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I have been sitting in my seat for at least two hours, waiting ______.A.the train to start

I have been sitting in my seat for at least two hours, waiting ______.

A.the train to start

B.for the train start

C.for the train to start

D.for the train starting

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更多“I have been sitting in my seat…”相关的问题
One summer evening I was sitting by the open window, reading a good science storybook. (79

One summer evening I was sitting by the open window, reading a good science storybook. (79)I was so interested in the story I was reading that I did not notice that it was getting dark. When I realized it was too dark for me to read easily, I put the book down and got up to turn on the light. Just then I heard someone crying, "Help! Help!" it seemed to come from the trees at the other end of the yard. (80)I looked out but it was now too dark to see anything clearly. Almost immediately I heard the cry again. It sounded like a child, but I could not imagine what anybody could be doing in our backyard, unless one of the neighborhood children had climbed a tree and had not been able to get down.

I decided that I should go out and have a look in the yard, just in case someone was in trouble. I turned on the light and found for myself a flashlight and a baseball bat in the room. I thought they might be useful. Armed with these, I went out into the yard. Once again I heard the cry and this time there was no doubt that it came from the trees at the far end of the yard. "Who's there?" I called out as I walked across the yard towards the trees. But there was no answer. With the help of my flashlight, I searched all over that end of the yard, including the branches of the tree. There was no sign of anybody or anything. I came to the conclusion that my imagination was playing tricks on me, probably because of the story I was reading about strange creatures on another planet.

Feeling rather foolish about hunting around in my own backyard with a baseball bat, I went back into the house and put the bat and the flashlight away. I had just sat down to read my book again when I was frightened by the cry of "Help! Help!" from right behind me. I dropped my book and jumped up. There, sitting on the table was a large green and red bird. It was my neighbor's parrot(鹦鹉)!While I was out in the yard, the parrot must have seen the light in the living room and come in through the open window.

One summer evening the author was reading by the open window because ______.

A.it was getting dark.

B.it was too dark for him to read easily outside.

C.he didn't mm on the light.

D.none of the above

Mr. Brown was at the theatre. He had got his ticket at the moment, so he had not been ahle
to choose his seat. He now found that he was in the middle of a group of American la- dies, some of them middle-aged and some of them quite old. They clearly all knew each other well, as before the curtain went up on the play they had come to see, they all talked and joked a lot together.

The lady sitting on Mr. Brown's left, who was about sixty years old, seemed to be the happiest and the most interesting of the American group, and after the first act of the play, she apologized to him for the noisiness of her friends. He answered that he was very glad to see American ladies so really enjoying their visit to England, and so they had a friendly talk. Mr. Brown's neighbour explained what they doing there.

"You know, I have known these ladies all my life," she said. "We all grew up together back in our hometown in the United States. They have all lost their husbands~ and call themselves the Merry Widows. It is a sort of club, you know. They go to a foreign country every summer or two and have a lot of fun. They always go everywhere together. I have wanted to join their club for a long time, but I was not able to become a member until the spring of this year."

The group of American ladies enjoyed the play in a theatre in______.



C.their club

D.their hometown

Three friends decided to sail around the world in a small yacht(游艇). They loaded it with

Three friends decided to sail around the world in a small yacht(游艇). They loaded it with food and water and set off. They traveled to many beautiful places, and were having a wonderful time.

Until one day, when they had been at sea for about a month, a fierce storm blew up.

Great waves crashed(坠毁)down on their little yacht. The mast(船桅) broke and the yacht was soon thrown against some rocks near a deserted island.

The three men were able to struggle to the island, taking with them as much food as they could carry. Not a tree, not a bush, not a flower grew on the island. There was not an animal of any kind, not even a bird or an insect. For a few weeks the three men were able to live on the food they had saved, but at last it was gone--except for one piece of bread. They decided that whoever had the best dream the next night could have the bread. The next morning they took turns describing their dreams.

The first man said that he had dreamed he was in the world's most beautiful restaurant and he had eaten the finest meal of his life and drunk some of the finest wines. He said it was one of the best dreams he had ever had.

The second man described how he had dreamed about a magic carpet. Sitting on this car- pet, he had traveled to all the wonderful places in the world and been the guest of great kings and queens. It had been a truly exciting dream.

The men who had described their dreams then turned to the third man. "Tell us your dream," they said. "My dream was very simple," he said. "I dreamed that the bread was go- ing bad and would soon be moldy(发霉). 1 didn't want to waste the bread, so as soon as I woke up I ate it.

The three men took______.

A.many souvenirs(纪念品) with them

B.no medical supplies with them

C.a large crew with them

D.many provisions(食物贮备) with them

I (have been) told that he (will have come) if he (were) (able).A.have beenB.will have com

I (have been) told that he (will have come) if he (were) (able).

A.have been

B.will have come



Philip:I can’t believe I 2 you at last.And what have you been doing?

Charles is now an actor. ______(give)half a chance I would have been the same.

Charles is now an actor. ______(give)half a chance I would have been the same.

" Good-bye, Mr. Wang. I' m pleased ______ you.A.to meetB.meetingC.to have been meetingD.to

" Good-bye, Mr. Wang. I' m pleased ______ you.

A.to meet


C.to have been meeting

D.to be met

I would have written before, but I______ ill.A.wasB.would beenC.had beenD.were

I would have written before, but I______ ill.


B.would been

C.had been


I have been out of work_____last November.A.toB.forC.byD.since

I have been out of work_____last November.





Speaker A: Have you ever been to the Temple of Heaven in Beijing?Speaker B: ______A.No, bu

Speaker A: Have you ever been to the Temple of Heaven in Beijing?Speaker B: ______

A.No, but I have no time.

B.No, but I'd like to.

C.Yes. I was too busy then.

D.Yes. I couldn't do it right now.

______ in an atmosphere of harmony was what my wife and I have been desiring.A.The boy to

______ in an atmosphere of harmony was what my wife and I have been desiring.

A.The boy to be educated

B.The boy educate

C.The boy's being educated

D.The boy was educated

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