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What is the distance between the new bulding and your office?()

A.It is near to the bus stop

B.It is about 15 kilometers

C.It is very close

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更多“What is the distance between t…”相关的问题
I could just ______ a banner in the distance, but I could not see what's on it.A.see toB.c

I could just ______ a banner in the distance, but I could not see what's on it.

A.see to

B.clear up

C.make out

D.look at

What kind of students may NOT like online distance learning? A.Those busy with

What kind of students may NOT like online distance learning?

A.Those busy with their schedules.

B.Those in need of further education

C.Those unable to attend regular classes.

D.Those in favor of face-to-face teaching.

Which of the following is NOT true?A.Less eye contact suggests distance in relation.B.The

Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Less eye contact suggests distance in relation.

B.The longer one looks at you, the more interest he has in you.

C.There is more eye contact between people who like each other.

D.Shorter eye contact shows more interest in what one is talking about.

Jupiter Communications, a market research firm, reports that 72% of teenagers in the U
nited States will be online by 2003 (Stanton, 2000). This alone indicates that students will learn and communicate electronically more than any previous generation. At the same time, teenagers are not the only digital learners. With the growing number of online courses, the increasing accessibility of computers, and the increasing number of computer users, students of all ages are taking advantage of distance learning or are using computers to enhance the traditional classroom experience.

Two things emerge in the study of students’attitudes toward online learning: individual situations impact students’ perceptions of computer-based learning, and students’ varied individual characteristics make it difficult to define their perceptions conclusively. For example, some students have their own computers, while others rely on computer labs. Such variation in computer access can result in attitudinal differences. In addition, the purpose of computer use varies. Distance education courses, for example, use computers in different ways than traditional classrooms, which can also affect students’ perceptions. A wide variety of achievement levels and attitudes exist among both online and traditional learners. Although an illusory “typical learner” exists, a variety of factors, including students’ gender, age, and motivation, could explain different reactions among the student population.

1).According to the passage, what does "digital learners" mean?()

A、Learners of mathematics

B、Learners of information technology

C、Computer users

D、Online learners

2).What will make online learning more and more popular?()

A、The crowded classrooms

B、The lower cost of computers

C、The increase of computer users

D、The previous generations interest in digital communication

3).Which of the following is the main factor that makes it difficult to define students'' perceptions of online learning definitely?()

A、Learners'' varied locations

B、Learners'' varied characteristics

C、Learners'' varied communication skills

D、Learners'' varied experiences

4).What is the author''s attitude towards online learning?()





5).Who may become online learners?()

A、Mainly teenagers

B、Mostly college students

C、Only working people with their own computers

D、People of all ages and backgrounds

Body language is of great importance tohumans. We carry many of the meanings through body
movements. However, many forms of body language we consider to be fine in our country can get usinto trouble in other parts of the world.

A smile is one of the most common examples in different countries. While Americans smile freely atstrangers,in Russia this is considered strange and even impolite. In Asian countries a smile isn&39; tnecessarily an expression of joy but it can be used to express pain.

The acceptable physical distance is another major difference. In Latin America and the MiddleEast the acceptable distance is much shorter than what most Europeans and Americans feet comforta-ble with. Hand and arm movements as a form. of body language are also very different amongcountries. Handshakes are usually acceptable almost everywhere, even between strangers;however,kissing on the cheek and touching on the shoulder or other body parts aren&39; t. For many people inAsia and other parts of the world, such actions are seen as a violation (侵犯) of one&39; s personalspace. This is why you should not touch others easily.

Eye contact(目光接触)is one of the forms of body language where the differences are most strikingInAmerica and Latin America looking the other person in the eye is a sign of respect. But in Asian countries,prolonged(过长的)eye contact is especially rude,so you should try your best not to do that.

47. To humans, body language is__________.





What does striking in the fourth paragraph most probably mean?A.Interesting to read.

B.Easy to notice.

C.Impossible to remember.

D.Difficult to accept.

In which place is smiling at strangers considered impolite?A.The U.S.


C.Latin America.


Which form of body language is acceptable almost everywhere?A.Kissing on the cheek.

B.Shaking hands.

C.Touching on the shoulder.

D.Keeping a short distance.


Why don't birds get lost on their long flights from one place to another? Scientists have
puzzled over this question for many years. Now they're beginning to fill in the blanks.

Not long age, experiments showed that birds rely on the sun to guide them during daylight hours. But what about birds that fly by night? Tests with artificial stars have proved that certain night - flying birds are able to follow the stars in their long - distance flights.

A dove (鸽子) had spent its lifetime in a cage and had never flown under a natural sky. Yet it showed an inborn ability to use the stars for guidance. The bird's cage was placed under an artificial star - filled sky. (76) The bird tried to fly in the same direction as that taken by his outdoor cousins. Any change in the position of the artificial stars caused a change in the direction of his flight.

(77) But the stars are apparently their principal means of navigation (航行) only. When the stars are hidden by clouds, they seemingly find their way by such landmarks as mountain ranges, coast lines, and river courses. But when it's too dark to see these, the doves circle helplessly, unable to find their way.

The reason why birds don't get lost on long flights ______.

A.have been known to scientists for many years

B.have only recently been discovered

C.are known by us

D.will probably remain a mystery

Everyone uses the expressions AM and PM. But do you exactly know what they mean and how th
ey came into being?

As you know, the turning of the earth makes the sun and the stars seem to move across the sky. Daylight, of course,【21】, when the sun rises in the east and when the sun is high【22】the sky, between these two positions, half of the daylight hours have been spent.

Therefore, by noticing【23】the sun stood in the sky, early man know they could tell the time of the day, At night the motion of the stars【24】the same purpose. The important thing in keeping time is to know the exact moment of【25】. For each of us, wherever we are, noon is when the sun is directly overhead. Think of an imaginary line【26】the sky, stretching from the north point of your horizon just to the south point.

When the sun cross your meridian (子午线), it is noon for you. When the sun still【27】of this line, or the meridian, it is morning. After the sun has crossed this line, it is【28】.

The Latin word for "midday" is "deridian",【29】which comes our word meridian. So AM is an abbreviation (缩写词) for "ante meridean", or before midday, and PM for after midday. Each or the world's time zones (时区) is about fifteen degrees wide in longitude (经度), which is about the distance the sun moves through tile sky in all hour.【30】lives in the same time zone observes noon at the same moment. In this way, the time is different by one hour as you move through each time zone.






The young people who talk of the village as being "dead" are talking nothing but nonsense,
as in their hearts they must surely know.

No, the village is not dead. There is more life in it now than there ever was. But it seems that "village life" is dead. Gone forever. It began to decline(衰落) about a hundred years ago, when many girls left home to go into service in town many miles away, and men also left home in increasing number in search of a work, and home was where work was. There are still a number of people alive today who can remember what "village life" meant in the early years of the present century. It meant knowing and being known by everybody else in the village. It meant finding your entertainment in the village of within walking distance of it. It meant housewives tied to the home all day and every day. It meant going to bed early to save lamp-oil and coal.

Then came the First World War and the Second World War. After each war, new ideas, new attitudes, new trades and occupations were revealed to villagers. The long-established order of society was no longer taken for granted. Electricity and the motorcar were steadily operating to make "village life" and "town life" almost alike. Now with the highly developed science and technology and high-level social welfare for all, there is no point whatever in talking any longer about "village life". It is just life, and that a better life.

Finally, if we have any doubts about the future, or about the many changes, which we have seen in our lives, we have only to look in at the school playground any mid-morning; or see the children as they walk homeward in little groups. Obviously these children are better fed, better clothed, better educated, healthier, prettier and happier than any generation of children that ever before walked the village street.

By saying that village is not dead, but "village life" is dead, the writer suggests that______.

A.those young people who talk of the village as being "dead" are wrong

B.the two statements are against each other

C.village life today is rather uninteresting

D.village life today is no longer like what it is used to be

We have created a special rate that will let you travel actually thousands of miles o
n your vacation at no extra cost.

In most of our US and Canadian offices, we'll rent you cars of high quality for seven days for $ 99.

You can drive as far as you like without paying us a penny over the $ 99 as long as you return the car to the city from which you rented it.Insurance(保险) is included, gas is not.

If you rent the car in Florida or in California, the rate is the same, but you can return the car to any city in the state.

If you'd like some suggestions on what to do with the car once you've got it, we have driving and touting guides for almost every part of the country.No matter which rate you choose, the company comes at no extra cost.You don't just rent a car.You rent a company!

26.According to the advertisement, $ 99 is the rate offered for _____.

A.traveling a limited distance

B.renting a car for seven days

C.hiring a driving guide

D.driving within a state

27.Which of the following is included in the car-renting rate?()

A.Gas used

B.Car repairs

C.The hotel charge

D.Insurance fee

28.The car-renting rate remains $ 99if you _____.

A.return the car to where you rent it

B.drive within the same city

C.buy the insurance

D.pay for the gas

29.The last sentence of the passage "You rent a company" means that _____.

A.you have to be responsible for the company

B.you should obey the rules set by the company

C.you can enjoy all-round services of this company

D.you may choose the best car from the company

30.The purpose of the passage is to advertise _____.

A.car-renting services in the US

B.a special rate of car-renting

C.the advantages of car-renting

D.a US car-renting company

A rapid means of long-distance transportation became a necessity for the United States as
settlement(新拓居地) spread over farther westward. The early trains were impractical curiosities, and for a long time the railroad companies met with troublesome mechanical problems. The most serious ones were the construction of rails able to bear the toad, and the development of a safe, effective stopping system. Once these were solved, the railroad was established as the best means of land transportation. By 1860 there' were thousands of. miles of railroads crossing the eastern mountain ranges and reaching westward to the Mississippi. There were also regional southern and western lines.

The high point in railroad building came with the construction of the first transcontinental sys tem. In 1862 congress authorized two western railroad companies to build lines from Nebraska west ward and from California eastward to a meeting point, so as to complete a transcontinental crossing linking the Atlantic seaboard with the Pacific. The Government helped the railroads generously with money and land. Actual work on this project began four years later. The Central Pacific Company, starting from California, used Chinese labor, while the Union Pacific employed crews of Irish labourers. The two groups worked at remarkable speed, each trying to cover a greater distance than the other. In 1869 they met at a place called Promontory in what is now the state of Utah. Many visitors came there for the great occasion. There were joyous celebrations all over the country, with parades and the ringing of church bells to honour the great achievement.

The railroad was very important in encouraging westward movement. It also helped build up industry and farming by moving raw materials and by distributing products rapidly to distant markets. In linking towns and people to one another it helped unify the United States.

The major problems with America' s railroad system in the mid-19th century lay in ______.

A.poor quality rails and unreliable stopping systems

B.lack of financial support for development

C.limited railroad lines

D.lack of a transcontinental railroad

The distance from our house () school was about 26 miles.


B. to

C. with

D. at

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