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It is not so exact _17_ so valuableA.andB.orC.yetD.even

It is not so exact _17_ so valuable





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The killer bees are coming! By the time you read this they will have reached Texas. By the
mid-1990s, they will have reached all the warmer areas of the United States. Scientists as well as farmers wait for them with a mixture of fear and wonder.

The killer bees should not be coming at all. Nature did not put them on this direct path for the United States; human beings did. The killer bees are from Africa. But in 1957 a scientist from Brazil got some of these killer bees for his experiments. The aim was to produce a better bee. However, an accident happened: a guest beekeeper let twenty-six of the queen bees escape by mistake. Before long, groups of killer bees took off for the woods.

Since that time, the wild killer bees have multiplied(繁衍) many times over. By 1998, their population was over 1015. They have spread all over South America, Central America, and most of Mexico. The United States is the next stop.

Are the killer bees really killers? Yes, they are. In their first thirty years in America, they have killed thousands of hens, pigs, and other animals. While no one knows the exact number, it is believed that several hundred people have also been killed.

So be careful. Killer bees are on the way. Scientists have no idea what to do with them yet. There must be a way.

We know from the passage that killer bees will spread to the United States ______.

A.from north

B.from south

C.from west

D.from east

Everyone uses the expressions AM and PM. But do you exactly know what they mean and how th
ey came into being?

As you know, the turning of the earth makes the sun and the stars seem to move across the sky. Daylight, of course,【21】, when the sun rises in the east and when the sun is high【22】the sky, between these two positions, half of the daylight hours have been spent.

Therefore, by noticing【23】the sun stood in the sky, early man know they could tell the time of the day, At night the motion of the stars【24】the same purpose. The important thing in keeping time is to know the exact moment of【25】. For each of us, wherever we are, noon is when the sun is directly overhead. Think of an imaginary line【26】the sky, stretching from the north point of your horizon just to the south point.

When the sun cross your meridian (子午线), it is noon for you. When the sun still【27】of this line, or the meridian, it is morning. After the sun has crossed this line, it is【28】.

The Latin word for "midday" is "deridian",【29】which comes our word meridian. So AM is an abbreviation (缩写词) for "ante meridean", or before midday, and PM for after midday. Each or the world's time zones (时区) is about fifteen degrees wide in longitude (经度), which is about the distance the sun moves through tile sky in all hour.【30】lives in the same time zone observes noon at the same moment. In this way, the time is different by one hour as you move through each time zone.






Do you want to know something about the history of weather? Don't look at the sky. Don't l
ook for old weather reports. Looking at tree rings is more important. Correct weather reports date back only one century, but some trees can provide an exact record of the weather even further back. (53) It is natural that a tree would grow best in a climate with plenty of sunlight and rainfall. It is also expected that little sunlight or rainfall would limit the growth of a tree. The change from a favorable to an unfavorable climate can be determined by reading the pattern of rings in a tree trunk. (54)To find out the weather of ten years age, count the rings of a tree trunk from the outside to the inside. If the tenth ring is far from the other rings, then it is certain that plenty of sunny and rainy weather occurred. If the ring are close together, then the climate was bad for the tree. Studying tree rings is important not only for the history of weather, but also for the history of man. In a region of New Mexico you can find only sand-no tree and no people. However, many centuries ago a large population lived there. They left suddenly. Why? A scientist studied patterns of dead tree rings which had grown there. He decided that the people had to leave because they had cut down all the trees. Trees were necessary to make fires and buildings. So, after the people destroyed the trees, they had to move. In this instance studying tree rings uncovered an exciting fact about the history of man.

It is understood that in a favorable climate______.

A.tree rings grow close together

B.tree rings grow far apart

C.trees in New Mexico will grow big and tall

D.people can cut down most of the trees in New Mexico

No one knows exactly how many disabled (残废的) people there are in the world, but estimat

No one knows exactly how many disabled (残废的) people there are in the world, but estimates suggest the figure is over 450 million. The number of disabled people in India alone is probably more than double the total population of Canada.

In the United Kingdom, about one in ten people have some disability. Disability is not just something that happens to other people. As we get older, many of us will become less mobile (可动的), hard of hearing or have failing eyesight.

Disablement can take many forms and occur at any time of life. Some people are born with disabilities. Many others become disabled as they get older. There are many progressive disabling diseases. The longer time goes on, the worse they become. Some people are disabled in accidents. Many others may have a period of disability in the form. of a mental illness. All are affected by people's attitude towards them.

Disabled people face many physical barriers. Next time you go shopping or to work or visit friends, imagine how you would manage if you could not get up steps, or on to buses and trains. How would you cope if you could not see where you were going or could not hear the traffic? But there are other barriers: prejudice can be even harder to break down and ignorance inevitably represents by far the greatest barrier of all. It is almost impossible for the able-bodied to fully appreciate what the severely disabled go through, so it is important to draw attention to these barriers and show that it is the individual person and their ability, not their disability, which counts.

The first paragraph points out that ______.

A.it is possible to get an exact figure of the world's disabled people

B.there are many disabled people in the world

C.the number of disabled people in India is the greatest

D.India has not much more disabled people than Canada

We might marvel at the progress made in every field of study, but the methods of testing a
person's knowledge and ability remain as primitive as ever they were. It really is extraordinary that after all these years, educationists have still failed to device anything more efficient and reliable than examinations. For all the pious claim that examinations text what you know, it is common knowledge that they more often do the exact opposite. They may be a good means of testing memory, or the knack of working rapidly under extreme pressure, but they can tell you nothing about a person's true ability and aptitude.

As anxiety-makers, examinations are second to none. That is because so much depends oil them. They are the mark of success of failure in our society. Your whole future may be decided in one fateful day. It doesn't matter that you weren't feeling very well, or that your mother died. Little things like that don't count: the exam goes on. No one can give of his best when he is in mortal terror, or after a sleepless night, yet this is precisely what the examination system expects him to do. The moment a child begins school, he enters a world of vicious competition where success and failure are clearly defined and measured. Can we wonder at the increasing number of "drop outs": young people who are written off as utter failures before they have even embarked on a career? Can we be surprised at the suicide rate among students?

A good education should, among other things, train you to think for yourself. The examination system does anything but that. What has to be learnt is rigidly laid down by a syllabus, so the student is encouraged to memorize. Examinations do not motivate a student to read widely, but to restrict his reading; they do not enable him to seek more and more knowledge, but induce cramming. They lower the standards of teaching, for they deprive the teacher of all freedoms. Teachers themselves arc often judged by examination results and instead of teaching their subjects, they are reduced to training their students in exam techniques which they despise. The most successful candidates are not always the best educated; they are the best trained in the technique of working under duress.

The results on which so much depends are often nothing more than a subjective assessment by some anonymous examiner. Examiners are only human. They get tired and hungry; they make mistakes. Yet they have to mark stacks of hastily scrawled scripts in a limited amount of time. They work under the same sort of pressure as the candidates. And their word carries weight. After a judge's decision you have the right Of appeal, but not after an examiner's. There must surely be many simpler and more effective ways of assessing a person's true abilities. Is it cynical to suggest that examinations are merely a profitable business for the institutions that run them? This is what it boils down to in the last analysis. The best comment on the system is this illiterate message recently scrawled on a wall: I were a teenage drop-out and now I are a teenage millionaire.

The main idea of this passage is ______.

A.examinations exert a pernicious influence on education

B.examinations are ineffective

C.examinations are profitable for institutions

D.examinations are a burden on students

No Jetlag(时差反应)AnymoreMost people who travel long distances complain of jetlag(时差反

No Jetlag(时差反应)Anymore

Most people who travel long distances complain of jetlag(时差反应). Jetlag makes business travelers less productive(多产的,有成效的)and more prone 1 making mistakes. It is actually caused by 2 of your "body clock"--a small cluster(串,组,群)of brain cells that controls the timing of biological 3 . The body clock is designed for a regular rhythm(节奏)of daylight and darkness, so that it is thrown out of balance when it experiences daylight and darkness at the "wrong" times in a new time zone. The 4 of jetlag often persist(持续) for days 5 the internal body clock slowly adjusts to the new time zone.

Now a new anti-jetlag system is available that is based on proven 6 pioneering scientific research. Dr. Martin Moore has devised a practical strategy to adjust the body clock much sooner to the new time zone 7 controlled exposure to bright light. The time zone shift(转)is easy to accomplish and eliminates(消除) 8 of the discomfort of jetlag.

A successful time z0ne shift depends on knowing the exact times to either 9 or avoid bright light. Exposure to light at the wrong time can actually make jetlag worse. The proper schedule 10 light exposure depends a great deal on 11 travel plans.

Data on a specific flight itinerary(旅行路线)and the individual's sleep 12 are used to produce a Trip Guide with 13 on exactly when to be exposed to bright light.

When the Trip Guide calls 14 bright light you should spend time outdoors if possible. If it is dark outside, or the weather is bad, 15 you are on an aeroplane, you can use a special light device to provide the necessary light stimulus(刺激)for a range of activities such as reading, watching TV or working.

第 51 题





What is the exact air()?




The complicated problem can be solved by the computer within__________ a few seconds

A、 even

B、 just

C、 exact

D、 very

By referring______his notes, the speaker was able to give the exact details required.A.toB

By referring______his notes, the speaker was able to give the exact details required.





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