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The surface of some areas consists______(large)of high mountains and deep valley.

The surface of some areas consists______(large)of high mountains and deep valley.

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Some two thousand million years ago, the mountain on the sun was raised probably becau

A. the star moved away from the sun

B. another star happened to come near the sun

C. fhe sun and the moon raised the tides on the earth

D. a large tidal wave of a star travelled over the surface of the sun

All the useful energy at the surface of the earth comes from the activity of the sun. The
sun heats and feeds mankind. Each year it provides men with two hundred million tons of grain and nearly ten million tons of wood.

Coal, oil, natural gas, and all other fuels are stored-up energy from the sun. Some was collect ed by this season's plants as carbon compounds. Some was stored by plants and trees ages ago.

Even waterpower derives from the sun. Water turned into vapor by the sun falls as rain. It courses down the mountains and is converted to electric power.

Light transmits only the energy that comes from the sun' s outer layers, and much of this energy that is directed toward the earth never arrives. About nine-tenths of it is absorbed by the atmosphere of the earth. In fact; the earth itself gets only one half-billionth of the sun' s entire output of radiant energy.

All the useful energy at the surface of the earth comes ______.

A.directly from the sun

B.from the sun' s activity

C.from energy stored by the sun

D.from radiation of the sun

All the useful energy at the surface of the earth comes from the activity of the sun. The
sun heats and feeds creatures and mankind. Each year it provides men with two hundred million tons of grain and nearly ten million tons of wood.

Coal, oil, natural gas, and all other fuels are stored energy from the sun. Some was collected by this season's plants as carbon compounds. Some was stored by plants and trees ages ago. Even waterpower derives from the sun. Water turned into vapor by the sun falls as rain. It courses down the mountains and is converted to electric power. Light transmits only the energy that comes from the sun's outer layer, and much of this energy that is directed towards the earth never arrives. About nine tenths of it is absorbed by the atmosphere of the earth. In fact, the earth itself gets only one half millionth of the sun's entire output of radiant energy.

The sun is the source of all of the following EXCEPT______.


B.natural gas

C.atomic power

D.animal fat

All the useful energy at the surface of the earth comes from the activity of the sun. The
sun heats and feeds creatures and mankind. Each year it provides men with two hundred million tons of grain and nearly ten million tons of wood, coal, oil, natural gas, and all other fuels are stored energy from the sun. (80) Some was collected by this season' s plants as carbon compounds. Some was stored by plants and trees ages ago. Even waterpower derives from the sun. Water turned into vapor by the sun fails as rain. It courses down the mountains and is converted to electric power. Light transmits only the energy that comes from the sun' s outer layer, and much of this energy that is directed towards the earth never arrives. About nine tenths of it is absorbed by the atmosphere of the earth. In fact, the earth itself gets only one half millionth of the sun's entire output of radiant energy.

The sun is the source of all of the following EXCEPT______.


B.natural gas

C.atomic power

D.animal fat

Many theories about the origin of the ocean have been proposed by scientists. The most wid
ely accepted one is that the earth at some time in its very early history became hot enough to melt the materials from which it was formed. While in this molten state, lighter rock-forming materials (造岩材料) floated on the surface of the heavier ones. Then, between four and a half four billion (十亿) years ago, the molten earth cooled sufficiently to form. a crust of rock that was many miles thick.

Surrounding the earth was an unbroken canopy of clouds miles thick and made up mostly of water vapor. Rain falling toward the still-hot earth was heated to steam and rose to the clouds again. After many millions of years, as the earth continued to cool, its surface temperature fell below the boiling point of water. Rainwater could now remain on the earth, covering its whole surface except for the higher places on earth that had been formed from the lighter rock materials.

In 1970, scientists had pieced together evidence that the lighter rock materials had formed one huge continent by a vast ocean. Then, about 200 million years ago, the great continent began to break up, the pieces moving slowly apart.

The onrushing waters of the single huge ocean now entered and filled the spaces between the separating continents--and became the several oceans and seas we know today.

This passage mainly talks about ______.

A.the origin of the earth

B.the origin of the ocean

C.the history of the earth

D.the forming of the earth's crust

Millions of stars are traveling about in space. A few form. groups which journey together,
but most of them travel alone. And they travel through a universe so large that one star seldom comes near to another.

We believe, however, that some two thousand million years ago, another star wandering through space, happened to come near our sun. Just as the sun and the moon raise tides on the earth, so this star must have raised tides on the surface of the sun. But they were very different from the small tides that are raised in our oceans; a large tidal wave' must have travelled over the surface of the sun, at last forming a mountain so high that we cannot imagine it. As the cause of the disturbance (动荡) came nearer, so the mountain rose higher and higher. And before the star began to move away again, its tidal pull had become so powerful that this mountain was torn to pieces and threw off small parts of itself into space. These small pieces have been going round the sun ever since. They are the planets (行星).

Millions of stars are______.

A.following a regular path in space

B.always travelling together

C.seldom wandering about in the universe

D.moving about without a fixed course

Considered as a continuous body of fluid, the atmosphere is another kind of ocean. Yet, in
view of the total amount of rain and snow on land areas in the course of a year, one of the most amazing water facts is the very small amount of water in the atmosphere at any given time. The volume of the lower seven miles of the atmosphere--the realm of weather events- is roughly four times the volume of the world's oceans. But the atmosphere contains very little water. It is chiefly in the form. of invisible vapor, some of which is carried over land by air currents. If all vapor suddenly fell from the air onto the earth's surface, it would form. a layer only about one inch thick. A heavy rainstorm on a given area may use up only a small percentage of the water from the air mass that passes over. How, then, can some land areas receive more than 400 inches of rain per year? How can several inches of rain fall during a single storm in a few minutes or hours? The answer is that rain yielding air masses are in motion, and as the driving air mass moves on, new moist air takes its place.

The basic source of most water vapor is the ocean, evaporation, vapor transport, and precipitation (陈雨) make up the continuous movement of water from ocean to atmosphere to land and back to the sea. Rivers return water the sea. In an underground arc (弧) of the cycle, flowing bodies of water discharge some water directly into rivers and some directly to the sea.

What might have been discussed before this passage?

A.The ocean.

B.The earth.

C.The rainfall.

D.The atmosphere.

"Mummy ! Mummy ! I saw some really big tadpoles (蝌蚪) in the pond (池塘). You've promised

"Mummy ! Mummy ! I saw some really big tadpoles (蝌蚪) in the pond (池塘). You've promised to catch some for us. "Phillip says, following me towards the kitchen. "Some of them have already got legs!" "Yes! We can catch them and watch them turn into frogs!" Geoffrey says suddenly. "Can we go? Right now?"The telephone has been ringing. I try to get the receiver, but it is too late. It has been cut off.

"Give me a minute to catch my breath. 'I beg. "Put the groceries away. Get some jars out. I'll go change."

We go to the wide pond which lies smooth and still, its surface dotted with pink (粉红色 ) and white lilies (睡莲). Phillip and Geoffrey, laughing and shouting, run to the water's edge. I feel the peace of the place broken by the children. I hope there are no tadpoles so we can leave quickly. There's dinner to cook.

It is quite some time before we have taken the first tadpole to the bank. "The children are wild with joy. Back in the pond we go, and we try hard to catch five more fat ones. We all agree that's enough. The sun has gone down. A frog goes to the opposite shore. It's well past dinner time, bath time and bedtime when we really leave. But none of us thinks of those things. Phillip and Geoffrey are in high spirits, and I am the same because I have done what I should.

Phillip and Geoffrey's voices must be ______.

A.sharp, nervous, tiresome

B.anxious, angry, inspiring

C.soft, sweet, pleasing

D.eager, excited, demanding

The forest from which man takes his timber is the tallest and most impressive plant commun
ity on Earth. In terms of man's brief life it appears permanent and unchanging, save for the seasonal growth and fail of the leaves, but to forester it represents the climax of a long succession of events.

No wooded landscape we see today has been forest for all time. Plants have minimum requirements of temperature and moisture and, in ages past, virtually every part of Earth's surface has at some time been either too dry or too cold for plants to survive. However, as soon as climatic conditions change in favor of plant life, a fascinating sequence of changes occurs, called a primary succession.

First to colonize the barren land are the lowly lichens, surviving on bare rock. Slowly, the acids produced by these organisms crack the rock surface, plant debris accumulates, and mosses establish a shallow root-hold. Ferns may follow and, with short grasses and shrubs, gradually form. a covering of plant life. Roots probe even deeper into the developing soil and eventually large shrubs give way to the first trees. These grow rapidly, cutting off sunlight from the smaller plants, and soon establish complete domination-closing their ranks and forming a climax community which may endure for thousands of years.

Yet even this community is not everlasting. Fire may destroy it outright and settlers may cut it down to gain land for pasture or cultivation. If the land is then abandoned, a secondary succession will take over, developing much faster on the more hospitable soil. Shrubs and trees are among the early invaders, their seeds carried by the wind, by birds and lodged in the coats of mammals.

For as long as it stands and thrives, the forest is a vast machine, storing energy and many elements essential for life.

What does the forest strike mankind as permanent?

A.The trees are in community.

B.The forest is renewed each season.

C.Man's life is short in comparison.

D.It is an essential part our lives.

完成下列各题 D Clay is important because it is used to make containers of all kinds.W

完成下列各题 D

Clay is important because it is used to make containers of all kinds.Workers add water to soften clay.This makes it.easier to form. into shapes by machine.Then it is heated to a very high temperature.The result is a container that.will last for many years. In many countries,clay was formed from volcanoes(火山>.This.kind of clay usually contains many minerals(矿物质).So the fires to make containers from volcanic clay must be hotter that those used for non—volcanic clay.The fires may be as hot,as 1400℃.The high temperature should not be reached too fast SO that the containers can be dried slowly.You can add some materials to clay to gain desired results.For example,you can add sand to prevent tiny breaks or lines from forming on the surface of the final product.But you should not use sand from the coasts of oceans.Instead,you should use sand from rivers or other areas. Clay often exists in fields covered with some water.The clay will be found about one meter below the ground..River banks often also have clay about one meter or less under the surface.Clay is very shiny when it is wet.You can also take some of the material and add enough water to it.Then press it in your.hands until it is about the size of an egg.It is probably clay if it holds together when you stop pressing. What’s the difference between volcanic clay and non-volcanic day?

A.Volcanic clay call be found in very few countries.

B.Non-volcanic clay can be dried more quickly.

C.Non-volcanic clay makes better containers.

D.Volcanic e]ay usually has more minerals.

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