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Stranger:Could you tell me the entrance to the subway?Resident:__________.A.Sure,my pleasu

Stranger:Could you tell me the entrance to the subway?Resident:__________.

A.Sure,my pleasure

B.Don’t ask me

C.I don’t know

D.Not my business

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更多“Stranger:Could you tell me the…”相关的问题
Could you tell me where the nearest parking lot is? _________

A.Don't ask me.

B.Parking is very difficult.

C.Sorry, I'm a stranger here.

D.Sorry, you can't park here.

—Excuse me can you tell me the way to the library?

— () .

A.Sorry I'm a stranger here you see

B.I'm afraid you asked a wrong person

C.I have no idea

D.I can't forgive me

Stranger: Excuse me, do you have small change for a dollar? Passer-by: ______A.Why do you

Stranger: Excuse me, do you have small change for a dollar?

Passer-by: ______

A.Why do you want to change?

B.Is it my business?

C.Are dimes and quarters OK?

D.You shouldn't ask a stranger for change.

—Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the airport? —_______.A、Don't ask thatB、

A.Don't ask that

B.Sorry, I'm a stranger here

C.No, I can't say that

D.No, you're driving too fast

--Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the post office?-- .A. Don’t ask thatB Sorry

--Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the post office?

-- .

A. Don’t ask that

B Sorry, I’m a stranger here

C No, I can't say that

D No, you’re driving too fast

It was almost two o' clock. A cold wind had come up, over the lake. As a black cloud moved
across the sun, Walt, a small boy, looked up. "I smell a storm (暴风雨) ," he thought.

Shorty, a man of forty, had gone into town. He had said he would be back before two. He had told Walt to watch the boats and the shop. There were no people around. They had all gone out on the lake to fish.

So Walt went to work on one of the boats. From there he could hear the telephone if it rang. And he could watch the door.

It was a little after two when the stranger came. Walt saw him stop by the shop. The stranger looked in for a minute. Then he went down to the boats. He was a big man in a coat.

Walt called to him, "Do you want something, sir?"

The stranger looked at Walt and said, "No, thanks." Then the stranger moved slowly away. As he went on, he looked at the boats one by one.

Walt sat there with his eyes on the back of the stranger's coat. He thought, "I can smell something as I smell that storm. I hope Shorty comes back soon."

The story happened ______.

A.on the lake at night

B.by the lake in the afternoon

C.along the river in spring

D.near the river in summer

Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bus stop is?I'm sorry, I have no idea.

Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bus stop is?

I'm sorry, I have no idea. I().

A. don't know

B. am a stranger here

C. am not

Generally speaking, a British is widely regarded as a quiet, shy and conservative person w
ho is 【C1】______ only among those with whom he is acquainted. When a stranger is at present, he often seems nervous,【C2】______ embarrassed. You have to take a commuter train any morning or evening to 【C3】______ the truth of this. Serious-looking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or dozing in a corner; hardly anybody talks, since to do so would be considered quite offensive. 【C4】______ there is an unwritten but clearly understood code of behavior. which,【C5】______ broken, makes the offender immediately the object of 【C6】______ .

It has been known as a fact that the British has a 【C7】______ for the discussion of their weather and that, if given a chance, he will talk about it 【C8】______ . Some people argue that it is because the British weather seldom【C9】______ forecast and hence becomes a source of interest and 【C10】______ to everyone. This may be so. 【C11】______ a British cannot have much 【C12】______ in the weathermen, who, after promising fine, sunny weather for the following day, are often proved wrong 【C13】______ a cloud over the Atlantic brings rainy weather to all districts! The man in the street seems to be as accurate--or as inaccurate --as the weathermen in his 【C14】______ .

Foreigners may be surprised at the number of references 【C15】______ weather that the British make to each other in the course of a single day. Very often conversational greetings are 【C16】______ by comments on the weather. "Nice day, isn't it?" "Beautiful!" may well be heard instead of "Good morning, how are you?"【C17】______ the foreigner may consider this exaggerated and comic, it is worthwhile pointing out that it could be used to his advantage. 【C18】______ he wants to start a conversation with a British but is 【C19】______ to know where to begin, he could do well to mention the state of the weather, k is a safe subject which will【C20】______ an answer from even the most reserved of the British.






Steven:Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the swimming pool?John:I can‘t__________.I‘m

Steven:Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the swimming pool?

John:I can‘t__________.I‘m a stranger here,you see.


B.I"m afraid

C.I don’t know

D.forgive me

Generally speaking, a British is widely regarded as a quiet, shy and conservative person w
ho is (1)_____ only among those with whom he is acquainted. When a stranger is at present, he often seems nervous, (2)_____ embarrassed. You have to take a commuter train any morning or evening to (3)_____ the truth of this. Serious-looking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or dozing in a corner; hardly anybody talks, since to do so would be considered quite offensive. (4)_____, there is an unwritten but clearly understood code of behavior. which, (5)_____ broken, makes the offender immediately the object of (6)_____.

It has been known as a fact that a British has a (7)_____ for the discussion of their weather and that, if given a chance, he will talk about it (8)_____. Some people argue that it is because the British weather seldom (9)_____ forecast and hence becomes a source of interest and (10)_____ to everyone. This may be so. (11)_____ a British cannot have much (12)_____ in the weathermen, who, after promising fine, sunny weather for the following day, are often proved wrong (13)_____ a cloud over the Atlantic brings rainy weather to all districts! The man in the street seems to be as accurate—or as inaccurate—as the weathermen in his (14)_____.

Foreigners may be surprised at the number of references (15)_____ weather that the British make to each other in the course of a single day. Very often conversational greetings are (16)_____ by comments on the weather. "Nice day, isn't it?" "Beautiful!" may well be heard instead of "Good morning, how are you?" (17)_____ the foreigner may consider this exaggerated and comic, it is worthwhile pointing out that it could be used to his advantage. (18)_____ he wants to start a conversation with a British but is (19)_____ to know where to begin, he could do well to mention the state of the weather. It is a safe subject which will (20)_____ an answer from even the most reserved of the British.





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