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面的大写字母填在横线上。 A I grew up knowing I was different,and I hated it.When I started school my classmates made it clear to me how I must look to others:a little girl with an ugly lip.And l was deaf in one ear.I was sure that no one outside my family could love me.Then I entered Mrs.Leonard’s second—grade class. Mrs.Leonard was round and pretty,with shining brown hair and dark smiling eyes.Everyone loved her.But no one came to love her more than I did.And for a special reason. The time came for the annual(每年的)heating test given at our sch001.The“whisper test”required each child to go to the classroom door,turn sideways,close one ear with a finger,while the teacher whispered something from the desk,which the child repeated.Then the same for the other ear. The teacher usually whispered things like“ The sky is blue.” or “ Do you have new shoes?” Mv time came I turned my bad ear toward her,blocking the other just enough to be able to hear.1 waited.and then came the words that God had surely put into her mouth,seven words that changed my life forever. Mrs.Leonard,the teacher I loved,said softly,“I wish you were my little girl.” Mrs.Leonard,the teacher,________.

A.loved the little girl more than anybody else

B.loved the little girl while her parents didn’t

C.was loved by the little girl only

D.was loved by all the children in her class

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阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Successful events


Successful events don't just happen - they're the result of {A. planB、B. planningB、C. planned}. The {A. biggeB、B. bigB、C. large} the event, the bigger the plan. Just because Christian events are usually run by volunteers doesn't mean you can get away with less planning. The more effort you put in beforehand, the more successful your event will be.Here are the key issues you need to think about when planning your event.

1.Choose an event people want to come to.You don't want people coming to your event just because they're supporting their church. You want them to come because they want to be there, because the event is so compelling they can't afford to {A. passB、B. forgetB、C. miss} it. {A. whatB、B. weatherB、C. Whether} it's a concert or teaching event, a visiting speaker or a drama production, make sure the content will {A. show toB、B. appeal toB、C. appear to} the people you expect to be there...............

阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Imagine this situa


Imagine this situationA、you have bought a faulty item from a shop and you take {A. themB、B. itB、C. him} back to complain. You go directly to the shop assistant and tell them your problem. They say they cannot help you, {A. whichB、B. itB、C. that}makes you angrier, to the point perhaps where you start insulting the poor shop assistant. RESULTA、This will do you no {A. commentsB、B. interestsB、C. favours}, like getting any compensation, or even a refund. If you go directly to the first person you see within the organization you are complaining about, you may be wasting your time {A. asB、B. ifB、C. when} they may be powerless to take any action or provide you {A. toB、B. withB、C. for} a solution. So the important lesson to be learnt is to make sure firstly that you are speaking to the relevant person, the one who has the authority to make decisions.

完成下列各选项 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意。然后,从每小题的四个选择项中选出可填入相应空白处
的最佳选择,并把它前面的大写字母填人左边的括号里。 Some people think they have an answer to the problem of car crowding and,pollution in large cities.Their 21________ is the bicycle,or bike.In a great 22________ cities,hundreds of people ride bicycles to work every day.In New York City,some bike riders have been formed a group 23________ Bike for a Better City.They claim that if more people Me bicycles to work,there 24________ be fewer ears in the downtown section(闹市区)of the city and 25________ 1ess dirty air from car engines.For several years this 26 ________has been trying to get the city government 27________ bicycle riders.For 28________,they want the city to paint special lanes(narrow,often winding roads or ways)for bicycle only on some of the main streets,because when bicycle riders must use the 29________lanes as cars,there may,be 30________.Bike for a Better City feels that if there were 31________ lanes,more people would.use bikes.But no bicycle,lanes hove:been 32________ yet. 33________ thinks they are a good idea.Taxi drivers don’t like the idea--they say it will slow transport。Some store owners on the main streets don’t like the idea--they,say that if there is less traffic,they will have less 34________.And most people live 35________ far from downtown to travel by bike.






An annual report provides __1__ information about an organization.People read annual reports in different ways. Some even __2__ to start at the back and work their way to the beginning. It makes __3__ difference how you read them as long as you get the essential points of the business and its financial condition.However, there is a good way to solve these reports that is __4__ most efficient and most effective. You can’ t possibly go any further in your research __5__ knowing what the company does! How can you insure that you have understood the report? Just ask yourself if you understand what the company does and who its customers are.





阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。The houses we live


The houses we live in are very {A. expensiveB、B. importantB、C. huge}. They keep us from being cold in the winter and hot in the summer. In the winter they keep out of the snow. They also keep out the wind. Even if it is blowing outside, we are nice and warm inside. In the summer houses keep the hot sun from us. When it rains, they keep us from getting wet.

Houses are also places {A. whichB、B. thatB、C. where} we feel safe. People can’t get at us or our things. Houses give us a place to be together with our families and friends. Mothers and fathers {A. care forB、B. care aboutB、C. take care} their children there. The children play there. The family eat and sleep under the same roof.

Houses are different in many ways. They are made of different things. Some houses are made of wood. Some are made of stones. Sometimes more than one thing is used to make a house.

Houses come in different {A. placesB、B. sizesB、C. names}. Some houses have only one room. Some houses have more than one room. Big buildings found in cities have a great many rooms. They hold many families. The rooms in which each family lives are called an apartment.

Houses are different in the ways they are {A. buildB、B. buildingB、C. built}. Houses in tropic countries can be lightly built. In places where it rains much of the time, houses must keep out the water.

take care (“注意”,“当心”,“留心”)

阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A.B.C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

The old saying “practice makes perfect” applies to interviewing too.Conduct practice interviews with a friend or family member, and ask for their feedback. You can also record or videotape your responses __1__ you can review your answers and check your body language. Prepare answers to commonly __2__ interview questions. Doing so will help you analyze your background and qualifications for the position.Also prepare a list of questions you want to ask the interviewer.Remember, you aren' t __3__ trying to get the job - you are also interviewing the employer to assess __4__ this company and the position are a good fit for you. The more you practice, the more self-assured you will feel walking in to the interview. Your answers will feel natural, and interviewers will be impressed by your __5__ .





阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Stress around inte


Stress around interviews is often influenced by our assumptions we make to ourselves about the process. Countering anxiety-provoking thoughts can help to lower levels of anxiety. “I just messed up that answer, and there’s no hope.” One poor answer normally does not knock a candidate out of consideration. An interview is like a test, getting an 85 or 90 might be good enough to get the job.

Visualizing success can improve performance and help ease anxiety. Always try imagining positive interactions with your interviewer, particularly in the hours just before your interview.

To some extent, relaxation techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation or breathing exercises, can manage anxiety. If your anxiety around interview is excessive, you might consider seeing a doctor to develop effective countermeasures.

1. What often influences the stress around interviews according to the passage? {A、B、C}

A. Interview process

B. Anxiety-provoking thoughts

C. Interviewers’ assumptions

2. Does one poor answer in an interview influence a candidate to get a job? {A、B、C}

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. Not given.

3. Can imagining success help a candidate to lower levels of anxiety? {A、B、C}

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. Not given.

4. How can we reduce our stress around interviews? {A、B、C}

A. Breathe deeply

B. Meet friends

C. Have a big meal

5. When should we go to see a doctor according the author? {A、B、C}

A. When we lose confidence in an interview.

B. When we find effective measures against anxiety round interview.

C. When we have too much stress around interview.


Successful events don' t just happen - they' re the result of __1__ .The __2__ the event, the bigger the plan. Just because Christian events are usually run by volunteers doesn' t mean you can get away with less planning. The more effort you put in beforehand, the more successful your event will be. Here are the key issues you need to think about when planning your event.

Choose an event people want to come to. You don' t want people coming to your event just because they' re supporting their church. You want them to come because they want to be there, because the event is so compelling they can' t afford to __3__ it. __4__ it' s a concert or teaching event, a visiting speaker or a drama production, make sure the content will __5__ the people you expect to be there……





阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。A work plan is an


A work plan is an important tool to tell what tasks to do, when to finish, who to take, where to go and how to get there. The work plan organizes your task with a timetable of what, when and how a job needs to be done. Within the team, a work plan can tell each member what is being done and why.

A work plan sets objectives. The clear objectives can help the process of planning, developing and managing a project. Through the work plan, the team leader is able to identify the tasks at hand, the deadlines for completion, and the responsible parties for effective management.

An effective work plan can show you whether your project is being carried according to the timetable.If everything is going on well, just keep on following the plan.The schedule should be flexible. It can be changed for more realistic timelines when meeting any problems.

1. Which of the following statements is not mentioned in the passage?{A、B、C}

A. A work plan keeps people informed.

B. A work plan helps cut down expenses.

C. A work plan is important in planning and management.

2. What can the clear objectives help?{A、B、C}

A. It can help each member know what is being done and why.

B. It can help the team leader with effective management.

C. It can help the process of planning, developing and managing a project.

3. What does the underlined word “deadlines” mean?{A、B、C}

A. duration

B. death time

C. the point in time at which something must be completed

4. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?{A、B、C}

A. When meeting any problems you can change your plan for more realistic timelines.

B. When meeting any problems you should not change your plan.

C. When meeting any problems you can give up your plan.

5. The best title for the passage would be {A、B、C}.

A. The importance of clear objectives

B. The importance of a work plan

C. The importance of team work

阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。If you take the fo


If you take the following steps, you can make a satisfactory annual report. And your boss and other supporters will be impressed.

DEFINING YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS. What difference did you make? What has changed in your community or field because of your work over the past year? Take all of your activities over the last 12 months and divide them into three to five major accomplishments.

LESS IS MOREA、BE SELECTIVE. If you include everything, the annual report becomes cluttered with information. You should think about what you want to focus on, and then select statistics to represent that and highlight key achievements with photos, or case studies, etc.

ADDING VISUALS AND CHARTSA、Visuals and charts can reduce the need for texts and details. And they will make the report more attractive. It’s great if you produce a full-color publication with lots of nice photography. Of course, it will depend on your resources.

A STRONG CALL TO ACTIONA、A strong call to action at the end of your report will impress the readers deeply. Make it clear what you’d like your readers to do once they’ve read it.

1. Do you have to gather all the information since you entered the company before writing the annual report? {A、B、C}

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. Not given.

2. Is it reasonable to include everything of the company in order to make the annual report informative? {A、B、C}

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. Not given.

3. What does the underlined phrase “Less is more” mean? {A、B、C}

A. Using fewer words, making fewer parts, and so on, is simpler, and more efficient than the opposite.

B. The fewer, the better.

C. The more, the better.

4. Which is NOT TURE for the functions of the visuals and charts? {A、B、C}

A. They can reduce the need for texts and details.

B. They can make the report more attractive.

C. They can make the report harder to be understood.

5. How many steps should you take to make your report impressive? {A、B、C}

A. Five

B. Three

C. Four

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