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We are all going to the games. Why don't you come ______ ?A.upB.acrossC.alongD.to

We are all going to the games. Why don't you come ______ ?





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根据下列材料回答下列各题。A:WhatDo you plan toDo this weekend?B: ___56___A:I hear there’s g


A:WhatDo you plan toDo this weekend?

B: ___56___

A:I hear there’s going toBe aBasketbaH match this Sunday.Tom and I are going to wgtch it. ___57___

B:Of course.Basketball is my favourite.But I have no ticket for the match.What a pity!A:You’re lucky.I have some free tickets. ___58___

B:Great ! ___59___

A:Let’S meet at theBus stop at half past five.

B:I think there mustBe aBig crowd of people there.____60___A:OK.See you at five oclock.

B:See you.


A.What about making it a little earlier?B.I have no idea. C.Let’s go together. D.Thank you all the same. E.Do you likeBasketball?F.When and where shall we meet?G.TtDoesnt matter? H.What are you going to do?


A.What about making it a little earlier?B.I have no idea. C.Let’s go together. D.Thank you all the same. E.Do you likeBasketball?F.When and where shall we meet?G.TtDoesnt matter? H.What are you going to do?


A.What about making it a little earlier?B.I have no idea. C.Let’s go together. D.Thank you all the same. E.Do you likeBasketball?F.When and where shall we meet?G.TtDoesnt matter? H.What are you going to do?


A.What about making it a little earlier?B.I have no idea. C.Let’s go together. D.Thank you all the same. E.Do you likeBasketball?F.When and where shall we meet?G.TtDoesnt matter? H.What are you going to do?


A.What about making it a little earlier?B.I have no idea. C.Let’s go together. D.Thank you all the same. E.Do you likeBasketball?F.When and where shall we meet?G.TtDoesnt matter? H.What are you going to do?


In the year 2000, the world is going to have a population of about 8 billion. Most scienti
sts agree that the most severe problem is food supply.

Who is going to feed all these people? Where is the food going to come from? Are we going to have enough food? Are we going to produce more artificial foods?

One way of improving the situation is for people to eat less meat. Why? Because it takes 4 kilos of grain protein (蛋白质) to produce half a kilo of meat protein.Clearly, there is not going to be sufficient meat protein for 8 billion people. Therefore, it will also be necessary to change eating habits because meat is the main part of many people's food today.

A possible solution to this latter problem is the soybean (大豆). The soybean plant produces beans which have a very high fat and protein content. Scientists can now make these look and taste like real meat. They can also make many other artificial products such as soybean milk, for example, which has a taste of milk and can be used in cooking in very much the same ways as cow's milk. In fact, one woman in the United States fed her family only on soybeans for a year! She gave them soybean beef, soybean chicken, soybean mi]k, and sometimes just soybeans. Possibly, we are all going to eat soybeans in the future and finally give up meat completely from our tables.

What is the main subject of the passage?

A.A solution to man's food problem.

B.A solution to the population problem.

C.Advantages of soybean.

D.How to develop good eating habits.

听力原文:W: Hello, Steven. How are you?M: Not too bad, thank you Ann. How did you get on i

听力原文:W: Hello, Steven. How are you?

M: Not too bad, thank you Ann. How did you get on in the exams?

W: I'm not sure. I haven't got all my results yet, but I'm so glad we're coming up to the end of the semester. I really need a holiday, so I'm going camping with some friends. What are you doing over the semester break?

M: I haven't got any plan yet. I don't really have enough money to fly home. I suppose I could get a part-time job and earn some money, but I don't really want to. Then again, maybe I could start studying for next semester.

W: Well, I thought about doing some summer courses, but I decided that's not a good idea. I need to do something completely different. You do too. Why don't you join me with my friends on the camping trip?

M: Well, I don't know really. Would your friends mind?

W: Of course not. They'd be happy to have you along. We're going down to the Royal National Park. Have you been there?

M: No, I haven't. It's somewhere south of Sydney, isn't it?

W: Yes, it's almost 80 kilometers sooth of Sydney.

M: So what equipment do we need to bring with us if we're going? Do we have to carry all our food for a week?

W: No. We've organized for the food to go down with a van, so we don't have to carry too much. But you'll need to bring a sleeping bag.

M: Oh, thank you. And what type of clothes should I bring? Like, what's the weather going to be like?

W: Bathing suit. You can swim in the river. And good hiking boots and socks.

M: Do we need a guide?

W: Oh, no. Look, here's a map. I'll show you...


A.She's got good results in all subjects.

B.She has no clear idea about all the results.

C.She hasn't got very good results in some subjects.

D.She doesn't care about them at all.

Please accept my greeting from New York.I am just beginning my graduate (研究院) studi

Please accept my greeting from New York.I am just beginning my graduate (研究院) studies here at this university. It is the third week of classes now. My roommate, Tom, is also a graduate student like me. He is studying biology (生物学). He is from Houston. We are now on good terms.

Our dormitory m going to buy one this afternoon. The view on the window is pleasant, and the weather is hot in the summer right now. It is about 38 degrees outside the room. But we have air conditioning in the room, so I feel OK.

How are you getting on? Are you still working on your paper now?

Please say "Hello" to those who have taught me. I miss all of you very much.


Wang Hui

6.Wang Hui is writing to her former teacher.



7.From the passage, we know that Wang Hui is a new graduate student in New York.



8.Tom is from Houston.



9.Wang Hui thinks her dormitory is too big.



10.Wang Hui is going to move to another room.



完成下列各题 A Karen Maclnnes had spent nine months in the hospital.As she grew we

完成下列各题 A

Karen Maclnnes had spent nine months in the hospital.As she grew weaker,the 16-year-old girl asked her parents.“Am I going to die?” Her mother told Karen the truth.After learning the bad news,all Karen wanted was to go home.Her parents decided to satisfy her wish-no matter that medical fund(基金),which had helped pay for Karens hospitalization,would not cover any of the full time medical care she would need at home.When she was carried through her front door,Karen smiled for the first time in months. A friend of the MacInnes family,Sheila Petersen,knew of this and offered to help.She volunteered(自愿)not only to find nurses,but also to raise money for Karens care.Money was received from SO many people that Sheila created(建立)a fund,“Friends of Karen”. After leaving the hospital,Karen lived for 11 months.“And those months wore happy ones for her,”says her mother.“thanks to Sheila.” Even after Karen died,people kept sending money.Sheila put it into the fund,tried to find someone else who needed help.By last month,Friends of Karen was helpin9 70 families. “I still have a relationship with each family.”says Sheila.“We have four children who are near death now,and I want to be there for them.”Sheila admits(承认)the work is sometimes difficult,but says,“the-smile’on a child’S face makes it all worthwhile(值得的).” The mother told Karen that she_______.

A.was going to die

B.was going home

C.was growing weak

D.was becoming better

For the past two years, I have been working on students' evaluation of classroom teaching.
I have kept a record of informal conversations【56】some 300 students from at【57】twenty-one colleges and universities. The students were generally【58】and direct in their comments【59】how course work could be better【60】Most of their remarks were kindly【61】—with tolerance rather than bitterness—and frequently were softened by the【62】that the students were speaking【63】some, not all instructors. Nevertheless,【64】the following suggestions and comments indicate, students feel【65】with things as they are in the classroom.

Professors should be【66】from reading lecture notes. " It makes their【67】monotonous

If they are going to read, why not【68】out copies of the lecture? Then we【69】need to go to class. Professors should【70】repeating lectures material that is in the textbook.【71】we've read the material, we want to【72】it or hear it elaborated on,【73】repeated. "A lot of students hate to buy a【74】text that the professor has written【75】to have his lectures repeat it.






There is no creature that does not need sleep or complete rest every day.If you want to kn

There is no creature that does not need sleep or complete rest every day.

If you want to know why, just try going without sleep for a long period of time. You will discover that your mind and body would become too tired to work properly. You would become irritable and find it hard to think clearly or concentrate on your work. So sleep is quite simply the time when the cells of your body recover from the work of the day and build up supplies of energy for the next period of activity.

One of the things we all know about sleep is that we are unconscious in sleep. We do not know what is going on around us. But that doesn't mean the body stops all activity. The important organs continue to work during sleep, but most of the body functions are slowed down.

For example, our breathing becomes slower and deeper. The heart beats more slowly, and the blood pressure is lower. Our arms and legs become limp(柔软的) and muscles are at rest. It would be impossible for our body to relax to such an extent if we were awake. So sleep does for us what the most quiet rest can not do.

Your body temperature becomes lower when you are asleep, which is the reason people go to sleep under some kind of covers. And even though you are unconscious, many of your reflexes(习惯性思维) still work. For instance, if someone tickles(使觉得痒) your foot, you will put it away in your sleep, or even brush a fly from your forehead. You do these things without knowing it.

If you don't have as much sleep as your body needs, you will ______.

A.work properly

B.think clearly

C.keep your attention on your work

D.easily get angry

My son, Johnny, opened a new restaurant, and on the opening day I helped out in the kitche
n. By mid-morning, I noticed that the cakes we had ordered hadn't come. Johnny and I decided not to tell it to anyone else, hoping that the cakes would arrive soon.

They still hadn't come when, just before noon, a man eating in our restaurant wanted a cake. I suggested that I run to the bakery next door to get some, and Johnny readily agreed. Going out of our back door, I knocked on the back door of the bakery and bought a few from the baker's helper. That cake was the only one we sold all day.

After closing, Johnny and I sat discussing things with my daughter, who had been out from serving. "An interesting thing happened just before noon," she said. "The owner of the bakery next door came in and ordered a cake of ours. She wanted to compare it with hers."

We know from the passage that ______.

A.the baker next door came to help with the opening

B.the new restaurant did not prepare all its foods

C.the son and the daughter served at the tables

D.the customers enjoyed the cakes very much

Let me tell you a story about Berb and Mild Carbridge, who used to be very【21】For example,
Mild would forget to【22】dinner, or Berb would【23】up for work on Sunday【24】it was Monday. One summer they【25】to take a long plane trip. What do you guess happened? Well, they got to the airport with only ten minutes to【26】. So time was short. In that【27】anyone would【28】the plane right away. But not Mr. and Mrs. Carbridge. They just had to buy some flight insurance(保险)【29】. All in all, who knows what will happen on a plane flight? They quickly put some【30】into a machine and【31】came their insurance policy. "Who【32】get the money if we【33】, I wonder?" asked Mild. "My mother, of course," her husband【34】. "We'll mail the【35】to her. Now quick give me a stamp,【36】you?" he said. "The plane's going to【37】in another minute." Berb put the stamp on the envelope,【38】it in the mailbox, and【39】began to cry. What happened, do you guess? He had mailed their【40】to his mother!







The first ancient Olympics were held in 776 B.C. The games got their name from Olympia, the Greek city where they took place. Like the summer Olympics of today, the ancient Olympics were held every four years.

Thousands of people from all over the Greek world came to watch. The main stadium held about 45,000 people. "We have accounts of visitors and pilgrims setting up tents all around the site", Lisa Cerrato of Tufts University said.

During the first Olympics, there was only one competition—a 200-meter race. But over time the games grew to include wrestling, chariot racing, boxing, and other sports. Women were not allowed to compete, but they had their own separate games.

"The ancient athlete became celebrities(名人), just like today. They often lived the rest of their lives being treated to free dinners", Cerrato said. "City-states even tried to steal away each other's athletes by offering them various awards".

The ancient Olympics existed until A.D. 393. But the modern Olympics are still going strong.

Where did the ancient Greeks hold their first Olympics?()

A.In Athens.

B.In Olympics.

C.In a town.

D.In a state.

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