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For incoming freshmen at western Connecticut’s suburban Brookfield High School, lifting a

backpack weighed down with textbooks is about to give way to tapping out notes and touching electronic pages on an iPad. A few hours away, every student at Burlington High School near Boston will also start the year with new school-issued ipads, each loaded with electronic textbooks and other online resources in place of traditional texts. Apple officials say they know of more than districts that have launched what are called “one-to-one” programs.

At Burlington High in suburban Boston, Principal Patrick Larkin says the $ 500 ipads is better than textbooks in the long term, though he said the school will still use traditional texts in some courses if suitable electronic programs aren’t yet available. Larkin said of textbooks, “but they’re pretty much outdated the minute they’re printed and certainly by the time they’re delivered”.

But some experts warn that the districts need to ensure they can support the wireless infrastructure (设施), repairs and other costs that accompany a switch to such a tech - heavy approach. Mark Warschauer, an education and informatics (信息学) professor said, “I think people will like it. I really don’t know anybody in high school that wouldn’t want to get an iPad,” he said. “We’re always using technology at home, then when you’re at school it’s textbooks. So it’s a good way to put all of that together.” Districts are varied in their policies on how they police students’ use.

And the nation’s textbook publishing industry, accounting for $ 5. 5 billion in yearly sales to secondary schools, is taking notice of the trend with its own shift in a competitive race toward developing curriculum specifically for ipads. Jay Dickey, executive director of the Association of American Publishers, schools division, said all of the major textbook publishers are moving toward electronic offerings, but at least in the short term, traditional bound textbooks are here to stay. “I think one of the real key questions that will be answered over the next several years is what sort of things work best in print for students and what sort of things work best digitally.”

The first paragraph is mainly about________________ .

A.a program to promote ipads marketing in new school year

B.a program to spread electronic learning in new school year

C.a plan of how to use ipads in the coming school education

D.a plan of how to oppose IT technique in the coming school teaching

What’s the problem for ipads to be used in schools at presentA.Some students wouldn’t like to have ipads in schools.

B.The ipads are too expensive for school students to buy.

C.Most experts oppose the idea that ipads replace paper textbooks.

D.The ipads may be unavailable for some traditional courses.

The underlined sentence in the passage implies that .A.traditional textbooks are behind the times before they are printed

B.traditional textbooks possibly need to he printed again before delivered

C.contents of traditional textbooks can’t be renewed in time as electronic ones do

D.the ipads can deliver information much more rapidly than printed textbooks

From the passage we can draw conclusion that .A.more students tend to use printed textbooks rather than electronic ones

B.textbook publishing houses will develop more electronic textbooks of their own

C.it is impossible for the ipads to be widely used in schools in the future

D.electronic textbooks will take the place of printed ones in new school year


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They are taking()steps in preparation for a possible war in a few days.





入标签到一组下一跳标签转发表项的映射称为入标签映射ILM(Incoming Label Map)。()
The MS is paged on an incoming call in all cells within a()


B.MSC/VLR Service Area

C.Location Area

以下属于Action Code的是()

A.ocument Update/文件更新

B.Incoming Inspection/来料检验

C.Setup Standard/设定标准

D.Supplier Sorting/供应商返工

When the transmitter wishes to send data, it first places the line in a sp

ace level (i.e. the complement of a mark) for one element period. This element is called the start bit and has a duration of T seconds. The transmitter then sends the character, l bit at a time, by placing each successive bit on the line for a duration of T seconds, until all bits have been transmitted. Then a single parity bit is calculated by the transmitter and sent after the data bits. Finally, the transmitter sends a stop bit at a mark level (i.e. the same level as the idle state) for one or two bit periods. Now the transmitter may send another character whenever it wishes.

At the receiving end of an asynchronous serial data link, the receiver continually monitors the line looking for a start bit. Once the start bit has been detected, the receiver waits until the end of the start bit and then samples the next N bits at their centers, using a clock generated locally by the receiver. As each incoming bit is sampled, it is used to construct a new character. When the received character has been assembled, its parity is calculated and compared with the received parity bit following the character. If they are not equal, a parity error flag is set to indicate a transmission error.

(1).When the transmitter wishes to send data, it first ().

A.places the line in a space level

B.puts the line in a mark level

C.sends a stop bit

D.places a bit at logical l level

(2).Then a single parity bit is calculated by the transmitter and ().

A.compared with the received parity bit

B.sent with the data bits

C.sent after the data bits

D.sent before the data bits

(3).At the receiving end of an asynchronous serial data link, the receiver continually monitors the line().

A.waiting for the end of the start bit

B.looking for a start bit

C.generating a clock

D.constructing a new character

(4).When the transmitter wishes to send data , it first sends().

A.a character at the same time

B.a character to the line

C.the start bit

D.a mark level to the line

(5).The transmitter then send the character, for a duration of T seconds().

A.each bit

B.all bits

C.successive bits

D.a start bit and a character

When the transmitter wishes to send data, it first places the line

in a space level (i.e. the complement of a mark) for one element period. This element is called the start bit and has a duration of T seconds. The transmitter then sends the character, l bit at a time, by placing each successive bit on the line for a duration of T seconds, until all bits have been transmitted. Then a single parity bit is calculated by the transmitter and sent after the data bits. Finally, the transmitter sends a stop bit at a mark level (i.e. the same level as the idle state) for one or two bit periods. Now the transmitter may send another character whenever it wishes.

At the receiving end of an asynchronous serial data link, the receiver continually monitors the line looking for a start bit. Once the start bit has been detected, the receiver waits until the end of the start bit and then samples the next N bits at their centers, using a clock generated locally by the receiver. As each incoming bit is sampled, it is used to construct a new character. When the received character has been assembled, its parity is calculated and compared with the received parity bit following the character. If they are not equal, a parity error flag is set to indicate a transmission error.

(1).When the transmitter wishes to send data, it first sends().

A.a character at the same time

B.a character to the line

C.the start bit

D.a mark level to the line

(2).The transmitter then send the character, for a duration of T seconds().

A.each bit

B.all bits

C.successive bits

D.a start bit and a character

(3).Finally, the transmitter sends a stop bit at the same level as for one or two bit periods().

A.the space level

B.the mark level

C.the complement of the mark level

D.another character

(4).At the receiving end of an asynchronous serial data link, the receiver().

A.does not monitor the start bit

B.waits until the beginning of the start bit

C.samples the start bit at its center

D.generates a local clock

(5).When the received character has been assembled, its parity().

A.is set to indicate a transmission error

B.is compared with the received character

C.is an error flag

D.may be equal to the received parity

Industrial robots are already working in many factories around the world and in our homes,
for instance as smart vacuum cleaners. Scientists say in a few years we will start seeing so-called “social rebots,” capable of engaging with people.

Today’s robots can build cars and explore underwater objects. But interacting with people is more complex than simply taking an incoming message, says Massachusetts Institute of Technology researcher Cynthia Breazeal.

“Social robots really interact with people in ways you feel like you’e interacting with someone rather than something,” she said .’’And social robots are really designed to engage you in much more of an interaction that feels like a cooperation or partnership.”

At the Naval Research Laboratory, near Washington, scientists are researching which features robots should have to be able to live with humans. Researcher Alan Schultz says social robots must be adapted to social situations.

“You know if you’re going to have robots out in the wild,so to speak, they have to follow our standards and they have to do things in the way we expect, so that we can move about out environment and not be interrupted by them or have to think hard about the fact that they’re around us,” he said.

Social robots do not necessarily have to have a human face. Steve Cousins, the CEO of Savioke Robotics in Cupertino, California, says their robot called Botlr is already being tested in a hotel, delivering small items to people.

“It’s designed to be in human space and interact with people and around people,” he said. "So it interacts with the front desk agent when they’re sending it somewhere. It interacts with people in the elevator as it’s going along. And,it interacts with people at the door when the delivery arrives.”

So far, social robots are limited to very simple tasks like relaying message or taking family photos. But Cynthia Breazeal, who designed this one, says their abilities may be extended into many different areas.

What will social robots do according to the scientists?

A.They will cooperate with people.

B.They will clean the big house

C.They will explore underwater objects.

D.They will build different kinds of cars.

Which of the following is true according to the passage?A.Social robots are more difficult to design.

B.Industrial robots are more complicated to design.

C.Social robots can be more useful than industrial robots.

D.Industrial robots can do less than social robots.

It can be inferred from the passage that_______.A.social robots only serve the people they like

B.it’s better for social robots to work in a hotel

C.it’s better for social robots to have a human face

D.social robots will be under the control of human beings

What does the passage mainly talk about?A.The funcitionof social robots.

B.The use of industrialrobots.

C.The daily lifeof robots.

D.The way of designing robots.

Which of the following best describes the writer’s tone in the passage?A.Critical





Educators today are more and more oftenheard to say that computer literacy is absolutely

Questions 56-61are based onthe following passage.

Educators today are more and more oftenheard to say that computer literacy is absolutely necessary forcollegestudents. Many even argue that each incoming freshman should have permanentaccess to his or her ownmicrocomputer. What advantages do computers offer thecollege students?

Any student who has used a word processorwill know one compelling reason to use a computer: to writepapers. Although notall students feel comfortable composing on a word processor, most ,findrevising and editingmuch easier on it. One can alter, insert, or delete just bypressing a few keys, thus eliminating the need to rewrite orre-type.Furthermore, since the revision process is less burdensome, students are morelikely to revise as often as isnecessary to end up with the best paperpossible. For these reasons, many freshman English cottrses require the useof aword processor.

Computers are also useful in the contextof language courses, where they are used to drill students in basicskills.Software programs reinforce ESL(English as a Second Language .instruction, aswell as instrnction in French, German, Spanish, and other languages. By usingthese programs on a regular basis, students can improvetheir proficiency in alanguage while proceeding at their own pace.

Science students take advantage ofcomputers in many ways. Using computer graphic capabilities, forexample, botanystudents can represent and analyze different plant growth patterns. Medicalstudents can learn tointerpret computerized images of internal body structures.Physics students can complete complex calculations farmore quickly than theycould without the use of computer.

Similarly, business and accountingstudents find that computer spreadsheet programs are all but indispensabletomany aspects of their work, while students pursuing careers in graphic arts,marketing, and public relations find thatknowledge of computer graphic isimportant

Education majors learn to develop grading systems usingcomputers,while social science students use computers for analyzing andgraphically displacing their research results.

It is no wonder, then, that educatorssupport the purchase and use of microcomputers by students. A Versatile tool, the computer can help students learn.And that is, after all, the reason for going to college.

56、The word"literacy" (Line 1,Paragraph 1) means _________.

A.the ability to read andwrite

B.the ability to use


D.the knowledge of language

57、The main purpose of thispassage is to _________.

A.persuade the educators toincrease computer use in their own classroom

B.analyze advantages anddisadvantages of computer use among college students

C.identify some of the waysthat computers benefit college students

D.describe how computers canbe used to teach foreign languages

58、According to the author, aword processor can be used to_________.

A.revise papers

B.retype papers

C.reduce the psychologicalburden of writing papers

D.improve the writing skillsof a student

59、In this passage, thewriter's argument is developed primarily through the use of_________.

A.cause-effect analysis

B.comparison andcontrast



60、According to the author,the reason for students to go to college is _________.

A.to learn something

B.to perfect themselves

C.to improve computerskills

D.to make the best use ofcomputers

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