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As used in the last sentence, the phrase "in short" means ______.A.in the long runB.in det

As used in the last sentence, the phrase "in short" means ______.

A.in the long run

B.in detail

C.in fact

D.in a word

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更多“As used in the last sentence, …”相关的问题
As used in the last sentence, the phrase "in short" means ______. A. in the long run

As used in the last sentence, the phrase "in short" means ______.

A. in the long run

B. in detail

C. in fact

D. in a word

______economically, one tin of oil will last at three months.A.To useB.To be usedC.UsingD.

______economically, one tin of oil will last at three months.

A.To use

B.To be used



______ that man was the master of the earth used to be widely held early last century.A.To

______ that man was the master of the earth used to be widely held early last century.

A.To believe

B.It was believed

C.The belief


The home computers industry has been growing【21】in the world for the last twenty years. Co
mputers used to be large, expensive machines that【22】very difficult to use. But scientists and technicians have been making smaller and cheaper while at the same time they have been made easier to use. As【23】, their popularity has been increasing as more people have been buying computers for their homes and businesses.

Computers have been designed to store【24】and compute complex problems. Computers are used in【25】traffic in some cities. Stores use computers to keep records of their goods and to send【26】to their customers. Offices use computers to type letters, record business and communicate【27】other offices. People have been using computers in their homes to keep track of expenses and【28】their household appliances on and off.

One important new【29】for computers is for entertainment. Many new games which have been designed to be played on the computers have become very popular【30】.






Once upon a time (not so very long ago, either!) industrial goods were made to last foreve

Once upon a time (not so very long ago, either!) industrial goods were made to last forever. If you bought a ear or a stove, it was a once-in-a-lifetime investment(投资). You paid good money for it, and you took care of it. Nowadays industry has persuaded us that products shouldn't last a long time. It's cheaper to throw them away than it is to repair them. This has led directly to the "throw-away society" which is a tremendous waste of the earth's resources.

Just think of the cars that are traded in daily, just because they are out of style. Think of the expensive packaging material that is thrown away every time a new object is bought. And we consumers have to pay for that material! Our industrial society has turned us into spoiled children. This wastefulness has got ten us into the mess (困境) we are in now. When we have no resources left, then we'll start to take care of what we have. But why can't we act before this happens? Why can't we go back to being a society in which the prevention of waste is a virtue?

Products used to be made to last ______.

A.for at least five years

B.for ten years

C.for as long as you take good care of them

D.for your whole life

根据内容回答下列各题,The home computer industry has been growing rapidly in the United Sta
tes for the last ten years. Computers used to be large, expensive machines that were very difficult to use. But scientists and technicians have been making them smaller and cheaper while at the same time they have been made easier to use. As a result, their popularity has been increasing as more people have been buying computers for their homes and businesses. Computers have been designed to store information and compute problems that are difficult for human beings to work out. Some have voices that speak with the operators. Stores use computers to keep records of their inventories (库存货物) and to send bills to their customers. Offices use computers to copy letters, record business and keep in touch with other offices. People have been using computers in their homes to keep track of the money they spend. One important new use for computers is for entertainment. Many new games have been designed to be played on the computers. People of all ages have been playing these games. People also have been buying home computers to play computer games, watch movies and listen to concerts at home. They have become very popular indeed. Computers used to _______.

A.work rapidly

B.be large and expensive

C.be easy to use

D.be used for fun

The role of women in Britain has changed a lot in this century, () in the last twenty

The role of women in Britain has changed a lot in this century, () in the last twenty years. The main change has been () giving women greater equality with men. Up to the beginning of this century, women seem to have had () rights. They could not vote and were kept at home. () , as far as we know, most women were happy with this situ ation. Today, women in Britain certainly () more rights than they used to. They were () the vote in 1919. In 1970 a law was passed to give them an equal () of wealth in the case of divorce, () the Equal Pay Act gave them the right of equal pay with men for work of equal value in the same year. Yet () these changes, there are still great difference in status between men and women. Many employers seem to () the Equal Pay Act, and the average working women is () to earn only about half that a man earns for the same job. () a survey, at present, only one-third of the country’s workers are () women. This small percentage is partly () a shortage of nurseries. If there were () nurseries, twice as many women might well go out to work





完成下列各题 C The home computer industry has been growi
ng rapidly in the United States for the last ten years.Computers used to be large and expensive which were very difficult to use.But scientists and technicians have been making them smaller and cheaper while at the same time they have been made easier to use.As a result.their popularity has been increasing as more people have been buying computers for their homes and business.Computers have been designed to store information and computer problems that are difficult for human beings to work out.Some have voice that speak with the operators.Stores use computers to keep records of their inventories(存货清单)and to send bills to their customers.Offices use computers to copy letters,record business and keep in touch with other offices.People have been using computers in their homes to keep track of their money they spend. One important new use for computers is for entertainment.Many new games have been designed to be played on the computers.People of all ages have been playing these games.People also have been buying home computers to play computer games.Watch movies and listen to concert at home.They have become very popular indeed. Computer used to________.

A.work rapidly

B.be large and expensive

C.be easy to use

D.be used for fun

The Gadget Co produces three products, A, B and C, all made from the same material. Until
now, it has used traditional absorption costing to allocate overheads to its products. The company is now considering an activity based costing system in the hope that it will improve profitability. Information for the three products for the last year is as follows:

The Gadget Co produces three products, A, B and C,

The price for raw materials remained constant throughout the year at $1·20 per kg. Similarly, the direct labour cost for the whole workforce was $14·80 per hour. The annual overhead costs were as follows:

The Gadget Co produces three products, A, B and C,


(a) Calculate the full cost per unit for products A, B and C under traditional absorption costing, using direct labour hours as the basis for apportionment. (5 marks)

(b) Calculate the full cost per unit of each product using activity based costing. (9 marks)

(c) Using your calculation from (a) and (b) above, explain how activity based costing may help The Gadget Co improve the profitability of each product. (6 marks)

The industrial societies have been extremely productive during the last two centuries. The
economic advance has been remarkable. During this relatively short period of time, greater changes in people's living conditions have occurred than in the thousands of years which preceded.

During the past 200 years the world population has increased 6 times, the annual world output has increased 80 times, and the distance a person can travel has gone up 1,000 times. There has also been much recent progress in art, culture, learning, and science. Such changes have led to a high rate of production and growth of the economy.

Economists fear that within the next 100 to 150 years, the earth's resources will become very scarce. Their fears are partly justified, but we should not be afraid. Industrial civilization adapts to new knowledge. By advancing knowledge, we not only create new forms of resources, but we also find ways to economize their use. Advanced modern knowledge can feed the hungry people of the world and improve their standard of living.

The figures in the second paragraph are used for the following purposes EXCEPT______.





根据以下内容,回答下列各题。 In the old days, divers used to go down into the sea looking f
or ships that had sunk, because they hoped to find gold and jewels.Now divers still search for valuable things in sunken ships, but they also try to bring to the surface the ships themselves, or parts of them.The value of different kinds of metals has increased greatly over the last twenty or thirty years and even though a ship has been under the sea for many years, it may be worth a great deal. One famous sunken ship is the “Lusitania”, which sank off the southern coast of Ireland in 1915 with a loss of nearly, 1,500 lives.It has four huge propellers made of an expensive metal.Today each of those propellers is worth $ 300,000 or more.The ship lying on the sea-bed has been brought by a man called John Light.He paid about $ 1,200,000 for the whole ship.He hopes to bring up those propellers and sell them.He also hopes to sell other parts of the ship, when he has brought them to the surface, for about $ 600,000. Divers today try to bring to the surface _______.

A.gold and jewels

B.parts of ships

C.whole ships

D.all of the above

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