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Speaker A: Look what Bruce gave me for my birthday--this beautiful scarf. Speaker B: _____

_. He must have spent quite a bit of money on it. I didn't know you and Bruce were such close friends.

A.Good news

B.Good idea

C.Wow. It's awful

D.Wow. It's gorgeous

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更多“Speaker A: Look what Bruce gav…”相关的问题
____ the look on his face, he doesn’t quite understand what the speaker is saying.

A.Judge by

B.Judging by

C.To judge by

D.To be judged by

We can make mistakes at any age. Some mistakes we make are about money. But most mistakes
are about people. "Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen? .... When I got that great job, did Jim really feel good about it, as a friend? Or did he envy my luck?" When we look back, doubts like these can make us feel bad. But when we look back, it' s too late.

Why do we go wrong about our friends or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning. And if we don' t really listen closely we miss the feeling behind the words. Suppose someone tells you, "You' re a lucky dog." That' s being friendly. But "lucky dog?" There' s a bit of envy in those words. Maybe he doesn' t see it himself. But bringing in the "dog" puts you down a little. What he may be saying is that he doesn' t think you deserve your luck.

"Just think of all the things you have to be thankful for is another noise that says one thing and means another. It could mean that the speaker is trying to get you to see your problem as part of your life as a whole. But is he? Wrapped up in this phrase is the thought that your problem isn' t important. It' s telling you to think of all the starving people in the world when you haven't got a date for Saturday night.

How can you tell the real meaning behind someone' s words? One way is to take a good look at the person talking. Do his words fit the way he looks? Does what he says agree with the tone of voice? His posture? The look in his eyes? Stop and think. The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save another mistake.

This passage is mainly about ______.

A.how to interpret what people say

B.what to do when. you listen to others talking

C.how to avoid mistakes when you communicate with people

D.why we go wrong with people sometimes

阅读:We can make mistakes at any age. Some mistakes we make are about money,

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:

We can make mistakes at any age. Some mistakes we make are about money, but most mistakes are about people. “Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen?” “When I got that great job, did Jim really feel good about it, as a friend? Or did he envy my luck?” “And Paul — why didn't I pick up that he was friendly just because I had a car?” When we look back, doubts like these can make us feel bad. But when we look back, it's too late.

Why do we go wrong about our friends — or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning. And if we don't really listen, we miss the feeling behind the words. Suppose someone tells you, “You're a lucky dog.” Is he really on your side? If he says, “You're a lucky guy” or “You're a lucky gal,” that's being friendly. But “lucky dog”? There's a bit of envy in those words. Maybe he doesn't see it himself. But bringing in the “dog” bit puts you down a little. What he may be saying is that he doesn't think you deserve your luck.

“Just think of all the things you have to be thankful for” is another noise that says one thing and means another. It could mean that the speaker is trying to get you to see your problem as part of your life as a whole. But is he? Wrapped up in this phrase is the thought that your problem isn't important. It's telling you to think of all the starving people in the world when you haven't got a date for Saturday night.

How can you tell the real meaning behind someone's words? One way is to take a good look at the person talking. Do his words fit the way he looks? Does what he says square with the tone of voice? His posture? The look in his eyes? Stop and think. The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save another mistake.

21.When the writer recalls the things that happened between him and his friends, he ____.

A) feels happy, thinking of how nice his friends were to him

B) feels he may not have “read” his friends' true feelings correctly

C) thinks it was a mistake to view Jim as a friend

D) is sorry that his friends let him down

22.By saying “You're a lucky dog.”, the speaker ____.

A) is just being friendly

B) expresses the same meaning as “You're a lucky guy.” or“You ' re a lucky gal.”

C) is humorous to apply the word “dog” to people

D) has a hidden jealous feeling behind the words

23.In listening to a person, the important thing is ____.

A) to notice his tone, his posture, and the look in his eye

B) to listen to how he pronounces his words

C) to check his words against his manner, his tone of voice, and his posture

D) not to believe what he says

24.If you followed the advice of the writer, you would ____.

A) weigh carefully what people say to determine their real meaning

B) get along well with people

C) trust what other people say

D) have no doubts about our friends

25.This passage tries to tell you how to ____.

A) avoid mistakes about both money and people

B) say things elegantly

C) avoid mistakes in understanding what people tell you

D) keep people friendly without trusting them

Speaker A:Are you Ms. Kelsey, the office manager?Speaker B: ______A.Yes, I am. What can I

Speaker A:Are you Ms. Kelsey, the office manager?Speaker B: ______

A.Yes, I am. What can I do for you?

B.Oh, yes. What's your name, please?

C.Yes. It's nice to have you here with us.

D.Oh, yes. But I'm very busy now.

Learning how to write is like taking a course in public speaking. I ’d ask whether anyone
in class had ever taken such a course. Invariably a few hands would go up.

“What did you learn in that course?” I’d ask.

“Well, the main thing was learning how to face an audience, not to be inhibited (拘谨;抑制), not to be nervous, ”

Exactly, when you take a course in public speaking nowadays, you don’t hear much about grammar and vocabulary. Instead, you’re taught how not to be afraid or embarrassed, how to speak without a prepared script, how to reach out to the live audience before you. Public speaking is a matter of overcoming your longstanding nervous inhibitions.

It is the same in writing. The point of the whole thing is to overcome your nervous inhibi- tions, to break through the invisible barrier that separates you from the person who’ll read what y- ou wrote. You must learn to sit in front of your typewriter or dictating machine and reach out to the person at the other end of the line.

Of course, in public speaking, with the audience right in front of you, the problem is easier. Y ou can look at them and talk to them directly. In writing, you ’re alone. It needs an effort of your experience or imagination to take hold of that other person and talk to him or her. But that effort is necessary or at least it’s necessary until you’ve reached the point when you quite naturally and unconsciously “talk on paper.”

The main task of a public speech course is to ________.

A.teach spoken-language experience

B.teach how to use gestures to assist speech

C.help the learners overcome nervousness

D.teach how to control the volume of the speaker’s voice

Learning how to write is similar to learning how to speak in public in that a writer should ___________.A.overcome his or her nervousness in the first place

B.watch his or her grammar and vocabulary

C.collect a lot of data before writing

D.take hold of a reader and talk to him or her before writing

In the author’s opinion_________.A.writing needs more experience and skill than public speaking

B.both writing and public speaking require effort

C.writing is imaginative

D.public speaking is not so natural as writing

Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.Not many students feel the need to learn public speaking

B.Training is necessary before you can speak with script

C.In public speaking, the audience are more nervous than the speaker

D.Writing is just like making a public speech on paper

This selection is mainly about learning how to _______.A.make a public speech

B.talk on paper

C.behave properly in public speech

D.express strong emotion on paper


What is the speaker's main point?A.Animals yawn for a number of reasons.B.Yawning results

What is the speaker's main point?

A.Animals yawn for a number of reasons.

B.Yawning results only from fatigue or boredom.

C.Human yawns are the same as those of other animals.

D.Only social animals yawn.

Speaker A: I'd like some ice-cream. Do they have Coke only? Speaker B: ______A.Of course n

Speaker A: I'd like some ice-cream. Do they have Coke only?

Speaker B: ______

A.Of course not. They have almost everything you can name.

B.Sorry, I have no idea about what you said.

C.You'd better choose what you like.

D.You'd probably have to go by yourself.

Speaker A: Is everyone always so helpful to you in your office?Speaker B: ______A.Yes. Wha

Speaker A: Is everyone always so helpful to you in your office?Speaker B: ______

A.Yes. What can I do for you now?

B.Yes, there is a hotel nearby.

C.Yes. Can I help you?

D.Yes, it's a great place to work.

Speaker A: What shall we do this weekend? Speaker B: How about going to London on Saturday
? There's a good exhibition on at the Royal Academy. Speaker A: ______. Shall we get the coach or the train?

A.I'd like to say yes but it's just not possible

B.I'd rather go to another place

C.OK, that's a good idea

D.I can't make it Saturday

What does the speaker say the listeners should do?A.Take a trip to the Mid-west.B.Go outsi

What does the speaker say the listeners should do?

A.Take a trip to the Mid-west.

B.Go outside, and enjoy the weather.

C.Take their children to the nearest swimming pools.

D.Take enough water.

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