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The Ford family came from Ireland to the United States in 1847. Their child Henry was born

in 1863. He had an interest in mechanics. He invented a car called the quadricycle which had four wheels. It essentially (实质上) had four bicycle tires and no cab (司机室).

Henry built race cars in the 1890’s and even became a race car driver. But he wanted to build cars for everyone: to use, so he began the Ford Motor Company in 1903. He had formulated (制定) a business motto which would be the reason for his success. "The way to make automobiles is to make one automobile like another automobile, to make them all alike." His company declared that they could make automobiles in any color, as long as it was black.

Henry gave much credit to his wife whom he called "The Believer". From the earliest days of their relationship she was the one who encouraged him to build a horseless carriage. Her belief in him was a constant encouragement to produce what would become tile primary mode of transportation in the future.

Henry's greatest task was to produce a gasoline engine that would be the power for his car. He finally produced so many hours each day that his friends called him crazy Henry. tie was inspired to work until his invention would work effectively.

When he designed the Model T, he decided he could build it cheaply for what he called "the great multitude(批量)." To do this he had to design an assemble line where many cars could be bilt in a single day. Each worker would have only his individual parts to put on each car. Then he could limit himself to the few tools needed for the task.

The Model T was introduced in 1908 and began to be produced on an assembly line in 1913. Henry Ford was the major figure in the auto industry for the next fifteen years.

On May 26, 1927, Henry watched the 15 millionth Model T Ford roll off the assembly tine. He had become the richest man in America. He was able to bring the price low enough so that most Americans could buy his car. This gave every family much independence, for they could move about freely without the aid of others’ transporting them.

Because he did not change his Model T, others began experimenting with different types of cars. However, the Ford Motor Company still exists and all car owners are indebted (受惠于) to the creation of the automobile by Henry Ford.

To make cars, Henry first of all needed ______.

A.his wife’s encouragement

B.a lot of money to buy equipment

C.engineers and technicians

D.to produce a gasoline engine that would be the power for his car

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更多“The Ford family came from Irel…”相关的问题
After ten years' absence he came back only to find his family was not ______ it used to be





Once a landlord wanted to plant garlic in his fields. He found a group of boys and asked t
hem to do the work for him. At lunch time he did not invite the boys to have lunch with his family. The boys had to sit by the door and have lunch on the ground. The landlord was afraid that other people would see the bad food for the boys. So with a smile on his face he said to them: “Boys, go and eat in the house. This is for your food. If you eat here by the door, the dogs will bite you.” The boys were surprised. But they said nothing and went to eat in the house. The landlord was quite pleased.

Supper time came and the boys went into the house again. When they walked past the landlord‘s room, they looked in through the window. What do you think they saw there? They saw a big table with white bread and all kinds of good food on it. The landlord and his family were sitting around the table and eating their dinner. But the food for the boys was bad. The boys were very angry. They wanted to teach the landlord a lesson. So they decided to plant his garlic upside down. And that was what they did the next day.

A few days later the garlic was coming out everywhere but not in the landlord‘s fields. The landlord was very surprised and asked the boys why this was so. “The garlic is afraid that the dogs will bite it,” the boys answered.

The landlord asked the boys to come because ________.

A.he wanted them to plant garlic for him

B.he wanted to invite them to have lunch with his family

C.he wanted to tell them to sit by the door

D.he wanted them to plant vegetables for him

面的大写字母填在横线上。 A I grew up knowing I was different,and I hated it.When I started school my classmates made it clear to me how I must look to others:a little girl with an ugly lip.And l was deaf in one ear.I was sure that no one outside my family could love me.Then I entered Mrs.Leonard’s second—grade class. Mrs.Leonard was round and pretty,with shining brown hair and dark smiling eyes.Everyone loved her.But no one came to love her more than I did.And for a special reason. The time came for the annual(每年的)heating test given at our sch001.The“whisper test”required each child to go to the classroom door,turn sideways,close one ear with a finger,while the teacher whispered something from the desk,which the child repeated.Then the same for the other ear. The teacher usually whispered things like“ The sky is blue.” or “ Do you have new shoes?” Mv time came I turned my bad ear toward her,blocking the other just enough to be able to hear.1 waited.and then came the words that God had surely put into her mouth,seven words that changed my life forever. Mrs.Leonard,the teacher I loved,said softly,“I wish you were my little girl.” Mrs.Leonard,the teacher,________.

A.loved the little girl more than anybody else

B.loved the little girl while her parents didn’t

C.was loved by the little girl only

D.was loved by all the children in her class

Bill and his family have been living in the same old building for eight years. The landlor
d (房东)also lives there,and usually all the tenants(房客)get along fairly well with one another. Recently,however, there has been a change in their relations.

A nice, quiet old couple used to live there, too. The old lady would sometimes bring some small cakes she made to Biir s mother,who in return would give her some meat or help her with shopping.Unfortunately,the old lady died last month. As her husband couldn’ t live alone,his grandson moved in.

The grandson, a youth of about twenty, has become a problem to Bill’ s family because he is so noisy. Biir s family members were used to peace and quiet,but the youth likes to listen to his radio late at night. Sometimes his friends came for a visit,and they also made a lot of noise. Everyone in Bill’ s family has been bothered by the new comer and getting angry.

Bill’ s mother once politely asked the old man if he was able to sleep well at night, but it seemed that he didn’ t understand what she meant and so never spoke to his grandson about it. If he did,the grandson apparently didn’ t listen, since things have not changed any. Everyone in Bill’ s family agrees that something has to be done, but no one wants to hurt the old man’ s feelings or cause him any problems. What do you think should be done? Bill’ s family got angry with their neighbor because

A.the old lady died

B.a young man moved in

C.the grandson made a lot of noise

D.the young man could not live alone

In the sentence “Every one in Bill’s family has been bothered by the new comer”,“bother” means____.A.scare

B.cause trouble to


D.make sorry

The grandson makes a lot of noise asA.he never cares whether the neighbors might want to live in peace and quiet

B.the walls of the building are thin

C.he likes to listen to his radio early iji the morning

D.friends come to visit him


The owner of a large company, who was about to take a trip overseas, dropped into his offi
ce early in the morning to make some arrangements. He was telephoning for a ticket for his trip when the night watchman came in, who was back from work, and said" Good morning" to the owner. Then he told him that he had dreamed that very night of his employer's(雇主的)plane crashing(坠毁) after taking off. The owner was surprised to hear this. He decided, however, there was something in what the night watchman said. He postponed(推迟) his trip.

As things turned out, the night watchman's dream was correct. That day the plane exploded (爆炸) just after leaving the ground. The owner gave the night watchman 5,000 dollars and a letter. He said, "I'm very sorry to do so. But I have to do so. Read the letter when you get home."

The puzzled man hurried home and tore the letter in a hurry. After taking a look, he turned pale. There was only one sentence in it. And he knew that he had been fired.

The owner was going to trip ______.

A.by air

B.by water

C.by train

D.with his family

I was a freshman in college when I met the Whites. They were completely different from my
own family. Jane White and I became friends at school, and her family welcomed me like along-lost cousin.

In my family it was always important to place blame when anything bad happened. But the Whites didn't worry about who had done what. Mr. and Mrs. White had six children: three sons and three daughters.

In July, the White sisters and I decided to take a car trip to New York. The two oldest, Sarah and Jane, were college students, and the youngest, Amy had recently got a driver' s license, and was excited about practicing her driving on the trip.

The big sisters let Amy take over. She came to an intersection with a stop sign, but Amy continued without stopping. The driver of a large truck, crashed into our car.

Jane was killed instantly.

When Mr. and Mrs. White arrived at the hospital, they hugged us all.

To both of their daughters, and especially to Amy, over and over they simply said, "We' re so glad that you're alive."

I was astonished. No blame.

Later, I asked the Whites why they never talked about the fact that Amy was driving and had run a stop sign.

Mrs. White said, "Jane's gone, and nothing we say or do will bring her back. But Amy has her whole life ahead of her. How can she lead a full and happy life if she feels we blame her for her sister' s death?"

They were right. Amy graduated from college and got married several years ago, She works as a teacher of learning-disabled students. She' s also a mother of two little girls of her own, the oldest named Jane.

The writer of the article is ______ .

A.Mrs. White's niece

B.the Whites' cousin

C.Sarah' s friend at college

D.Jane' s friend at school

Historians of women’s labor in the United States at firstlargely disregarded the story of

Historians of women’s labor in the United States at first

largely disregarded the story of female service workers

-women earning wages in occupations such as salesclerk.

domestic servant, and office secretary. These historians

(5) focused instead on factory work, primarily because it

seemed so different from traditional, unpaid “women’s

work” in the home, and because the underlying economic

forces of industrialism were presumed to be gender-blind

and hence emancipatory in effect. Unfortunately, emanci-

(10) pation has been less profound than expected, for not even

industrial wage labor has escaped continued sex segre-

gation in the workplace.

To explain this unfinished revolution in the status of

women, historians have recently begun to emphasize the

(15) way a prevailing definition of femininity often etermines

the kinds of work allocated to women, even when such

allocation is inappropriate to new conditions. For instance,

early textile-mill entrepreneurs, in justifying women’s

employment in wage labor, made much of the assumption

(20) that women were by nature skillful at detailed tasks and

patient in carrying out repetitive chores; the mill owners

thus imported into the new industrial order hoary stereo-

types associated with the homemaking activities they

presumed to have been the purview of women. Because

(25)women accepted the more unattractive new industrial tasks

more readily than did men, such jobs came to be regarded

as female jobs.And employers, who assumed that women’s

“real” aspirations were for marriage and family life.

declined to pay women wages commensurate with those of

(30) men. Thus many lower-skilled, lower-paid, less secure jobs

came to be perceived as “female.”

More remarkable than the origin has been the persistence

of such sex segregation in twentieth-century industry. Once

an occupation came to be perceived as “female.” employers

(35) showed surprisingly little interest in changing that percep-

-tion, even when higher profits beckoned. And despite the

urgent need of the United States during the Second World War

to mobilize its human resources fully, job segregation by sex

characterized even the most important

(40) war industries. Moreover, once the war ended, employers

quickly returned to men most of the “male” jobs that

women had been permitted to master.

According to the passage, job segregation by sex in the United States was______

A.greatly diminlated by labor mobilization during the Second World War

B.perpetuated by those textile-mill owners who argued in favor of women’s employment in wage labor

C.one means by which women achieved greater job security

D.reluctantly challenged by employers except when the economic advantages were obvious

E.a constant source of labor unrest in the young textile industry

完成下列各题 D Popular British author,Charles Dickens’(1812—187

完成下列各题 D Popular British author,Charles Dickens’(1812—1870)family could hardly make ends meet.They could only afford to send one of their six children to school.Dickens was not that child.His parents chose to send a daughter,who had a talent for music,to an academy. His lather was placed in prison for debts.And,being the oldest male at home,Dickens worked at a factory.His horrible experience there became the ruel for his future writing.His father was freed three months later,and Dickens was then sent to school. From l836 to 1837,he wrote a series of stories.Thus the Pickwick Papers came into being,which brought fame to him.His works are Oliver Twist,Tale of Two Cities,David Copperlield and Hard Times. “I do not write bitterly or angrily.for I know all these things have worked together to make me what I am.”he once said. His difficult childhood did indeed shape the person he became,as well as his writing career there are shades of young Dickens in many of his most beloved characters,including David Coppeffield and Oliver Twist.“Minds,like bodies,will often fall into an ill—conditioned state from too much comfort.”he once wrote. The book that called public attention to Dickens was________.

A.David Copperfield

B.Oliver Twist

C.Tale of Two Cities

D.The Pickwick Papers

______, I wrote a letter to Henry Ford II and told him what happened.A.DesperateB.DespiteC

______, I wrote a letter to Henry Ford II and told him what happened.





It can be inferred that ______. ()A.Henry Ford always tried to avoid wasteB.Henry Ford re

It can be inferred that ______. ()

A.Henry Ford always tried to avoid waste

B.Henry Ford required total observation once the standards were established

C.Henry Ford always encouraged his workers to make changes oft he products

D.Henry Ford made his own designs of his cars

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