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Do you know any other foreign languages __ French? A.but B.except C.besides D.beside

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Do you know Anna' s telephone number? (). As a matter of fact,I don' t know any Anna, either.

A.I think so

B.I' m afraid not

C.I hope so

D.I' d rather not

Look at a man walking down a street or road in' the sunlight and you will see his shadow.
If you watch two men walking in the sunlight and carrying a six-fool pane(窗玻璃片) of glass between them, you will see each man six feet apart, but there will be no shadow of the pane of glass.

Shadows are easily explained since we know that light travels in a straight line. We also know that light waves pass through some bodies and not through others.

When light strikes a body and passes through it unchanged, we call such a body or material transparent. Most glass is such a material, especially window glass, and it is for this reason that we do not see the shadow of the window pane which the men are carrying. Do you know of any other transparent materials? The most common one, with which we are familiar, is air. Another is clear water.

On the other hand, some materials do not let light pass through them at all. They stop the light waves just as you would-catch a ball that was being thrown to someone standing between you. Such materials are called opaque. Men' s bodies, like steel, rock, concrete or even cardboard, are opaque and do not permit the light to pass through. An opaque body casts a shadow.

The title that best expresses the ideas of the passage is ______.

A.Why are there shadows

B.The transparent materials

C.How to cast a shadow

D.Shadows and light waves

听力原文:W: Hello.M: Hi, Sally, this is Phil.W: Great to hear from you Phil! How have you

听力原文:W: Hello.

M: Hi, Sally, this is Phil.

W: Great to hear from you Phil! How have you been doing?

M: To tell you the truth, I'm very worried about our final examinations next month. For one thing, I can't sleep.

W: I sympathize! I went through the same thing last year.

M: That's exactly why I'm calling you. Do you have any suggestions for coping with anxiety? You know how I hate exams!

W: Well, last year the university offered a stress-management course at about this time. Have you been in contact with the student health services?

M: No, I haven't had time!

W: Funny, isn't it? Just when students need help most, we can't afford the time to get it!

M: Well, perhaps I should find out more about this stress-management course. Things have got to get better!

W: I suggest you call the health services tomorrow. They open at nine a. m.

M: Thanks, ally. I'll let you know how it goes.

W: Best of luck! And have a good night's sleep!

M: That's easier said than done!






Not too many decades ago it seemed "obvious" both to the general public and to sociologist
s that modem society has changed people's natural relations, loosened their responsibilities to kin and neighbors, and substituted in their place superficial relationships with passing acquaintances. However, in recent years a growing body of research has revealed that the "obvious" is not true. It seems that if you are a city resident, you typically know a smaller proportion of your neighbors than you do if you are a resident of a smaller community. But, for the most part, this fact has few significant consequences. It does not necessarily follow that if you know few of your neighbors you will know no one else.

Even in very large cities, people maintain close social ties within small, private social worlds. Indeed, the number and quality of meaningful relationships do not differ between more and less urban people. Small-town residents are more involved with kin than big-city residents. Yet city dwellers compensate by developing friendships with people who share similar interests and activities. Urbanism may produce a different style. of life, but the quality of life does not differ between town and city. Nor are residents of large communities any likelier to display psychological symptoms of stress or alienation, a feeling of not belonging, than are residents of smaller communities. However, city dwellers do worry more about crime, and this leads them to a distrust of strangers.

These findings do not imply that urbanism makes little or no difference. If neighbors are strangers to one another, they are less likely to sweep the sidewalk of an elderly couple living next door or keep an eye out for young trouble makers. Moreover, as Wirth suggested, there may be a link between a community's population size and its social heterogeneity. For in- stance, sociologists have found much evidence that the size of a community is associated with bad behavior. including gambling, drugs, etc. large-city urbanites are also more likely than their small-town counterparts to have a cosmopolitan outlook, to display less responsibility to traditional kinship roles, to vote for leftist political candidates, and to be tolerant of nontraditional religious groups, unpopular political groups, and so-called undesirables. Everything considered, heterogeneity and unusual behavior. seem to be outcomes of large population size.

Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the first paragraph?

A.Two contrasting views are presented.

B.An argument is examined and possible solutions given.

C.Research results concerning the quality of urban life are presented in order of time.

D.A detailed description of the difference between urban and small-town life is given.

There are a great many careers in which the increasing emphasis is on specialization. You
find these careers in engineering, in production, in statistical work, and in teaching. But there is an increasing demand for people who are able to take in a great area at a glance, people who perhaps do not know too much about any one field. There is, in other words, a demand for people who are capable of seeing the forest rather than the trees, of making general judgments. We can call these people "generalists". And they are particularly needed for positions in administration, where it is their job to see that other people do their work, where they have to plan for other people, to organize other people's work, to begin it and judge it.

The specialist understands one field; his concern is with technique and tools. He is a "trained" main and his educational background is properly technical or professional. The generalists and especially the administrators deal with people; his concern is with leadership, with planning, and with direction giving. He is an "educated" man; and the humanities are his strongest foundation. Very rarely is a specialist capable of being an administrator. And very rarely is a good generalist also a good specialist in a particular field. Any organization needs both kinds of people, though different organizations need them in different proportions. It is your task to find out, during your training period, into which of the two kinds of jobs you fit, and to plan your ca-leer accordingly.

Your first job may turn out to be the right job for you but this is pure accident. Certainly you should not change jobs constantly or people will become suspicious of your ability to hold any job. At the same time, you must not look upon the first job as the final job. It is primarily a training job, a chance to understand yourself and your fitness for being an employee.

There is an increasing demand for ______.

A.all round people in their own fields

B.generalists who are capable of making general judgment

C.people whose educational background is either technical or professional

D.specialists whose chief concern is to provide administrative guidance to others

Researches show that many people do not leave all organizations but leave a boss.So it
is vital that when you apply for a position, you not only look at the organization and the role, but also interview your future boss.Applying for a new job is a two-way street—they select you and you select them. Before you go to the interview, write clown what your selection standards are for an effective boss.You can make a list of selection criteria, such as: What made your last boss "good" for you? How do you like to be trained? How do you like your boss to communicate with you?

Then you place them in order of importance.The most important should be on top of the list.Once you are clear on your standards, you may get some idea of how your future boss operates by the way the interview is conducted.For example, did it start and finish on time? How formal or informal was the room?

When the interview gets to the "Do you have any questions?" stage, you might like to ask some questions.With well-prepared questions, you can develop a very good idea of your future boss's management style.

36、Many people leave an organization because ______.

A.the boss doesn't like the employees

B.they don't like the boss

C.the organization is not good

D.the organization is not important

37、If you place your questions in order of importance, you ______.

A.put the least important first

B.put the longest question first

C.put the most important last

D.put the most important first

38、You can judge your future boss by the following EXCEPT ______.

A.whether the interview started on time

B.whether the interview room was formal

C.whether the boss played funny jokes

D.whether the interview finished on time

39、From this passage we get to know ______.

A.the interviewee can ask any question to the interviewer

B.the interviewer asks many difficult questions to the interviewee

C.the interviewer asks questions first

D.the interviewee asks questions first

40、The best title for this passage might be ______.

A.How to Get Along with Your New Boss

B.How to Ask Your New Boss Questions

C.How to Select Your New Boss

D.How to Prepare for Interview

If you want your product description appealing and informative, write your article lin

king features and benefits first. It's often not enough to just list the features of a product as your audience may not always understand them. Use {A. description; B. descriptive; C. described} language to convey how any one feature will benefit the buyer and {A. how; B. what; C. who} purchasing the item will make the consumer's life easier. Potential buyers want to know what the product will do for them.Second, use clear and decisive language. It's important when writing product descriptions to be concise. Use common language and terms that are easy to{A. remember; B. write; C. understand}. Clearly describe the product without{A. to get; B. get; C. getting} too technical or boring so the reader stays engaged. Last but not the least, include a call-to-action. The best product descriptions always{A. ask to; B. ask for; C. asking} a sale. Be creative and encourage the potential buyer to purchase your product by telling them exactly how to do it.

If there is any single factor that makes success in living, it is the ability to be benefi
ted by defeat. Every success I know has been achieved because the person was able to analyze (分析) defeat and actually learn something from it in his next undertaking (从事的工作). Wrongly taking defeat for failure, you are sure indeed to fail, for it isn't defeat that makes you fail; it is your own refusal to see the guide and encouragement to success in defeat.

Defeats are nothing to be afraid of. They are common incidents in the life of every man who achieves success. But defeat is a dead loss unless you do face it, analyze it and learn why you failed. Defeat, in other words, can help to get rid of its own cause. Not only does defeat prepare us for success but nothing can cause within us such a strong wish to succeed. If you left a baby grasp a stick and try to pull it away, he will hold it more and moro tightly until his whole weight is hung up. It is this same reaction that should give you new and greater strength every time you are defeated. If you make full use of the power which defeat gives; you can compete with it far more than you are able to.

How much does the writer know about success?

A.He knows at least several examples of success.

B.He knows every success in life.

C.He knows every success that has been achieved by man.

D.It is not referred to.

听力原文:W:Hello,Parkson college.May I help you?M:Yes.I'm looking for information on cours

听力原文:W:Hello,Parkson college.May I help you?

M:Yes.I'm looking for information on courses in computer programming.I would need it for the fourth semester.

W:Do you want a day or evening course?

M:Well,it would have to be an evening course since I work during the day.

W:Aha.Have you taken any courses in data processing?


W:Oh.Well,data processing is a course you have to take before you can take computer programming.

M:Oh,I see.Well,when is it given? I hope it's not on Thursdays.

W:Well,there's a class that meets on Monday evenings at seven.

M:Just once a week?

W:Yes.But that's almost three hours from seven to nine forty-five.

M:Oh.Well,that's all right.I could manage that.How many weeks does the course last?

W:Mmmm,let me see.Twelve weeks.You start the first week in September,and finish…,oh,just before Christmas,December 21st.

M:And how much is the course?

W:That's three hundred dollars including the necessary computer time.

M:Aha.Okay.Ah,where do I go to register?

W:Registration is on the second and third of September.between 6 and 9 in Frost Hall.

M:Is that the round building behind the parking lot?

W:Yes.That's the one.

M:Oh,I know how to get there.Is there anything that I should bring with me?

W:No,just your checkbook.

M:Well,thank you so much.

W:You are very welcome. Bye!


Question 19.Why does the man choose to take an evening course?

Question 20.What does the man have to do before taking the course of computer programming?

Question 21.What do we learn about the schedule of the evening course?

Question 22.What does the man want to know at the end of the conversation?


A.He prefers the smaller evening classes.

B.He has signed up for a day course.

C.He has to work during the day.

D.He finds the evening course cheaper.

Does everyone in your office always agree all the time When someone makes a suggestion
, does everyone just smile and nod in agreement When you bring forward an idea, do people just accept it Well, if you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you are in an extremely unusual workplace. People are people. And people butt heads. They disagree, they argue, and they fight. You can’t get around it. But you can learn to deal with it. To hold your own, you need to learn how to argue effectively. If you’ve got an opinion, you need to defend it. And if you have a problem with something a colleague has done, you need to let them know. This can make for some difficult discussions and meetings, but this is just a part of life and business. So how can you argue effectively Well, you need several skills.

1.From the first paragraph we can know that in the office ().

A.people sometimes argue

B.people always agree

C.people always get around it

2.“And people butt head” means ().

A.people hit you with the top of their head

B.people dislike each other

C.people don’t always agree well with each other

3.The writer suggests that if you get an opinion, you need to().

A.get around it

B.learn how to deal with it

C.argue in support of it

4.You need several skills to ().

A.let your colleagues know

B.argue effectively C.make for discussions and meetings

5.The main point of this passage is about().

A.the fact of disagreement and argument in the office

B.how to avoid disagreement and argument in the office

C.how to argue effectively in the office

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