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"Mummy ! Mummy ! I saw some really big tadpoles (蝌蚪) in the pond (池塘). You've promised

"Mummy ! Mummy ! I saw some really big tadpoles (蝌蚪) in the pond (池塘). You've promised to catch some for us. "Phillip says, following me towards the kitchen. "Some of them have already got legs!" "Yes! We can catch them and watch them turn into frogs!" Geoffrey says suddenly. "Can we go? Right now?"The telephone has been ringing. I try to get the receiver, but it is too late. It has been cut off.

"Give me a minute to catch my breath. 'I beg. "Put the groceries away. Get some jars out. I'll go change."

We go to the wide pond which lies smooth and still, its surface dotted with pink (粉红色 ) and white lilies (睡莲). Phillip and Geoffrey, laughing and shouting, run to the water's edge. I feel the peace of the place broken by the children. I hope there are no tadpoles so we can leave quickly. There's dinner to cook.

It is quite some time before we have taken the first tadpole to the bank. "The children are wild with joy. Back in the pond we go, and we try hard to catch five more fat ones. We all agree that's enough. The sun has gone down. A frog goes to the opposite shore. It's well past dinner time, bath time and bedtime when we really leave. But none of us thinks of those things. Phillip and Geoffrey are in high spirits, and I am the same because I have done what I should.

Phillip and Geoffrey's voices must be ______.

A.sharp, nervous, tiresome

B.anxious, angry, inspiring

C.soft, sweet, pleasing

D.eager, excited, demanding

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更多“"Mummy ! Mummy ! I saw some re…”相关的问题




--Good afternoon,Tony. ---__,Mummy()

A.Good afternoon

B.Good morning

C.Good evening

找出含有字母 L 发音的单词()





SECTION BINTERVIEWDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen c


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:Interviewer: Mrs.. Leech, can you describe some of the things your school does with aggressive children?

Mrs. Leech: Well, you must realize that when he comes here he is meeting other aggressive children, and aggressive children all together usually sum each other up.

Interviewer: Uhumm.

Mrs. Leech: And they find that aggressiveness here doesn't pay off because you can be jolly sure there's one tougher and worse than he is.

Interviewer: Uhumm.

Mrs. Leech: So I usually have, eh,... I say usually,...

Interviewer: Uhumm.

Mrs. Leech: Sometimes have organized fights. I...

Interviewer: Organized fights? You actually...

Mrs. Leech: Yes.

Interviewer: You actually encourage the children to ...

Mrs. Leech: We have a ring and we have a bell.

Interviewer: A boxing ring?

Mrs. Leech: Yes!

Interviewer: Uhumm.

Mrs. Leech: And er... they must conform, they must keep to the rules, and when they have either lost or won, we discuss after a) what it is like to be the winner and b) what it is like to lose. And we carry on with our discussion and go on to what it is like in life.

Interviewer: Hmm.

Mrs. Leech: We must win or lose and we must do each very gracefully.

Interviewer: Can you give some reason why children are aggressive.

Mrs. Leech: If a child is one of six or seven children.., er... it's pretty sure that he is naughty and aggressive because he is crying out for attention and in this large family he's found that a jolly good way of getting attention is to shout, be naughty. At least mummy turns round and says, "Be quiet,...

Interviewer: Uhumm.

Mrs. Leech: Be a good boy, or you'll get this or that.

Interviewer: So some children are aggressive simply in order...

Mrs. Leech: To gain attention!

Interviewer: To gain...

Mrs. Leech: Aggressiveness usually is that. It's...

Interviewer: Uhumm.

Mrs. Leech: It's really the children crying out and saying, "Look at me, please."

Interviewer: Umm.

Mrs. Leech: I'm not saying it's the answer in all circumstances but it usually is.

Interviewer: Can you give some of the advantages of your school, as compared with ordinary schools.

Mrs. Leech: The classes are smaller for one thing.

Interviewer: How small?

Mrs. Leech: Er... we only have groups up to five or six.

Interviewer: Uhumm. And in a normal school?

Mrs. Leech: Oh, well.., that varies, of course, but it could be thirty to forty.

Interviewer: Uhum.

Mrs. Leech: Urn... here he does have individual attention every day.

Interviewer: Er... do you think the work is important?

Mrs. Leech: I du. Er... without our unit or something similar...

Interviewer: The unit is the school?

Mrs. Leech: Yes, the whole unit.

Interviewer: Uhum.

Mrs. Leech: I think a lot of children would be left and then perhaps at the age of sixteen, we wonld have our juvenile delinquent. I'm not saying we're curing them all.

Interviewer: Uhum.

Mrs. Leech: But I think at least with the unit available to these children, they have had a chance to make good.

Interviewer: Ummm.

Mrs. Leech: I'm not saying it always pays off, but they have had a chance.

What sort of children attend Mrs. Leeches school?

A.Naughty and violent.

B.Slow and retarded.

C.Wicked but clever.

D.Deserted but aggressive.

We are profoundly ignorant about the origins of language and have to content ourselves wit
h more or less plausible speculations. We do not even know for certain when language arose, but it seems likely that it goes back to the earliest history of man, perhaps haft a million years ago. We have no direct evidence, but it seems probable that it took the earliest forms of human cooperation. In the Ice Ages of the Pleistocene(更新世) period, our earliest human ancestors established the Old Stone Age culture; they made stone tools and, later, tools of bone, ivory, and antler; they made fire and cooked their food; they hunted big game, often by methods that called for considerable cooperation and coordination. As their material culture gradually developed, they became artists and drew pebbles as well as wonderful paintings of animals on the walls of caves. It is difficult to believe that the makers of these Paleolithic(旧石器时代的) cultures lacked the power of speech. It is a long step, admittedly, from other earliest flint weapons to the splendid spear of the late Stone Age: the first crude flints date back perhaps to 500,000 B.C., while the finest achievements of Old Stone Age man are later than 100,000 B. C.; and in this period we can envisage a corresponding development of language, from the most primitive and limited language of the earliest human groups to a fully developed language in the flowering time of Old .Stone Age culture.

How did language arise in the first place? There are many theories about this, based on various types of indirect evidence, such as the language of children, the language of primitive societies, the kinds of changes

that have taken place in language in the course of recorded history, the behavior. of higher animals like chimpanzees, and the behavior. of people suffering from speech defects. These types of evidence may provide us with pointers, but they all suffer from limitations.

When we consider the language of children, we haw to remember that their situations are quite different from those of our earliest human ancestors because the child, growing up in an environment where there is al- ready a fully developed language, is surrounded by adults who use that language and are teaching it to him. For example, it has been shown that the earliest words used by children are mainly the names of things and people ("doll," "spoon," "Mummy"), but this fact does not prove that the earliest words of primitive man were also the names of things and people. When the child learns the name of an object, he may then use it to express his wishes or demands.

"Doll!" often means,. "Give me my doll!" or "I've dropped my doll. Pick it up for me!" The child is us- ing language to get things done, and it is almost an accident of adult teaching that the words used to formulate the child's demands are mainly nouns instead of words like "Bring!" "Pick Up!" and so on.

Theories of the origin of language include all of the following EXCEPT______.

A.communication among primitive men

B.the need to communicate

C.the language of children

D.the first man's extensive vocabulary

No matter how many times you have seen images of the golden mask of boyking Tutankhamen, c
ome face to face with it in Egypts Cairo museum, and you will suck in your breath. It was on Nov. 4, 1923, that British archaeologist Howard Carter stumbled on a stone at the base of the tomb of another pharaoh(法老)in Luxor that eventually led to a sealed doorway. Then, on Nov. 23, Carter found a second door and when he stuck his head through it, what he saw was to suck the world. Inside lay the great stone coffin, enclosing three chests of gilded wood. A few months later, when a crane lifted its granite cover and one coffin after another was removed; Carter found a solid block of gold weighing 110kg. In it was the mummy(木乃伊)of the 19-year-old Tutankhamen, covered in gold with that splendid funeral mask. And all this lay buried for more than 3, 000 years. Months after my trip to Egypt, I can relive the rush of emotion I felt and sense the hush that descended on the crammed Cairo museums Tutankhamen gallery. Cairo, a dusty city of 20 million people, is a place where time seems to both stand still and rush into utter chaos. It is a place where the ancient and contemporary happily go along on parallel tracks. Take the Great Pyramids of Giza, sitting on the western edge of the city. Even as the setting sun silhouettes these gigantic structures against the great desert expanse, a call for prayer floats over semifinished apartment blocks filled with the activity of city life. While careful planning for the afterlife may lie buried underground in Cairo, it is noise and confusion on the streets. Donkey carts battle for space with pedestrians and the only operative road rule is " might is right. " But it is a city that is full of life—from the small roadside restaurants to the coffee shops where men and women smoke the shisha(水烟壶). Donkey carts piled high with flat-breads magically find their way in and out the maddening traffic; young women in long skirts and headscarves hold hands with young men in open collar shirts, while conversations dwell on Kuwaits chances at the soccer World Cup.

According to the context, "suck in your breath" means "feel a sense of______".






A.sè sè

B.sài sè

C.sè sài

D.sài sài


A.n=10 : s=1 : Do : s=s*i : i=i+1 : Loop While i

B.n=10 : s=1 : i=1 : Do: s=s*i : i=i+1 : Loop While i

C.n=10 : s=1 : i=1 : Do : s=s*i : i=i+1 : Loop while i<=n

D.n=10 : s=1 : i=1 : Do: s=s*i : i=i+1 : loop While i>n

--What's this--____a lion()

A.I am








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