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Whether at home or in a restaurant, meals in Brazil are sacred(神圣的) ; a time to ea

Whether at home or in a restaurant, meals in Brazil are sacred(神圣的) ; a time to eat, but also to share precious moments with family and friends. Now, here's a Brazilian custom I miss enormously: a decent, sit-down, leisurely-paced lunch and/or dinner. To this day, I have to keep reminding myself, "what's the big hurry? " and I confess that one of the things I look forward to, when I go to Brazil, is the "family" meal. We have a joke that, if you see people sitting around a table in the US, having lunch for longer than 1/2 hour, it must be a business lunch. And also, sitting at your desk and eating lunch while you work is incomprehensible to most Brazilians, who leave their offices to eat with their colleagues and friends in restaurants and cafes. You guess, lunch is usually a more substantial meal than in the U.S.

(68) For lunch and, depending on the location, also dinner, Brazilians have wonderful, inexpensive restaurants where home-style. meals are sold by kilo. You just pile the food on your plate and someone will weigh it for you. The same goes for desserts. You order drinks from your waiter and pay him at the end of your meal.

Dinner is served much later than in the U. S. In the big cities, children are a common sight in restaurants at night, since Brazilians will take their kids out to dinner at all hours. As a result of this and the traditional Sunday lunches, Brazilian kids learn table manners at an early age. For many of my Brazilian friends, dinner is a lighter meal of bread, cheese and cold cuts. So expect either type of meal.

In Brazil, people usually have meals______.

A.in a hurry at restaurants

B.in a leisurely manner

C.at their desk in the office

D.for less than 1/2 hour

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更多“Whether at home or in a restau…”相关的问题
Whether in your life or work, the following things are not the reasons for you to feel embarrassed. It’s OK and just move on.

1. Mistakes while learning

There will be times when you have people above you (a boss) or even next to you (a coworker) that will get really annoyed with you for “ruining” something “important”.

36__________ Even if you make mistakes and get a punishment, persevere and push on. You do not need to be embarrassed for learning from your mistakes.

2. Food choices

People are different and have different taste buds (味蕾). Whether it is healthy or not, food is a choice and it is part of life. 37__________ You do not need to be embarrassed for food you do or do not like. Tell them, “It is a personal choice I have made, and I am committed to it.”

3. Your past

Allowing positive experiences to define, limit, improve, and outshine (凸显) you may cause you to be caught up in the past and unable to truly live in the present. Whether your history is positive, negative, or somewhere in between, don’t hold on to the negative experiences and let it reflect your current behavior. 38__________

4. The clean lines of your car / home / workspaceWhen everyone gets in the car, you realize your Starbuck bags are still on the floor. So what Think about it this way: everyone has a “messy” aspect of their life. Maybe their home is completely clean, but the relationship with their spouse (配偶) is messy. Someone’s car gets washed once a week, but his/her work life could use some help.

39__________ We don’t apologize to others about our personal limitations. By being outwardly embarrassed, it only brings more attention to the fact!

5. Putting yourself first

If you find yourself saying no to something or making up lies to get out of it, tell them the truth, and don’t apologize. You will feel much better in the long run if you are honest with them and yourself. If you’re not up to a voluntary duty, you don’t have to be. You can politely refuse the person’s request.

40__________ Put yourself first.

A. It is simply a personal choice that people make for their own reasons.

B. It is okay to be selfish from time to time.

C. Errors are bound to happen when you have on your training wheels.

D. Each of them waits for your immediate help.

E. Let bygones (过去的事) be bygones.

F. Forgetting history means betrayal.

G. No one on Earth lives a perfectly “clean” life in every aspect.






More American mothers than ever are working, and more workers are mothers. Yet their march
into the world of paid work continues to cause suspicion. One recent survey found that 48 percent of Americans believe that preschoolers suffer if their mothers work, while another found that 42 percent of employed parents think that working mothers care more about succeeding at work than meeting their children's needs.

All mothers deserve our support--those who care for children at home and those who have joined the work force. But many working mothers continue to believe that they are shortchanging (少找钱)their children. They shouldn't. Research tells us that kids do just fine when mothers work.

Suzanne Bianchi a scientist of the University of Maryland, has found that mothers today spend as much if not more time with their children than they did in 1965, even though the percentage of mothers who work rose from 35 percent to 71 percent. Then there are the obvious financial benefits. For many children, these earnings are the difference between living in poverty—or out of it.

The kids are all right. Studies conducted by the University of Michigan have consistently demonstrated that a child's social or academic competence does not depend on whether a mother is employed. In my research four out of five children (nine out of ten in single parent families) told me that having a working mother was their preferred arrangement. My study found that children with working mothers are no more likely to drop out, take drugs, break the law, or experiment with sex prematurely than children with non-employed mothers. Children have taken their mothers' example to heart. Ninety percent of the young women I interviewed said they hoped to combine work with motherhood, while two-thirds of the men said they wanted to share parenting and work.

Sadly, children support working mothers more than we do as a society. Parental leave and child-care benefits in the United States remain inadequate, particularly when compared to what's offered in other countries. Children thrive when their mothers have satisfying, well-paid jobs when they can count on other caretakers to share the load. The challenge facing us is thus not whether good workers can also be good mothers, but whether we can create the conditions that enable working mothers and fathers to be good parents.

From the first paragraph, we can see that ______.

A.now more American mothers are working than any time in American history and anywhere else in the world

B.more than half Americans think that before going to school, children need their mothers' whole-hearted care

C.a majority of Americans believe that once working outside home mothers think of their own work more than their children

D.more American mothers work than ever before, but this problem of working mothers has not been solved satisfactorily

Green-space facilities are contributing to an important extent to the quality of the urban
environment. Fortunately it is no longer necessary that every lecture or every book about this subject has to start with the proof of this idea. At present it is generally accepted, although more as a self-evident statement than on the base of a closely-reasoned scientific proof. The recognition of the importance of green-spaces in the urban environment is a first step on the right way, this does mean, however, that sufficient details are known about the functions of green-space in towns and about the way in which the inhabitants are using these spaces. As to this rather complex subject I shall, within the scope of this lecture, enter into one aspect only, namely the recreative function of green-space facilities.

The theoretical separation of living, working, traffic and recreation which for many years has been used in town-and-country planning, has in my opinion resulted in disproportionate attention for forms of recreation far from home, whether there was relatively little attention for improvement of recreative possibilities in the direct neighborhood of the home. We have come to the conclusion that this is not right, because an important past of the time which we do not pass in sleeping or working, is used for activities at and around home. So it is obvious that recreation in the open air has to begin at the street-door of the house. The urban environment has to offer as many recreation activities as possible, and the design of these has to be such that more obligatory activities can also have a recreative aspect.

The very best standard of living is nothing if it is not possible to take a pleasant walk in the district, if the children cannot be allowed to play in the streets, because the risks of traffic are too great, if during shopping you can nowhere find a spot for enjoying for a moment the nice weather, in short, if you only feel yourself at home after the street-door of your house is closed after you.

According to the author, the importance of green-spaces in the urban environment ______.

A.is still unknown

B.is usually neglected

C.is being closely studied

D.has been full recognized

The relationship between the home and market economics has gone through two distinct s
tages. Early industrialization began the process of transferring some production processes (e.g. clothmaking, sewing, and canning foods) from the home to the marketplace. Although the home economy could still produce these goods, the processes were laborious and the market economy was usually more efficient. Soon, the more important second stage was evident- the marketplace began producing goods and services that had never been produced by the home economy, and the home economy was unable to produce them (e.g. electricity and electrical appliances, the automobile, advanced education, sophisticated medical care). In the second stage, the question of whether the home economy was less efficient in producing these new goods and services was irrelevant; if the family were to enjoy these fruits of industrialization, they would have to be obtained in the marketplace. The traditional ways of taking care of these needs in the home, such as nursing the sick, became socially unacceptable(and, in most serious cases, probably less successful). Just as the appearance of the automobile made the use of the horse-drawn carriage illegal and then impractical, and the appearance of television changed the radio from a source of entertainment to a source of background music, so most of the fruits of economic growth did not increase the options available to the home economy toe either produce the goods or services or purchase them in the market. Growth brought with it increased variety in customer goods, but not increased flexibility for the home economy in obtaining these goods and services. Instead, economic growth brought with it increased consumer reliance on the marketplace. In order to consume these new goods and services, the family had to enter the marketplace as wage earners and consumers. The neoclassical model that views the family as deciding whether to produce goods and services directly or to purchase them in the marketplace is basically a model of the first stage. It cannot accurately be applied to the second (and current ) stage.

1. The reason why many production processes were taken over

by the marketplace was that ____.

A. it was a necessary step in the process of industrialization

B. they depended on electricity available only to the market economy

C. it was troublesome to produce such goods in the home

D. the marketplace was more efficient with respect to these processes

2. It can be seem from the passage that in the second stage _______.

A. some traditional goods and services were not successful when provided by the home economy

B. the market economy provided new goods and services never produced by the home economy

C. producing traditional goods at home became socially


D. whether new goods and services were produced by the home economy became irrelevant

3. During the second stage, if the family wanted to consume new goods and services, they had to enter the marketplace _____.

A. as wage earners

B. both as manufacturers and consumers

C. both as workers and purchasers

D. as consumers

4. Economic growth did not make it more flexible for the home economy to obtain the new goods and services because _____.

A. the family was not efficient in production

B. it was illegal for the home economy to produce them

C. it could not supply them by itself

D. the market for these goods and services was limited

5. The neoclassical model is basically a model of the first stage, because at this stage ____.

A.the family could rely either on the home economy or on the marketplace for the needed goods and services

B. many production processes were being transferred to

the marketplace

C. consumers relied more and more on the market economy

D. the family could decide how to transfer production processes to the marketplace

“Home, sweet home” is a phrase that express an essential attitude in the United States.
Whether the reality of life in the family house is sweet or no sweet, the cherished ideal of home _____1_____ has great importance for many people.

This ideal is a vital part of the American dream. This dream, dramatized in the history of nineteenth century European settlers of American West, was to find a piece of place, build a house _____2_____ for one?s family, and started a farm. These small households were _____3_____portraits of independence: the entire family- mother, father, children,even grandparents-live in a small house and working together to _____4_____support each other. Anyone understood the life-and-death importance _____5_____ of family cooperation and hard work. Although most people in theUnited States no longer live on farms, but the ideal of home ownership _____6_____ is just as strong in the twentieth century as it was in the nineteenth.

When U.S. soldiers came home before World WarⅡ, for example, _____7_____ they dreamed of buying houses and starting families. But there was _____8_____ a tremendous boom in home building. The new houses, typically inthe suburbs, were often small and more or less identical, but it satisfied _____9_____ a deep need. Many regarded the single-family house the basis of their _____10_____ way of life.

Please__________me whether I should accept the offer.A.adviseB.suggestC.

Please__________me whether I should accept the offer.





I will not endlessly question whether I really ______ my title and my pay. A. reserve

I will not endlessly question whether I really ______ my title and my pay.

A. reserve

B. conserve

C. deserve

D. preserve



B.that Iwasastudent


D.whether I was a student

Do you think () I should enter for the competition?





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