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Every culture and every country in the world celebrates New Year, but not everyone does it

the same way. The countries in North America and Europe welcome New Year on January the first. This practice began with the Romans in the Middle East, New Year is when spring begins. People in China and Vietnam celebrate it on the first day of the Spring Festival, which is the first day of their calendar based on the moon. Rosh Hashana, which is the Jewish (犹太人的) New Year, comes at the end of summer. The Hindus (印度教教徒 ) in India celebrate the first day of each season, so they have four New Years.

In all these cultures, there is a practice of making noise. People made noise in ancient times to drive away the evil spirits (妖精) from their homes. Today making noise is more of a custom than a religious rim

In the United States, many people stay up until midnight on New Year's Eve to watch the clock pass from one year to the next. Friends often gather together at a party on New Year's Eve, and when the new year comes, all ring bells, blow' whistles, sing songs, and kiss each other. A favorite Scottish song which everyone sings together is Auld Lang Sync. The words tell of old friends and good times.

In all cultures, New Year's Day is a time when people think of new beginnings. They want to make the coming year better than the last one. Many people in the United States make New Year resolutions. These are specific promises that they make to improve their behavior, change their habits, and become better people. There are many jokes about how a person keeps his or her New Year resolutions.

In ancient times, the practice of making noise was meant ______.

A.to keep the evil spirits away

B.to have fun

C.to celebrate the coming of the new year

D.to keep to a custom

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How does 3M create its innovation culture?()

A.Put innovation at the heart of strategy.

B.Recognize innovation in every part of the company.

C.Define jobs around innovation.

China’s economy is developing very quickly, and has brought with it a culture of consu
mption more prevalent (流行) with each passing day.At the same time, it has brought into being an educated group of young people who enjoy capitalist consumption way(资本主义消费模式).They’re used to spending money as soon as they get it every month, and so are called “the moon-light group”.This word came into being during the 1990s, to make fun of those born into wealth, who have received a high education, and who appreciate fast food culture.

根据以下内容回答题:As contrasts go,there are few other pairs of culture as distinct from e


As contrasts go,there are few other pairs of culture as distinct from each other as the Japa-nese and the Americans.Japan’s many centuries of history and especially its Buddhist heritage have given the Japanese an attitude of repose(从容)——the best course is to let it be:When the time is ripe,things will work out by.themselves.America,on the other hand,is just a few centuries old and displays an almost volcanic liveliness and restlessness.For the Japanese,social harmony has a prior claim in every circumstance;for the Americans,harmony is the result of the rational interaction of free and fair-minded people.One does not lightly move from traditions in Japan,many of which are centuries old;in the United States,the habits and attitudes of even one’S parent’S generation are suspect. Every cuhure,through its legal and institutional arrangements,mirrors the society’S reso-lution of some basic human problems.These can provide a useful framework for the analysis of cuhural differences.Organizations also face the same problems and usually take their cue from the prevailing culture in designing solutions to these problems.This suggests that the perspec-tive provided by viewing cuhure through the framework of this problem will be useful for organi-zational analysis as well.The following sections present a discussion of such a framework in the context of the contrast between Japan and the United States. Before this is presented,however,we must alert the reader that the differences are stated here as being sharper than they may be in reality.On each of the aspects discussed later,there is naturally considerable variation within each culture,because examples demonstrating the cul-tural reality opposite to the one described in this book can be found easily.Thus,the following discussion should be viewed in the way it is presented,as generalizations and tendencies rather than as absolutes.

Cultural differences between the Japanese and the Americans are the__________ .

A.most obvious



D.less suitable

The biggest mistake a workplace leader can make with office culture is failing to devise one at all. How do you know if your office culture is helping, or hurting, your employees, and as a result

The biggest mistake a workplace leader can make with office culture is failing to devise one at all. How do you know if your office culture is helping, or hurting, your employees, and as a result your bottom line? Designing a thoughtful(周到的)office culture is so important for a new company. Here are some aspects where a leader should be careful not to make mistakes. A cohesive (和谐一致的) office culture starts at the top and is built with intention. Face book’s founder projects a laid -back vibe (氛围). That sets the tone for his $200 billion company, Where he visits weekly Q and A sessions from his staff, loads up the perks, and courts a young team that closely mirrors his target market, positioning Face book are especially designed for their wants and needs.

Strict dress code or early start time may seem like an easy way to build professionalism (职业化)in your workplace, but is there a good reason for it? Strict requirements that work in a law office may erode the work ethic at a hip tech startup. Make sure to back up your rules with reason. For example, at Culture Studio, a T -shirt design and printing company, you’d better believe there’s no place for ties. Employees are encouraged to dress down in their brand’s merchandise or their competitors’ Leadership shouldn’t abandon culture development there. Good employees tend to be goal­oriented over-achievers, so put your budget on that with team -building activities, contests, and incentives for the best. Think critically about the ideal employees for your team, what makes the tick, and how you can support them, within and outside of their role in the company’s goals.

Setting the tone for your workplace starts with each hire and at every level in the company. At digital marketing firm Mabbly, every hiring decision is made with the company’s vision in mind: a creative and young team of approachable(伸手可及的) guides that help clients to understand the seemingly mysterious world of PR public relations in this internet age.

26. What is the main topic of this article?

A. How to write business emails and memos.

B. How to design a thoughtful office culture.

C. How to set rules for employees to follow.

27. The example of Facebook is to show().

A. one should built a cohesive office culture on purpose

B. how you can use Q and A sessions from your staff

C. office culture must reflect your own wants and needs

28. It is suggested that one should()in the third paragraph.

A. set the tone for one’s company

B. drop strict dress code or early start time

C. back up office rules with reason

29. What does “put your budget on that” means in the fourth paragraph?() .

A. To withdraw the money.

B. To pay more attention to it.

C. To invest money and efforts.

30. Mabbly is targeted in().

A. helping clients to understand the PR world

B. attracting as many investments as possible

C. making a link between selling and buying

Culture is activity of thought, and receptiveness to beauty and humane feeling,【1】of infor
mation have nothing to do with it. A merely well-informed man is the most useless【2】on God's earth. What we should【3】at producing is men who【4】both culture and expert knowledge in some special direction. Their expert knowledge will give them the ground to start【5】, and their culture will lead them as【6】as philosophy and as high as【7】. We have to remember that the valuable【8】development is self-development, and that it【9】takes place between the ages of sixteen and thirty. As to training, the most important part is given by mothers before the age of twelve.

In training a child to activity of thought, above all things we must【10】of what I will call "inert ideas" —that is to say, ideas that are merely【11】into the mind without being【12】, or tested, or thrown into fresh combinations. In the history of educaton. the most【13】phenomenon is that schools of learning, which at one epoch are alive with a craze for genius, in a【14】generation exhibit merely pedantry and routine. The reason is that they are overladen with inert ideas. Except at【15】intervals of intellectual motivation, education in the past has been radically【16】with inert ideas. That is the reason why【17】clever women, who have seen much of the world, are in middle life so much the most cultured part of the community. They have been saved from this horrible【18】of inert ideas. Every intellectual revolution which has ever stirred humanity【19】greatness has been a【20】protest against inert ideas.






根据以下内容回答题:Expectations for personal relationships differ greatly across cultures.


Expectations for personal relationships differ greatly across cultures.It is important to know that most AmericanS value close friendships,they also value privacy and independence.From an American perspective,to have privacy or to give someone privacy is considered posi-tive.Yet。when the word“privacy”is translated into other languages(e.g.Russian,Arabic,and Japanese).it has more of a negative meaning.(In these languages“privacy”means aloneness or loneliness.)Therefore,the American’s need for privacy is sometimes judged negatively by those who have not been raised with the value of individualism.some Americans are isolated from others because they have taken their independence and privacy to an extreme.Others simply like spending time alone or at least having the freedom to avoid socializing if they choose. In any true friendship,whatever the culture may be, a person is expected to show interest and concen in a friend’S serious problems.But how does one show this across cuhures?It is not possible to generalize about Americans because there are SO manv varieties of Americans.but it is possible to say that many foreigners or newcomers from different cultures have felt disappointed by Americans.A common occurrence is when an American does not Dhone or visit as much.as the foreigner expects.If someone from another culture is having a serious problem,Americans may say,“Let me know if there’s anything l.can do to help.”If the Americans do not receive.a specific request,they may feel that there’s nothing they can do.In this case.They may call every now and then to stay in touch.The friend from a different culture,on the other hand,may be expecting“sympathy calls or frequent visits,and may not hesitate to demon.strate a dependence on a friend.Many Americans arc uncomfortable whrn people become too dependent.

What do Americans lay emphasis on concerning expectations for personal relationships?

A.Close friendships.


C.Valuable culture.

D.Both A and B.

Considering how jazz is transcribed in Chinese (jueshi) , you may be misled into assuming

Considering how jazz is transcribed in Chinese (jueshi) , you may be misled into assuming that it is an aristocratic cultural form. Nothing could be further from the truth. It originated among black Americans at the end of the 19th century, at a time when they occupied the very bottom of the American social heap.

So how has something that was created by a once downtrodden and despised minority acquired a central place in today's American culture? Mr. Darrell A. Jenks, director of the American Center for Educational Exchange, and also a drummer in the jazz band Window, analyses the phenomenon for us here.

Perhaps the essence of America is that you could never get two Americans to agree on just what that might be. After thinking about it for a while, we might chuckle and say, "Hmm, seems like being American is a bit more complicated than we thought. " Certainly things like individualism, success (the "American Dream"), innovation and tolerance stand out. But these things come together because of our ability to work with one another and find common purpose no matter how diverse we might be.

Some, like African-American writer Ralph Ellison, believe that jazz captures the essence of America. For good reason, for in jazz all of the characteristics I mentioned above come together. The solos are a celebration of individual brilliance that can't take place without the group efforts of the rhythm section. Beyond that, though, jazz has a connection to the essence of America in a much more fundamental way. It is an expression of the African roots of American culture, a musical medium that exemplifies the culture of the Africans whose culture came to dominate much of what is American.

That's right, in many respects America's roots are in Africa. Read Ralph Ellison's perceptive description of the transformation of separate African and European cultures at the hands of the slaves:

"…the dancing of those slaves who, looking through the windows of a plantation manor house from the yard, imitated the steps so gravely performed by the masters within and then added to them their own special flair, burlesquing the white folks and then going on to force the steps into a choreography uniquely their own. The whites, looking out at the activity in the yard, thought that they were being flattered by imitation and were amused by the incongruity of tattered blacks dancing courtly steps, while missing completely the fact that before their eyes a European cultural form. was becoming Americanized, undergoing a metamorphosis through the mocking activity of a people partially sprung from Africa. " (Ralph Ellison, Living with Music, pp 83-84).

Jazz brought together elements from Africa and Europe, fusing them into a new culture, an expression unique to the Americans.

Out of this fusion came an idea that we Americans believe central to our identity: tolerance. Both cultures represented in Ellison's passage eventually came to realize each other's value. Americans acknowledge that in diversity is our strength. We learn every day that other cultures and peoples may make valuable contributions to our way of life. Jazz music is the embodiment of this ideal, combining elements from African and European cultures into a distinctly American music.

Jazz reflects two contradictory facets of American life. On the one hand it is a team effort, where every musician is completely immersed in what the group does together, listening to each of the other players and building on their contributions to create a musical whole. On the other hand, the band features a soloist who is an individual at the extreme, a genius like Charlie Parker who explores musical territory where no one has ever gone before. In the same sense, American life is also a combination of teamwork and individualism, a combination of individual brilliance with the ability to work with others.






Cultures tend to favor either a past, or future orientation with regard to time. A future
orientation, encompassing a preference for change, is characteristic of American culture. The society encourages people to look to the future rather than to the past. Technological, social, and artistic trends change rapidly and affect people's life styles and their relationships.

Given the inclination toward change, it is not surprising that tradition plays a limited role in the American culture. Those who try to uphold traditional pattern of living or thought may be seen as rigid or "old-fashioned". In a society where change is so rapid, it is not uncommon for every generation to experience a "generation gap". Sometimes parents struggle to understand the values of their children, even religious institutions have had to adapt to contemporary need of their followers. Folk singers in church services, women religious leaders, slang versions of the Bible, all reflect attempts made by traditional institutions to "keep up with the times".

High rates of change, particularly in urban areas, have contributed to a focus on the future rather than the past or present. Some Americans believe that the benefits of the future orientation are achievement and progress which enable them to have a high standard of living. Others believe that high blood pressure and stomach ulcers are the results of such a life style.

As individuals in a culture, we all have an intuitive understanding about how time is regulated, usually we do not think about the concept of time until we interact with others who have a different time orientation. Although individuals from any now cultures may view time similarly, we often sense that in another culture, life seems to proceed at either a slower or faster pace. Knowing how time is regulated, divided, and perceived can provide valuable insights into individuals and their culture.

The American orientation toward the future might be demonstrated by ______.

A.the presence of religious institutions

B.the preference for "old-fashioned" parents

C.the limited role of tradition

D.the presence of folk singers in church services

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