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I'm wondering how he can manage to ______ such a difficult problem.A.put up withB.get alon

I'm wondering how he can manage to ______ such a difficult problem.

A.put up with

B.get along

C.deal with

D.take off

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As in most ethical situations, making a true or false promise involves other people. Almos
t every time we ask "What should I do?" we are aware that other people are involved in our behavior. Why should someone ask himself before making a false promise, "Is it right?" It may be that he is afraid of being found out. He may, however, wonder whether it is fair to the other person. How we relate ourselves to others or how we behavior. affects others makes up most of the subject matter of ethics. Being aware of others is more than wondering how our actions will affect them; we are also Concerned about how the behavior. of others will affect us. There is no satisfactory way for us to avoid the presence of other people. The most we can do is try to arrange the rules of behavior, of ethics, in order to reduce the amount of friction and conflict and thereby achieve the greatest amount of harmony. Whether our actions are right and good will depend to a great extent on the effect they will have on others. Actions such as telling a falsehood, stealing, injuring, and killing are considered wrong most of the time because they result in varying degrees of harm to someone. They also produce reactions from the victims, who in effect say, "If it is right for you to do that to me, then I will not hesitate to do the same thing to you."

—How did your talk with the community resident go?

—________ He seemed to accept my explanation, but he didn’t sign hisname here .


B.I’ m not sure.

C.That’ s right.

—How did your talk with the community resident go?—________ He seemed to accept my expla

—How did your talk with the community resident go?

—________ He seemed to accept my explanation,but he didn’t sign his name here .


B、I’m not sure.

C、That’s right.

–– How is your brother these days?–– He hasn’t been too well recently.–– ______What’s t

–– How is your brother these days?

–– He hasn’t been too well recently.

–– ______What’s the matter?

–– I think he ’s been overworking.

A: It ’ll be pleased to hear you ask after him.

B: That ’s not too bad.

C: I ’m sorry to hear that.

D: I ’ te ll him what you said.

听力原文:W: I haven't seen Mike for years. How is he getting along?M:I came across him in

听力原文:W: I haven't seen Mike for years. How is he getting along?

M:I came across him in the street only yesterday and he told me that he was having trouble with his new business.

W: He has set up another business? I knew nothing about it.

M: He managed a shop last year selling sport clothes but it soon went bankrupt. So he changed his mind.

W: What is he doing now?

M: He is managing a bar. And this is also in a pretty bad stale.

W: Sorry to hear that, but that should be what he's good at.

M: Yes. But he was fined and threatened to close the bar.

W: What went wrong?

M: He's only licensed to sell beer, but he sold hard drinks.

W: He should have minded his steps. But that shouldn't be the reason for...

M: Well... He has had several other setbacks, too.

W: Misfortunes never come alone. What setbacks?

M: The people around him did not support him. Some even tried to play down him.

W: They are jealous, aren't they?

M: Worse than that. Some people even tried to encourage him against his wife, because she wants him to give up the business.

W: I can't believe that.

M: And Mike was in a ruined mood.

W: Let's go and have a good talk with Mike's wife. We need to persuade her to support him.

M: You've taken the words put of my mouth.


A.In a shop today.

B.In a street today.

C.In the street yesterday.

D.In a shop yesterday.

Roger lived in the city of London, and his hair was always cut by the same old man. He alw
ays cut Roger's hair as Roger liked it, and while he was doing it, the two men talked about football.

One day, when Roger was sitting in his chair, and his hair was being cut as usual, the old man said to him, "Roger, I'm going to be seventy years old next month and I feel tired, so I'm going to sell my shop to a young man. He liked to cut hair for people."

Roger was sorry to hear that, because he enjoyed talking to the old man, and he was also worried that his hair would not be cut as well by the new young man as it had been for so many years by his old friend.

He went to the shop again the next month, and the new young man was there. He cut Roger's hair, but he did it badly.

The next month, Roger went into the shop again. The young man asked him how he would like his hair cut, and Roger answered, "Please cut it very short on the right side, but leave it as it is on the left. It must cover my ear. On top, cut all the hair away in the middle, but leave a piece at the front."

The young man was very surprised when he heard this, "But sir," he said, "I can't cut your hair like that!" "Why not?" Roger asked. "That's how you cut it last time."

Who always cut Roger's hair?

A.His new friend.

B.A young man.

C.An old woman.

D.His old friend.

Once upon a time a poor farmer taking a sack of wheat to the mill. He did not know【56】to d
o when it slipped from his horse and fell【57】the road. The sack was【58】heavy for him to【59】, and his only hope was that【60】some one would come riding by and【61】a hand. It was not long【62】a rider appeared, but the farmer's heart sank when he【63】him, for it was the great man who lived in a castle near by. The farmer【64】have dared to ask【65】farmer to help, or any poor man who might have come【66】the road, but he could not beg a【67】of so great a man.

【68】, as soon as the great man came up he got【69】his horse, saying, "I see you've had bad luck, friend. How good it is【70】I' m here just at the【71】time. "Then he took one【72】of the sack, the farmer, the other, and between them they lifted it on the horse. "Sir, "asked the farmer, "how can I pay you?"

"Easily enough, "the great man【73】. "Whenever you see【74】else in trouble,【75】the same for him.






"We're more than halfway (中途) now; it's only two miles farther to the tavern (客栈) ," s

"We're more than halfway (中途) now; it's only two miles farther to the tavern (客栈) ," said the driver.

"I'm glad of that," answered the stranger, in a more sympathetic way. He meant to say more but the east wind blew clear down a man's throat if he tried to speak. The girl's voice was quite attractive; however, later he spoke again.

"You don't feel the cold so much at twenty below zero in the Western country. There isn't such damp chill (潮冷)", he said, and then it seemed as if he had blamed the uncomplaining young driver. She had not even said that it was a bad day, and he began to be conscious of a warm hopefulness of spirit, and sense of pleasant adventure under all the woolen scarves.

"You'll have a cold drive going back," he said anxiously, and put up his hand for the twentieth time to see if his coat collar was as close to the back of his neck as possible.

"I shall not have to go back!" cried the girl, with eager pleasantness. "I'm on my way home now. I drove over early just to meet you at the train. We had word that someone was coming to the tavern."

How far was the drive from the train to the tavern?

A.One mile.

B.About four miles.

C.Two miles.

D.Less than four miles.

听力原文:M: Hello, professor Johnson.W: Hello, Tony. So what shall we work on today?M: Wel

听力原文:M: Hello, professor Johnson.

W: Hello, Tony. So what shall we work on today?

M: Well, the problem is that this writing assignment isn't coming out right. What I thought I was writing on was to talk about what a particular sport means to me when I participate in.

W: What sport did you choose?

M: I decided to write about cross-country skiing.

W: What are you going to say about skiing?

M: That's the problem. I thought I would write about how peaceful it is to be out in the country.

W: So why is that a problem?

M: I'd like to start describing how quiet it is to be out in the woods. I keep mentioning how much effort it takes to keep going. Cross-country skiing isn't as easy as some people think. It takes a lot of energy, but that's not part of my paper, so I guess I should leave it out. But now I don't know how to explain that feeling of peacefulness without explaining how hard you have to work for it. It all fits together. It's not like just sitting down somewhere and watching the clouds roll by. That's different.

W: Then you'll have to include that in your point. The peacefulness of cross-country skiing is the kind you earn by effort. Why leave that out? Part of your point you knew beforehand, but part you discovered as you wrote. That's common, right?

M: Yeah, I guess so.


19. What is the topic of the man's writing assignment?

20. What problem does the man have while working on his paper?

21. What does the woman say is common in writing papers?


A.Beautiful scenery in the countryside.

B.Dangers of cross-country skiing.

C.Pain and pleasure in sports.

D.A sport he participates in.

If you want to teach your children how to say sorry, you must be good at saying it yoursel
f, especially to your own children. But how you say it can be quite tricky.

If you say to your children "I'm sorry I got angry with you, but...", what follows that "but" can render the apology ineffective: "I had a bad day" or "your noise was giving me a headache" leaves the person who has been injured feeling that he should be apologizing for his bad behavior. in expecting an apology.

Another method by which people appear to apologize without actually doing so is to say "I'm sorry you're upset"; this suggests that you are somehow at fault for allowing yourself to get upset by what the other person has done.

Then there is the general, all covering apology, which avoids the necessity of identifying a specific act that was particularly hurtful or insulting, and which the person who is apologizing should promise never to do again. Saying "I'm useless as a parent" does not commit a person lo any specific improvement.

These pseudo-apologies are used by people who believe saying sorry shows weakness. Parents who wish to teach their children to apologize should see it as a sign of strength, and therefore not resort to these pseudo-apologies.

But even when presented with examples of genuine contrition, children still need help to become aware of the complexities of saying sorry. A three-year-old might need help in understanding that other children feel pain just as he does, and that hitting a playmate over the head with a heavy toy requires an apology. A six-year-old might need reminding that spoiling other children's expectations can require an apology. A twelve-year-old might need to be shown that raiding the biscuit tin without asking permission is acceptable, but that borrowing a parent's clothes without permission is not.

If a mother adds "but" to an apology, ______.

A.she doesn't feel that she should have apologized

B.she does not realize that the child has been hurt

C.the child may find the apology easier to accept

D.the child may feel that he owes her an apology

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