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The weather has changed suddenly; ______ we must add more clothes.A.eventuallyB.subsequent

The weather has changed suddenly; ______ we must add more clothes.




D.in accordance

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更多“The weather has changed sudden…”相关的问题
-Do you know why my flight has been delayed? _ It is () bad weather conditions. A.because

-Do you know why my flight has been delayed? _ It is () bad weather conditions.


B.due to

C.owing to

D.because of

Why does the common man in England seem to be as accurate - or as inaccurate - as the weat
herman in his prediction ?

A.Because the weather in England is so variable.

B.Because the common man in England has as much knowledge about weather as the weathermen.

C.Because by lunchtime there could be thunder and lightening in England.

D.Because English weather always defies forecast.

Miss Mary Smith goes to work always with a raincoat because ______.A.the weather often cha

Miss Mary Smith goes to work always with a raincoat because ______.

A.the weather often changes

B.she likes to do so

C.she has to walk home after work

D.it always rains when it's time to go home

The temperature of the world in the past ten years has dropped a little ______.A.because w

The temperature of the world in the past ten years has dropped a little ______.

A.because wind and rain changed the weather

B.the drop in the temperature would have effects on wind and rain

C.because wind and rain did not change the weather

D.the drop in the temperature would not have effects on wind and rain

Why does common man in England seem to be as accurate-or as inaccurate-as the wea
therman in his prediction?

A.Because the weather in English is SO variable.

B.Because the common man in England has as much knowledge about weatheras the weatherman.

C.Because by lunch time there could be thunder and lightening in England

D.Because English weather always defies forecast

It is possible that the weather of the world may be changing. Some scientists imagine that
this could even mean the beginning of another ice age. The effects of such a change in weather on human population of the world would be frightening.

Recent research suggests that the warming trend (倾向) of the past hundred years or so may be coming to an end. During the past ten years, scientists tell us that the temperature of the world has dropped a little. This would have effects on wind and rain in the weather picture.

Scientists believe clouds may be an important factor (因素) in changing the amount of heat on the earth. Another possibility is that man's agriculture and industry ways may affect the natural weather.

The weather of the world seems to be getting ______.





Which of the following is true of Livingston?A.He thinks he has discovered a new possibili

Which of the following is true of Livingston?

A.He thinks he has discovered a new possibility in the link between sun spots and the weather on the Earth.

B.He has great doubts about the theory that the sun' s frequent changes have an influenced on the Earth' s climate.

C.He has been recently informed by other scientists of the possibility that more sun spots will appear.

D.He does not think the causes of the sun spots will be fully revealed by scientists in the near future.

The English, as a race,have the reputation of being very different from all other national
ities. Including their close neighbors, the French, Belgians and Dutch. It is claimed that living on an island separated from the rest of Europe has much to do with it. Whatever the reasons it may be fairly stated that the Englishman has developed many attitudes and habits which distinguished him from other nationalities.

Broadly speaking, the Englishman is a quiet, shy, reserved person who is fully relaxed only among people who knows very well. When he meets with strangers of foreigners, he often seems uneasy, even embarrassed. You have only to witness a commuter train any morning or evening to see the truth of this, serious-looking businesses and women sit reading their newspaper or dozing in a corner, no one speaks. In fact, to do so would seem most usual. An English wit, pretending to be giving advice to overseas visitors, once suggested, “on entering a railway compartment shake hands with all the passengers. ”Needless to say, he was not being serious. There is an unwritten but clearly understood code of behavior. which, if bro ken, makes the person immediately the object of suspicion.

It is a well-known fact that the English have an obsession with their weather and that, given half a chance, they will talk about it in length. Some people argue that it is because English weather forecast is undependable, as a result, English weather is a source of interest to everyone. This may be so. Certainly Englishmen cannot have much faith in the meteorological experts-the weathermen-who, after promising glorious, sunny weather for the following day, are often proved wrong when an anti-cyclone or as inaccurate as the weathermen in his prediction. This helps to explain the seemingly odd sight of an Englishman leaving home on a bright, sunny summer morning with a raincoat slung over an arm and an umbrella in his hand. So variable is the weather that by lunch time there could be thundering.

The overseas visitors may be excused for showing surprise at the number of references to weather that the English make to each other in the course of a single day. Very often conventional greetings are re placed by comments on the weather. “Nice day,isn’ t?” “Beautiful ! ”may well be heard instead of “Good morning”, how are you? “Although the foreigner may consider this exaggerated and comic, it is worthwhile pointing out that it could be used to his advantage. If he wants to start a conversation with an Englishman (or woman) but is at a loss to know where to begin he would do well to mention the state of the weather.It is a safe subject, which will encourage even the most reserved Englishmen to enter into a conversation.

What is the reason that the Englishmen enter into a conversation?

A.Because the English have developed many different attitudes and habits.

B.Because living on an island separated from the rest of Europe has much to do with it.

C.Because the English are quite shy and reserved.

D.Because an Englishman often seems uneasy, even embarrassed when he meets with strangers or foreigners.

Man must eat in order to live. One of the most important concerns of man during his life o
n the earth has been to makecertain that he has enough food to eat when he needs it.

Prehistoric (史前的)had little choice in what he ate. He ate what he could find: roots, eggs, fruits and the meat of smallanimals. Early man had no way to control his food supply. If there was no rain, or the weather was too hot or too cold,plants would not grow, and he would have little or no food. When he ate all the food in one place, he had to move to anotherregion for food.

Man’s life changed when he learned to grow plants and to raise animals. He also learned to use fire to prepare his food. Later, he learned to make tools and weapons, and to make containers to store his food. Man could now live in one place andproduce his own food. So civilization (文明)began. Great civilizations slowly developed in regions where food wasplentiful — along the Nile River in Egypt, and by the Yellow River in China.

The kinds of plants which are raised by man are different in each geographical region. In the colder regions very fewplants can be grown; in the warmer parts of the world great varieties of plants are found. In Asia, rice has become the mostimportant crop. In North America, the most important grains are wheat and com. In Europe and North Africa, wheat is themain crop. In the tropical (热带的)regions of the world,many kinds of fruit grow naturally or arc planted by man.

With the development of methods of keeping food fresh, it became possible to send most food products from one partof the world to another. Today foods are kept fresh in many ways and sent all over the world. Man no longer depends on thefood he grows in his own area only.

As man has learned more about plants and animals, the production of food has become a more technical process. In thefuture, it seems possible that vast quantities of food may come from the ocean. Food may also be produced in new ways.

According to the first paragraph.man has to ensure________

A.the amount of food he needs

B.the quality of the food he needs

C.the quality of his lifeon theearth

D.the number of people livingon the earth

If the weather was extremely bad, early man would?A.raise new crops

B.suffer from hunger

C.raise small animals

D.suffer from diseases

From Paragraph 3 we know that civilizations developed in areas?A.where the weather was good

B.where there was enough rain

C.where there was a large amountof food

D.where there were a great numberof animals

Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 4?A.There are few plants in colder regions.

B.Corn is the most important crop in Asia.

C.There are few plants in hotter regions.

D.Rice is the main crop in Europe.

As man’s knowledge about plants and animals increases,.A.fewer plants will be needed

B.fewer animals will he available

C.more and more land will be

D.more and more food will he available


Green-space facilities are contributing to an important extent to the quality of the urban
environment. Fortunately it is no longer necessary that every lecture or every book about this subject has to start with the proof of this idea. At present it is generally accepted, although more as a self-evident statement than on the base of a closely-reasoned scientific proof. The recognition of the importance of green-spaces in the urban environment is a first step on the right way, this does mean, however, that sufficient details are known about the functions of green-space in towns and about the way in which the inhabitants are using these spaces. As to this rather complex subject I shall, within the scope of this lecture, enter into one aspect only, namely the recreative function of green-space facilities.

The theoretical separation of living, working, traffic and recreation which for many years has been used in town-and-country planning, has in my opinion resulted in disproportionate attention for forms of recreation far from home, whether there was relatively little attention for improvement of recreative possibilities in the direct neighborhood of the home. We have come to the conclusion that this is not right, because an important past of the time which we do not pass in sleeping or working, is used for activities at and around home. So it is obvious that recreation in the open air has to begin at the street-door of the house. The urban environment has to offer as many recreation activities as possible, and the design of these has to be such that more obligatory activities can also have a recreative aspect.

The very best standard of living is nothing if it is not possible to take a pleasant walk in the district, if the children cannot be allowed to play in the streets, because the risks of traffic are too great, if during shopping you can nowhere find a spot for enjoying for a moment the nice weather, in short, if you only feel yourself at home after the street-door of your house is closed after you.

According to the author, the importance of green-spaces in the urban environment ______.

A.is still unknown

B.is usually neglected

C.is being closely studied

D.has been full recognized

请根据以下内容回答 76~85 题: Directions: There are 10 blanks in fhe following passage.

请根据以下内容回答 76~85 题:

Directions: There are 10 blanks in fhe following passage. For each numbered blank,there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

For reasons of safety and ease of maintenance, Washington and dozens of other communities are building rubber sidewalks made 76 ground-up tires of cars and bikes. The rubber squares are up to three times more expensive than concrete squares but 77 longer, because tree roots and freezing weather won't crack them. That, 78 , could reduce the number of slip-and-fall complaints made 79 uneven pavements. The shock absorbing surface also happens to be easier on the joints of slow runners and more forgiving when someone slips or falls, and the rubber sidewalks are considered more environmentally friendly. They 80 a way to recycle some of the estimated 290 million tires 81 out each year in the United States, and they do not restrict tree.roots the way concrete squares 82 . Since 2001, a company, Rubber sidewalks, has been grinding thousands of old tires into small pieces, 83 sticky substances and baking the material into sidewalk sections that weigh less than eleven pounds a square foot, or a quarter of the weight of concrete. The rubber squares are now 84 in two colors of gray and orange. The District of Columbia has spent about $60,000 to replace broken concrete with the rubber squares here and there in a residential 85 northeast of the Capital.

第 76 题

A. by

B. on

C. of

D. for

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