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Often called the intellectual leader of the animal-rights movement, Regan "is the foremost

philosopher in this country in the field of the moral status of non-rational animals", says Bob Bryan, former chairman of the N.C. State Philosophy and Religion Department. Regan has lectured from Stockholm to Melbourne about the importance of recognizing animals as part of the evolving field of ethics. His books, The Case for Animal Rights and In Defense of Animal Rights, are widely acknowledged as having cemented the roots of the modem animal-rights movement in academia.

To be sure, vegetarianism dates back to Plato and Plutarch. And in America, the first cruelty busts happened in the late 19th century in New York. But society viewed animals largely as properties, until Regan and a handful of other philosophers pushed animal-rights issues into the academic mainstream. Indeed, this academic focus has dramatically altered how Americans approach the ethics of husbandry, some observers say. Once-radical ideas have been firmly woven into society.

Regan envisions a type of "bill of rights" for animals, including the abandonment of pet ownership, elimination of a meat-based diet, and new standards for biomedical research on animals. Essentially, he wants to establish a new kind of solidarity with animals, and stop animal husbandry altogether. "In addition to the visible achievements and changes, there's been what I might call an invisible revolution taking place, and that revolution is the seriousness with which the issue of animal rights is taken in the academy and in higher education," Regan says.

But with Regan planning to retire in December, a growing number of farmers, doctors, and others are questioning the sustainability of his ideas. Increasingly, Americans who feel their rights have become secondary to animals' rights are speaking out against a wave of arson attacks on farmers and pies thrown in the faces of researchers. Radical groups, with sometimes-violent tactics, have been accused of scaring farmers away from speaking up for traditional agrarian values. Indeed, tensions are only rising between animal-rights activists and groups that have traditionally used the land with an eye toward animals' overall welfare, not their "right" to be happy or to live long lives.

The controversy around Regan is heightened by the fact that he's no pacifist. He says he believes it's OK to break the law for a greater purpose. He calls it the "greater-evil doctrine", the idea that there's moral hierarchy to crime. "I think that you can win in court, and that's what I tell people," Regan says. "I don't believe that you should run and hide." The shift in the level of respect has been "seismic", he says. "Contrary to what a lot of people think, there really has been a recognition that there are some things that human beings should not be permitted to do to animals. Where the human heart has grown is in the recognition of what is to be prohibited."

Regan is called the intellectual leader of the animal-rights movement because

A.he is a philosopher in the field of animal-rights protection.

B.he helps to make animal-rights movement an academic subject.

C.he has written many books on how to protect animal rights.

D.he proves that animal societies have their moral standards as human societies do.

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更多“Often called the intellectual …”相关的问题
England is often called by other names. ()
A person who acts without thinking about what they are doing is often called an ______. A. automati

A person who acts without thinking about what they are doing is often called an ______.

A. automation B. automaton C. automat D. autonomy

Henry Ford gave much credit to his wife for his car-making business because ______.A.he ca

Henry Ford gave much credit to his wife for his car-making business because ______.

A.he called her "The Believer"

B.her belief in him was a constant encouragement

C.from the earliest days of their relationship, she always encouraged her husband to build a horseless carriage

D.she often reminded her husband that the way to make automobiles is to make them all alike

Memory is the ability to keep track of things that have happened in the past. Memory reall
y is learning. One needs memory to ride a bicycle. A dog needs to remember if it is to come when called.

Memory is said to be stored in the brain as a "memory trace (记忆痕) ". What makes up this trace is not known. Some scientists believe that certain chemical substances may carry certain memories. For example, one substance, when given to rats, causes them to fear the dark.

Other research into memory has to do with how the brain works. Psychologists use three means to find out bow a person remembers. For example, give a person a grocery list. Let the person memorize the list, then put it away. The most natural way to find out how much a person remembers of the grocery list is to ask what he or she remembers. This is called the method of recall. Another method is called recognition. Give the person another grocery list. Ask him or her to choose items on the first list from the items that are on only the second list. Often a person will be able to recognize things that he or she cannot recall. A third method of finding how much a person remembers is called relearning. Here the person is asked to read over the first list. The person will probably learn the list the second time faster than he did the first time. The difference in the time it takes to relearn the list is thought of as measure of how much a person has remembered.

One way of remembering something is to repeat it many times. Interest is very important. Boring lists of facts are much more difficult to remember than something that we understand and are interested in. Motivation, or wanting to do something, is also important. Motivation is linked with reward. For example, a hungry animal quickly learns how to do something if that action gets the animal food. In humans, wanting to learn is often motivation. The praise of a teacher or the knowledge that an answer is correct is rewarding.

We can learn from the 2nd paragraph that ______.

A.bad memories may cause rats to fear the dark

B.it is hard to tell what a memory trace consists of

C.chemical substances carry certain memories

D.memory is stored in the brain as a substance

Sharks are fish. There are about 350 species of sharks. The smallest sharks are only 12. 5
cm long. The largest, the whale shark, is the world's largest fish. It grows to about 1Sm long.

Sharks are different from other fish. For example, other fish have skeletons made of hard bones. Sharks have skeletons made of cartilage. In addition, most fish have a special organ called a swim bladder to stop them from sinking but sharks do not. If a shark does not swim constantly, it sinks. Shark babies grow inside eggs. The baby sharks are called pups.

Most sharks eat fish. Some also eat seals and other sharks. Many people are afraid of sharks be cause of their reputation as' man-eaters'. However, there are fewer than one hundred shark attacks on humans in the world each year.

Humans are the sharks' worst enemies. Fishermen kill them because of their valuable dorsal fins. Often, they catch a shark, cut off its fin and throw it back into the sea. If a shark has no fin, it dies because it cannot swim. Scientists believe that humans kill more than one million sharks every year.

Sharks are ______.

A.humans' friends

B.man's enemies

C.the world's largest fish

D.not the same as other fish

Every nation has a set of rules either written or unwritten, which determines how people a
ct with each other. Formal written rules are often laws and they control how we drive operate a business, or run a government. Individuals who disobey laws may be fined or put in jail. Because illegal behavior. generally harms other individuals or societies at large. Our court system must punish people who don't obey these formal rules.

Informal rules, often called "manners", describe correct and incorrect behavior. in such situations as eating in a restaurant, going on a date, or working in an office. If one is impolite or misbehaves in these situations, other people often consider offender insensitive. And although we can strongly disagree to such misconduct, we can no legally punish someone for simply being inconsiderate or unpleasant.

Neither laws nor manners are inflexible; both changes as society develops. For example, in the early twentieth century, the selling of strong spirits was forbidden. This law, however, had to be changed because the government found it impossible to force people to drink only soft drinks. More recently, many people who were dissatisfied with the unequals between the rights of men and women worked to pass the equal rights law, as women became more independent and took on new roles, a new law was considered necessary to reflect that change.

According to the passage, people who offended the law may be ______.

A.put to death

B.put on afire

C.doing fine

D.put into prison

Passage Five Memory is the ability to keep track of things that have happened in the past

Passage Five

Memory is the ability to keep track of things that have happened in the past. Memory really is leaning. One needs memory to ride a bicycle. A dog needs to remember if it is to come when called.

Memory is said to be stored in the brain as a “memory trace (记忆痕) .” What makes up this trace is not known. Some scientists believe that certain chemical substances may carry certain memories. For example, one substance, when given to rats, causes them to dear the dark.

Other research into memory has to do with how the brain works. Psychologists use three means to find out how a person remembers. For example, give a person a grocery list. Let the person memorize the list, then put it away. The most natural way to find out how much a person remembers of the grocery list is to ask what he or she remembers. This is called the method of recall. Another method is called recognition. Gibe the person another grocery list. Ask him or her to choose items on the first list from the items that are on only the second list. Often a person will be able to recognize thins that he or she cannot recall. A third method of finding how much a person remembers is called relearning. Here the person is asked to read over the first list. The person will probably learn the list the second time faster than he did the first time. The difference in the time it takes to relearn the list is thought of as a measure of how much a person has remembered.

One way of remembering something is to repeat it many times. Interest is very important. Boring lists of facts are much more difficult to remember than something that we understand and are interested in. Motivation, or wanting to do something, is also important. Motivation is linked with reward. For example, a hungry animal quickly learn how to do something if that action gets the animal food. In humans, wanting to learn is often motivation. The praise of a teacher or the knowledge that an answer is correct is rewarding.

52. We can learn from the 2nd paragraph that_____.

A bad memories may cause rats to fear the dark

B it is hard to tell what a memory trace consists of

C chemical substances carry certain memories

D memory is stored in the brain as a substance

Pubs can be found in every town, city or village in Britain. Social life for many people h
as (1) on the pub for many years. Opening and closing times are (2) by law and, ten minutes before closing time, the barman or barmaid rings a bell or (3) ,“Last orders!”When you go into a pub you have to go to the bar, pay for your drink and carry it to your seat.

It is (4) in Britain to “go for a drink” with friends. People often (5) at a pub before going on to another place. On Friday and Saturday evening pubs in some city centers can be very (6). Some people do a tour of all pars in one (7) and have a drink in each one: this is called a“pub crawl”.

It used to be (8) to get a cup of coffee in a pub, and children were not allowed inside. Though it is still against the law to serve alcohol to anyone under eighteen, pubs are now trying to (9) family. Pubs with gardens or chairs arid table sout side are often crowded in the summer.Pubs are still a central part of British (10) .










































For more than six million American children, coming home after school means coming home to
an empty house. They spend part of each day alone. They are called "latchkey children". They're children who look after themselves while their parents work. And their bad conditions have become a social problem.

Lyne Brown was once the headmaster of an elementary school. She said, "A lot of kids had chains around their necks with keys attached.! was constantly telling them to put them inside shirts. There were so many keys, it never came to my mind what they meant. ",slowly, she learned they were house keys.

Lyne learned of the impact working couples and single parents were having on their children. She found that Fear is the biggest problem faced by children at home alone. Many had nightmares and were worried about their own safety.

The most common way latchkey children deal with their fears is by hiding. It might be in a shower stall, under a bed, in a closet. The second is TV. They'll often play it at high volume. It's hard to get statistics (情况,材料) on latchkey children. Most parents are slow to admit they leave their children alone.

The main idea about "latchkey children" is that they______.

A.are growing in numbers

B.are also found in middle-class neighborhoods

C.watch too much television during the day

D.suffer problems from being left alone

听力原文: People over the age of 65 in the USA are called senior citizens. Life for these
people is different from that for younger Americans. Most senior citizens retire, or no longer work full time. Also it is unusual for people of this age to live with their children and grandchildren.

For many senior citizens, the year after 65 is not enjoyable. They feel unproductive when they no longer work. They lives losing meaning. In addition, they may feel lonely being away from their families and the contacts they had in their work. Moreover, they become more concerned with their health as they grow older, If they live in big cities, they often worry about their safety. Other senior citizens enjoy their lives. They feel free to do things they were not able to do when they were working and raising families.

The number of senior citizens in the U. S. is increasing rapidly because people are living longer than before. Because of their large numbers and more active life Styles, senior citizens are gaining social influence in the country, both politically and economically. Their concerns are receiving a wider audience than ever before. The time may come when all Americans will look forward to becoming senior citizens.


A.People of 65 years old.

B.People over 65 years old.

C.People between 60 and 65 years old.

D.Retired people.

Magic (魔法)often forces us not to believe our own eyes or even appears to be breaking the

Magic (魔法)often forces us not to believe our own eyes or even appears to be breaking the laws of physics or nature! The word “magic” has many different meanings. When a bird appears in a hat or when someone declares that he could see into the future—-both can be called magic When a sick person suddenly becomes well or a well person (or even animal) becomes ill, magic is the cause The British author Terry Pratchett uses magic a great deal in his popular Discworld series of books.

Magic has always been used for fun. People enjoy working out in which cup the little ball is or how he knows which card I was thinking of Harry Houdini was one of the first world-famous magicians—famous for escaping from deadly situations. Recently David Copperfield,or David Blane,has become very popular for his uunbelievable abilitiesJ,such as making the Statue of Liberty disappear or rise.

Magical rings and three-headed dogs may not be real, but does this mean nothing magical really exists? Can you always explain how the magician has done the card trick? Maybe it is better not to explain,but to leave a little magic in our lives. Pick a card,any card.

The author explains what magic is in paragraph 1 by___________.

A.giving causes and effects

B.using examples

C.comparing a healthy person with a sick one

D.listing the time of magical events

Who is mentioned as a great escape artist?A.Harry Houdini

B.David Blan


D.David Copperfield

E.Terry Pratchett.

What does the author think of magic?A.It provides people with fun

B.It changes our lives.

C.It explains strange things in our lives

D.It breaks the laws of physics.


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