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Many young people find it harder to appreciate______music than pop music.A.simpleB.lightC.

Many young people find it harder to appreciate______music than pop music.





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更多“Many young people find it hard…”相关的问题
The film industry also attracted many young people () fame and fortune.
In the past, many young people ______.A.knew the effects of warB.went in for politicsC.lik

In the past, many young people ______.

A.knew the effects of war

B.went in for politics

C.liked to save the wounded in wars

D.were willing to be soldiers

It is implied in the last paragraph that ______.A.push and pull factors are complicated by

It is implied in the last paragraph that ______.

A.push and pull factors are complicated by many other considerations in migration

B.push and pull factors are less important than personal factors of the migrants

C.push factors affect the older people with families more than unmarried young people

D.pull factors bring about fewer adjustment problems in the new settlements

Many people believe that Americans love their cars almost more than anything else. They ar
e (21) about cars. Not only is the car the (22) means of transportation in the States, it has (23) become a "plaything". (24) the time youngsters become fourteen years old or even (25) , they're likely to start (26) of having their own cars.

In the USA, the (27) family, if the father is not (28) work, can afford to buy a new car every five years. However, many young people (29) after school in order to save money to buy a car. Learning to drive and getting a driver license may be one of the most exciting (30) of a young person's life. Driver (31) is one of the most popular courses. At the end of the course the student will (32) a driving test for a license. (33) many, that piece of paper means that they have grown up.

In the United States, many men and women (34) to have cars. People use cars to go to work. (35) drive cars to go shopping, to take the children to school or for other activities.


A. crazy

B. careful

C. sure

D. worried

According to the passage,the fact that many people have poorer hearing when they grow old

A.the must-be result of old age.

B.probably related to the long-time exposure to loud noise

C.because they cannot distinguish high-pitched sounds

D.because their gays aye no longer young

阅读材料,回答题。Many a young person tells me he wants to be a writer. I always encourage s


Many a young person tells me he wants to be a writer. I always encourage such people, but I also explain that there’s a big difference between "being a writer" and writing. In most cases these individuals are dreaming of wealth and fame, not the long hour alone at a typewriter. "You’ve got to want to write," I say to them, "not want to be a writer. "

The reality is that writing is a lonely, private and poor paying affair. For every writer kissed by fortune there are thousands more whose longing is never rewarded. When I left a 20 year career in the U. S. Coast Guard to become a freelance (自由栏目) writer, I had no prospects at all. What I did have was a friend who found me my room in a New York apartment building. It didn’t even matter that it was cold and had no bathroom. I immediately bought a used manual typewriter and felt like a genuine writer.

After a year or so, however, I still hadn’t gotten a break and began to doubt myself. It was so hard to sell a story that I barely made enough to eat. But I knew I wanted to write, I had dreamed about it for years. I wasn’t going to be one of those people who die wondering: What if? I would keep putting my dream to the test even though it meant living with uncertainty and fear of failure. This is the shadow land of hope, and anyone with a dream must learn to live there.

The passage is meant to__________ 查看材料

A.warn young people of the hardships that a successful writer has to experience

B.advise young people to give up their idea of becoming a professional writer

C.show young people it’s unrealistic for a writer to pursue wealth and fame

D.encourage young people to pursue a writing career

John James Audubon was born in 1785 and died in 1851, but his name is still spoken every d
ay. Andubon was a scientist who loved nature. He wanted to show people the importance of nature in their lives. He was especially interested in birds, and painted many pictures of them.

In 1905, the National Audubon Society was formed by people who were also interested in birds and wanted to continue Audubon's nature studies. Even now, when people think of the Audubon Society, they usually think of birds. But the society does other things besides watching birds.

The members of the Society try to improve the environment as much as they can. They have helped pass many laws that protect birds and animals, and people, too. They taught young people how to protect their environment. They try to make their own communities cleaner, better places to live in.

John James Audubon knew that nature was important, He did not know how important his work would become.

Audubon ______.

A.was not famous 130 years ago

B.is still famous now

C.was famous 200 years ago

D.is not famous now

These days most people, especially young girls, like to look slim. Our grandfather's【21】we
re different【22】ours, but nowadays【23】seems to enjoy【24】fat girls. That is why many companies have developed special foods to help people to slim. The only thing【25】is wrong with this is what a friend【26】said to me the other day: "I don't mind【27】these foods if they'll give me a good figure, but why.【28】to taste so awful?" The reason is【29】the food makers have to add a lot of vitamins to these foods to satisfy the law, so the only wise advice I could give my friend was "Eat normal food, but【30】less."






Parents and teenagers often disagree about the amount of freedom and responsibility that y
oung people are to have. The teenager often wants to be【21】to choose his own friends, select his own courses in school, plan for his own vocational【22】, and earn and spend his own money, and generally【23】his own life in a more independent fashion than .many parents are able to【24】.

Most problems between teenagers and their parents yield best to (导致) joint planning and decision making. Within any particular family【25】are avoided and problems are solved when all of the persons take【26】in the situation,【27】in working it out.【28】parents and young people learn how to get【29】well with each other and develop skills in understanding and【30】understood, even the most difficult problems are relieved.






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