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Why did the old man want to sell his shop?A.Because he didn't like cutting hair any longer

Why did the old man want to sell his shop?

A.Because he didn't like cutting hair any longer.

B.Because he was too old to cut hair.

C.Because he wouldn't like Roger to go there.

D.Because a young man wanted to buy his shop.

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Roger lived in the city of London, and his hair was always cut by the same old man. He alw
ays cut Roger's hair as Roger liked it, and while he was doing it, the two men talked about football.

One day, when Roger was sitting in his chair, and his hair was being cut as usual, the old man said to him, "Roger, I'm going to be seventy years old next month and I feel tired, so I'm going to sell my shop to a young man. He liked to cut hair for people."

Roger was sorry to hear that, because he enjoyed talking to the old man, and he was also worried that his hair would not be cut as well by the new young man as it had been for so many years by his old friend.

He went to the shop again the next month, and the new young man was there. He cut Roger's hair, but he did it badly.

The next month, Roger went into the shop again. The young man asked him how he would like his hair cut, and Roger answered, "Please cut it very short on the right side, but leave it as it is on the left. It must cover my ear. On top, cut all the hair away in the middle, but leave a piece at the front."

The young man was very surprised when he heard this, "But sir," he said, "I can't cut your hair like that!" "Why not?" Roger asked. "That's how you cut it last time."

Who always cut Roger's hair?

A.His new friend.

B.A young man.

C.An old woman.

D.His old friend.

How did the writer get to know that the old man in the hotel had been a mountaineer?A.He l

How did the writer get to know that the old man in the hotel had been a mountaineer?

A.He learned about it from the landlord.

B.Because the old man was always alone with his wine and memories.

C.He learned by the way the old man looked and behaved.

D.It was only his guess.

Why was Roger sad to hear what the old man said'? Because he was afraid nobody ______.A.wo

Why was Roger sad to hear what the old man said'? Because he was afraid nobody ______.

A.would talk about football with him

B.liked to cut his hair

C.could cut his hair as he wanted it

D.would become his friend

Why did people fear being fat?Because________.A.fat was a feminist issueB.girls,boys,old

Why did people fear being fat?Because________.

A.fat was a feminist issue

B.girls,boys,old people were falling victim of fat fear

C.even the famously well-rounded women of Fiji were falling victim of fat fear

D.they worried about the way they looked

There was once a man in South America who had a parrot(鹦鹉), a pet bird that could i

There was once a man in South America who had a parrot(鹦鹉), a pet bird that could imitate(模拟) human speech. The parrot was unique. There was no other bird like him in the whole world. He could learn to say any word except one. He could not say the name of his native town, Cotano. The man did everything he could to teach the parrot to say “Cotano” but he never succeeded. At first he was very gentle with the bird, but gradually he lost his temper. “You stupid bird! Why can't you learn to say that One word! Say 'Cotano' or I'll kill you!” But the parrot would not say it. Many times the man screamed(大声叫), “Say 'Cotano' or I'll kill you!” But the bird would never repeat the name. Finally the man gave up. He picked up the parrot and threw him into the chicken house. “You are even more stupid than the chickens!”

In the chicken house, there were four old chickens waiting to be killed for Sunday's dinner. The next morning, when he went out to the chicken house, the man opened the door. He was shocked by what he saw. He could not believe his eyes and ears. On the floor lay three dead chickens, the parrot was screaming at the fourth, “Say 'Cotano' or I'll kill you!”

1)、The reason why the parrot couldn't say the name of his native town is not mentioned in the story.



2)、The man lost his temper at the fact that the bird failed to say the name of the town.



3)、The man in the kitchen killed the three chickens.



4)、The bird managed to escape from the chicken house.



5)、The man loved his parrot very much and always treated it kindly.



Not until______ did Tom learn the story about his father.A.they had left the houseB.the wa

Not until______ did Tom learn the story about his father.

A.they had left the house

B.the war was over

C.it was time for them to leave the house

D.the old man thought of his son

Why did Bond stop in the doorway to the underwear shop? ()A.To see who was following him.

Why did Bond stop in the doorway to the underwear shop? ()

A.To see who was following him.

B.To look at the man in the fun suit.

C.To avoid the sunshine.

D.To look at the underwear.

A small crowd had gathered round the entrance to the park. His curiosity aroused,Robert
crossed the road to see what was happening. He found that the center ofattraction was an old man with a performing monkey. The monkey' s tricks, hesoon discovered, were in no way remarkable so, after throwing a few pennies inthe dirty hat which the man had placed on the pavement, Robert began to moveoff, along with other members of the crowd.Atthis point the man suddenly let out a loud cry. Everyone turned to see what hadhappened. The man was bending over his monkey, which now lay quite still on thepavement. He picked up the apparently lifeless body and, bolding it close tohim, began to weep. A young man stepped forward from the crowd and, taking somemoney from his pocket, dropped it into the hat. Robert and several other peopledid likewise, until the pennies in the hat were covered with silver coins.Meanwhile, the man continued to hold the dead monkey in his arms and seemed totake no notice of what was going on about him. Afew month latter, Robert came across the old man again in another part of thecity. The man had a monkey, bought no doubt with the money which the crowd hadgiven him. It did not, however, seem any better at its tricks than the previousone. Robert was pleased to see that the old man was still able to earn aliving, though on this occasion, having partly paid for the monkey out of hisown pocket, he did not feel inclined to throw any money into the hat. Butthe performance was not yet over! Once again the old man let out a loud cry.Once again the monkey lay still on the pavement. The manpicked up the "dead" monkey and clutching it in his arms began to weep. The same young steppedforward and threw some money into the hat.Again the crowd followed suit一except for Robert. Smiling tohimself, he went on his way, amazed at the man' s audacity.

41. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The young man was also apasser-by.

B. The old man always entertainedthe people at the same place.

C. The old man let out a loud crybecause he was really sorry to have lost his monkey.

D. Robert did not throw any moneyinto the hat the second time he met the old man .

42. Robert smiled to himself because he().

A. was satisfied with theperformance

B. realized what had happened atlast

C. was amused by the death of thesecond monkey

D. was glad that the second monkeyperformance as well as the first one

43. The word "likewise" (in the secondparagraph) is closest in meaning to ()?

A. like to be wise

B. in the wise way

C. in the sameway

D. in a lovely way

44. What does "followed suit" (in the lastparagraph) mean?

A. followed the example

B. followed the old man

C. followed the writer

D. came afterwards

A very strange old man used to live in our town. He didn't do anything as the rest of peop
le did. He lived alone and didn't talk to anybody. He liked to walk in the woods where there were no roads, following the narrow paths made by animals. People were afraid of him. They thought he was crazy and might do something terrible, like hurting one of the children.

One day a little boy disappeared. His parents looked for him for hours, and finally the whole town started a search of the woods. Some people thought the strange old man bad taken the child away.

Several hours later, the boy was found, very cold and hungry, and it was the old man, who knew the woods so well, who had found him. After that, he still lived alone and walked in the woods, but no one was afraid of him any more.

The old man was very strange because ______.

A.he liked to live alone

B.people didn't like him and were afraid of him

C.he liked to walk in the woods without roads

D.he didn't do anything as the others did

An old lady in a plane had a blanket(毯子)over her head and she did not want to take i
An old lady in a plane had a blanket(毯子)over her head and she did not want to take i

t off.The air hostess spoke to her, but the old lady said, “I have never been in a plane before , and I am frightened.I am going to keep this blanket over my head until we are back on the ground again!”

Then the captain came.He said, “Madam, I am the captain of this plane.The weather is fine, there are no clouds in the sky, and everything is going very well.”But she continued to hide.

So the captain turned and started to go back.Then the old lady looked out from under the blanket with one eye and said, “I am sorry, young man, but I don’t like planes and I am never going to fly again.But I’ll say one thing, ”She continued kindly, “You and your wife keep your plane very clean!”

(1)An old lady had ________.


B.a blanket over her head

C.a coat

D.a basket

(2)A.She didn’t want to ________.

A.take it off

B.turn it off

C.get on

D.talk about it

(3)________ spoke to her.

A.The air hostess

B.The man next to her

C.her husband

D.one of her friends

(4)The old lady had never been ________ before.



C.in a plane

D.in hospital

(5)The woman didn’t like planes and she was never going ________.

A.to fly again

B.to travel

C.to go abroad

D.to go home

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