything clearly

3.The writer points out that contemporary artists might say their choices of subject _____.

A.only provide interesting patterns

B.teach the public important truths

C.have no pattern or form

D.carry a message to the public

4.The writer also points out that contemporary art contains ____.

A.nothing but meaningless patterns

B.uninteresting aspects of the world

C.completely meaningless subjects

D.subjects chosen partly for their meanings

5.What is implied in this passage?()

A.A painting is more easily understood than a symphony.

B.Art is merely the arranging of shape and color.

C.Every artist tries to say something to the public.

D.One must look beyond shape and color to find what the artist is saying.

阅读理解The smart job-seeker needs to rid herself of several standard myths about interv


The smart job-seeker needs to rid herself of several standard myths about interviewing What follows is a list of some of these untruths and some suggestions to help you do your best at a job interview.

Myth I: The aim of interviewing is to obtain a job offer.

Only half true. The real aim of an interview is to obtain the job you want. That often means rejecting job offers you don't want! So, before you 面 back-flips for an employer be sure you want the job.

Myth 2: Always please the interviewer.

Not true. Try to please yourself. Giving answers that you think will suit a potential employer and practicing a policy of appeasement (讨好) are certain to get you nowhere. An effective interview (where you are offered the job or not) is like an exciting encounter in conversation with your seatmate on an airplane.

Myth 3: Never interrupt the interviewer.

An exciting conversation always makes us feel free-free to interrupt, to disagree, to agree enthusiastically. So, when interviewing, try to be yourself. Employers will either like or dislike you, but at least you'll have made an impression. Leaving an employer indifferent is the worst impression you can make. And the way to make an effective impression is to feel free to be yourself!

Another silly myth. Don't be afraid to disagree with your interviewer in an agreeable way. And don't hesitate to change your mind. The worst that could happen would be that the interviewer says to herself 0There's a person with an open mind!"

31. By 11my'di" the author means ____________.

A. an old traditional story or legend

B. something that is unknown

C. something false, that most people believe to be true

32. According to the passage, if you are looking for a job, your aim in the interview is________.

A.to obtain the job offered by the employer

B.to obtain a desirable job

C.to let the employer understand your desire

33. The right attitude for you is to ___________.

A. please the potential employer

B. avoid disagreement with the interviewer

C. talk to your interviewer in a warm and friendly way

34. When interviewing,________.

A. try to be natural and relaxed

B. keep an open mind

C. don interrupt the interviewer

35. The best title for this selection would be __________.

A. The aim of job-seeking

B. Myths About Interviewing

C. How to Obtain a Job






Which one is not the process of perception()?






A.Network Service Selection Function

B.Network Slicing Selection Function

C.Network Slicing Service Function

D.Network Slicing Socing Function

The best title for this selection is ______. A. The "Post Paid" Error B. The Two P

The best title for this selection is ______.

A. The "Post Paid" Error

B. The Two Penny Blue

C. A Rare Stamp

D. How Mauritius Became Famous

The parameter plmnPermitted (0…7),doesnt affect the PLMN selection,it is only used f
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