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We were all excited at the news______ our annual sales had more than doubled.A.whichB.that

We were all excited at the news______ our annual sales had more than doubled.





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更多“We were all excited at the new…”相关的问题
We were all overjoyed at the news ______ the experiment turned out a success.A.whichB.that

We were all overjoyed at the news ______ the experiment turned out a success.





We were all _______ by the speech given by the blind girl yesterdayA、movingB、moveC、to mo

We were all _______ by the speech given by the blind girl yesterday



C、to move


We all thought ____ a pity that you were unable to attend our meeting.





We arrived so late that all the restaurants were().





We all said they were a perfect __________. However, their marriage did not last long.





The world is full of wonders, and some of them we dont discover until were all grown-

A.simple sentence

B.compound sentence

C.complex sentence

D.compound-complex sentence

Nowadays most people decide quite【61】what kind of work they would do. When I was at school
, we had to choose【62】when we were fifteen. I chose scientific subjects. "【63】, scientists will earn a lot of money," my parents said.【64】I tried to learn physics and chemistry, but in the【65】I decided that I【66】a scientist. It was a long time【67】I told my parents that I wasn't happy at school. "I didn't think you were," said my mother. "【68】," said my father. "Well, the best thing to do now is to look for a job."

I【69】about it with my friends Frank and Lesley.【70】of them【71】suggest anything, but they promised that they would ask their friends. A few days later【72】I was still in bed,【73】telephoned. "Is that Miss Jenkins?" a man's voice asked. "I【74】your hobby is photography and I've got a job that might interest you in my clothes factory. My name is Mr. Thomson. "He seemed pleasant on the phone【75】I went to see him. I was so excited that I almost forgot【76】goodbye. "Good luck!" my mother said to me.

I arrived【77】early and when Mr. Thomson came he asked me if I【78】waiting a long time. "No, not long." I replied. After talking to me for about twenty minutes he【79】me a job-- not as a photographer though,【80】a model!






When a student, I was a member of the collegiate basketball team. It was mainly composed o
f bookish students. Only one could be counted as natural athlete, another half-qualified. That's why we were defeated nine out of ten games. Our spirits, however, had never dampened, for we were a cheerful team. None would strive to get into the spotlight when we were gaining the upper hand; nor would we blame each other when we were losing. Thus a cordial relationship between members prevailed in our team. Most recommendable of all was our morale which never lowered. Our sportsmanship also remained good. We persisted in carrying on to the last when suffering great loss. We knew we had done our best, showing no regret at failure. To the rest of the students our team was a good one though it lost the game. They kept encouraging us and none of them was disappointed.

Recently I have avoided watching games, not even at a TV live coverage, still less to the match in person. That's because I know I couldn't control myself. When watching a match, I'll inevitably take sides and be emotionally involved, strongly wishing for the triumph of the side over its opponent. As I often side with the "weaker" in a match, watching it will only spell worry and misery for me.

Not long ago when I accompanied my wife to a super world tennis match my horizons broadened as regards sports competition. It seemed to me that wins and losses were relative and transient. What mattered was the ever-higher level achieved through contest. Victory was a result of all the efforts made by both sides. As one of the audience, I should applaud the energetic performance of both to the neglect of the result. Why should I regard the contest as a life-and-death struggle, the winner as survival and the loser as dead?

The basketball team was often defeated because ______.

A.the team members didn't know how to play basketball

B.the team members were students who only know how to study book knowledge

C.there were only one or two members who were qualified for basketball

D.the morale of the team was low

I was a freshman in college when I met the Whites. They were completely different from my
own family. Jane White and I became friends at school, and her family welcomed me like along-lost cousin.

In my family it was always important to place blame when anything bad happened. But the Whites didn't worry about who had done what. Mr. and Mrs. White had six children: three sons and three daughters.

In July, the White sisters and I decided to take a car trip to New York. The two oldest, Sarah and Jane, were college students, and the youngest, Amy had recently got a driver' s license, and was excited about practicing her driving on the trip.

The big sisters let Amy take over. She came to an intersection with a stop sign, but Amy continued without stopping. The driver of a large truck, crashed into our car.

Jane was killed instantly.

When Mr. and Mrs. White arrived at the hospital, they hugged us all.

To both of their daughters, and especially to Amy, over and over they simply said, "We' re so glad that you're alive."

I was astonished. No blame.

Later, I asked the Whites why they never talked about the fact that Amy was driving and had run a stop sign.

Mrs. White said, "Jane's gone, and nothing we say or do will bring her back. But Amy has her whole life ahead of her. How can she lead a full and happy life if she feels we blame her for her sister' s death?"

They were right. Amy graduated from college and got married several years ago, She works as a teacher of learning-disabled students. She' s also a mother of two little girls of her own, the oldest named Jane.

The writer of the article is ______ .

A.Mrs. White's niece

B.the Whites' cousin

C.Sarah' s friend at college

D.Jane' s friend at school

The author is an aggressive, brilliant and literate astronomer. This vastly entertaining b
ook has a simple manner with complex ideas, without being patronizing, and is often very funny.

In 274 pages Sagan deals with everything from the formation of the Earth to the puzzling possibilities of contact with extra-terrestrial life. This is the moment in history when man's stepping into the universe has suddenly become conceivable. To Sagan this is more exciting and important than was the exploration of the New World in the sixteenth century. So expenditure on the space programme, pruned of recent excesses, ought to continue--it is, according to Sagan, no larger a part of America's gross national income than was the relative cost to England in the sixteenth century of exploration in sailing ships.

The book is not for scientific illiterates, nor is Sagan a pedestrian scientist. Although he makes short work of the unidentified foreign objects (UFO) spotters, he is unafraid to take us on a speculative journey to a black hole which, for all he knows, might be the quick route to somewhere else, not necessarily our universe.

Sagan exhibits a passionate interest in life in the cosmos in which there are .almost certainly civilizations much more advanced than our own. We are the result of a number of relatively recent cosmic accidents, but for all that, Sagan is no less excited about our future,

From the passage we understand that Carl Sagan writes ______.

A.forcefully and complexly

B.elaborately and literally

C.simply and humorously

D.snobbishly and cleverly

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