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回答下列各题 We do not know how the first fire was 21 .Early fires on the earth were ce

rtainly caused by nature,not by Man,some were caused by lightning in a storm;22 ,perhaps,by the hot material which came out of a volcano.Quite possibly,at times,the heat of the sun set light 23 some dry grass or leaves.At first Man,like other animals,was probably afraid of fire. 24 great was the power of fire that he feared it and worshipped it.Gradually,however,with his better power of thinking,he overcame his fear.Probablly he overcame most of his fear when he 25 how to make fire for himself.Throughout the ages he has learned more about fire,how to control it,and how to use it 26 many ways.Now fire is no longer a master of a god;it is a 27 . We call only guess how 28 first learned that a fire was useful and what uses he made of it.By 29 a burning stick from fire which had been started naturally,he could make afire at his own“home”.He could keep the fire burning by adding more dry grass.1eaves and wood.The‰30 the chief purpose of frightening animals away.He discovered,by some accident,that flesh roasted in front of a fire 31 better.Then he found that roasted flesh would keep longer,without going bad, 32 uncooked flesh.It must have been much later that Man learned to cook food by heating it with 33 water or with steam.He could not use such methods 34 he had learned how to make pots 35 holding water.





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根据下列材料回答下列各题。A:WhatDo you plan toDo this weekend?B: ___56___A:I hear there’s g


A:WhatDo you plan toDo this weekend?

B: ___56___

A:I hear there’s going toBe aBasketbaH match this Sunday.Tom and I are going to wgtch it. ___57___

B:Of course.Basketball is my favourite.But I have no ticket for the match.What a pity!A:You’re lucky.I have some free tickets. ___58___

B:Great ! ___59___

A:Let’S meet at theBus stop at half past five.

B:I think there mustBe aBig crowd of people there.____60___A:OK.See you at five oclock.

B:See you.


A.What about making it a little earlier?B.I have no idea. C.Let’s go together. D.Thank you all the same. E.Do you likeBasketball?F.When and where shall we meet?G.TtDoesnt matter? H.What are you going to do?


A.What about making it a little earlier?B.I have no idea. C.Let’s go together. D.Thank you all the same. E.Do you likeBasketball?F.When and where shall we meet?G.TtDoesnt matter? H.What are you going to do?


A.What about making it a little earlier?B.I have no idea. C.Let’s go together. D.Thank you all the same. E.Do you likeBasketball?F.When and where shall we meet?G.TtDoesnt matter? H.What are you going to do?


A.What about making it a little earlier?B.I have no idea. C.Let’s go together. D.Thank you all the same. E.Do you likeBasketball?F.When and where shall we meet?G.TtDoesnt matter? H.What are you going to do?


A.What about making it a little earlier?B.I have no idea. C.Let’s go together. D.Thank you all the same. E.Do you likeBasketball?F.When and where shall we meet?G.TtDoesnt matter? H.What are you going to do?


根据以下内容回答下列各题, The water we drink and use is running short in the world. We all
have to learn how to stop wasting our limited water. One of the steps we should take is to find ways of reusing it. Experiments have already been done in this field. Today in most large cities, fresh water is used only once, then it runs into waste system. But it is possible to pipe the used water to a purifying factory. There it can be filtered and treated with chemicals so that it can be used again, just as it were fresh from a spring. But even if every large city purified and reused its water, we still would not have enough. Then we could turn to the oceans. All wed have to do to make use of the seawater on earth is to get rid of the salt. This process is called desalinization, and it is already in use in many parts of the world. The way to stop wasting our limited water is to ________.

A.do experiments with water

B.purify the used water and reuse it

C.use fresh water once again

D.make use of seawater

回答下列各题 C No form. of thinking is more interesting than dreams.“Brain wave’’mac
hines have shown that dreams last only two to ten seconds,yet they may tell a story that seems to take hours or even days.Some dreams can be explained by feelings of the moment.A dry throat might make us dream about the Sahara Desert.The sudden buzzing of a fly might become an airplane.Dreams can tell much more about people.Important dreams show our wishes and our worries.Sometimes they are difficult to understand.An expert on dreams may find that a struggle to get up a hill means that we al.e afraid that we do not reach our aims.He may say that our dream about flying with our wings means that we are tired of struggling and.want to get away from it all.Dreams of this kind are a normal way to ease our worries. Dreams________.

A.are no more interesting than form. of thinking

B.are much more interesting compared with thoughts

C.are reflections(反映)of one’s body

D.can tell people what they should do

根据以下内容,回答下列各题。 The death of a child, _51_ one’s own child,is something the min
d can hardly comprehend.It seems togo _52_ nature.The end of a life that is still forming_53_ has just begun is an almost unthinkable cruelty. But it happens.Parents sometimes must witness the illness and death of the children_54_ whom they gave birth.And _55_ will ever fill theempty place that the dead child leaves behind.Parents_56_ to die before their children, which is the natural order of life events.When the situation is reversed and a child dies _57_ the parents itseems wrong. Yet we never know why one person dies andanother lives.But we do know _58_ a child is gone, theparents still have a future, as grey and worthless as it may at first seem.Death may take the child, but the love never _59_. The sorrow after a child’s death is one ofthe longest and hardest type of _60_ to live with.And ittakes long to deal with the parents’ own emotions. __________





根据以下内容,回答下列各题。 The death of a child, _51_ one’s own child,is something the min
d can hardly comprehend.It seems togo _52_ nature.The end of a life that is still forming_53_ has just begun is an almost unthinkable cruelty. But it happens.Parents sometimes must witness the illness and death of the children_54_ whom they gave birth.And _55_ will ever fill theempty place that the dead child leaves behind.Parents_56_ to die before their children, which is the natural order of life events.When the situation is reversed and a child dies _57_ the parents itseems wrong. Yet we never know why one person dies andanother lives.But we do know _58_ a child is gone, theparents still have a future, as grey and worthless as it may at first seem.Death may take the child, but the love never _59_. The sorrow after a child’s death is one ofthe longest and hardest type of _60_ to live with.And ittakes long to deal with the parents’ own emotions. __________





点击开始播放听力音频: 回答下列各题: What's does the man mean?A.Nobody can be the best.B.



What's does the man mean?

A.Nobody can be the best.

B.Do as well as you can.

C.It’s difficult to do something important.

D.It's impossible to do something important.

根据以下内容,回答下列各题。 Persons who are overweight should watch their diet carefully i
n order to lose pounds. The best way to do this is to start a weight control program. At first it is wise to talk with your doctor. He can advise you of the number of calories(卡路里) you should have in your meals each day. He can tell you about exercisingwhile on your diet. A good rule is to lose slowly. A loss of a pound or two is plenty. Plan meals around foods you know. This means that it is wise to include foods that you are used to and that are part of your regular eating habits. When you have lost the weight you wish, simple items can be added to your diet so that you can maintain the weight you want. While you are dieting, try to build a pattern of eating that you can follow later to maintain your desired weight. When dieting, choose low-calorie foods. Avoid such items as fats. fried food, sweets, cakes, cream and soft drinks. Try to take coffee and tea without sugar or cream. Snacks can be part of your diet. For example, a piece of fruit or a simple dessert saved from mealtime can be eaten between meals. Keep busy ! This way you will not be tempted to go off the diet. Make full use of opportunities to exercise. Try walking instead of riding whenever possible. Happy dieting! What is the main idea of the passage?

A.How to diet.

B.Why we should diet.

C.What we should diet.

D.Where we should diet.

根据以下资料,回答下列各题。 As many people hit middle age, they often start to notice that
theirmemory and mental clarity are not what they used to be. We suddenly can’tremember ___1___ we put the keys just a moment ago, or an old acquaintance’sname, or the name of an old band we used to love. As the brain ___2___, werefer to these occurrences as “senior moments.” ___3___ seemingly innocent,this loss of mental focus can potentially have a (n) ___4___ impact on ourprofessional, social, and personal ___5___. Neuroscientists,experts who study the nervous system, are increasingly showing that there’sactually a lot that can be done. It ___6___ out that the brain needs exercisein much the same way our muscles do, and the right mental ___7___ cansignificantly improve our basic cognitive ___8___. Thinking is essentially a___9___ of making connections in the brain. To a certain extent, our ability to___10___ in making the connections that drive intelligence is inherited.___11___, because these connections are made through effort and practice,scientists believe that intelligence can expand and fluctuate ___12___ mentaleffort. Now, a newWeb-based company has taken it a step ___13___ and developed the first “braintraining program” designed to actually help people improve and regain theirmental ___14___. The Web-basedprogram ___15___ you to systematically improve your memory and attentionskills. The program keeps ___16___ of your progress and provides detailedfeedback ___17___ your performance and improvement. Most importantly, it___18___modifies and enhances the games you play to ___19___ on the strengthsyou are developing—much like a(n) ___20___exercise routine requires you toincrease resistance and vary your muscle use. 请在第__1__处填上正确答案。





回答下列各题: Global warming may or may not be the great enviromental crisis of the 21s
t century, but---regardless ofwhether it is or isnt--we wont do much about it. We will argue over it and may even, as a nation, make somefairly solemn-sounding commitments to avoid it. But the more dramatic and meaningful these commitments seem,the less likely they are to be observed. AI Gore calls giobal warming an "inconvenient truth," as if merely recognizing it could put us on a path to asolution. But the real truth is that we dont know enough to relieve global warming, and--without majortechnological breakthroughs--we cant do much about it. From 2003 to 2050, the worlds population is projected to grow from 6.4 billion to 9.1 billion, a 42% increase.If energy use per person and technology remain the same, total energy use and greenhouse gas emissions(mainly CO2) will be 42% higher in 2050. But thats too low, because societies that grow richer use more energy. We need economic growth unless we condemn the worlds poor to their present poverty and freeze everyone elsesliving standards. With modest growth, energy use and greenhouse emissions more than double by 2050. No government will adopt rigid restrictions on economic growth and personal freedom (limits on electricityusage, driving and travel) that might cut back global warming. Still, politicians want to show theyre "doingsomething." Consider the Kyoto Protocol(《京都议定书》). It allowed countries that joined to punish those thatdidnt. But it hasnt reduced CO2 emissions (up about 25% since 1990), and many signatories (签字国) didntadopt tough enough policies to hit their 2008-2012 targets. The practical conclusion is that if global warming is a potential disaster, the only solution is new technology.Only an aggressive research and development program might find ways of breaking our dependence on fossil fuelsor dealing with it. The trouble with the global warming debate is that it has become a moral problem when its really an engineering one. The inconvenient truth is that if we dont solve the engineering problem, were helpless. What is said about global warming in the first paragraph?

A.It may not prove an environmental crisis at all.

B.It is an issue requiring worldwide commitments.

C.Serious steps have been taken to avoid or stop it.

D.Very little will be done to bring it under control.

回答下列各题 We do not know how the first fire was 21 .Early fires on the earth were ce
rtainly caused by nature,not by Man,some were caused by lightning in a storm;22 ,perhaps,by the hot material which came out of a volcano.Quite possibly,at times,the heat of the sun set light 23 some dry grass or leaves.At first Man,like other animals,was probably afraid of fire. 24 great was the power of fire that he feared it and worshipped it.Gradually,however,with his better power of thinking,he overcame his fear.Probablly he overcame most of his fear when he 25 how to make fire for himself.Throughout the ages he has learned more about fire,how to control it,and how to use it 26 many ways.Now fire is no longer a master of a god;it is a 27 . We call only guess how 28 first learned that a fire was useful and what uses he made of it.By 29 a burning stick from fire which had been started naturally,he could make afire at his own“home”.He could keep the fire burning by adding more dry grass.1eaves and wood.The‰30 the chief purpose of frightening animals away.He discovered,by some accident,that flesh roasted in front of a fire 31 better.Then he found that roasted flesh would keep longer,without going bad, 32 uncooked flesh.It must have been much later that Man learned to cook food by heating it with 33 water or with steam.He could not use such methods 34 he had learned how to make pots 35 holding water.





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