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"...Old is suddenly in"(Line 1, Para. 1) most probably means ______.A.America has suddenly

"...Old is suddenly in"(Line 1, Para. 1) most probably means ______.

A.America has suddenly become a nation of old people

B.gerontology has suddenly become popular

C.name elderly professors are found on American campuses

D.American colleges have realized the need of enrolling older students

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更多“"...Old is suddenly in"(Line 1…”相关的问题
根据以下资料,回答下列各题。 As many people hit middle age, they often start to notice that
theirmemory and mental clarity are not what they used to be. We suddenly can’tremember ___1___ we put the keys just a moment ago, or an old acquaintance’sname, or the name of an old band we used to love. As the brain ___2___, werefer to these occurrences as “senior moments.” ___3___ seemingly innocent,this loss of mental focus can potentially have a (n) ___4___ impact on ourprofessional, social, and personal ___5___. Neuroscientists,experts who study the nervous system, are increasingly showing that there’sactually a lot that can be done. It ___6___ out that the brain needs exercisein much the same way our muscles do, and the right mental ___7___ cansignificantly improve our basic cognitive ___8___. Thinking is essentially a___9___ of making connections in the brain. To a certain extent, our ability to___10___ in making the connections that drive intelligence is inherited.___11___, because these connections are made through effort and practice,scientists believe that intelligence can expand and fluctuate ___12___ mentaleffort. Now, a newWeb-based company has taken it a step ___13___ and developed the first “braintraining program” designed to actually help people improve and regain theirmental ___14___. The Web-basedprogram ___15___ you to systematically improve your memory and attentionskills. The program keeps ___16___ of your progress and provides detailedfeedback ___17___ your performance and improvement. Most importantly, it___18___modifies and enhances the games you play to ___19___ on the strengthsyou are developing—much like a(n) ___20___exercise routine requires you toincrease resistance and vary your muscle use. 请在第__1__处填上正确答案。





A small crowd had gathered round the entrance to the park. His curiosity aroused,Robert
crossed the road to see what was happening. He found that the center ofattraction was an old man with a performing monkey. The monkey' s tricks, hesoon discovered, were in no way remarkable so, after throwing a few pennies inthe dirty hat which the man had placed on the pavement, Robert began to moveoff, along with other members of the crowd.Atthis point the man suddenly let out a loud cry. Everyone turned to see what hadhappened. The man was bending over his monkey, which now lay quite still on thepavement. He picked up the apparently lifeless body and, bolding it close tohim, began to weep. A young man stepped forward from the crowd and, taking somemoney from his pocket, dropped it into the hat. Robert and several other peopledid likewise, until the pennies in the hat were covered with silver coins.Meanwhile, the man continued to hold the dead monkey in his arms and seemed totake no notice of what was going on about him. Afew month latter, Robert came across the old man again in another part of thecity. The man had a monkey, bought no doubt with the money which the crowd hadgiven him. It did not, however, seem any better at its tricks than the previousone. Robert was pleased to see that the old man was still able to earn aliving, though on this occasion, having partly paid for the monkey out of hisown pocket, he did not feel inclined to throw any money into the hat. Butthe performance was not yet over! Once again the old man let out a loud cry.Once again the monkey lay still on the pavement. The manpicked up the "dead" monkey and clutching it in his arms began to weep. The same young steppedforward and threw some money into the hat.Again the crowd followed suit一except for Robert. Smiling tohimself, he went on his way, amazed at the man' s audacity.

41. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The young man was also apasser-by.

B. The old man always entertainedthe people at the same place.

C. The old man let out a loud crybecause he was really sorry to have lost his monkey.

D. Robert did not throw any moneyinto the hat the second time he met the old man .

42. Robert smiled to himself because he().

A. was satisfied with theperformance

B. realized what had happened atlast

C. was amused by the death of thesecond monkey

D. was glad that the second monkeyperformance as well as the first one

43. The word "likewise" (in the secondparagraph) is closest in meaning to ()?

A. like to be wise

B. in the wise way

C. in the sameway

D. in a lovely way

44. What does "followed suit" (in the lastparagraph) mean?

A. followed the example

B. followed the old man

C. followed the writer

D. came afterwards



Kindles, Nooks and other e-readers are threatening the future of printed books. But reading itself may get a boost from the devices. For example, a study found that the kids felt better about reading after a course in which they used Amazon Kindles. The research is in the _International Journal of Applied Science and Technology._

For two months, 199 middle-school students in a reading improvement class in Texas had 15 to 25 minutes every day when they were free to read on the Kindle. In general, the students felt the device improved their reading ability. And they tended to enjoy using an e-reader.

They noted the ease of carrying multiple books in one device, and the feeling that reading was suddenly a high-tech 21st-century activity rather than a boring waste of time. And some low-level readers who might otherwise be embarrassed to be seen with a simple book liked keeping their peers in the dark about what title they were reading. In the old days, one had to use a fake book-cover to achieve that level of secrecy.

1. Amazon Kindles is a kind of e-books. {T; F}

2. The research done in the _International Journal of Applied Science and Technology_ has lasted for two years. {T; F}

3. The students felt e-books could not improve their reading ability. {T; F}

4. Many students tended to enjoy using an e-reader. {T; F}

5. Some low-level readers used to use fake book-covers to keep their peers in the dark. {T; F}

I was eleven when we had to move out of the big old house in which I had spent my whole li
fe. Each time I thought of that, I felt very sad. When the final day came, I ran to a corner and sat alone, trying not to let others see my tears. Suddenly I felt a hand patting me on the shoulder. I looked up, and saw my grandpa. "It isn't easy, is it, my grandson?" he said in a very low voice, sitting down beside me. I nodded through my tears, without a word. We sat silently for a long time. Then he said, "Good-by is such a sad word that it seems too cold for us to use. We must try to avoid it."

Then we walked slowly in the garden, hand in hand, to have a last look at each rock, each tree, each flower. We sat for a while by the small pond which was a favorite place of my grandpa's. "What do you see here, Tommy?" asked the old man. I looked at the water, not knowing what to say, and then replied, "I see something soft and beautiful, Grandpa." He pulled me close to him and said, "It isn't the pond or the trees or the flowers that are beautiful. It is the special place in your heart that makes you feel so." After a while, he continued, "I built the pond, and planted the trees and the flowers a long time ago. I started to build this beautiful home the day my only son was born." He stopped. After a long silence, he murmured(低声说), "One day a terrible war came, and my son, like many other people's sons, went away to fight. Five months later, a telegram came, telling us that my son had passed away...' he couldn't finish his sentence. I saw tears trickle from his eyes. "That afternoon I picked some roses from this place and put them in front of son's portrait (肖像), and said goodbye to him. You know who he was, Tommy?"

"My father?" I asked in a whisper, hoping my grandpa would say no. But he said, "That's rights my dear. ' Ann in arm, we cried. Then the old man held me ups and said softly, "My dear Tom, we axe going to move, but don't say good-bye to our old house, never."

Tom and his grandpa______ the old house.

A.were too sorry to leave

B.were both unwilling to say goodbye to

C.felt sorry when they were in

D.didn't know that they had to leave

Sporting activities are essentially modified forms of hunting behavior. Viewed biologicall
y, the modern footballer is in reality a member of a hunting group. His killing weapon has turned into a harmless football and his prey into a goalmouth. If his aim is accurate and he scores a goal, he enjoys the hunter's triumph of killing his prey.

To understand how this transformation has taken place we must briefly look back at our forefathers. They spent over a million years evolving (进化) as cooperative hunters. Their very survival depended on success in the hunting field. Under this pressure their whole way of life, even their bodies, became greatly changed. They became chasers, runners, jumpers, aimers, throwers and prey killers. They cooperated as skillful male group attack.

Then about ten thousand years ago, after this immensely long period of hunting the food, they became farmers. Their improved intelligence, so vital to their old hunting life, was put to a new use—that of controlling and domesticating (驯养) their prey. The hunt became suddenly out of date. The food was there on the farms, awaiting their needs. The risks and uncertainties of the hunt were no longer essential for survival.

The skills and thirst for hunting remained, however, and demanded new outlets. Hunting for sport replaced hunting for necessity. This new activity involved all the original hunting sequences (后果), but the aim of the operation was no longer to avoid starvation. Instead the sportsmen set off to test their skill against prey that was no longer essential to their survival. To be sure, the kill may have been eaten, but there were other purposes, much simpler of obtaining a meaty meal.

What is the main idea of the passage? ______.

A.Hunting is very important in human civilization

B.Sporting activities satisfy the desire of modern society

C.It's hunting that provides human beings with food

D.The importance of sporting activities in modern society


Sporting activities are essentially modified forms of hunting behaviour. Viewed biologically, the modern footballer is in reality a member of a hunting group. His killing weapon has turned into a harmless football and his prey (猎物) into a goal mouth. If his aim is accurate and he scores a goal, he enjoys the hunter’s triumph of killing his prey.

To understand how this transformation has taken place we must briefly look back at our forefathers. They spent over a million years evolving (进化) as cooperative hunters. Their very survival depended on success in the hunting-field. Under this pressure their whole way of life, even their bodies, became greatly changed. They became chasers, runners, jumpers, aimers, throwers and prey-killers. They cooperated as skillful male-group attackers.

Then about ten thousand years ago, after this immensely long period of hunting their food, they became farmers. Their improved intelligence, so vital to their old hunting life, was put to a new use--that of controlling and domesticating their prey. The hunt became suddenly out of date. The food was there on the farms, awaiting their needs. The risks and uncertainties of the hunt were no longer essential for survival.

The skills and thirst for hunting remained, however, and demanded new outlets. Hunting for sport replaced hunting for necessity. This new activity involved all the original hunting sequences but the aim of the operation was no longer to avoid starvation. Instead the sportsmen set off to test their skill against prey that were no longer essential to their survival. To be sure, the kill may have been eaten but there were other much simpler ways of obtaining a meaty meal.

The author believes that sporting activities ().

A.are forms of biological development

B.have actually developed from hunting

C.are essentially forms of taming the prey .

D.have changed the ways of hunting


A few years ago it was common to speak of a generation gap between young people and their elders. Parents said that children did not respect and listen to them, while children said that their parents did not understand them at all. What had gone wrong? Why had the generation gap suddenly appeared? Actually, the generation gap has been around for a long time. Many people argue that it is built into every part of our society.

One important cause of the generation gap is .the opportunity that young people have to choose their own ways of life. In a more traditional society, when children grow up, they axe expected to live in the same place as their parents, to marry people that their parents know and like, and often to continue the family jobs. In our society, young people often travel great distances for their education, move out of the family at an early age, marry or live with people whom their parents have never met, and choose jobs different from those of their parents.

In our society, parents often expect their children to do better than they did, to find better jobs, to make more money and to do all the things that they were unable to do. Often, that is another cause of the gap between them. Often, they discover that they have very little in common with each other.

Finally, the speed at which changes take place in our society is the third cause of the gap between the generations. In a traditional culture, senior people axe valued for their knowledge, but in our society the knowledge of a lifetime may become out of date. The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds, separated by different skills and abilities. No doubt, the generation gap will continue in American life for some time.

The first paragraph tells that ().

A.the problem of the generation gap draws much attention from people

B.it is out of date to talk about the generation gap

C.children and parents are trying to understand each other

D.it is very important for people to talk with each other often

A few years ago it was common to speak of a generation gap between young people and thei
r elders.Parents said that children did not respect and listen to them, while children said that their parents did not understand them at all.What had gone wrong? Why had the generation gap suddenly appeared? Actually, the generation gap has been around for a long time.Many people argue that it is built into every part of our society.

One important cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own ways of life.In a more traditional society, when children grow up, they are expected to live in the same area as their parents, to marry people that their parents know and like, and often to continue the family jobs.In our society, young people often travel great distances for their education, move out of the family at an early age, marry or live with people whom their parents have never met, and choose jobs different from those of their parents.

In our society, parents often expect their children to do better than they did, to find better jobs, to make more money and to do all the things that they were unable to do.Often, that is another cause of the gap between them.Often, they discover that they have very little in common with each other.

Finally, the speed at which changes take place in our society is the third cause of the gap between the generations.In a traditional culture, senior people are valued for their knowledge, but in our society the knowledge of a lifetime may become out of date.The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds, separated by different skills and abilities.No doubt, the generation gap will continue in American life for some time to come.

1.The first paragraph tells us that ______.

A、the problem of the generation gap draws much attention from people

B、it is out of date to talk about the generation gap

C、children and parents are trying to understand each other

D、it is very important for people to frequently communicate with each other

2.In a more traditional society, old people_______.

A、have their children respect and listen to them

B、do not care for their children at all

C、expect their children to rebel against them

D、do not live together with their children

3.In American society young people________.

A、do not need to find jobs

B、leave home at an early age

C、have better education than their parents

D、marry people younger than them

4.Which of the following is NOT the cause of the generation gap______.

A、Young people like to depend more on themselves.

B、Parents do not love their children dearly.

C、American society changes rapidly.

D、Parents expect too much of their children.

5.The main idea of the passage is ________.

A、that the generation gap needs considering

B、when the generation gap is necessary in American society

C、why the generation gap exist

D、how we can reduce the generation gap





Suddenly he heard someone ______ gently on the window.A.knockB.knockingC.knockedD.to knock

Suddenly he heard someone ______ gently on the window.




D.to knock

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