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The doctor said that the patient would die ______ he was sent to hospital immediately.A.th

The doctor said that the patient would die ______ he was sent to hospital immediately.





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更多“The doctor said that the patie…”相关的问题
- Don't worry, Mum. The doctor said it was only a common cold. - () ! I'll tell Dad there's nothing serious.
The doctor said, “If you don’t_____ smoking excessively, you’ll never come back to healt

A. give up

B. give off

C. give in

D. give out

Thedoctor______myforeheadandsaid,"Yourforehead______hot." A.felt,feels B.felt,wasfelt

The doctor ______my forehead and said, "Your forehead ______hot."

A. felt, feels

B. felt, was felt

C. feels, felt

D. feels, is felt

Doctor: It's the flu. Drink plenty of water and have a good rest.Patient: Do I have to sta

Doctor: It's the flu. Drink plenty of water and have a good rest.

Patient: Do I have to stay in bed? I have piles of work to do at office.

Doctor: ______

A.Did you hear what I just said?

B.You needn't go to the office.

C.It's OK if you have to work overtime.

D.I'm afraid you have to keep it off your mind for a week or so.

Last Thursday a doctor came m our school to talk about the harm of smoking. He said he wou
ldn't go on for too long, and we saw him take his wrest-watch off and lay it on the table. I can't remember what he said about smoking, because Bob and I had other things to think about. He fin ished when the bell rang for play-time, and the headmaster told us to go out.

In the playground Bob showed me the watch. He put it on his wrist, and it looked love ly. I wished I had been the one to sit by the table. It was really a beautiful watch, gold by the look of it. The headmaster came outside then, and the doctor was with him. They walked about, looking around and talking all the time. After a while the bell rang, and we got into our lines, ready to go in.

The headmaster said, "I've got a little job for boys. This doctor, who was giving us a talk just now, has lost his watch in the playground. It happened before, he says- it just slips off his wrist. So look around for it, will you? See if you're clever enough to find it. I promise that the boy who does so will get a useful reward."

Of course, Bob was not going to miss a chance like that. He's just about the luckiest boy in the school rewards just drop into his hands. We all walked about the playground, looking here and there for the watch. And I wasn't at all surprised when Bob bent down as if he was picking something up. Then he hurried past me towards the doctor.

"Where are you going?" I called out, though I knew very well where he was going. The next minute there was Bob, all smiles, handing over the watch to the old doctor and hanging about for the reward.

But the doctor did not seem at all pleased. In fact he looked quite ready to thrust (插入) a knife in Bob's heart-until the headmaster burst out laughing. Bob told me later the old man hadn't even said "Thank you" for the watch.

The thing that puzzled us most of all was that Bob didn't get any reward. When he mentioned to the headmaster about k, the old man said, "Ah, yes, we mustn't forget that. I said ' a useful re ward' , didn't I?" Then he gave Bob a big sheet of paper and told him to write a composition on the harm of smoking. Bob says he hasn't got any idea of what to write.

While the doctor was talking about the harm to smoking, the two boys were______.

A.not thinking about anything

B.thinking about the harm of smoking

C.thinking about the watch and how to get it, perhaps

D.thinking that the headmaster was very clever

If you think you are sick, you are sick no matter what anyone else says. On the other hand
, if you have belief in your【21】,and if he tells you that you're going to feel better, you【22】will take the case (病症)of Mrs. Brown for example. She was【23】to get to sleep at night. She lacked(缺少) energy and was too【24】during the day even for the simple thing that she used to【25】. Occasional headaches, which were becoming more frequent (频繁的),【26】reading or watching TV. The more she thought about her condition,【27】she felt.【28】,she went to see her doctor,【29】she had known for years. The doctor listened to her complaints(诉说) and gave her a【30】thorough examination. Then, he said to her," There is【31】seriously wrong with your physical condition, but I【32】the fact that you don't feel well. I am going to give you some pills(药丸) that should【33】. I want you to take one after dinner and【34】a half hour before going to bed to night. Call me tomorrow and tell me【35】."

The next morning Mrs. Brown telephoned to say, "Doctor, it's very nice of you. I had the first【36】night's sleep last night in two months.【37】in those pills?"

The doctor said," It's an old formula(方子) I【38】for years, Just【39】taking them for a week. "Turning to his nurse, he said, "It's【40】what a little soda(苏打片)can do."






He was a qualified doctor who rarely practised but instead devoted his life to writing. He
once said: "Medicine is my lawful wife, and literature is my lover. " Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was a great playwright and one of the masters of the modern short story.

When Chekhov entered the Moscow University Medical School in 1879 , he started to publish hundreds of comic short stories to support his family. After he graduated, he wrote regularly for a local daily newspaper.

As a writer he was extremely fast, often producing a short story in an hour or less. Chekhov's medical and science experience can be seen through the indifference (冷漠) many of his characters show to tragic events. In 1892, he became a full-time writer and published some of his most memorable stories.

Chekhov often wrote about the sufferings of life in small town Russia. Tragic events control his characters who are filled with feelings of hopelessness and despair.

It is often said that nothing happens in Chekhov's stories and plays. He made up for this with his exciting technique for developing drama within his characters. Chekhov's work combined the calm attitude of a scientist and doctor with the sensitivity (敏感) of an artist.

Some of Chekhov's works were translated into Chinese as early as the 1940s. One of his famous stories, The Man in a Shell (《装在套子里的人》) , about a school teacher's extraordinarily orderly life, was selected as a text for Chinese senior students.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov ______.

A.had a lawful lover

B.was an illegal writer

C.used to be a lawyer

D.was a competent doctor

Questions are based on the following passage.He was a qualified doctor who rarely practice

Questions are based on the following passage.

He was a qualified doctor who rarely practiced but instead devoted his life to writing.He once said: "Medicine is my lawful wife, and literature is my lover." Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was a great playwright and one of the masters of the modem short story.

(77) When Chekhov entered the Moscow University Medical School in 1879, he started to publish hundreds of comic short stories to support his family. After he graduated, he wrote regularly for a local daily newspaper.

As a writer he was extremely fast, often producing a short story in an hour or less. Chekhov&39;s medical and science experience can be seen through the indifference(冷漠) many of his characters show to tragic events. In 1892, he became a full time writer and published some of his most memorable stories.

Chekhov often wrote about the sufferings of life in small town Russia. Tragic events control his characters who are filled with feelings of hopelessness and despair.

It is often said that nothing happens in Chekhov&39;s stories and plays. He made up for this with his exciting technique for developing drama within his characters. (78) Chekhov&39;s work combined the calm attitude of a scientist and doctor with the sensitivity(敏感)of an artist.

Some of Chekhov&39;s works were translated into Chinese as early as the 1940s. One of his famous stories, The Man in a Shell (装在套子里的人), about a school teacher&39;s extraordinarily orderly life, was selected as a text for Chinese senior students.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov__________ 查看材料

A.had a lawful lover

B.was an illegal writer

C.used to be a lawyer

D.was a competent doctor

Mr. Clarke lives at the foot of the mountain. He keeps the forest for a rich farmer ther
e. The only road to the forest is just in front of his house. He can easily see the people who want to go into the forest. Sometimes he has to be on duty at night. When he hears some sound, he has to get up to see if anyone cuts the trees.

One day he bought a strong dog in the town. He loves it very much and often gives some meat or bread to it. And when a strange man walks close to his house, it barks loudly. So he can soon know about it and goes out to find out who it is. But last week something was wrong with Mr. Clarke. He didn’t feel well and couldn’t fall asleep in the evening. He had to go to a hospital in the town. The doctor looked him over and then asked, “Have you got a dog, sir?” “Yes, I have got one.” “You have got skin disease,” said the doctor. “I am sure your dog infected(感染) it to you. You can’t come in touch with it any longer.” When he came out of the hospital, Mr. Clarke said to himself, “I will see another doctor. It’s much easier to find a doctor than to buy a good dog!

(1)Mr. Clarke’s job is to ().

A. hear some sound and see if anyone cuts the trees

B. stop people from cutting trees in the forest

C. live at the foot of the mountain

D. stop the people going into the forest(2)The owner of the forest is ().

A. Mr. Clarke

B. a friend of Mr. Clarke’s

C. a rich farmer

D. the doctor(3)The strong dog can help Mr. Clarke to ().

A. do some housework

B. see if anyone will kill him

C. cut tree

D. find if anyone is cutting trees(4)The doctor ().

A. loves a dog, too.

B. is really a good one

C. has got skin disease, too

D. has infected the disease to Mr. Clarke(5)Mr. Clarke ().

A. doesn’t think the doctor is the best

B. doesn’t think he is infected

C. will be cured in a short time

D. will kill the dog as soon as he comes back

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