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When you find the engine is hotter than normal, you should ______.A.drive to a service sta

When you find the engine is hotter than normal, you should ______.

A.drive to a service station to get a cool engine

B.turn off your heater so as to cool down the engine

C.switch on the heater as soon as possible

D.try to make the engine boil over ______.

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更多“When you find the engine is ho…”相关的问题
When the author says "You will miss smile" in paragraph two, he means______. A. you w

When the author says "You will miss smile" in paragraph two, he means______.

A. you will feel that Americans do not seem very friendly

B. you will be puzzled why Americans do not smile at you

C. you will fail to notice that Americans are pleasant and happy

D. you will find that Americans don't have much sense of humor

You may be able to claim extra money whenA.you have been hurtB.you can't find something wr

You may be able to claim extra money when

A.you have been hurt

B.you can't find something wrong

C.your clothes have been torn or lost

D.damage has been caused by the faulty article

There is one thing that everyone wants more than anything else. Some people try to get it
by making money. They think that when they have enough money to buy such things as houses, farms, and cars, they will have the one thing that everyone wants.

Other people believe that if they know enough they will find this thing. They study all their lives in search of it. Still others think that if they have power, they will find this thing. They keep telling themselves: when I am a boss, I will no longer have to search for this thing.

What is it that everyone wants more than anything else? What is it that all of us keep working and striving for each day? It is happiness.

Happiness is a strange thing. It does not mean the same to all men. What will make one man happy may not make another man happy. Some men say that happiness comes from helping others; other men say that happiness comes from making life more pleasant for everyone. What do you mean when you say: "That makes me happy?"

Read what different people have said about happiness. Perhaps you will learn something that will bring you peace of mind, comfort, money or it may bring you what you search for -- happiness.

The main idea of the above article is ______.

A.Happiness means the same to everyone

B.Happiness is the thing that everyone wants most of all

C.Money makes one happy, so does helping others

D.Both A and C

Henry was worried. This was his first time to go traveling by air. He did not know how to
find his seat, so he went to the airhostess (空姐) and asked? Could you help me? I can't find my seat. "The air hostess showed him the seat and told him to sit down and fasten the seat (系好安全带). She told Henry- not to move about when the plane was going up. And she also said that Henry's ears might feel a little strange, but he didn't need to worry about it because many people felt like that. When the plane was flying very high, Henry could stand up and walk round. He could either read b6oks, newspapers or see films. The airhostess would bring food and drinks. Henry could enjoy the flight and arrive home soon.

Which of the following is right?

A.After getting into the plane Henry found his seat and sat down at once.

B.Henry sat down in }lis seat and fastened the seat belt without any help.

C.Thanks to the air hostess, Henry knew how to find his seat and fasten the seat belt.

D.With the help of the hostess, Henry got into the plane.

Many people think a telephone is essential. But I think it is a pest and a time waster. Ve
ry often you find it impossible to escape from some idle or inquisitive chatter-box, or from somebody who wants something for nothing. If you have a telephone in your own house, you will admit that it tends to ring when you least want it to ring; when you are asleep, or in the middle of a meal or a conversation, or when you are just going out , or when you are in your bath. Are you strong-minded enough to ignore it, to say to yourself, "Ah, well it will all be the same in a hundred year's time?" You are not. You think there may be some important news or message for you. I can assure you that if a message is really important it will reach you sooner or later. Have you never rushed dripping from the bath, or chewing from the tab]e, or dazed from the bed, only to be told that you are a wrong number?

But you will say, you need not have your name printed in the telephone directory, and you can have a telephone which is only usable for outgoing calls. Besides, you will say, isn't it important to have a telephone in case of sudden emergency--illness, accident, or fire? Of course, you are right, but here in a thickly populated country like England one is seldom far from a telephone in case of dreadful necessity.

I think perhaps I had better try to justify myself by trying to prove that what I like is good. I admit that in different circumstances--if I were a tycoon(实业界巨头) , for instance, or bed-ridden I might find a telephone essential. But then if I were a taxi-driver I should find a car essential. Let me put it another way: there are two things for which the English seem to show particular aptitude: one is mechanical invention, the other is literature. My own business happens to be with the use of words but I see I must now stop using them. For have just been handed a slip of paper to say that somebody is waiting to speak to me on the telephone. I think I had better answer it. After all, one never knows, it may be something important.

What does the work "pest" in the second sentence of the first paragraph mean? ()

A.Harmful thing.

B.Insignificant thing.

C.Troublesome thing

D.Trivial thing

根据以下内容回答题:Have you ever heard the old saying,“Never judge a book by its cover”?Th


Have you ever heard the old saying,“Never judge a book by its cover”?This is a good rule to(1)when trying to judge the intelligence of others.Some people have minds that shine only in certain(2).A young man with an unusual gifts in.creative writing may find himself(3)in the presence of a pretty girl.He searches awkwardly for words and does not talk smoothly.But don’t make the(4)of thinking him stupid.With a pen and paper,he can express himself very well. Other people may(5)you into overestimating their intelligence by putting up a good appearance.A student who listens attentively and take notes in class is bound to make a favorable impression(6)their teachers.But when it comes to exams,he may score near the(7)of the class. The main idea is that you can’t judge someone by appearance.The only way to determine a person’s intelligence is to get to know him.Then you can observe(8)he reacts to different situations.The(9)situations you observe,the more(10)your judgment is likely to be.So take your time.Don’t judge the book by its cover.






Some people are lucky enough to be born with a good sense of direction and even if they ha
ve only visited a place once, they will be able to find it again years later. I am one of those unfortunate people who have an extremely poor sense of direction and I may have visited a place time after time, but I still manage to get lost on my way there.

When I was a teenager, I was so shy that I never dared ask complete strangers the way and so I used to wander round in circles and hope that some miraculous (奇迹的) chance would bring me to the spot I was heading for.

A lot of people do not like to admit that they do not know their hometown and will insist on telling you the way even if they do not know it; others, who are anxious to prove that they know their home town very well, will give you a long list of directions which you cannot possibly hope to remember; and you finally find that you are going in the opposite direction to that in which you should be going.

If anyone ever asks me the way somewhere, I always tell them that I am a stranger to the town in order to avoid causing trouble, but even this can have unpleasant results.

I was once on my way to work when I was stopped by a man who asked me if I would di- rect him to the Sunlight Building. Without hesitation, I gave my usual reply, but I had only walked on a few steps when I realized that he had asked for directions to my office building. However, at this point, I decided it was too late to turn back and search him out of the crowd behind me as I had and appointment to keep at the office with a new client and I did not want to keep him waiting. Imagine my situation when my secretary showed in the very man who had asked for directions to my office and his astonishment when he recognized me as the person he had asked!

According to the passage, the sense of direction is learnt______.

A.through practice

B.by nature

C.in the childhood

D.after visiting a place repeatedly

No one knows how man learned to make words. Perhaps he began by making sounds like those m
ade by animals. Perhaps he grunted like a pig when he lifted something heavy. (78)Perhaps he made sounds like those he heard all round him—water splashing, bees humming, a stone falling to the ground. Somehow he learned to make words. As the centuries went by, he made more and more new words. This is what we mean by language.

People living in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred different languages in the world. Each contains many thousands of words. A very large English dictionary, for example, contains four or five hundred thousand words. But we do not need all these. Only a few thousand words are used in everyday life.

The words you know are called your vocabulary. You should try to make your vocabulary bigger. Read as many books as you can. There are plenty of books written in easy English for you to read. You will enjoy them. When you meet a new word, find it in your dictionary. Your dictionary is your most useful book.

From this passage, we know that ______.

A.man never made sounds

B.man made animal sounds

C.man used to be like animals to make sounds

D.man learned from the animals to make sounds

Students will need【21】all of their language skills in order to understand the reading sele
ctions in Reader's Choice. The book contains many types of selection oil a wide variety of topics. These selections provide practice【22】using different reading strategies to extract the message of the writer. They I also give students practice in four basic reading skills: skimming, scanning, reading for【23】comprehension, and critical reading.

Skimming is quick reading for the general ideas of a passage. This kind of rapid reading is【24】when you are trying to decide if careful reading is desirable or when there is not time to read something carefully.

Like skimming,【25】is also quick reading. However, in this case the search is more focused. To scan is to read【26】in order to locate specific information. When you read to find a particular date, or number you are scanning.

Reading for thorough comprehension is【27】reading in order to understand the total meaning of the passage.【28】this level of comprehension the reader is able to summarize the author's ideas but has not yet made a critical evaluation of those ideas.

Critical reading demands that a reader【29】judgments about what he or she reads. This kind of reading requires posting and【30】questions such as "Does my own experience support that of the author?" , "Do I share the author's point of view?" And" Am I convinced by the author's arrangements and evidence ?"




C.to use


One of the advantages of taking notes is that it forces you to pay closer attention to the
class lecture. If you listen【36】to a professor who is talking on and on for an hour or so, your mind will often【37】and your attention will lessen. You are sitting in class and listening, but that【38】you are doing;【39】, when you listen actively you have to pay more careful and【40】attention to what【41】. This is because you are trying to【42】what you hear into an【43】, shortened written form. As a foreign student, you may find【44】very difficult to listen and write notes【45】at the same time. It is difficult【46】, but you will learn how to do【47】with practice. You【48】afraid you will forget what you are listening to【49】you are listening and writing at the same time, but the studies of researchers【50】the value of note-taking in【51】lecture material have shown that learners remember【52】reproduced in some note form. much better than lecture information they have listened to【53】down in note form. So doing two things at the same time is better than doing one thing【54】. We do not say it is【55】; we say it is better.







Many visitors finds the fast pace at which American people move very troubling. One's first impression is likely to be that everyone is in a rush. City people always appear to be hurrying to get where they are going and are very impatient if they are delayed even for a short moment.

At first, this may seem unfriendly to you. People will push past you as they walk along the street. You will miss smiles, brief conversations with people as you shop or dine away from home. Do not think that because Americans are in such a hurry they are unfriendly. Often, life is much slower outside the big cities, as is true in other countries as well.

Americans who live in cities often think that everyone is equally in a hurry to get things done; just as city people do in Tokyo, Singapore or Paris, for example. But When they discover that you are a stranger, most Americans become quite kindly and will take great care to help you. If you need help and say, "I am a stranger here. Can you help me?' Most people will stop, smile at you, and help you find you way or answer your questions. Occasionally, you may find someone too busy or perhaps too rushed to give you help. If this happens, do not be discouraged (气馁); just ask someone else. Most Americans enjoy helping a stranger.

Many people who first visit the United States will find that().

A.America is a highly developed country

B.Americans are impatient and unfriendly people

C.the fast pace in American life often causes much trouble

D.American city people seem to be always in a rush

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