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Which form. other than oral speech would be most commonly used among blind people

Which form. other than oral speech would be most c

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Romance, which uses narrative verse or prose to tell stories of ______ adventures or other
heroic deeds, is a popular literary form. in the medieval period.





Romance, which uses narrative verse or prose to tell stories of ______ adventures or other
heroic deeds, is a popular literary form. in the medieval period.





根据以下材料回答第 1~4 题: Passage Three Ever since human inhabited the earth,they hav

根据以下材料回答第 1~4 题:

Passage Three

Ever since human inhabited the earth,they have made use of various forms of communidation.Generally,this expression of thoughts and feelings has been in the form. of oral sDeech.When there is a language barrier,communication is accomplished through sign laPguage in which motions stand for letters,words and ideas.Tourists,the deaf and the mdte have to use this form. of expression.Many of these symbols of whole words are very pigturesque and exact and can be used internationally;spellin9,however,cannot.

Body language transmits ideas or thoughts by certain actions,either intentionally or unintentionally.A wink can be a way of flirting or indication that the person is only jok ing.A nod signfies approval,while shaking the head indicates a negative reaction.

Other forms of nonlinguis tic language can be found in Braille(a system of raised dots read with the finger tips),signal flags.Morse code and smoke signals.Road maps and pigture signs also guide,warn and instruct people.

While verbalization is the most common form. of language,other systems and tech—nidues also express human thoughts and feelings.

第 44 题 Which of the following best summarizes this passage?

根据以下材料回答第 1~4 题: Passage Three Ever since human in

One argument used to support the idea that employment will continue to be the dominant for
m. of work, and that employment will eventually become available for all who want it, is that working time will continue to fall. People in jobs will work fewer hours in the day, fewer days in the week, fewer weeks in the year, and fewer years in a lifetime, than they do now. This will mean that more jobs will be available for more people. This, it is said, is the way we should set about restoring full employment.

There is no doubt that something of this kind will happen. The shorter working week, longer holidays, earlier retirement, job-sharing -- these and other ways of reducing the amount of time people spend on their jobs -- are certainly likely to spread. A mix of part-time paid work and part-time unpaid work is likely to become a much more common work pattern than today, and a flexi-life pattern of work -- involving paid employment at certain stages of life, but not at others -- will become widespread. But it is surely unrealistic to assume that this will make it possible to restore full employment as the dominant form. of work.

In the first place, so long as employment remains the overwhelmingly important form. of work and source of income for most people that it is today, it is very difficult to see how reductions in employees' working time can take place on a scale sufficiently large and at a pace sufficiently fast to make it possible to share out the available paid employment to everyone who wants it. Such negotiations as there have recently been, for example in Britain and Germany, about the possibility of introducing a 35-hour working week, have highlighted some of the difficulties. But, secondly, if changes of this kind were to take place at a pace and on a scale sufficient to make it possible to share employment among all who wanted it, the resulting situation --in which most people would not be working in their jobs for more than two or three short days a week -- could hardly continue to be one in which employment was still regarded as the only truly valid form. of work. There would be so many people spending so much of their time on other activities, including other forms of useful work, that the primacy of employment would be bound to be called into question, at least to some extent.

The author uses the negotiations in Britain and Germany as an example to

A.support reductions in employees' working time.

B.indicate employees are unwilling to share jobs.

C.prove the possibility of sharing paid employment.

D.show that employment will lose its dominance.

TWO TYPES OF TRAINING There are two common forms of employee training-on-the-job training


There are two common forms of employee training-on-the-job training and off-the-job training. On-the-job training is the most widely used and least expensive form. of training. It consists of an employee learning from a supervisor or co-worker how to do the job. On-the-job training could be described as an apprenticeship. It is efficient because it is done at the workplace while the employee is fulfilling work duties. As time goes by, the employee becomes more and more skilled at the job and eventually can train other employees in turn.

Off-the-job training is the most expensive form. of training. It consists of an employee being sent away from the workplace to a training program where training is provided. It is less efficient because it requires the employee to take time away from work duties. In addition, depending on where the training site is located, travel and accommodation expenses may be incurred. And of course, fees must be paid to the person or organization providing the training.

When deciding which form. of training to provide, an employer must consider such things as the availability of staff with necessary skills and time to provide on-the-job training and the types of off-site training available, in addition to the expense. It may well be decided that off-the-job training is worth the cost. While the requirements are different for on-the-job training as compared to off-the-job training, the purpose of both types is the same-to improve employee efficiency and productivity.

Which of the following best describes on-the-job training?





Imagine a world in which children would be the rulers and could decide not only the outcom
e of each and every occurrence, but also dictate the very structure and form. of the environment. In this world, a child's wildest thoughts would become reality, limited only by the extent of his or her imagination. While such a world might sound both fantastic and frightening, at least from a logical, adult perspective, it does exist. What's more, it has been in existence for some time and is populated by hundreds of thousands of children who spend hours within its boundaries experimenting and learning. This world is not real, at least not in the traditional sense, but exists within a computer and is generated by an educational programming language called LOGO. Unlike other computer languages and programs that are designed to test children and provide applications that formally dispense information, LOGO allows children, even preschool children, to be in total control. Children teach the computer to think and as a result develop and sharpen their own reasoning abilities.In the imagined world ______ would restrict children's wildest thoughts.A.the limits of their imaginationB.the structure and form. of the environmentC.the reality of lifeD.the roles of the society

We develop our impressions of other countries and their people through books, movies, tele
vision, magazines, fellow students, and friends. But is there really any substitute for first-hand experience?

Come, spend a summer studying in the USA, and get to know people and a land which are incredibly rich in their variety. You may end up on an urban campus or a rural one, at a small school or a large one, in a cool climate or a warm one, in San Francisco or St. Louis. But whatever your experience, it will be first-hand, personal, alive, and unforgettable!

If you spend a summer studying in the USA, you'll have advantages which the tourist never will. Not only will you learn the subject matter of your choice, but you’ll gain an understanding of the American educational system as well. You'll experience the culture of the people and the dynamics of your physical environment. But above all, as a student you'll have a chance to meet Americans. Get to know them, communicate, exchange ideas and opinions, and hopefully form. friendships which will endure beyond the length of your stay in the USA.

The following articles will help you in deciding which summer program to choose, what to bring, and how to adjust to the life in the USA. But the first and most important decision is one which you can make right now. Why not say, "This summer, I'll be studying in the USA!"

According to the passage, our impressions of other countries and their people are usually developed ______.

A.through first-hand experience

B.in the very countries

C.through friendships with people

D.through various sources of experience

What do we mean by a perfect English pronunciation? In one【C1】______there are as many diff
erent kinds of English as there are speakers of it.【C2】______two speakers speak in exactly the same【C3】______We can always hear differences【C4】______them, and the pronunciation of English【C5】______a great deal in different geographical【C6】______. How do we decide what sort of English to use as a【C7】______? This is not a question that can be【C8】______in the same way for all foreign learners of English.【C9】______you live in a part of the world【C10】______India or West Africa, where there is a long【C11】______of speaking English for general communication purposes, you should【C12】______to acquire a good variety of the pronunciation of this area. It would be a【C13】______in these circumstances to use as a model BBC English or【C14】______of the sort. On the other hand, if you live in a country【C15】______there is no traditional use of English, you must take【C16】______your model some form. of【C17】______English pronunciation. It does not【C18】______very much which form. you choose. The most【C19】______way is to take as your model the sort of English you can【C20】______most often.






根据下面内容,回答题: Scientists in the UK have announced that the piranhafish"s reputatio


Scientists in the UK have announced that the piranhafish"s reputation 21 a fearsome 22 may well not be deserved. The fish, which is found in the Amazon in Brazil, have been 23 as deadly carnivores(食肉动物 ) that work in shoals to overwhelm their prey and strip it of its flesh in seconds.

However, experts 24 St Andrews University say that piranhas are omnivores(杂食动物) that mainly eat fish, plants and insects. They form. big groups not to hunt but to defend 25 against other predators, according to the team.

"Previously it was thought piranhas shoaled as it 26 them to form. a cooperative hunting group," said Professor Anne Magurran. " 27, we have found that it is primarily a defensive behavior. "

Piranhas can be attacked by animals 28 dolphins, caimans and large fish, so forming a shoal is a good way of 29 being killed. Piranhas of 30 age stay in the middle of the group for 31 and the 32 of the shoal differs according to the level of 33 When the water level is 34, the fish form. small groups as there is space to escape, but when the water level drops, they form. large groups as protection 35 predators.

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B.as if

C.as though


阅读材料,回答题。Much unfriendly feeling towards computers has been based on the fear of wi


Much unfriendly feeling towards computers has been based on the fear of widespread unemployment resulting from their introduction. Computers are often used as part of automated(自动化的) production systems requiring a least possible number of operators, causing the loss of many jobs. This has happened, for example, in many steelworks.

On the other hand, computers do create jobs. They are more skilled and better paid, though fewer in number than those they replace. Many activities could not continue in their present form. without computers, no matter how many people are employed. Examples are the check clearing (交换) system of major banks and the weather forecasting system.

When a form. introduces computers, a few people are usually employed in key posts (such as jobs of operations managers) while other staff are w-trained as operators, programmers, and data preparation staff. After the new system has settled down, people in non-computer jobs are not always replaced when they leave, resulting in a decrease in the number of employees. This decrease is sometimes balanced by a substantial increase in the activity of the frim, resulting from the introduction of computers.

The attitudes of workers towards computers vary. There is fear of widespread unemployment and of the takeover of many jobs by computer-trained workers, making promotion for older workers not skilled in computers more difficult.

On the other hand, many workers regard the trend toward wider use of computers inevitable.They realize that computers bring about greater efficiency and productivity, which will improve the condition of the whole economy, and lead to the creation of more jobs. This view was supported by the former British Prime Minister, James Callaghan in 1954, when he made the point that new technologies hold the key to increased productivity, which will benefit the economy in the long ran.

The unfriendly feeling towards computers is developed from 查看材料

A.the possible widespread unemployment caused by their introduction

B.their use as part of automated production systems

C.the least possible number of operators

D.the production system in steelworks

Do you know insurance(保险)? Buying insurance is a (56) by which people can protect themse

Do you know insurance(保险)? Buying insurance is a (56) by which people can protect themselves (57) large losses. Protection against fire is one kind of insurance. Large numbers of people pay (58) sums of money (59) an insurance company. Although thousands of people have paid for fire insurance, only (60) will lose their homes by fire. The insurance company will pay for these homes (61) of the sums of money it has collected.

The first modem fire insurance company was (62) in London, England, in 1666.A great fire had just (63) most of the city, and people wanted to protect against (64) losses. The fire company grew rapidly. (65) , other companies were founded in other areas.

Benjamin Franklin helped form. the first fire insurance company in America in 1752.He also (66) a new kind of insurance for (67) . The new insurance would offer protection against the loss of crops (68) storm.

In 1759, Benjamin Franklin helped start (69) new insurance. This company, which offered (70) insurance, collected some money (71) from different men. Although a man died, his family was given a large sum of money. Today, this company is (72) in business.

Over the years, people have (73) from many new kinds of insurance when they have suffered from (74) accidents as car, plane crashes. Tomorrow, almost everyone has (75) kind of insurance.






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