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It is more than just clothing and hairstyles that are in style. one year and out of date

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更多“It is more than just clothing …”相关的问题
Because of its intimacy, radio is usually more than just a medium; it is _______ .A

Because of its intimacy, radio is usually more than just a medium; it is _______ .

A firm B company C corporation D enterprise

As a top industrial designer in the world today, he thinks design is ____ just making attractive products. It can also help change the way people live.

A.more than

B.less than

C.fewer than

D.better than

Which of the following is NOT true?A.A man of more muscles burns calories faster.B.Exerc

Which of the following is NOT true?

A.A man of more muscles burns calories faster.

B.Exercise speeds up your metabolism even after it.

C.An hour and a halls exercise is not enough to keep your“setpoint”lowered.

D.To lose more than 5 pounds,just doing exercise is not enough.

Vocabulary words are the building blocks of your language ability, but don't be w
ith just memorizing vocabulary. It's more useful to know how to use 50 words than to memorize 100. (obsess; 请用所给单词的合适形式填空。 )

The world is known to us through many senses, not just hearing, smell, vision, and at clos
e range, touch and taste.

Our skins let us know whether the air is moist or dry, whether surfaces are wet without being sticky or slippery. From the uniformity of slight pressure, we can be aware how deeply a finger is thrust into water at body temperature, even if the Anger is enclosed in a rubber glove that keeps the skin completely dry. Many other animals, with highly sensitive skins, appear to be able to learn still more about their environment. Often they do so without employing any of the five senses.

By observing the capabilities of other members of the animal kingdom, we come to realize that a human being has far more possibilities than are utilized. We neglect ever so many of our senses in concentrating on the five major ones. At the same time, a comparison between animals and man draws attention to the limitation of each sense. The part of the spectrum (光谱) seen by colour-conscious man as red is non-existent for honey-bees. But a bee can see far more in flowers than we, because the ultra-violet (紫外线) to which our eyes are blind is a stimulating (刺激的) part of the insect's spectrum, and, for honey-bees at least, constitutes a separate colour.

From the passage we realize that ______.

A.man possesses far more senses than the five major ones

B.man possesses a few more senses than animals

C.man possesses as many senses as animals

D.man has fully utilized his senses

"We're more than halfway (中途) now; it's only two miles farther to the tavern (客栈) ," s

"We're more than halfway (中途) now; it's only two miles farther to the tavern (客栈) ," said the driver.

"I'm glad of that," answered the stranger, in a more sympathetic way. He meant to say more but the east wind blew clear down a man's throat if he tried to speak. The girl's voice was quite attractive; however, later he spoke again.

"You don't feel the cold so much at twenty below zero in the Western country. There isn't such damp chill (潮冷)", he said, and then it seemed as if he had blamed the uncomplaining young driver. She had not even said that it was a bad day, and he began to be conscious of a warm hopefulness of spirit, and sense of pleasant adventure under all the woolen scarves.

"You'll have a cold drive going back," he said anxiously, and put up his hand for the twentieth time to see if his coat collar was as close to the back of his neck as possible.

"I shall not have to go back!" cried the girl, with eager pleasantness. "I'm on my way home now. I drove over early just to meet you at the train. We had word that someone was coming to the tavern."

How far was the drive from the train to the tavern?

A.One mile.

B.About four miles.

C.Two miles.

D.Less than four miles.

Most of us,when we reached our teens,started looking forward to the day when we would occu
py places of our own,far from the confines of our families. We saw this moving away as a chance to strike out on our own,to grow,to spread out wings and experience freedom. At the same time,we regarded this independence as temporary-the thing to do until we found the perfect mate and married. Over the years,many millions of people have made this passage from one family to another,with just a brief,often nervous interval of independence in between. But recently,more and more people have begun to challenge the concept that living together is better than living alone. Being single is now accepted as an alternative lifestyle-one that is natural,rewarding,and complete. In fact,being single has become almost fashionable.

Much of a parent's job is to provide the gifts of caring, love, and emotional support to c
hildren. But one gift is often beyond their reach: the resources to meet the financial demands of college tuition.

For more than 54 years, the United Negro College Fund has fulfilled the dreams of deserving students by closing the gap between the cost of college and what their parents can afford. More than 300,000 students have graduated from United Negro College Fund member colleges since 1944, and 54,000 more are currently enrolled.

The oldest and most successful minority higher education support organization, the United Negro College Fund, is a combination of 39 private, historically black member colleges and universities. Since its founding, it has raised more than $1.3 billion to keep the dream alive for needy families across the country.

What is it that makes the United Negro College Fund so important to America's families ? As well as raising funds and giving technical support to member colleges and universities, it creates hope and opportunity by providing financial assistance to deserving students. Consider the contributions of just a few of the distinguished graduates who have realized the benefits: civil rights activist Dr. Martin Luther King; Olympic track star Edwin Moses; and filmmaker Spike Lee.

Most of parents fell embarrassed when their children graduate from high school because they can't ______.

A.afford their children's college tuition

B.offer their children emotional support

C.look after their children

D.give them gifts on their birthdays

There are more than 100 million cars in the United States. A normal car gets less than 15
miles from each gallon of gas. It travels about 10,000 miles each year. In that time, it uses about 650 gallons of gas. In all, autos use up some 70 billion gallons of gas a year. That comes out to be four-and-a-half million barrels a day.

The importance of saving gas, then, cannot be stressed too much. Let's say, for instance, that the fuel used by each car could be cut back just 15 percent. This could be done by making fewer trips each day. It could be done through better driving habits. If it were done, our nation's use of fuel would fall by close to two-thirds of a million barrels per day.

We can all help save gas. One way is to ride the buses. Some of us could walk to work. We could ride mopeds(机动脚踏两用车) or bikes. Another way is to share a ride. We could join carpools (合伙使用汽车). About one-third of all cars are used for going to and from work.

Go shopping with a friend from time to time. If two people use a car instead of one, we all save. There would be fewer cars on the road. The savings on gas around the nation would come to more than one half million barrels a day.

Another way to save is by cutting our useless trips. Can you find one car trip per week that could be handled by telephone? Can you combine trips? If each car took one less 10-mile trip a week, we could save three-and-half billion gallons of gas a year. This comes to nearly 5 percent of the total passenger car demand for gas.

The way people drive decides how much fuel they save. Careful drivers may get20 percent more miles per gallon than normal drivers. They could get 50 percent more miles per gallon than wasteful drivers. Careful drivers obey the 55-mile-per-hour speed limit. They get to their desired speed quickly and keep a steady pace.

If just one gallon of gas were saved each week for each car in the country, we could all save about five-and-half billion gallons a year.

To decrease the number of useless car trips, you can use the ______.

A.bus service

B.subway service



完成下列各题 B The human body naturally prevents attempt(企图)to lose or gain weight

完成下列各题 B

The human body naturally prevents attempt(企图)to lose or gain weight.Thus the best way to lower your weight is to do some exercise daily.Although scientists don’t agree exactly how this works to lower the“setpoint”,they do know that exercise helps your body work with you and not against you in at least the following ways: 1.Exercise burns calories(卡路里):if you walk two miles every day,you use an extra 1400 calories a week—and lose about a pound in two weeks. 2.Exercise helps to bum fat and build muscle:since muscle requires more calories than fat does,the more muscle you have,the faster you will bum calories. 3.Finally exercise speeds up your metabolism(新陈代谢),not just while you’re exercising,but for several hours after exercise ends. A program of light-to-moderate exercise done for only a half-hour a day is enough to keep your“setpoint”lowered,and thus helps you lose weight and keep it off.If you need to lose more than five pounds,combine regular exercise with a moderate reduction in calories until you reach your goal(目标). Scientists don’t________.

A.think exercise helps peoples bodies work against them

B.agree exercise helps to lower peoples weight

C.bilieve in exercise at all

D.think exercise helps peoples bodies work with them

Dogs are social animals and without proper training, they will be have like wild animals.
They will spoil your house, destroy your belongings, bark excessively, fight other dogs and even bite you. Nearly all behavior. problems are perfectly normal dog activities that occur at the wrong time or place or are directed at the wrong thing. The key to preventing or treating behavior. problems is learning to teach the dog to redirect its normal behavior. to outlets that are acceptable in the domestic setting.

one of the best things you can do for your dog and yourself is to obedience train (驯服) it. Obedience training doesn't solve all behavior. problems, but it is the foundation for solving just about any problem. Training opens up a line of communication between you and your dog. Effective communication is necessary to instruct your dog about what you want it to do.

Training is also an easy way to establish the social rank order. When your dog obeys a simple request of "come here, sit," it is showing obedience and respect for you. It is not necessary to establish yourself as top dog or leader of the dog pack (群) by using extreme measures. You can teach your dog its subordinate (从属的) role by teaching it to show submission to you. Most dogs love performing tricks for you to pleasantly accept that you are in charge.

Training should be fun and rewarding for you and your dog. It can enrich your relationship and make living together more enjoyable. A well-trained dog is more confident and can more safely be allowed a grea- ter amount of freedom than an untrained animal.

Behavior. problems of dogs are believed to ______ .

A.be just part of their nature

B.worsen in modem society

C.occur when they go wild

D.present a threat to the community

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