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Play is usually more enjoyable thanA.a jobB.jobC.a workD.work

Play is usually more enjoyable than

A.a job


C.a work


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A life-style. that apparently exists in all societies is marriage--a socially sanctioned u
nion between a woman and a man with expectation that they will play the roles of wife and husband. After studying extensive cross-cultural data, the anthropologist George P. Murdock concluded that reproduction, sexual relations, economic cooperation, and the socialization of offspring are functions of families throughout the world. We now recognize that Murdock overstated the matter, since there are a number of societies--for instance, Israeli kibbutz communities--in which the family does not encompass all four o[ these activities. What Murdock describes are commonly encountered tendencies in family functioning in most cultures.

Societies differ in how they structure marriage relationships. Four patterns are found: monogamy, one husband and one wife are found; polygyny, one husband and two or more wives; polyandry, two or more husbands and one wife; and group marriage, two or more husbands and two or more wives. Although monogamy exists in all societies, Murdock discovered that other forms may be not only allowed but preferred. Of 238 societies in this sample, only about one-fifth were strictly monogamous.

Polygyny has been widely practiced throughout the world. The Old Testament reports that both King David and King Solomon had several wives. In his cross-cultural sample of 238 societies, Murdock found that 193 of them permitted husbands to take several wives. In one-third of these polygynous societies, however, less than one-fifth of the married men had more than one wife. Usually it is only the rich men in a society who can afford to support more than one family.

In contrast with polygyny, polyandry is rare among the world's societies. And in practice, polyandry has not usually allowed freedom of mate selection for women; it has often meant simply that younger brothers have sexual access to the wife of an older brother. Thus where a father is unable to afford wives for each of his sons, he may secure a wife for only his oldest son.

听力原文:Rhythm in literature is a more or less regular occurrence of certain elements of

听力原文: Rhythm in literature is a more or less regular occurrence of certain elements of writing: a word, a phrase, an idea, a pause, a sound, or a grammatical construction. We are also accustomed to this recurrence in the alternate heavy and light beats in music. Our love for rhythm seems to be innate; witness the response of a small child to a lively music. Children love to beat on toy drums or empty boxes. They stamp their feet and chant nursery rhythms or nonsense syllables, just like primitive dancers. As children grow older, they are taught to restrain their responses to rhythm, but our love of rhythm remains. We live in rhythms; in fact we are governed by rhythms.

Physiologically, we are rhythmical. We must eat, sleep, breathe, and play regularly to maintain good health. Emotionally, we are rhythmical, too, for psychologists say that all of us feel alternate periods of being in high spirits or concentration. It usually follows that rhythm, a fundamental aspect of our lives, must be a part of any good literature works, whether poetry or prose.

Q. 15. What is rhythm in literature according to the passage?

Q. 16.What is the difference between a child's response to music and an adult's response to music?

Q. 17. Which of the following statements is NOT made in the passage?

Q. 18. What is the passage mainly about?


A.A special use of words.

B.The arrangement of ideas.

C.The regular occurrence of certain elements of writing.

D.The exploration of sound effects.

The trainer usually gives the animal a piece of candy or fruit __. A.when it is hungry B.
before it plays a trick C.when it starts to play a trick D.after it has done the trick


A.I usually play sports

B.I sometimes watch TV

C.I often fly kites


A.I usually play football after school

B.I’m playing football

C.I have a football

Green-space facilities are contributing to an important extent to the quality of the urban
environment. Fortunately it is no longer necessary that every lecture or every book about this subject has to start with the proof of this idea. At present it is generally accepted, although more as a self-evident statement than on the base of a closely-reasoned scientific proof. The recognition of the importance of green-spaces in the urban environment is a first step on the right way, this does mean, however, that sufficient details are known about the functions of green-space in towns and about the way in which the inhabitants are using these spaces. As to this rather complex subject I shall, within the scope of this lecture, enter into one aspect only, namely the recreative function of green-space facilities.

The theoretical separation of living, working, traffic and recreation which for many years has been used in town-and-country planning, has in my opinion resulted in disproportionate attention for forms of recreation far from home, whether there was relatively little attention for improvement of recreative possibilities in the direct neighborhood of the home. We have come to the conclusion that this is not right, because an important past of the time which we do not pass in sleeping or working, is used for activities at and around home. So it is obvious that recreation in the open air has to begin at the street-door of the house. The urban environment has to offer as many recreation activities as possible, and the design of these has to be such that more obligatory activities can also have a recreative aspect.

The very best standard of living is nothing if it is not possible to take a pleasant walk in the district, if the children cannot be allowed to play in the streets, because the risks of traffic are too great, if during shopping you can nowhere find a spot for enjoying for a moment the nice weather, in short, if you only feel yourself at home after the street-door of your house is closed after you.

According to the author, the importance of green-spaces in the urban environment ______.

A.is still unknown

B.is usually neglected

C.is being closely studied

D.has been full recognized

There was a time, not that long ago, when women Were considered smart if they played dumb
to get a man, and women who went to college were more interested in getting a "Mrs.degree" than a bachelor's. Even today, it's not unusual for a woman to get whispered and unrequested counsel from her grandmother that an advanced degree could hurt her in the marriage market.

"There were so many misperceptions out there about education and marriage that I decided to sort out the facts," said economist Betsey Stevenson, an assistant professor at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. So along with Wharton colleague Adam Isen, Stevenson calculated national marriage data from 1950 to 2008 and found that the marriage penalty women once paid for being well educated has largely disappeared.

"In other words, the difference in marriage rates between those with college degrees and those without is very small," said Stephanie Coontz, a family historian at Evergreen State College. The new analysis also found that while high-school dropouts(辍学学生) had the highest marriage rates in the 1950s, today college-educated women are much more likely to marry than those who don't finish high school.

Of course, expectations have changed dramatically in the last half century. "In the 1950s, a lot of women thought they needed to marry right away," Coontz said. "Real wages were rising so quickly that men in their 20s could afford to marry early. But they didn't want a woman who was their equal. Men needed and wanted someone who knew less." In fact, she said, research published in 1946 documented that 40 percent of college women admitted to playing dumb on dates. "These days, few women feel the need to play down their intelligence or achievements," Coontz said.

The new research has more good news for college grads. Stevenson said the data indicate that modern college-educated women are more likely to be married before age 40, are less likely to divorce, and are more likely to describe their marriages as "happy". The marriages of well-educated women tend to be more stable because the brides are usually older as well as wiser, Stevenson said.

Not long ago, it was believed that women went to college in order to ______.

A.find a husband

B.get smart in the marriage market

C.learn to be a good wife

D.marry someone with a bachelor's degree

The more women and minorities make their way into the ranks of management, the more they s
eem to want to talk about things formerly judged to be best left unsaid. The newcomers also tend to see office matters with a fresh eye, in the process sometimes coming up with critical analyses of the forces that shape everyone's experience in the organization.

Consider the novel views of Harvey Coleman of Atlanta on the subject of getting ahead. Coleman is black. He spent 11 years with IBM, half of them working in management development, and now serves as a consultant to the likes of AT&T, CocaCola, Prudential, and Merch. Coleman says that based on what he's seen at big com panics, he weighs the different elements that make for longterm career success as follows: performance counts a mere 10%; image, 30%; and exposure, a full 60%. Coleman concludes that excellent job performance is so common these days that while doing your work well may win you pay increases, it won't secure you the big promotion. He finds that advancement more often depends on how many people know you and your work, and how high up they are.

Ridiculous beliefs? Not to many people, especially many women and members of minority races who, like Coleman, feel that the scales have dropped from their eyes. "Women and blacks in organizations work under false beliefs," says Kaleel Jamison, a New York based management consultant who helps corporations deal with these issues. "They think that if you work hard, you'll get ahead that someone in authority will reach down and give you a promotion." She added, "Most women and blacks are so frightened that people will think they've gotten ahead because of their sex or color that they play down their visibility." Her advice to those folks: learn the ways that white males have traditionally used to find their way into the spotlight (公众注意中心).

According to the passage, "things formerly judged to be best left unsaid" (in Para. 1) probably refers to ______.

A.the opinions, which contradict the established beliefs

B.criticisms that shape everyone's experience

C.the tendencies that help the newcomers to see office matters with a fresh eye

D.the ideas which usually come up with new ways of management in the organization

Because of its intimacy, radio is usually more than just a medium; it is _______ .A

Because of its intimacy, radio is usually more than just a medium; it is _______ .

A firm B company C corporation D enterprise

Expected noises are usually more ______ than unexpected ones of the like magnitude.A.manag

Expected noises are usually more ______ than unexpected ones of the like magnitude.





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