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The knowledge one gains by traveling in a foreign country is often______.A.from second-han

The knowledge one gains by traveling in a foreign country is often______.

A.from second-hand information

B.gathered from other sources than from its inhabitants

C.gained from the arguments about the country

D.different from what one had before the travel

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更多“The knowledge one gains by tra…”相关的问题
The author implies but does not say that______.A.the way to knowledge is through specializ

The author implies but does not say that______.

A.the way to knowledge is through specialization

B.one has to know everything to be successful

C.success depends not so much on natural ability as it does on effort

D.success in one's profession is least important in one's life

One thing is common for all holiday—makers.That is__________ .A.they want to increase thei

One thing is common for all holiday—makers.That is__________ .

A.they want to increase their knowledge

B.thev want to relax themselves

C.thev want to stay away from their homes

D.they want to forget something unpleasant

What is considered to be a good student? He is the one who______. A. aims at getting good

What is considered to be a good student? He is the one who______.

A. aims at getting good scores

B. is planning to get a degree

C. is capable of memorizing knowledge

D. has the motivation to learn

According to what God told them, Adam and Eve could ______.A.enjoy everything except the a

According to what God told them, Adam and Eve could ______.

A.enjoy everything except the apples from the Tree of Knowledge

B.learn know[edge from apple trees

C.share apples from the Tree of Knowledge with the animals

D.eat more than one apple from the Tree of Knowledge

An "internal computer" (Para. 2 ) is______.A.a computer used exclusively by one company f

An "internal computer" (Para. 2 ) is______.

A.a computer used exclusively by one company for its own problems

B.a person ' s store of knowledge and the ability to process it

C.the most up to date in home computer a company can buy

D.a computer from the post-war era which is very reliable

What is a good education? Is it one that covers as much as possible of human history and a
chievements, past and present? Or ode that gives graduates the ability to find employment promptly when they leave school? Is it a broad education or a specialized one? Should it provide students with a vast collection of facts, or merely train them to think? Should a future engineer gain only the knowledge that will enable him to do his job properly, or would a richer background improve his professional ability as well as his personal life? The debate goes on and on, with good arguments on both sides.

In the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries. the question was not even worth asking. A good education was, of course, a broad one based on the humanities. An educated man knew “something about everything”. He was familiar with the great deeds and the great ideas of the past. He had read extensively;he was able to use his own language correctly and often elegantly. He could join in any conversation about plants, planets, painters, or politics. He was at ease in the world, and he knew that his education would open to him any career that he might want to try. Even if he was mostly interested in literature, he had some knowledge of the sciences and the techniques of his time。

In recent years American society has become increasingly dependent on its universities to
find solutions to its major problems. It is the universities that have been charged with the principal responsibility for developing the expertise to place men on the moon; for dealing with our urban problems and with our deteriorating environment; for developing the means to feed the world's rapidly increasing population. The effort involved in meeting these demands presents its own problems. In addition, this concentration on the creation of new knowledge significantly impinges on the universities' efforts to perform. their other principal functions, the transmission and interpretation of knowledge the imparting of the heritage of the past and the preparing of the next generation to carry it forward.

With regard to this, perhaps their most traditionally sanctioned task, colleges and universities today find themselves in a serious hind generally. On the one hand, there is the American commitment, entered into especially since WWII, to provide higher education for all young people who can profit from it. The result of the commitment has been a dramatic rise in enrollments in our universities, coupled with a radical shift from the private to the public sector of higher education. On the other hand, there are serious and continuing limitations on the resources available for higher education.

While higher education has become a great "growth industry", it is also simultaneously a tremendous drain on the resources of nation. With the vast increase in enrollment and the shift in priorities away from education in state and federal budgets, there is in most of our public institutions a significant decrease in per capita outlay for their students, one crucial aspect of this drain on resources lies in the persistent shortage of trained faculty, which has led, in rum, to a declining standard of competence in instruction.

Intensifying these difficulties is, as indicated above, the concern with research, with its competing claims on resources and the attention of the faculty. In addition, there is a strong tendency for the institutions; organization and functioning to conform. to the demands of research rather than those of teaching.

According to the passage,—is the most important function of institutions of higher education.

A.creating new knowledge

B.providing solutions to social problems

C.making experts on sophisticated industries out of their students

D.preparing their students to transmit inherited knowledge

The translator must have an excellent, up-to-date knowledge of his source languages,full f
acility in the handling of his target language, which will be his mother tongue orlanguage of habitual 【B1】______ , and a knowledge and understanding of the latest subject-matter in his field of specialization. This is, as it were, his professional equipment. 【B2】______ this, it is desirable that he stould have an inquiring mind, wide interests, a good memory and the ability to grasp quickly the basic principles of new developments. He should be willing to work 【B3】______ his own, often at high speeds, but should be humble enough to consult others 【B4】______ his own knowledge not always prove adequate to the task in hand. He should be able to type fairly quickly and accurately and, if he is working mainly for publication, should have more than a nodding 【B5】______ with printing techniques and proof-reading. If he is working basically as an information translator, let us say, for an industrial firm, he should have the flexibility of mind to enable him to 【B6】______ rapidly from one source language to another, as well as from one subject-matter to another, since this ability is frequently 【B7】______ of him in such work. Bearing in mind the nature of the translator's work, i.e. the processing of the written word, it is, strictly speaking, 【B8】______ that he should be able to speak the languages he is dealing with. If he does speak them, it is an advantage 【B9】______ a hindrance, but this skill is in many ways a luxury that he can 【B10】______ with. It is, 【B11】______ ,desirable that he should have an approximate idea about the pronunciation of his source languages even if this is restricted to 【B12】______ how proper names and place names are pronounced. The same 【B13】______ to an ability to write his source languages. If he can, well and good; if he cannot, it does not 【B14】______ . There are many other skills and 【B15】______ that are desirable in a translator.






Books are for reading, but man must bring to their reading a desire to learn and a power o
f absorbing. Reading should be active, not passive.

(79)When students first go to a library, they may be at a loss as to what to read of all the different subjects. Well, Bacon tells you to "look at weak places in your armor(盔甲)", and shows you how to fill up the blanks in your knowledge. On the other hand, it is no good just trying to fill your mind with knowledge. Knowledge in itself is often useless. A mind filled with too much knowledge is like a room too full of furniture; a man cannot walk about freely in it, and look out the windows. It is much better to concentrate on a few subjects which interest you and to deal lightly with the others than to march heavily through the whole range(范围) of learning, like a silly tourist going through a museum and not missing a single object. (80) If you try to master every subject, you may become very wise, but you will be very lonely and you will probably lose all your friends. So you must learn to pick and choose, and you must also learn to look here and there in a library like a camel eating grass on the grassland. If you watch it eating, you will see that although he is supposed to be one of the most stupid animals in the world, he has at least one of the qualities(品质) of the cultured(有修养的) man, the power to pick and choose. A student looking for mental food in a library should take the camel as his model.

The writer thinks that one must ______

A.read as many books as he can

B.try to read books on all the different subjects

C.only read books on subjects that interest him

D.read and absorb a lot

What does it mean to be intelligent? Most psychologists agree that abstract reasoning, pro
blem solving, and the ability to acquire knowledge are all【C1】______of intelligence. However, there is【C2】______agreement on other factors,【C3】______mental speed and creativity. Anyone who takes an intelligence test will be given an IQ score. This score allows【C4】______with people of the same age, on the【C5】______that 100 is the average IQ.【C6】______97% of people score【C7】______between 70 and 130. But what do IQ tests measure? To some【C8】______they measure our knowledge and vocabulary. But they also【C9】______on the size of working memory, speed of【C10】______, and an ability to choose appropriate strategies for solving particular problems. IQ tests were created almost 100 years ago and have generated【C11】______controversy since then. It has been found that IQ scores in America improved【C12】______20 to 30 points over the course of the 20th century. It does not make【C13】______to believe that this increase is due to big leaps in inherited intelligence from one generation to another. Instead, it seems likely that【C14】______generations have been better schooled in【C15】______it takes to do well on the tests. For many psychologists, it seems absurd to【C16】______the whole of human intelligence to the single score obtained on an IQ test【C17】______, they emphasize multiple intelligences. Someone who is skilled at learning languages may not be musically talented.【C18】______, our intelligence seems to vary according to how familiar we are【C19】______particular situations. One group of 10-year-old street vendors in Brazil, with very little schooling, were good at giving the right change, but did much worse when given【C20】______questions presented like school tasks.






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