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Will We Run Out of Water?Picture a "ghost ship" sinking into the sand, left to rot on dry

Will We Run Out of Water?

Picture a "ghost ship" sinking into the sand, left to rot on dry land by a receding sea. Then imagine dust storms sweeping up toxic pesticides and chemical fertilizers from the dry seabed and spewing them across towns and villages.

Seem like a scene from a movie about the end of the world? For people living near the Aral sea (咸海) in Central Asia, it's all too real. Thirty years ago, government planners diverted the rivers that flow into the sea in order to irrigate (provide water for) farmland. As a result, the sea has shrunk to half its original size, stranding (使搁浅) ships on dry land. The seawater has tripled in salt content and become polluted, killing all 24 native species offish.

Similar largecale efforts to redirect water in other parts of the world have also ended in ecological crisis, according to numerous environmental groups. But many countries continue to build massive dams and irrigation systems, even though such projects can create more problems than they fix. Why? People in many parts of the world are desperate for water, and more people will need more water in the next century.

"Growing populations will worsen problems with water," says Peter H. Gleick, an environmental scientist at the Pacific Institute for studies in Development, Environment, and Security, a research organization in California. He fears that by the year 2025, as many as one-third of the world's projected (预测的) 8.3 billion people will suffer from water shortages.


Only 2.5 percent of all water on Earth is freshwater, water suitable for drinking and growing food, says Sandra Postel, director of the Global Water Policy Project in Amherst, Mass. Two-thirds of this freshwater is locked in glaciers (冰山) and ice caps (冰盖). In fact, only a tiny percentage of freshwater is part of the water cycle, in which water evaporates and rises into the atmosphere, then condenses and falls back to Earth as precipitation (rain or snow).

Some precipitation runs off land to lakes and oceans, and some becomes groundwater, water that seeps into the earth. Much of this renewable freshwater ends up in remote places like the Amazon river basin in Brazil, where few people live, In fact, the world's population has access to only 12,500 cubic kilometers of freshwater—about the amount of water in Lake Superior(苏必利尔湖). And people use half of this amount already. "If water demand continues to climb rapidly," says Postel, "there will be severe shortages and damage to the aquatic (水的) environment."


Water woes(灾难) may seem remote to people living in rich countries like the United States. But Americans could face serious water shortages, too especially in areas that rely on groundwater. Groundwater accumulates in aquifers (地下蓄水层), layers of sand and gravel that lie between soil and bedrock. (For every liter of surface water, more than 90 liters are hidden underground.) Although the United States has large aquifers, farmers, ranchers, and cities are tapping many of them for water faster than nature can replenish(补充) it. In northwest Texas, for example, overpumping has shrunk groundwater supplies by 25 percent, according to Postel.

Americans may face even more urgent problems from pollution. Drinking water in the United States is generally safe and meets high standards. Nevertheless, one in five Americans every day unknowingly drinks tap water contaminated with bacteria and chemical wastes, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. In Milwaukee, 400,000 people fell iii in 1993 after drinking tap water tainted with cryptosporidium (隐孢子虫), a microbe (微生物) that causes fever, diarrhea (腹泻) and vomiting.


Where so contaminants come from? In developing countries, people dump raw (未经处理的) sewage(污水) into the same streams and rivers from which they draw water for drinking and co




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We’ve ______ sugar. Ask him to lend us some. A. run away withB. run down C. run offD. run out of

My son, Johnny, opened a new restaurant, and on the opening day I helped out in the kitche
n. By mid-morning, I noticed that the cakes we had ordered hadn't come. Johnny and I decided not to tell it to anyone else, hoping that the cakes would arrive soon.

They still hadn't come when, just before noon, a man eating in our restaurant wanted a cake. I suggested that I run to the bakery next door to get some, and Johnny readily agreed. Going out of our back door, I knocked on the back door of the bakery and bought a few from the baker's helper. That cake was the only one we sold all day.

After closing, Johnny and I sat discussing things with my daughter, who had been out from serving. "An interesting thing happened just before noon," she said. "The owner of the bakery next door came in and ordered a cake of ours. She wanted to compare it with hers."

We know from the passage that ______.

A.the baker next door came to help with the opening

B.the new restaurant did not prepare all its foods

C.the son and the daughter served at the tables

D.the customers enjoyed the cakes very much

Our house was the oldest in the village. It was nearly three hundred years old. Although w
e were six children, and a mother and a father, we were not by any means alone in the house. We were sharing it with big families of mice and spiders(蜘蛛). There were great- grandparents, grandparents, fathers and mothers, and hundreds of mouse and spider children.

My mother would never let us kill a spider, not even a hairy old grandfather. "If you want to live and rich," she used to say, "let a spider run alive." And so the spiders, our enemies, were beaten and kicked but never killed. But she had no such dealing with the mice.

One of our problems was that my mother hated cats; and we never owned a single cat. We kept dogs, often two or three at the same time, but very few dogs can move fast enough to catch a lively young mouse. Every night we set a dozen mousetraps(捕鼠器), each with a small piece of cheese. Sometimes the cheese disappeared, but the mice usually seemed too wise to go near the traps. We seldom caught anything.

My mother herself had far better luck. Her arms and hands moved as fast as any cat's paws. Often, when she was scrubbing or polishing a floor on her hands and knees, some foolish little grey fellow would try to run past her. He never got very far. Quick as lightning her hard hands would smack(用掌击) together--and there on the floor would be one dead mouse. "Oh, you were a proud one," she would say to it then.

One day my father decided to clean out the water tank, which stood on four iron legs in a corner upstairs. He was soon sorry that he had started the job. In the mud at the bottom of the tank, there were sixteen of the little grey fellows, all as solid and hard as stones. We had been drinking the water from that tank for twelve years.

Which of followlng statements is true?

A.Because the house was old, the family were troubled by lots of mice and spiders.

B.The children did not live in the house because they were afraid of the spiders.

C.The trouble was that there was no water supply in the old house.

D.Spiders and mice are a part of the family.

Have you everheard Robot fish? Scientistswill put some robot fishes into the seas nearSpai
n. These robot fishes will help people detect(探测) the pollution in the water. Ifthe robotfishes are able to finish their work successfully, the team of scientists hopes to putthefishesinto rivers,lakes and seas around the world.

The fishes are about 1.5 meters long and look like carps(鲤鱼). There will be a detector intheir bodies. They canfind the sources of pollutionin the water, and then the robot fisheswilleat part of it. Unlike other robots, they don’t need to be controlled by people faraway. Therobots all have an eight-hour battery. They can “swim” in the sea freely and send backinformation to people on the beach. After their batteries die, they will return by themselves.

There are five robot fishes altogether now.Each costs about 29,000 dollars. They are partof a three-year project between engineering company BMT Group and Essex University insoutheastern England.

“We designed the fishes creatively. We hopethe robot fishes can find the changes in the seawater and report back the information,” said Professor Huof Essex University. His team isdeveloping the fishes.

What will the robots do if they find the pollution in the water?

A.They will eat part of it.

B.They will stop working.

C.They will tell people where they are.

D.They will take it out to the beach.

How longcan a battery in their bodies work each time?A.For five hours

B.For eight hours.

C.For twelve hours.

D.For one day.

How much do the five robot fishes cost altogether? A.$14, 500.



D.$1,450, 000.

Which of the following is TRUE? The robot fishes ____.A.can eat anything in the water

B.need to be controlled by people

C.are 1.5 meters long andthey look like sharks

D.cango back to the beach when the batteries run down

What can we learn from the passage? The robot fishes____.A.have worked around the world

B.can’t take out the trash in the water

C.will helppeopledetect the pollution in the water

D.help to find other fishes in the rivers, lakes and seas


My money______. Could you please lend me some? A. has run out of B. has run outC.

My money______. Could you please lend me some?

A. has run out of

B. has run out

C. was run out of

D. has been run out

When people want to find out about the weather, they usually go to their radios, TVs, ne
wspapers, or the Internet.However, you can also find many weather signs among wildlife because of their highly developed senses.Drops in air pressure affect small mammals (哺乳动物) and insects in many ways.Try looking in or near the house.Mice are good weather indicators.People who spend a lot of time outdoors have observed that field mice come out of their holes and run around before a storm.

Deer leave the high ground and come down from the mountains before a storm.If you see this, you can be sure that there will be a storm within two days.When you see large numbers of sea crabs on a sandy beach, it is time to leave.A change in air pressure over the water warns the crabs that a storm is coming.To escape the stormy sea pounding the shore, they leave the water and seek shelter on land.

Birds are especially good weather indicators because they also show the effect of a pressure drop in many ways.For example, some birds become easily annoyed and will fight over a piece of bread.Other birds sing just before a storm.It seems they know they won't get another chance for an hour or two.Birds also seek shelter before a storm.You will sometimes see birds resting in trees or staying closely together on a wire near a building.This is a good storm signal.

Seabirds sit out a storm on land.Anytime you see seagulls sitting on the ground in large groups, reluctant to fly, it is not a very good day to go sailing.It is unusual to see large groups of birds flying overhead in the summertime.Watch for other weather signs if you see this.You should also stay alert if you see migrating birds flying in the wrong direction.These birds may be flying ahead of a storm.And if you can't see a bird anywhere, look out! They may have flown to a different place because a violent storm is coming in their direction.

1.What's the main idea of the passage?

A.How to pay close attention to important clues in nature.

B.How to become prepared for any kind of weather.

C.How to predict weather changes by wildlife.

D.What to do when we see the weather signs.

2.When a storm is surely coming in two days, ________.

A.some birds become easily annoyed and fight with each other

B.deer leave the high ground and come down from the mountains

C.large number of sea crabs move on a sandy beach

D.field mice come out of their holes and run around

3.What wildlife indicates particularly well that a storm is coming?


B.Sea crabs.

C.Field mice.


4.How can you know it's not a good day to go sailing?

A.Migrating birds are flying in the wrong direction.

B.You can't see a bird anywhere.

C.Seagulls are sitting on the ground in large groups.

D.Birds are flying overhead in the summertime.

5.What does the want to say?

A.Wildlife is a good helper to predict the weather.

B.Wildlife is more efficient in predicting the weather.

C.People need to find out about the weather change.

D.Get prepared before a violent storm is coming.

The car won't start because the battery has______-_. A. run down B. run over C.

The car won't start because the battery has______-_.

A. run down

B. run over

C. run out

D. run off

In the long run, and ______ a broad scale, where we live makes us who we are.A.atB.inC.onD

In the long run, and ______ a broad scale, where we live makes us who we are.





From a ______ we buy the various things needed to run a house--tea, sugar, cheese, cleanin
g materials, etc.





What's the main idea that author want to convey in this passage?A.There is a waste at home

What's the main idea that author want to convey in this passage?

A.There is a waste at home

B.To waste is a serious problem

C.Families will run out of energy.

D.We should conserve energy.

Before______on our camping trip, we made sure that we had plenty of food and water in stor

A.running out

B.making out

C.setting out

D.working out

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