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It would appear that the public Sagan hopes to attract ______.A.are interested in UFO spot

It would appear that the public Sagan hopes to attract ______.

A.are interested in UFO spotting

B.are only interested in science fiction

C.are unable to write science fiction

D.have a reasonable grounding in science

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更多“It would appear that the publi…”相关的问题
In which of the following magazines would this passage most probably appear?A.Fashion.B.Sc

In which of the following magazines would this passage most probably appear?


B.Science Today.

C.The World of Literature.

D.Art and Aesthetics.

Austin, Inc. made a Prepaid Rent payment of $3,500 on January 1st. The company' S
monthly rent is $700. The amount of Prepaid Rent that would appear on the January 31 balance sheet after adjustment is:().





Lane waited on the bench nearest the bridge, as he had been instructed. The wind blew stra
ight across the river, sharp as a razor, and he had to pull his overcoat closer about him.

He went over his instructions in his mind. The agent would appear at four o' clock. He would chat to Lane for a while, after which he would get up, leaving his newspaper behind. The plan would be fastened inside.

A distant clock began to strike the hour. As if from nowhere, a man appeared and sat down be side Lane, placing his newspaper on the seat between them. He was thin and middle-aged, and seemed in need of a good meat. He bored no resemblance to Lane' s idea of a successful spy. His conversation, confined to trivial observations about the weather, was painfully uninteresting.

A few minutes later he got up and continued on his way. Large picked up the paper which laid on the bench, as if he wanted to look at the news. He was excited to see the plans pinned to the center page. At that moment, however, there was a strong wind which lifted the newspaper into the air, like a kite, and blew it into the river.

Lane ______.

A.memorized his orders

B.recited his orders

C.tried to remember his orders

D.repeated his orders himself

In the world in which we live today, a man may be one thing but appear to be another. This
was impossible in Indian society. An Indian's name told the world what he was - a coward, a liar, a thief, or a brave.

When I was young, every Indian had at least three names during his lifetime. His first name was given to him at birth. It described something that had happened at that time.

Each Indian was supposed to keep his birth name until he was old enough to earn money for himself. But his friends would always give him a name of their own. No matter what his parents called him, his childhood friends would use the name they had chosen.

The Indian earned his real name when he was old enough for his first fight against the enemy. His life name depended on how he acted during this first battle. When he returned he would be given his tribal name by the chief. If he had done well, he would be given a good name. But if he had done poorly, he might be given a bad name.

A man was given many chances to improve his name, however. If in a later battle he was very brave in fighting against the enemy, he was given a better name. Some Indians had as many as twelve names - all good and each better than the last.

All names given to one Indian belonged to him for the rest of his life. No one else could use them. Even he himself could not give them away. This was because no man could pass on his name unless the chief and the tribe asked him to do so.

According to passage, Indian names were important because they ______.

A.described the character of a man

B.described the appearance of a man

C.were never used by other people

D.told us his profession

根据以下内容回答下列各题, Banks are not ordinarily prepared to pay out all accounts; they
rely on depositors (储户) not to demand payment all at the same time. If depositors should come to fear that a bank is not safe, that it cannot pay off all its depositors, then that fear might cause all the depositors to appear on the same day. If they did, the bank could not pay all accounts. However, if they did not all appear at once, then there would always be enough money to pay those who wanted their money when they wanted it. Mrs. Elsie Vaught has told us of a terrifying bank run that she experienced. One day in December of 1925 several banks failed to open in a city where Mrs. Vaught lived. The other banks expected a run the next day, and so the officers of the bank in which Mrs Vaught worked as a teller had enough money on hand to pay off their depositors. The officers simply told the tellers to pay on demand. The next morning a crowd gathered in the bank and on the sidewalk outside. The length of the line made many think that the bank could not possibly pay off everyone. People began to push and then to fight for places near the tellers windows, The power of the panic atmosphere was such that two tellers, though they knew that the bank was quite all right and could pay all depositors, drew their own money from the bank. Mrs Vaught says that she had difficulty keeping herself from doing the same. A bank run happens when _______.

A.a bank is closed for one or more days

B.too many depositors try to draw out their money at one time

C.there is not enough money to pay all its depositors at one time

D.tellers of a bank take their own money from the bank

Movies are the most popular form. of entertainment for millions of Americans. They go to t
he movies to escape their normal everyday existence and to experience a life more exciting than their own. They may choose to see a particular film because they like the actors or because they have heard the film has a good story. But the main reason why people go to the movies is to escape.

Sitting in a dark theater, watching the images on the screen, they enter another world that is real to them. They become involved in the lives of the characters in the movie, and for two hours, they forget all about their own problems. They are in a dream world where things often appear to be more romantic (浪漫的) and beautiful than in real life.

The biggest "dream factories" are in Hollywood, the capital of the film industry. Each year, Hollywood studios make hundreds of movies that are shown all over the world. American movies are popular because they tell stories and they are well-made. They provide the public with heroes who do things the average person would like to do but often can't. People have to cope with many problems and much trouble in real life, so they feel encouraged when they see the" good guys "win in the movies.

The Americans go to the movies mainly because they want______.

A.to enjoy a good story

B.to experience an exciting life

C.to see the actors and actresses

D.to escape their daily life

In the seventeenth century, European soldiers who came across some Indian groups in the we
stern Great Lakes found that several native tribes were living in the area without a formal leadership system. They appeared to be "quite friendly with each other without a formal authority!"

Not only did the Indians appear to lack a formal system of authority, but they also deeply hated any efforts to control their actions. All members of the tribes knew what was required of them by lifelong familiarity with the tasks of the area. These tasks tended to be simple, since the Indian's rate of social change was slow. Thus, although subgroups such as soldiers had recognized leaders, no real authority was required. Rather than giving direct orders (which were considered rough), members of the tribes would arouse others to action by examples.

It would be difficult, if not impossible, to carry out such a system in our own society. Most of us have grown up under one authority or another for as long as we can remember. Our parents, our teachers, our bosses, our government all have the recognized right under certain conditions to tell us what to do. The authority is so much a part of our culture that it is hard for us to imagine a workable society without it. We have been used to relying on authority to get things done and would probably be uncomfortable with the Indian methods of examples on a large scale.

Of course, the major reason why the Indian system would not be suitable for us is that our society is too large. The number of tasks that various members of our society have to perform. often under tight time and resource limitations could not be treated by the Indian system. In modern societies, the formal authority system is necessary to achieve any social objectives.

Which of the following statements is correct according to the passage?

A.From 1710 to 1780, European soldiers came across some Indian groups in the western Great Lakes.

B.European soldiers were quite friendly to the Indian groups.

C.The Indian groups had no leaders.

D.The Indian groups were friendly to each other without a formal leadership system.

It seems to shine unchangingly, pouring out a constant light year after year. But the sun
may not be nearly so stable as we suppose. It is now thought to move quickly and irregularly and change in long-term cycles, growing dimmer and then brighter with each passing year. Some even fear that its frequent changing behavior. would have a great influence on the Earth' s climate.

The source of the sun' s inconstancy is magnetism. Professor William Livingston has developed new theories about its magnetic nature.

"We don' t yet know what causes sun spots, "he says, "but we now think they ' re areas of high level magnetism that come up from the sun' s interior. So strong is their magnetic pull that the highly ionized gas nearby is not able to transmit energy out. "As a result these areas send out less heat and light and thus appear from Earth to be almost dark irregular surface patches.

Sun spot activity generally fluctuates in steady, 11-year cycled. Scientists have long formed the o pinion that as the size and number of sun spots increased, the overall energy sent out by the sun would de crease. Indeed, recent studies confirmed it, revealing that during peak periods of sun spot activity, the Earth experiences a small drop that can be seen clearly in received solar energy.

Could such a small drop in energy have an effect here on earth? Perhaps some scientists think the world temperature could fall by' as much as 0.2 during periods of high solar magnetism.., enough to cause significant fluctuations in weather patterns.

According to the passage, it is believed that the sun ______ .

A.moves in a quick but steady way year after year

B.sends out less and less heat and light with each passing year

C.radiates the same amount of light every year

D.might have a strong influence on the weather patterns

Scientists around the world are racing to learn how to rapidly diagnose, treat and stop th
e spread of a new, deadly disease. SARS—Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome—was 【31】______ for the first time in February 2003 in Hanoi, 【32】______ since then has infected more than 1,600 people in 15 countries, killing 63. At this 【33】______ , there are more questions than answers surrounding the disease. Symptoms start 【34】______ a fever over 100.4 degrees F, chills, headache or body 【35】______. Within a week, the patient has a dry cough, which might 【36】______ to shortness of breath. In 10% to 20% of cases, patients require 【37】______ ventilation to breathe. About 3.5% die from the disease. Symptoms 【38】______ begin in two to seven days, but some reports suggest it 【39】______ take as long as 10 days. Scientists are close to 【40】______ a lab test to diagnose SARS. In the meantime, it is diagnosed by its symptoms. There is no evidence 【41】______ antibiotics or anti-viral medicines help, 【42】______ doctors can offer only supportive care. Patients with SARS are kept in isolation to reduce the risk of 【43】______ . Scientists aren't sure yet, but some researchers think it's a 【44】______ discovered corona virus, the family of viruses that cause some common colds. Most cases appear to have been passed 【45】______ droplets expelled when infected patients cough or sneeze. Family members of infected people and medical workers who care 【46】______ them have been most likely to 【47】______ the illness. But recent developments in Hong Kong suggest that the 【48】______ might spread through air, or that the virus might 【49】______ for two to three hours on doorknobs or other 【50】______ . Health experts say it is unlikely, though, that sharing an elevator briefly with an infected person would be enough to pass the virus.





根据以下资料,回答{TSE}题。 An old saying has it that half of all advertising budgets are w
asted-the trouble is, no one knows which half .In the internet age, at least in theory ,this fraction can be much reduced .By watching what people search for, click on and say online, companies can aim “behavioural” ads at those most likely to buy. In the past couple of weeks a quarrel has illustrated the value to advertisers of such fine-grained information: Should advertisers assume that people are happy to be tracked and sent behavioural ads? Or should they have explicit permission? In December 2010 America's Federal Trade Cornmission (FTC) proposed adding a "do not track "(DNT) option to internet browsers ,so that users could tell adwertisers that they did not want to be followed .Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Apple's Safari both offer DNT ;Google's Chrome is due to do so this year.In February the FTC and Digltal Adwertising Alliance (DAA) agreed that the industry would get cracking on responging to DNT requests. On May 31st Microsoft Set off the row: It said that Internet Explorer 10,the version due to appear windows 8, would have DNT as a default. It is not yet clear how advertisers will respond.Geting a DNT signal does not oblige anyone to stop tracking, although some companies have promised to do so.Unable to tell whether someone really objects to behavioural ads or whether they are sticking with Microsoft’s default, some may ignore a DNT signal and press on anyway. Also unclear is why Microsoft has gone it alone.Atter all, it has an ad business too, which it says will comply with DNT requests, though it is still working out how.If it is trying to upset Google, which relies almost wholly on default will become the norm.DNT does not seem an obviously huge selling point for windows 8-though the firm has compared some of its other products favourably with Google's on that count before.Brendon Lynch, Microsoft's chief privacy officer, bloggde:"we believe consumers should have more control." Could it really be that simple? {TS}It is suggested in paragraph 1 that “behavioural” ads help advertisers to:

A. ease competition among themselves

B. lower their operational costs

C. avoid complaints from consumers

D. provide better online services

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