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Although managers cannot predict the future,many of their decisions require that they_____

_(consider)possible future events.

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Although computers are used in almost every aspects of business, they can't replace manage
rs. Because ______.

A.computers are only machines, while managers are humans

B.computers can't think

C.computers can't individually solve problems or make decisions both

D.B and C

Much has been written about the potential for management to become isolated from customers
and employees. This phenomenon often occurs not just within top management, but also within middle management.

I've seen this isolation phenomenon in many companies. The symptoms are quite apparent: Managers spend a great deal of time talking to themselves and studying operating numbers. They spend precious little time with customers or with employees, trying to understand the system of the business. And when they do spend time with them, they often do not probe deeply into needs, concerns, and opportunities. This phenomenon, often referred to as being" internally focused," can be tremendously insidious.

Although the need for understanding and spending time with customers has been well documented, I find few managers spending time in the field. The benefits of doing so are clear. A visit with your counterparts at customers' distribution centers, for example, not only builds relationships that can prove useful when problems arise, but also uncovers numerous opportunities to enhance your performance and deepen your company's linkage with those customers.

There are many ways to connect with and understand employee perspectives. Some companies have found formal sessions in which senior managers solicit ideas from employees to be very useful. These can be run either as focus groups or as structured discussions.

Managers also should exploit every opportunity to gather organizational knowledge from employees. Some successful managers collect employees' opinions by what often is referred to as" managing by walking around" or the" 10-minute cup of coffee. "They may, for example, go to employees' offices and solicit, their opinions. Or at lunch or when they take a cup of coffee, they" mix with the troops" and solicit their input.

Rather than talk about the latest game, you can solicit employees' ideas by asking questions like: What are you working on? How's it going? What's good about our organization? What could be better? How could we better serve our customers or improve our processes? What do you think we Should be doing differently?

You'll be surprised at how valuable a" 10-minute cup of coffee" together with a brief conversation with an employee can be. It will make you a more effective manager.

What is the common problem in management?

A.Infrequent contact with customers and employees.

B.Managers spend little time on study.

C.Managers do not know their employees well.

D.Managers lack of experience.

Internet-addicted job seekers may be partly the cause of the fact that it is taking the un
employed 23% longer to find a new position than it took during the last recession (经济萧条) , when the "benefits" of online job searching were unavailable. "A growing number of unemployed Americans waste time browsing(浏览) the estimated 4,000 to 5 ,000 online job sites, filling them with resumes, and then waiting for replies. It is common for long-time joblessness," argues Professor John A. Challenger. Although the Internet has the potential to be very useful for job seekers and it has become the primary tool for many, Challenger believes that it should be considered secondary to the traditional technique of meeting would be employers in person.

In addition to slowing job search efforts, the Internet is making the hiring process longer for the employer. In a survey of 5,000 hiring managers by an online resume site, 72% said that a majority of the resumes they received in response to an online job posting did not match the position's description.

"The more unrelated resumes managers have to go through in order to select the few to bring in for interviews, the longer it takes to fill the position," points out Challenger. " One result of this has been the increased use of screening software by employers. This will make it even more difficult for job seekers to get their resumes in front of the hiring executive for an interview. "

" All of this is not to say that the Internet has not revolutionized job hunting. It has certainly made it easier for someone in San Francisco, for example. , to search for job openings in Miami. In addition, the ability to conduct keyword searches has reduced the amount of time it takes to find the type of position a person is seeking. "

" Job seekers must learn how to use the Internet as a tool, rather than just relying on it as a means for submitting electronic resumes. " concludes Challenger.

According to the passage, the coming of online job searching brings______.

A.longer waiting time for the unemployed

B.longer computer technology training for the job seekers

C.more unemployment throughout the USA

D.more job opportunities in the Internet world

The basic resources a business uses to produce goods and services are called factors o
f production. They include natural resources, labor, capital, and entrepreneurs.

Land, water, mineral deposits, and trees are good examples of natural resources. For example, Exxon Corporation, the world's largest oil company, makes use of a wide variety of natural resources. It must obviously have vast quantities of crude oil to process each year. But Exxon also needs the land where the oil is located, as well as land for its refineries and pipelines.

The people who work for a company represent the second factor of production, labor. Sometimes called human resources, labor is the mental and physical capabilities of people. Exxon employs over 150,000 people worldwide. Carrying out the business of such a huge company requires labor force with a wide variety of skills ranging from managers to geologists to truck drivers.

Obtaining and using material resources and labor requires capital, the funds needed to operate an enterprise. Capital is needed to start any business. Capital is also needed to keep the business operating and growing. Exxon's annual drilling costs alone run into the billions of dollars.

Finally, many economic systems need entrepreneurs to function. Entrepreneurs are those people who accept the opportunities and risks involved in creating and operating businesses. They are the people who start new businesses and who make the decisions that allow small businesses to grow into larger ones. Exxon Corporation started as an

entrepreneurial venture. Although it did not acquire its current name until 1973, its roots can be traced to 1862 when John D. Rockefeller and Murice B. Clark decided to establish a petroleum-refining firm.

26. Factors of production refer to ().

A. natural resources and capital

B. labor and entrepreneurs

C. both A and B

27. The labor force needed in Exxon Corporation are ().

A. people who have a variety of skills

B. only geologists and truck drivers

C. managers to run the company

28. Exxon's annual drilling costs alone run into the billions of dollars. 'run into' here means ().

A. divide

B. reach

C. meet

29. The funds needed to operate an enterprise are referred to as ().

A. capital

B. resources

C. labor

30. They are the people () start new business and make the decisions.

A. which

B. whom

C. who

To better understand the negotiation practices of other cultures, it is important for us t
o be aware of the standard negotiation practices in the United States. Americans grow up believing in the motto "He who hesitates is lost."【C1】______ , most Americans conduct business at lightning speed. It is not【C2】______ for contracts to be signed during the first business meeting. These rapid contracts are【C3】______ by the fact that middle managers have the【C4】______ to make quick decisions without consulting the boss or 【C5】______ with the group. Brief small talk often【C6】______ the business interaction,【C7】______ the short-term rewards, and financial arrangements quickly become the focus.【C8】______ contracts are helpful but not necessary because a person's last successes are deemed more important. Communication is usually indirect, informal, competitive and【C9】______ argumentative.

Negotiation in Western Europe is different from【C10】______ in the United States. For the French, business is a very formal issue, and any【C11】______ of a casual attitude will have a negative influence on the transaction. Their eye contact tends to be so intense that even North Americans may feel【C12】______ . In Germany, business is also conducted very formally【C13】______ great attention to order, planning, and schedules. Because of this slow methodical process, it is virtually impossible to speed up a business transaction. Humor, compliments, and personal questions are not a part of German negotiations.【C14】______ , business may begin immediately after an introduction. Although the Dutch are also straightforward and【C15】______ in negotiations, business is conducted at a slower pace than in the United States.

Swedes are also very serious about business. They show little【C16】______ during negotiation and expect the same from you.【C17】______ is important to Swedish negotiations, and they tend to avoid confrontation. They may【C18】______ a discussion abruptly if they think it will lead to an argument over a sensitive topic. In conversation, Swedes do not【C19】______ exaggeration or superficiality. However, silence is part of their language pattern, so they expect【C20】______ to be filled with long pauses.






The solution, the managers believe, is to include social skills in degree courses.
The workers are having talks with the ______.





() managers spend most of their time in face-to-face contact with others, but they spend much of it obtaining and sharing information.
None of the managers said that,______? A. didn't they B. did they C. aren't they

None of the managers said that,______?

A. didn't they

B. did they

C. aren't they

D. are they

Managers perform. four basic functions. The amount of time they devote to each depends
on the situation of the firm and of the manager within the firm. First, managers engage in goal and planning (determining where the firm should be going and how to get there), Three types of plans, from the broadest the most specific, are strategies, tactical plans, and standing plans. Next, managers organize resources and activities to accomplish results in an efficient and effective manner. Then, managers must lead and motivate others to inspire them to work in the best interest of the organization. Finally, managers must control ongoing activities, through continual evaluation and regulation, to keep the organization on course as it pursues its goals.

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