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根据以下内容回答题:People landing at London’S Heathrow airport have something new to look


People landing at London’S Heathrow airport have something new to look at as they fly overBritain’S capital city.It is attractive,simple and a little strange.The Millennium Dome is a huge semi-circle of plastic and steel and it contains the largest public space in the world.It has been built to house an exhibition of all that is best in British life,learning and leisure.

The Millennium Dome was designed by Sir Richard Rogers,one of British’S most famous architects.His work points the way to new developments in buildin9.Think of it as a giant symbol of the buildings in which we will all be living and working in the near future.

Buildings are also a part of history.They express the culture of the times.Sir Richard Rogers is aware of this responsibility.While different designers have individual styles,their work also has a common style.That is:to express the values of the information age.

What is an“information age”building?The dome is a good example.After the Millennium exhibition ends,it will be used for another purpose.Just as people no longer have“jobs for life”,modem buildings are designed for a number of different use for another Richard Roger’s building,the Pompidous Center(蓬皮杜艺术中心)in paris,uses the idea that information is communication.Instead of being hidden in the walls,heating pipes and elevators are open to public view.The Pompidous Center is a very honest building.It tells you how it works.

The Millennium Dome has been originally buih to hold an exhibition__________ . 查看材料

A.of different building designing

B.of the finest things in Britain

C.of everything that can draw the attention of people

D.of recent developments in information technology

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更多“根据以下内容回答题:People landing at Lo…”相关的问题
根据以下内容回答题:Economists believe that job earnings influence choice of occupation.The


Economists believe that job earnings influence choice of occupation.They acknowledge that people place varying emphasis(1)income,but point out that workers tend to move from one occuDation to another(2)changes in salaries.In 1931,H.F.Clark,an economist,stated that“proper information regarding wages if sufficiently(3)upon people,will lead to correct choice of occupation and correct(4)of people in an occupation,provided barriers to occuDations have been removed.”This means that the supply and demand of.workers have(5)to do with wages,(6)in turn influence people to choose certain careers.However,all barriers to occupations will have to be removed(7)career choices can be(8)by eco-nomics alone.There is little question(9)economic factors have some influence on choice ofan occuDation.But to picture them as the major or most important reason(10)against the soundest of folk wisdom:“Man does not live by bread alone.”






根据以下内容回答题:Scientists know that there are two basic approaches to prolonging life(


Scientists know that there are two basic approaches to prolonging life(延长寿命),one approache is the elimination of the diseases that generally affect older people—diseases such as cancer,heart attack and stroke.(1)is the delay of the process of growing-old the(2)of the body. In recent years scientific researchers(3)much time in the study of the process of aging.They believe that,within a few years,they will develop the knowledge and the(4)to delay the aging process for lo to 15 years.The result will be that more people will live longer,more healthful lives.At present,scientists believe that with the right diet,exercise,medical(5),and mental attitude many people can live to he l00 years old. Gerontologists(老年学专家),people who(6)studies of the problems of growing old,are investigating(7)body cells slow down and(8)die.They feel that delaying this slowing down process(9)help postpone death.In a number of American universities,scien-tists are studying the activity of cells,the effects of diet and internal body temperature on aging.If their studies are successful,the results should help(10)the quality of life for older people in the next few years,as well as increase the life span of the next generation.




C.The other

D.One more

根据以下内容回答题:Are some people born clever and others born stupid?Or is intelligence d


Are some people born clever and others born stupid?Or is intelligence developed by our.environment and our experience?Strangely enough,the (1)to both these questions is YES.To some extent,our intelligence is given us(2)birth,and no amount of special education can(3)a genius out of a child born with low intelligence.On the other hand,a child who lives in a(n)(4)environment will develop his intelligence less than one who lives in rich and varied surroundings.Thus the limits of a person’s intelligence are fixed at birth,(5)whether or not he reaches those limits will depend on his environment.This view,now (6)most extems,can be supported in a number of ways.

It is easv to show that intelligence is to some extent something we are born with.The closer the blood relationship between people,the closer they are (7)to be in intelligence-Thus if we take two unrelated people(8)from the population,it is likely that their degrees of inteUigence will be completely different.If on the other hand we take two identical twins,they will venr likelv be as.intelligent as(9).Relations like brothers and sisters,parents and children,usuallv have similar intelligence,and this clearly(10)that intelligence depends on birth.

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根据以下内容回答题:Have you ever heard the old saying,“Never judge a book by its cover”?Th


Have you ever heard the old saying,“Never judge a book by its cover”?This is a good rule to(1)when trying to judge the intelligence of others.Some people have minds that shine only in certain(2).A young man with an unusual gifts in.creative writing may find himself(3)in the presence of a pretty girl.He searches awkwardly for words and does not talk smoothly.But don’t make the(4)of thinking him stupid.With a pen and paper,he can express himself very well. Other people may(5)you into overestimating their intelligence by putting up a good appearance.A student who listens attentively and take notes in class is bound to make a favorable impression(6)their teachers.But when it comes to exams,he may score near the(7)of the class. The main idea is that you can’t judge someone by appearance.The only way to determine a person’s intelligence is to get to know him.Then you can observe(8)he reacts to different situations.The(9)situations you observe,the more(10)your judgment is likely to be.So take your time.Don’t judge the book by its cover.






根据以下内容回答题:People used to say,“The hand that rocks the cradle(摇篮)rules the world


People used to say,“The hand that rocks the cradle(摇篮)rules the world.” And“(1)every successful man there’s a woman.”Both these sayings mean the same thin9.Men(2)the world-but their wives rule them. Most of the American women like to take their husbands and(3)successful,but some of them want(4)for themselves.They want good jobs.When they work,they want to be(5)paid.They want to be as successful as men. The American women’s liberation movement was started by women who don’t want to (6)successful men.They want to stand beside men,with the same chance for success.They don’t want to be told that certain jobs or offices are(7)to them.They refuse to work side by side with men who do the same work for different pay. A(8)womari must be proud of being a woman and have confidence in(9).If somebody says to her:“You’ve come a long way,baby.”She’ll smile and answer,“Not nearly as far as Fm going to go,baby!”This movement is quite new,and(10)American women do not agree.But it has already made some important changes in women’s lives and in men’s lives,too.






根据以下内容回答题:When I was a boy,children always objected(1)wearing school uniform. but


When I was a boy,children always objected(1)wearing school uniform. but teacherswere(2)on it because they said all of US looked(3).0therwise,they said,children would compete with(4)and the poorer children would be unhappy because people would see how poor they were.In recent years,however,many schools have(5)the idea of making children wear uniform. but funnily enough,now that children can wear(6)they like,they have adopted a uniform. of their own.When some journalists visited a London school,they found that aU the boys and girls were dressed in jcans.One girl said she would rather die than wear a coat instead of a jersey because(7)wants to look different(8)the other children in the class.Parents may not be as happy about th.is as children,but they(9)to be,because this new kind of uniform. is one that the children like,not something they have been forced to wear,and it is also(10)cheaper than school uniform. used to be.

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根据以下内容回答题:Conflict,like stress,is a natural phenomenon when people interact.Confl


Conflict,like stress,is a natural phenomenon when people interact.Conflict in some form. is always present;however,it is not always negative.Conflict can be positive,for example,when you and your colleagues try to select the best pos.sible alternative to a problem.However, much more attention is given to the negative aspects of conflict. Conflict occurs when we fear the unknown.This can be very simple:someone says some-thing in a tone of voice different from our expectations,which raises questions in our mind as to what the real meaning might be.Of course conflict can,and does,occur in much more serious circumstances.Your ability to detect and understand conflict will place you in a better position to control the situation.Conflict is often categorized in three stages.Stage one is the day-to-day irritations that require minimal coping strategies.Stage one conflict is real but low in intensity.The inten-sity can increase if irritations increase and no solution iS found. Stage two is reached when the parties become competitive.Each person protects his serf-interest and fears loss of face.The win-lose attitude becomes integrated with the problem.Stage three is reached when the objective changes from wanting to win toward wanting to hurt the other party.This stage can be explosive because other people are drawn into the con-flict and sides are chosen.Problem solving is no longer a realistic method of resolution. By understanding the three stages of conflict,it will be easier for you to handle the day-to-day situations to which you are exposed.You will also be able to detect potential conflict be-tween others in which you do not want to get involved.

Conflict is__________ .

A.paid attention to because it is negative

B.only positive when occurring between colleagues

C.universally present in human interactions

D.similar to stress in every aspect

根据以下内容回答题:“CuIture shock”occurS as result of total immersion in a new culture.It


“CuIture shock”occurS as result of total immersion in a new culture.It happens to“peo-Dle who haye been suddenly transplanted abroad.”Newcomers may be anxious because they do not speak the language,know the customs,or understand people’s behavior. in daily life.The visitor finds that“yes may not always mean“yes”,that friendliness does not necessarily mean friendship,or that statements that appear to be serious are really intended as jokes.The for-eigner may be unsure as to when to shake hands,when to start conversations,or how to approach a stmnger.The notion of“culture shock”helps explain feelings of bewilderment(困惑)and disorientation.Language problems do not account for all the frustrations(挫败)that people feel.When one is deprived of everything that was once familiar,such as understanding a transportation system,knowing how to register for university classes,Ot knowing how to make friends,difficulties in coping with the new society may arise. “…when an individual enters a strange cuhure,he or she is like fish out of water.”New-comers feel at times that they do not belong to and feel alienated from the native members of thecuhure.When this happens visitors may want t0·reject everything about the new environment and may glorify and exaggerate(夸大)the positive aspects of their own culture.Conversely visitors may scorn their native country by rejecting its values and instead choosing to identify with(if only temporarily)the value of the new country.This may occur as an attempt to over—identify with the new culture in order to be accepted by the people in it.

The expression“he or she is like fish out of water”suggests__________ .

A.people away from their cultures can hardly survive in a new culture

B.a fish can not survive without water

C.people away from their culture experience mental isolation

D.people away from their culture has difficulties in new environment

根据以下内容回答题:one of the advantages of being self-employed is that the profit the bus


one of the advantages of being self-employed is that the profit the business makes belongs to the owner.If the self.employed person is successful in business,he or she has the chance to earn great deal of money and even become wealthy.The profit earned by a self-employed per-son is the reward for his or her effort,ability,and creativity.Thus,a second advantage of be-ing self-employed is that a person’s intelligence and abilities have a direct effect on his of her earnings.People who have outstanding abilities or intelligence often find they can earn far more through seif-employment than they can through working as an employee.A thIrd adVantage ot being self-employed is that a person can control both the number of hours worked and the hours of work.While not all self-employed people are completely free to choose whatever hours they want to work,most of them have more control OYer this area than do the people who for salanes or wages. As with most things in life,being self-employed is not without problems.First,bemg one"s own boss places the responsibility for success directly on that individual’s shoulders.Abjl-ities and intelligence will be put to the test.Everyone has some weaknesses and is less capable in some things than in others.These weaknesses will affect how successful a self-employed Per-son is.Second,though the self-employed can eaITl considerable profits with a successful busi-ness,losses can force them out of business and,in some instances,place them In debt.A third disadvantage concerns income security.Self-employed people have no guaranteed wage.Their earnings can vary greatly from year to year,depending Off business conditions.Salaried people,on the other hand,can generally count on continued earnings from year to year.In addition,salaried people often enjoy fringe benefits that mean greater peace of mind.Fringe benefits are all of the benefits provided for employees in addition to wages and salaries.One of these benefits may be insurance paid for by the employer that continues the employee’salary in the event of sickness or accident.Many self-employed people do not have such protection,un-less they put money aside themselves.

A self-employed person is one__________ .

A.who can make a big profit

B.who is his or r/er own boss

C.whose business has a better chance to success

D.who employs no others but his or her relatives

根据以下内容回答题:A tid.al wave is a very large and very destructive wall of water that r


A tid.al wave is a very large and very destructive wall of water that rushes in from the ocean toward the shore.Many scientists call these huge waves tsunami(海啸).In Japanese tsunami means“storm wave”0r“tide”.But do you know that tidal waves are not caused bv storms and that they are not true tides at all?A true tide is the regular rise and fall of ocean waters,at def-inite times each day.But a tidal wave comes rushing in suddenly and unexpectedly.A tidal wave is caused by an underwater earthquake.Scientists call the underwater earthquake a seaquake.The word“seaquake”is made up of two words.the word’“sea”which means“ocean”and the word“quake”.To quake means“to shake”or“to tremble”.When a seaquake takes place at the bottom of the ocean,the ocean floor shakes and trembles,and sometimes the ocean floor shifts.It is this shifting that produces the tidal wave.The tidal wave begins to move across the sea at great speed. Tidal waves have taken many human lives in the past.Today scientists can predict when a tidal wave will hit land.They use a seismograph to do this.A seismograph is an instrument that records the strength,the direction,and the length of time of an earthquake or seaquake.It is not possible to hold back a tidal wave,but it is possible to warn people that a tidal wave is coming.This warning can save many lives.

According to the article,what causes a tidal wave?

A.The rise and fall of ocean water at regular times.



D.The great speed of the ocean waves.

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