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根据以下内容回答题:How men first learned to invent words is unknown;in other words,the ori


How men first learned to invent words is unknown;in other words,the origin of language is a mystery.All we really know is that men,unlike animals,somehow invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings,actions and things,SO that they could communicate with each other;and that later they agreed upon certain signs,called letters,which could be combined to represent those sounds,and which coul d be written down.Those sounds,whether spoken,or written in letters we call words.

The power of words,then,lies in their combinationsmthe things they bring up before our minds.Words become filled with meaning for US by experience;and the longer we live,the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past;and the more we read and learn,the more the number of words that mean something to us increases.Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts,but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and feelings.This charming and telling use of words is what we call literary style.Above all,the real poet is a master of words.He can con-vey his meaning in words which sing like music,and which by their position and association can move men to tears.We should therefore leam to choose our words carefully and use them accurately or they will make our speech silly and rude.

The origin of language__________ . 查看材料

A.is reflected in sounds and letters

B.is handed down from generation to generation

C.dates back to the prehistoric period

D.is a problem not yet solved

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根据以下内容回答题:People used to say,“The hand that rocks the cradle(摇篮)rules the world


People used to say,“The hand that rocks the cradle(摇篮)rules the world.” And“(1)every successful man there’s a woman.”Both these sayings mean the same thin9.Men(2)the world-but their wives rule them. Most of the American women like to take their husbands and(3)successful,but some of them want(4)for themselves.They want good jobs.When they work,they want to be(5)paid.They want to be as successful as men. The American women’s liberation movement was started by women who don’t want to (6)successful men.They want to stand beside men,with the same chance for success.They don’t want to be told that certain jobs or offices are(7)to them.They refuse to work side by side with men who do the same work for different pay. A(8)womari must be proud of being a woman and have confidence in(9).If somebody says to her:“You’ve come a long way,baby.”She’ll smile and answer,“Not nearly as far as Fm going to go,baby!”This movement is quite new,and(10)American women do not agree.But it has already made some important changes in women’s lives and in men’s lives,too.






根据以下内容回答题:Curiosity is not only a possible motivation,it is also a great help in


Curiosity is not only a possible motivation,it is also a great help in your learning langua-ges.Remember that a language is not(1)a grammatical system.It is the(2)of a cer-tain culture of different cultures.It is no good(3)strings of words and lists of grammatical rules(4)you know as much as possible about the background of the language,so that you can understand the ideas conveyed and the references made,as well as the inferences whichCan(5)the information clearly given.So learn as much as you can about the different cul.tures which(6)English——watch television programs,listen to the radi0,try to obtain(7)and magazines written by native speakers,look at advertisements,and,above all,read——nottextbooks,(8)novels,poems and plays.They will show you how a language is(9)used.The English language is a living form. of expression which derives much of its(10)from the context,and much of its effect from a whole network of extra-linguistic knowledge.






根据以下内容回答题:Why do you like someone?That person may not be great looking if you tak


Why do you like someone?That person may not be great looking if you take a poll,but someone falls(1)him/her immediately.Why do this happen?What is the chemistry?Why do you find someone attractive?What is the(2)of that?Many love stories have been written around the love at first sight.The prince saw the princess and the princess saw the prince.Both(3)in love with each other forever.This is what romance is made(4). What is this and how does this happen?You manage to lose your(5);your thinking ability and your head.Your heart con-trols everythin9.You try every way possible to meet and win over that person.You pass sleep-less nights(6)of him/her.You are not able to live without that person for a moment.Much has been written about romantic love.No one has(7)any conclusion about how such love devclops.There are different theories about it,but can love be ever defined in terms of chemicals?Ultimately what will science achieve by(8)about how and why of such ro-mantic love that is heavenly?The best thing if you fall in(9)love is to preserve it carefully.(10)no circumstances,let anything happen to destroy it.It is very precious.Take care of it.






根据以下内容回答题:As late as l800.women’s only place was in the home.The idea of women in


As late as l800.women’s only place was in the home.The idea of women in the business

world was unthinkable.N0“nice’’woman would dream of entering what was strictly a“man’s wodd”.Even if she could,what would she do?Men were positive that no woman could handle a job outside her home.This was such a widely accepted idea that when the famous Bronte sisters began writing books.in 1 846,they disguised themselves by signing their books with men’s names.

Teaching was the first profession open to women soon after l 800.But even that was not an easy profession for women to enter because most high schools and colleges were open only to men.Oberling College in Ohio was the first college in America to accept women.

Hospital nursing became respectable work for women only after Florence Nightingale became famous.Because she was a wealthy and cultured woman,as well as a nurse,people began to believe it was possible for women to nurse the sick and still be“ladies”.Miss Night-ingale opened England’s first training school for nurses in 1860.

The invention of the typewriter in 1 867 helped to bring women out of the home and into the business world.Because women had slender,quick fingers,they learned to operate typewriters quickly and well.Businessmen found that they had to hire women for this new kind of work.

By l 900,thousands of women were working at real,jobs in schools,hospitals,and officesin both England and America.Some women even managed to become doctors or lawyers.The idea that“nice”women could work in the business world had been accepted.

Bronte sisters published their first books under men’s names because__________ . 查看材料

A.thev never dreamed of entering a“man’s world”

B.they thought.no woman could handle a job outside her home

C.writing was generally considered to be men’s work

D.people didn’t thought they were wealthy enough to write

根据以下内容回答题:When I was a boy,children always objected(1)wearing school uniform. but


When I was a boy,children always objected(1)wearing school uniform. but teacherswere(2)on it because they said all of US looked(3).0therwise,they said,children would compete with(4)and the poorer children would be unhappy because people would see how poor they were.In recent years,however,many schools have(5)the idea of making children wear uniform. but funnily enough,now that children can wear(6)they like,they have adopted a uniform. of their own.When some journalists visited a London school,they found that aU the boys and girls were dressed in jcans.One girl said she would rather die than wear a coat instead of a jersey because(7)wants to look different(8)the other children in the class.Parents may not be as happy about th.is as children,but they(9)to be,because this new kind of uniform. is one that the children like,not something they have been forced to wear,and it is also(10)cheaper than school uniform. used to be.

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根据以下内容回答题:In Hollywood there is a company that publishes children’S books with th


In Hollywood there is a company that publishes children’S books with the aid of computers.Mthough other book companies also publish that(1),this particular company is very unusual.It“personalizes”the books(2)having the computer make the reader the leading character in the story.Here is(3)they do it.Let us say your child is named Jenny.She lives on Oak Drive in St.Louis,has a dog named Spot,a cat named Tabby,and three playmates(4)names are Bettsy,Sandy,and Jody.The computer uses this information to fill out a story that has(5) been prepared and illustrated.The story is then printed with standard equipment as a hard-cover(6).A child who receives such a book might say,“This book is about me.”The company,therefore,(7)itself the“Me-Books Publishing Company”.

Children like the me-books because they like to see(8)print their own names and the names of their friends and their pets.But more important.“Personalization ”has been found an important tool in(9)enthusiasms for reading.Me-books are thus helping a child to learn how to read by appealing to that natural desire to see hjs(10)Baffle in print.

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根据以下内容回答题:“CuIture shock”occurS as result of total immersion in a new culture.It


“CuIture shock”occurS as result of total immersion in a new culture.It happens to“peo-Dle who haye been suddenly transplanted abroad.”Newcomers may be anxious because they do not speak the language,know the customs,or understand people’s behavior. in daily life.The visitor finds that“yes may not always mean“yes”,that friendliness does not necessarily mean friendship,or that statements that appear to be serious are really intended as jokes.The for-eigner may be unsure as to when to shake hands,when to start conversations,or how to approach a stmnger.The notion of“culture shock”helps explain feelings of bewilderment(困惑)and disorientation.Language problems do not account for all the frustrations(挫败)that people feel.When one is deprived of everything that was once familiar,such as understanding a transportation system,knowing how to register for university classes,Ot knowing how to make friends,difficulties in coping with the new society may arise. “…when an individual enters a strange cuhure,he or she is like fish out of water.”New-comers feel at times that they do not belong to and feel alienated from the native members of thecuhure.When this happens visitors may want t0·reject everything about the new environment and may glorify and exaggerate(夸大)the positive aspects of their own culture.Conversely visitors may scorn their native country by rejecting its values and instead choosing to identify with(if only temporarily)the value of the new country.This may occur as an attempt to over—identify with the new culture in order to be accepted by the people in it.

The expression“he or she is like fish out of water”suggests__________ .

A.people away from their cultures can hardly survive in a new culture

B.a fish can not survive without water

C.people away from their culture experience mental isolation

D.people away from their culture has difficulties in new environment

根据以下内容回答题:Traditionally.universities have carried out two main activities:researc


Traditionally.universities have carried out two main activities:research and teaching.Many expels would argue that both these activities play a critical role in serving the communi-ty.The fundamental question,however,is how does the community want or need to be served?

In recent years universities have been coming under increasing pressure from both the govemments and the public to ensure that they do not remain…ivory towers”(象牙之塔)of study separated from the realities of everyday life.University teachers have been encouraged,and in some cases compelled,to provide more courses which produce graduates with the techni-cal skills required for the commercial use.If Aristotle wanted to work in university in the uk today,he would have a good chance of teaching computer science but would not be so rea.Dily employable as a philosopher.

A post.industrial society requires large numbers of computer programmers,engineers,managers and technicians to maintain and develop its economic growth but“man”,as the Bible says,“does not live by bread alone.”Apart from requiring medical and social services,which do not directly contribute to economic growth,the society should also value and enjoy litera-ture.music and the arts.In these cost-conscious times,it has even been pointed out in justifi-cation for the funding of the arts that they can be useful money earners.A successful musical play,for instance,can contribute as much to the Gross National Product through tourist dollars as any other things.

We can know from the first paragraph that the author__________ . 查看材料

A.believes traditional’universities have done a good job serving the community

B.believes it remains to be discussed how universities should meet the needs of society

C.thinks some experts require too much of universities

D.thinks universities should do more than just research and teaching

根据以下内容回答题:One of the most authoritative voices speaking to us today is,of course,


One of the most authoritative voices speaking to us today is,of course,the voice of the advertisers. It shouts at us from the television screen and the radio loudspeakers,waves to us from eVery page of the newspaper,signals to us from the roadside bill-boards all day and flashes messages to us in colored lights all night. Advertising has been among England’s biggest growth industries since the war.PerhaDs the reason is that advertising saves the manufacturers from having to think about the customer.At the stage of designing and developing a product,there is quite enough to think about without worrying over whether anybody will want to buy it.The designer is busy enough without adding customer-appeal to all his other problems of man.hours and machine telerances and stress fac-tors.so they just go ahead and make the thing and leave it to the advertiser to find eleven wavs of making it appeal to purchasers after they have finished it,by pretending that it offers status,or attracts、love,or signifies manliness. Other manufacturers find advertising saves them from changing their prodUCt.And manu.facturers hate change.The ideal product is one which goes on unchanged for ever.If,therefore,for one reason or another,some alteration seems calied for—how much better to change the image,the packet or the pitch made by the product,rather than go to all the inconvenience of changing the product itself.

Which of the following can best describe the author‘s attitude toward modem advertising?





根据以下内容回答题:People landing at London’S Heathrow airport have something new to look


People landing at London’S Heathrow airport have something new to look at as they fly overBritain’S capital city.It is attractive,simple and a little strange.The Millennium Dome is a huge semi-circle of plastic and steel and it contains the largest public space in the world.It has been built to house an exhibition of all that is best in British life,learning and leisure.

The Millennium Dome was designed by Sir Richard Rogers,one of British’S most famous architects.His work points the way to new developments in buildin9.Think of it as a giant symbol of the buildings in which we will all be living and working in the near future.

Buildings are also a part of history.They express the culture of the times.Sir Richard Rogers is aware of this responsibility.While different designers have individual styles,their work also has a common style.That is:to express the values of the information age.

What is an“information age”building?The dome is a good example.After the Millennium exhibition ends,it will be used for another purpose.Just as people no longer have“jobs for life”,modem buildings are designed for a number of different use for another Richard Roger’s building,the Pompidous Center(蓬皮杜艺术中心)in paris,uses the idea that information is communication.Instead of being hidden in the walls,heating pipes and elevators are open to public view.The Pompidous Center is a very honest building.It tells you how it works.

The Millennium Dome has been originally buih to hold an exhibition__________ . 查看材料

A.of different building designing

B.of the finest things in Britain

C.of everything that can draw the attention of people

D.of recent developments in information technology

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