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About 70 million Americans are trying to lose weight. That is almost 1 out of every 3 peop

le in the United States. Some people go on diets. This means they eat less of certain foods, especially fats and sugars. Other people exercise with special equipment, take diet pills, or even have surgery. Losing weight is hard work, and it can also cost a lot of money. So why do so many people in the United States want to lose weight?

Many people in the United States worry about not looking young and attractive. For many people, looking good also means being thin. Other people worry about their health. Many doctors say being overweight is not healthy. But are Americans really fat?

Almost 30 million Americans weigh at least 20 percent more than their ideal weight. In fact, the United States is the most overweight country in the world. "The stored fat of adult Americans weighs 2. 3 trillion pounds," says University of Massachusetts anthropologist(人类学家) George Armelagos. He says burning off that stored energy would produce enough power for 900,000 cars to go 12,000 miles.

Losing weight is hard work, but most people want to find a fast and easy way to take off fat. Bookstores sell lots of diet books. These books tell readers how to lose weight. Each year, dozens of new books like these are written. Each one boasts to help people to get rid of fat.

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way of losing weight?

A.To eat less fats and sugars.

B.To take much exercise.

C.To have surgery.

D.To work hard.

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更多“About 70 million Americans are…”相关的问题
Bolivia has a population of【56】. About one - tenth of the total population is white; one -
fourth are【57】Indians and white; and more than half are【58】Indians. The government and【59】are【60】the control of white people.

The Indians today live in【61】【62】their ancestors (祖先), most of whom were famers.【63】 work in the mines, for mining is the most important industry in Bolivia.【64】all the mining products,【65】is the most important, which【66】three fourths of all Bolivia's exports (出口). The eastern slopes (斜坡) of the Andes, since there are very few roads there, are fertile (富饶的)【67】not highly developed. The two primary【68】of transportation are river boats and porters. East of the hill region【69】the great plains【70】tropical (热带的) plants【71】. A【72】problem for Bolivia is the transport of food from the warm regions, where it is grown, to the mountainous regions, where most of the people live.

Bolivia 【73】 its independence from Spain about a hundred years ago. It has been slow in developing,【74】its rich resources【75】a better future in it.


A.three and a half millions

B.a half three millions

C.three and a half million

D.a half three million

The () liberation movement has become an important social movement () much of the world
today.In the past few decades, it () one of the most important social movements in the United States.Women have been fighting () equal rights in the U.S.since ().But it was really in the 1960s and 70s () women began to gain equal rights and treatment in () of politics, education, employment and the home.

As for the field of politics, today’s politicians are well () that women have become a powerful () in the country.One of the reasons () this is () there are about 70 million women of voting age.Voting age in the United States, () some of you may already know, is eighteen.There are, in fact, 7 million more women of voting age than () men of voting age in the U.S.Today, not only() more women voting these days and () the political structure of the country, () more of them are becoming better educated.Today’s young American woman is more () to be a college student than() mother was.

Today, in the United States, there are at least 5 million women college graduates.(), this is 2.3 million () the number of American men with college degrees.But the number is growing each year.


2.A.throughoutB.throughC.in all over D.all over

3.A.becomesB.becameC.has become D.had become

4.A.againstB.with C.for D.toward

5.A.early the 1900sB.the early 1900s’C.early in 1900 D.early 1900s

6.A.when B.thatC.in whichD.in that

7.A.fieldsB.the fields C.some fieldsD.the research

8.A.aware B.aware ofC.aware about D.awared

9.A.populationB.forceC.party D.group


11.A.becauseB.owing to C.where D.that

12.A.if B.as C.even D.just like

13.A.are thereB.there were C.there areD.there is

14.A.are there B.there are C.is there D.were there

15.A.influence B.influencing C.to influence D.influence

16.A.also but B.but too C.but D.also

17.A.likeB.alikeC.likely D.liked

18.A.hisB.theirC.her D.one’s

19.A.Be sure B.To be sure C.Being sure D.It is sure

20.A.fewer than B.less than C.much fewer thanD.much less than

There are more than 100 million cars in the United States. A normal car gets less than 15
miles from each gallon of gas. It travels about 10,000 miles each year. In that time, it uses about 650 gallons of gas. In all, autos use up some 70 billion gallons of gas a year. That comes out to be four-and-a-half million barrels a day.

The importance of saving gas, then, cannot be stressed too much. Let's say, for instance, that the fuel used by each car could be cut back just 15 percent. This could be done by making fewer trips each day. It could be done through better driving habits. If it were done, our nation's use of fuel would fall by close to two-thirds of a million barrels per day.

We can all help save gas. One way is to ride the buses. Some of us could walk to work. We could ride mopeds(机动脚踏两用车) or bikes. Another way is to share a ride. We could join carpools (合伙使用汽车). About one-third of all cars are used for going to and from work.

Go shopping with a friend from time to time. If two people use a car instead of one, we all save. There would be fewer cars on the road. The savings on gas around the nation would come to more than one half million barrels a day.

Another way to save is by cutting our useless trips. Can you find one car trip per week that could be handled by telephone? Can you combine trips? If each car took one less 10-mile trip a week, we could save three-and-half billion gallons of gas a year. This comes to nearly 5 percent of the total passenger car demand for gas.

The way people drive decides how much fuel they save. Careful drivers may get20 percent more miles per gallon than normal drivers. They could get 50 percent more miles per gallon than wasteful drivers. Careful drivers obey the 55-mile-per-hour speed limit. They get to their desired speed quickly and keep a steady pace.

If just one gallon of gas were saved each week for each car in the country, we could all save about five-and-half billion gallons a year.

To decrease the number of useless car trips, you can use the ______.

A.bus service

B.subway service



About 70 million Americans are trying to lose weight. That is almost 1 out of every 3 peop
le in the United States. Some people go in diet. This means they eat less of certain foods, especially fats and sugars. Other people exercise with special equipment, take diet pills, or even have surgery. Losing weight is hard work, and it can also cost a lot of money. So why do so many people in the United States want to lose weight?

Many people in the United States worry about not looking young and attractive. For many people, looking good also means being thin. Other people worry about their health. Many doctors say being overweight is not healthy. But are Americans really fat?

Almost 30 million Americans weigh at least 20 percent more than their ideal weight. In fact, the United States is the most overweight country in the world. "The stored fat of adult Americans weighs 2. 3 trillion (兆) pounds, " says University of Massachusetts anthropologist (人类学家) George Armelagos. He says burning off that stored energy would produce enough power for 900, 000 cars to go 12, 000 miles.

Losing weight is hard work, but most people want to find a fast and easy way to take off fat. Bookstores sell lots of diet books. These books tell readers how to lose weight. Each year, dozens of new books like these are written. Each one promises to get rid of fat.

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way of losing weight?

A.To eat less fats and sugars.

B.To have surgery.

C.To take much exercise.

D.To work hard.

In one year, about twenty million dolls were bought before Christmas. Dolls were by f
In one year, about twenty million dolls were bought before Christmas. Dolls were by far ______ Christmas toys.


B.most popular

C.the popularest

D.the most popular

It is estimated that some seven hundred million people about half the world's population a
re un able to read and write, and there are probably two hundred and fifty million more whose level of attainment(造诣、成就)is so slight that it barely qualifies a literacy(识字).

Recently the attack on illiteracy has been stepped up. A world plan has been drawn up by a committee of UNESCO experts in Paris, as part of the United Nations Development Decade, and an international conference on the subject has also been held. UNESCO stresses that functional literacy is the aim. People must learn the basic skills of responsible citizenship: the ability to read notices, newspapers, timetables, letters, price lists, to keep simple records and accounts, to sort out the significance of the information gathered, and to fill in forms.

The major areas of illiteracy are in Asia, and Central and South America. In Africa there are at least one hundred million illiterates, making up eighty to eighty-five per cent of the total population. In Europe the figure is about twenty-four million, most of them is Southern Europe, with Spain, Italy, Portugal, and Yugoslavia heading the list (the United Kingdom has about seven hundred thousand).

According to the estimate, the illiterate population in the world is ______.

A.two hundred and fifty million

B.one hundred million

C.about half of the total population in the world

D.seven thousand million

According to the passage, which is true about the ocean? A. The waters of the ocean c

According to the passage, which is true about the ocean?

A. The waters of the ocean came from rain water.

B. The ocean was formed from the, lighter rock materials.

C. The vast single ocean formed about 200 million years ago.

D. The ocean covered the whole surface of the earth at very beginning.

What is known about the influenza virus?A. It was first found in a group of very old birds

What is known about the influenza virus?

A. It was first found in a group of very old birds.

B. All the different strains can be found in wild birds.

C. It existed over 100 million years ago.

D. It can survive in many different places.

Greece, economically, is in the black. With very little to export other than such farm pro
ducts as tobacco, cotton and fruit, the country earns enough from "invisible earnings" to pay for its needed, growing imports. From the sending out of things the Greeks, earn only $285 million; from tourism, shipping and the remittances of Greeks abroad, the country takes in an additional $375 million and this washes out the almost $400 million by which imports exceed exports.

It has a balanced budget. Although more than one drachma out of four goes for defense, the government ended a recent year with a slight surplus—$66 million. Greece has a decent reserve of almost a third of a billion dollars in gold and foreign exchange. It has a government not dependent on coalescing incompatible parties to obtain parliamentary majorities.

In thus summarizing a few happy highlights, I don't mean to minimize the vast extent of Greece's problems. It is the poorest country by a wide margin in Free Europe, and poverty is widespread. At best an annual income of $60 to $70 is the lot of many a peasant, and substantial unemployment plagues the countrysides, cities, and towns of Greece. There are few natural resources on which to build any substantial industrial base. Some years ago I wrote here:

"Greek statesmanship will have to create an atmosphere in which home and foreign savings will willingly seek investment opportunities in the back ward economy of Greece. So far, most American and other foreign attempt have bogged down in the Greek government's red tape and shrewdness about small points."

Great strides have been made. As far back as 1956, expanding tourism seemed a logical way to bring needed foreign currencies and additional jobs to Greece. At that time I talked with the Hilton Hotel people, who had been examining hotel possibilities, and to the Greek government division responsible for this area of the economy. They were hopelessly deadlocked in almost total differences of opinion and outlook.

Today most of the incredibly varied, beautiful, historical sights of Greece have new, if in many cases modest, tourist facilities, Tourism itself has jumped from approximately$31 million to over $90 million. There is both a magnificent new Hilton Hotel in Athens and a completely modernized, greatly expanded Grande Bretagne, as well as other first-rate new hotels. And the advent of jets has made Athens as accessible as Paris or Rome—without the sky-high prices of traffic-choked streets of either.

The title below that best expresses the ideas of this passage is ______.

A.Greek income and expenditures

B.The improving economic situation in Greece

C.The value of tourism

D.Military expenditures

It can be inferred from the passage that by 170______.A.technology began to be more econom

It can be inferred from the passage that by 170______.

A.technology began to be more economical

B.the steam engine had been invented

C.the U. S. horse population was about 10 million

D.a national commission on agriculture had been established

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