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His government insisted that he ______until he finished his degree.A.would stayB.stayC.sta

His government insisted that he ______until he finished his degree.

A.would stay



D.shall stay

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更多“His government insisted that h…”相关的问题
The government had to ______ all his appointments for the day and rushed to the train acci

A.set off

B.see off

C.call off

D.pay off

An outlaw iS a person.A.who robs the rich to give to the poorB.who has broken the

An outlaw iS a person.

A.who robs the rich to give to the poor

B.who has broken the laws and fled

C.who rebels against the government

D.who iS a hero who sacrificed for his COUntnr

The author would most probably agree with which of the following statements about Thomas J

A.He had a broad vision of his country's future.

B.He put the interests of Virginia ahead of those of the Union.

C.He ignored the advice of people who settled the western region.

D.He was one of the first government officials to travel in the western United States.

According to the passage, we can learn that Akhenaten______.A.brought the ancient Egypt to

According to the passage, we can learn that Akhenaten______.

A.brought the ancient Egypt to a period of the greatest prosperity

B.mainly held the reins of the ancient government in central Egypt

C.worshiped Egypts old gods, especially favored the sun God Aten

D.asked his men to create an original pattern of artistic representation

Today Newton is a very clean place. Many years ago, however, there were millions of r
ats in it. They attacked the cats and dogs. Sometimes a great number of them knocked down a man or woman walking home at night. The rats were very large in size and they harmed many people.

The Government ordered everybody to kill rats. Most people were lazy, so they didn't kill many. The Government promised to pay some money for each dead rat. That made the people very happy. They killed thousands of rats everyday. A Government officer put all the dead rats in a big pile. Sometimes a man brought hundreds in one day.

After two weeks there were not many rats in the city, but people still brought many rats to the Government office. The Government officer thought that people were stealing dad rats from the pile. He ordered his men to dig a deep hole and put the rats in it. Soon there were no more rats, and the Government didn't pay any more money.

1)、Newton is a place which ______.

A.used to be very clean

B.is no longer a city

C.is very clean

D.will be very clean

2)、When the Government first ordered the people to kill rats, the people ______.

A.asked for some money for each dead rat

B.stole dead rats from the pile

C.were too lazy to kill many rats

D.killed nearly all the rats quickly

3)、The people killed rats ______.

A.to get money from the Government

B.to help the Government make the city clean

C.to make the Government officer happy

D.to protect(保护)their cats and dogs

4)、A deep hole was dug so that ______.

A.the rats couldn't come out to attack people at night

B.people could take rats from it easily

C.people would kill more rats

D.nobody could take any rats from the pile

5)、What is the best topic for this passage?

A.How to Kill Rats

B.Newton一A City of Rats

C.How Newton Became a Very Clean Place

D.How Newton Became a Famous City

The French Revolution broke out in1789. At the time France was in a crisis. The govern
ment was badly run and people’s lives were miserable. King Louis XIV tried to control the national parliament and raise more taxes. But his effort failed. He ordered his troops to Versailles. The people thought that Louis intended to put down the Revolution by force. On July 14,1789, they stormed and took the Bastille, where political prisoners were kept. Ever since that day, July 14 has been the French National Day. Louis tried to flee the country in 1792 to get support from Austria and Prussia. However, he was caught and put in prison. In September 1792, the monarchy was abolished. In the same year, Louis was executed. A few months later his wife, Marie also had her head cut off. The Revolution of France had frightened the other kings of Europe. Armies from Austria and Prussia began to march against France. The French raised republican armies to defend the nation. The Revolution went through a period of terror. Thousands of people lost their lives. In the end, power passed to Napoleon Bonaparte.

6、What’s this passage about?()


B.King Louis

C.The French Revolution


7、Which did not happen in 1789?()

A.The French Revolution broke out

B.The national economy was developing rapidly

C.The government wasn’t well run

D.King Louis XIV was in power

8、Where were the political prisoners kept?()

A.In Versailles.

B.In Austria.

C.In Prussia.

D.In Bastille.

9、What does the underlined word “abolished” mean?()

A.Put off




10、What was NOT the effect of the Revolution?()

A.July 14 has become the French National Day

B.It brought some impact on the other European Kings

C.Louis’s wife, Marie was killed

D.The king tried to control the national parliament

Governments that want their people to prosper in the burgeoning world economy should guara
ntee two basic fights: the right to private property and the fight to enforceable contracts, says Mancur Olson in his book Power and Prosperity. Olson was an economics professor at the University of Maryland until his death in 1998.

Some have argued that such rights are merely luxuries that wealthy societies bestow, but Olson turns that argument around and asserts that such rights are essential to creating wealth. "Incomes are low in most of the countries of the world, in short, because the people in those countries do not have secure individual fights," he says.

Certain simple economic activities, such as food gathering and making handicrafts, rely mostly on individual labor; property is not necessary. But more advanced activities, such as the mass production of goods, require machines and factories and offices. This production is often called capital-intensive, but it is really property-intensive, Olson observes.

"No one would normally engage in capital-intensive production if he or she did not have rights that kept the valuable capital from being taken by bandits, whether roving or stationary," he argues. "There is no private property without government—individuals may have possessions, the way a dog possesses a bone, but there is private property only if the society protects and defends a private right to that possession against other private parties and against the government as well."

Would-be entrepreneurs, no matter how small, also need a government and court system that will make sure people honor their contracts. In fact, the banking systems relied on by developed nations are based on just such an enforceable contract system. "We would not deposit our money in banks.., if we could not rely on the bank having to honor its contract with us, and the bank would not be able to make the profits it needs to stay in business if it could not enforce its loan contracts with borrowers," Olson writes.

Other economists have argued that the poor economies of Third World and communist countries are the result of governments setting both prices and the quantities of goods produced rather than letting a free market determine them. Olson agrees there is some merit to this point of view, but he argues that government intervention is not enough to explain the poverty of these countries. Rather, the real problem is lack of individual rights that give people incentive to generate wealth. "If a society has clear and secure individual rights, there are strong incentives(刺激,动力)to produce, invest,, and engage in mutually advantageous trade, and therefore at least some economic advance," Olson concludes.

Which of the following is true about Olson?

A.He was a fiction writer.

B.He edited the book Power and Prosperity.

C.He taught economics at the University of Maryland.

D.He was against the ownership of private property.

Trees are useful to man 【B1】______ three very important ways: they provide him 【B2】______
wood and other produces; they help to check soil erosion and they help to 【B3】______ drought and floods.

【B4】______ , in many parts of the world, man has not realized that the 【B5】______ of these services is the most important. In his eagerness to draw quick profit from the trees, he has cut them down in large 【B6】______ , only to find that 【B7】______ them he has lost the best friend he had.

Two 【B8】______ years ago a rich and powerful country cut down its trees to build warships 【B9】______ to gain itself an empire. It gained the empire, but without its trees, its soil became hard and poor. When the empire 【B10】______ to pieces, the home country found itself faced by floods and starvation.

【B11】______ a government realizes the importance of a plentiful supply of trees, it is difficult for it to persuade the villager to see this ,the villager wants wood to cook his food 【B12】______ ; and he can earn money by making charcoal or selling wood to the townsman. He is usually too lazy or too 【B13】______ to plant and look after new trees. So, 【B14】______ the government has a good system of control, or can educate the people, the forests slowly disappear.

This does not only mean that the villagers' sons and grandsons have 【B15】______ trees. The results are even more serious; for where there are trees their roots break the soil up allowing the rain to sink in and also bind the soil, thus preventing 【B16】______ washed away on the surface, causing floods and carrying 【B17】______ ground away 【B18】______ it the rich top-soil, in which crops grow so well. When all the top-soil is 【B19】______ , nothing remains 【B20】______ worthless desert.





The influence of advertising is felt in every phase of American life. (The advertiser made

The influence of advertising is felt in every phase of American life. (The advertiser made the cigarette synonymous with masculine virility and suave sophistication.) He gave birth to the multi-million dollar chewing gum industry by promising to double the public's pleasure and fun. Brand names for tooth-pastes, soaps, detergents, and deodorants have, through his efforts, become household expressions. Perhaps a public service was performed when advertisers were asked to convince the American public that it should eat horse mackerel. The advertising industry met this challenge by changing the horse mackerel's name to tuna fish.

Which of the following expresses the main idea?

A.Advertising molds public opinion.

B.The American public lacks taste.

C.The Federal Government should control advertisers.

D.Advertising increases the cost of living.

The French Revolution broke out in 1789.At the time France was in a crisis.The governm
ent was badly run and people’s lives were miserable.King Louis XIV tried to control the national parliament and raise more taxes.But his effort failed.He ordered his troops to Versailles.The people thought that Louis intended to put down the Revolution by force.On July 14, 1789, they stormed and took the Bastille, where political prisoners were kept.Ever since that day, July 14 has been the French National Day.Louis tried to flee the country in 1792, to get support from Austria and Prussia.However, he was caught and put in prison.In September 1792, the monarchy was abolished.In the same year, Louis was executed.A few months later his wife, Marie, also had her head cut off.The Revolution of France had frightened the other kings of Europe.Armies from Austria and Prussia began to march against France.The French raised republican armies to defend the nation.The Revolution went through a period of terror.Thousands of people lost their lives.In the end, power passed to Napoleon Bonaparte.

6.This passage is about the French Revolution.()



7.The national economy was developing rapidly in 1789.()



8.The political prisoners were kept in Prussia.()



9.The underlined word “abolished” mean “ended”.()



10.The effect of the Revolution was that the King tried to control the national parliament.()



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