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There won't be any concert this Saturday evening, ?A.will there notB.will thereC.is thereD

There won't be any concert this Saturday evening, ?

A.will there not

B.will there

C.is there

D.will it be

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更多“There won't be any concert thi…”相关的问题
-Do you have any questions about the job?-().

A.NO.I won't

B.What is the salary?

C.What do you mean?

D.Yes I will.

You ______________________ put the passport in the suitcase, I may need it at any time.

A、mustn't have

B、wouldn't have

C、shouldn't have

D、won't have

I am afraid I won't have any influence over my 18-year-old daughter ______ her mind is mad
e up.

A.at the moment

B.in order that



—I’m glad you like it. Please drop in any time you like. —__________A. Yes, I will.B. I

A. —__________

B. Yes, I will.

C. I’m afraid I won’t be fre

D. Is it all right?

E. That’s great.

"It won't be a crime, but it will certainly be a miracle" means "______"A.Since no other p

"It won't be a crime, but it will certainly be a miracle" means "______"

A.Since no other persons are here, I wont disclose (揭发) it

B.It will certainly be a miracle if I don't disclose it

C.There isn't any fish in the stream

D.I will surely report you to the owner of the stream

Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?A.I suppose he ought to have known that, don

Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?

A.I suppose he ought to have known that, don"t I?

B.He seldom gives his wife a gift, does he?

C.There won"t be any trouble, will there?

D.No one would object, would they?

If a person visits too many places in a short time,__________ .A.he will have a better kno

If a person visits too many places in a short time,__________ .

A.he will have a better knowledge of other.civilizations

B.he will be able to enjoy various foods in different places

C.he will make more friends all over the world

D.he won’t get a true impression on any place

Have you heard about new compact Discs? They're the latest invention from Sony. A CD consi
sts of a piece of aluminium coated with transparent plastic,12 cms across,for producing sound.

It's similar to an ordinary record,except that it's read by a laser beam,and the information recorded on the aluminium is digital.

The makers claim that a CD can reproduce the original sound perfectly,without any distortion or background hiss. As the system is computerized,there's no loss of quality between the studio master and the record you buy.

Also,a CD is much tougher-than a vinyl(乙烯基)record,so it doesn't need such careful handling. Dust and dirt won't damage it,and as there's no contact between the laser and the disc, it will never wear out.

??CDavid as a young man who worked in all office in a big city. His hobby was fishing,but


David as a young man who worked in all office in a big city. His hobby was fishing,but he didn&39;t often get a chance to practise it. Then one summer he decided to have a holiday in a beautiful place in the mountains whore there were a lot of streams.“I ought to be able to have some good fishing there.”he said to himself.

The first morning after he arrived,he walked to the nearest stream with his fishing-rod. He saw an old man standing beside the water, so he asked him whether it Was a private(私人的) stream. The old man answered it Was not,so David then said to him,“Well, then it won&39;t be a crime(犯罪)if I catch some fish here,will it?”

“Oh,no,”answered the old man.“It won&39;t be a crime,but it will certainly be a miracle(奇迹).”

David was________fishing.

??A.interested in

B.good at

C.expert in

D.not fond of

“I ought to be able to have some good fishing there”means“________”.A.I may get chances to fish

B.I would get a lot offish

C.I will have chances to learn to fish

D.I will be able to get some good fish

“It won’t be a crime, but it will certainly be a miracle”means“ ________ ”

A.Since no other persons are here,I won’t disclose(揭发)it

B.It will certainly be a miracle if I don’t disclose it

C.There isn’t any fish in the stream

D.I will surely report you to the owner of the stream

From the story we can know David was an ________man.A.kind



D.honest but inexperienced(无经验的)


This is supposed to be an enlightened age, but you wouldn't think so if you could hear wha
t the average men think of the average women. Women won their independence years ago. After a long, biter struggle, they now enjoy the same educational opportunities as men in most parts of the world. They have proved repeatedly that they are equal and often superior to men in almost every field. The hard-fought battle for recognition has been won, but it is by no means over. It is men, not women who still carry on the sex war because their attitude remains basically hostile. Even in the most progressive societies, women continue to be regarded as second-rate citizens. Hearing some men talk, you'd think that women belong to a different species. On the surface, the comments made by men about women's abilities seem light-heartiness does not conceal the real contempt (轻视) that men feel for women. However much men sneer at women, their claims to superiority are not borne out by statistics. We all know that women cause far fewer accidents than men. They are too careful and responsible to drive like menaces. But this is a minor quibble (双关语). Women have succeeded in any job you care to name. As politicians, soldiers, doctors, bus-conductors, scientists and presidents of countries they have often put men to shame. And we must remember that they frequently succeed brilliantly in all these fields in addition to bearing and rearing children.

Which of the following statements in true?

A.Women's struggle for recognition has been completely won.

B.Women have proved their abilities in many fields.

C.Women can not get the same educational opportunities as men.

D.Women are now regarded as equal to men all over the world.

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